DOMA ruled unconstitutional

That damn mob of queers didn't even rape Lots young daughters! How could they?!

Anyhoo, the bible specifically outlaws oral sex and masturbation. Anything involving "wasting seed" was outlawed, as the bible was written by primitive, rural tribal people who had no concept of the world outside the deserts they lived in and the nearest other tribes.

If the Bible says oral sex/masturbation is wrong, and the bible says homosexuality is wrong, how are you able to say that one of those laws is outdated and the other is not? Why is it okay to ignore the bible's warning in regards to some things and not others?

Here are links to Christian websites discussing the sin of masturbation.

Here is a bible quote telling us that even THINKING about sex with a woman who is not your wife is a sin that will send you straight to the lake Tahoe of firey lakes!

Matt 5:28-29 (NIV) [Jesus:] "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

The bible also asks for execution to anyone who commits adultery, or those who have sex before marriage.

So can any Christian person not deflect the question and tell me HOW they justify ignoring certain biblical laws (with equal emphasis) and not others?

And this is your justiagcation for same sex marriage?:eusa_whistle:

It makes a lot more sense than your ‘justification’ for opposing it.
Actually it's the Justifagcation
Actually it's the Justifagcation

Good job deflecting the question.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster loves all of us but he HATES HATES HATES people who disagree with him.

And he loves all of his little pasta children (us the people) so much that if we disagree with him on a particular point he sends us to suffer in agony for all eternity on a crowded United Airlines flight experiencing extreme, nausea-inducing turbulence while the tranny passenger sitting to your left (who weighs twice as much as you) leans her sweaty, make-up dripping head onto your shoulder and snores because she has sleep apnea.
Actually it's the Justifagcation

Good job deflecting the question.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster loves all of us but he HATES HATES HATES people who disagree with him.

And he loves all of his little pasta children (us the people) so much that if we disagree with him on a particular point he sends us to suffer in agony for all eternity on a crowded United Airlines flight experiencing extreme, nausea-inducing turbulence while the tranny passenger sitting to your left (who weighs twice as much as you) leans her sweaty, make-up dripping head onto your shoulder and snores because she has sleep apnea.

It wasn't a deflection it was the correction in spelling of Justifagcation.
The queers turned them down.

That damn mob of queers didn't even rape Lots young daughters! How could they?!

Anyhoo, the bible specifically outlaws oral sex and masturbation. Anything involving "wasting seed" was outlawed, as the bible was written by primitive, rural tribal people who had no concept of the world outside the deserts they lived in and the nearest other tribes.

If the Bible says oral sex/masturbation is wrong, and the bible says homosexuality is wrong, how are you able to say that one of those laws is outdated and the other is not? Why is it okay to ignore the bible's warning in regards to some things and not others?

Here are links to Christian websites discussing the sin of masturbation.

Here is a bible quote telling us that even THINKING about sex with a woman who is not your wife is a sin that will send you straight to the lake Tahoe of firey lakes!

Matt 5:28-29 (NIV) [Jesus:] "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

The bible also asks for execution to anyone who commits adultery, or those who have sex before marriage.

So can any Christian person not deflect the question and tell me HOW they justify ignoring certain biblical laws (with equal emphasis) and not others?

And this is your justiagcation for same sex marriage?:eusa_whistle:

^^ This is the very definition of deflection.

It's a very sensical question. But you will deflect it again. No use.

Forget about it. Learn to spell and count in an adult education class first.
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That damn mob of queers didn't even rape Lots young daughters! How could they?!

Anyhoo, the bible specifically outlaws oral sex and masturbation. Anything involving "wasting seed" was outlawed, as the bible was written by primitive, rural tribal people who had no concept of the world outside the deserts they lived in and the nearest other tribes.

If the Bible says oral sex/masturbation is wrong, and the bible says homosexuality is wrong, how are you able to say that one of those laws is outdated and the other is not? Why is it okay to ignore the bible's warning in regards to some things and not others?

Here are links to Christian websites discussing the sin of masturbation.

Here is a bible quote telling us that even THINKING about sex with a woman who is not your wife is a sin that will send you straight to the lake Tahoe of firey lakes!

Matt 5:28-29 (NIV) [Jesus:] "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

The bible also asks for execution to anyone who commits adultery, or those who have sex before marriage.

So can any Christian person not deflect the question and tell me HOW they justify ignoring certain biblical laws (with equal emphasis) and not others?

And this is your justiagcation for same sex marriage?:eusa_whistle:

^^ This is the very definition of deflection.

It's a very sensical question. But you will deflect it again. No use.

Forget about it. Learn to spell and count in an adult education class first.

Nope I was correcting the spelling that you changed do you have any justifagcation for doing it?
And this is your justiagcation for same sex marriage?:eusa_whistle:

^^ This is the very definition of deflection.

It's a very sensical question. But you will deflect it again. No use.

Forget about it. Learn to spell and count in an adult education class first.

Nope I was correcting the spelling that you changed do you have any justifagcation for doing it?

Deflected from the question again...and you aren't even smart enough to make it seem like you're not.
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26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error
Hey, much better to be godly like Lot and offer your own virgin daughters to the crowd...or be godly like Noah and have sex with your own daughters.

These are biblically approved.

The queers turned them down.

The straights would have raped them again and again and again.
^^ This is the very definition of deflection.

It's a very sensical question. But you will deflect it again. No use.

Forget about it. Learn to spell and count in an adult education class first.

Nope I was correcting the spelling that you changed do you have any justifagcation for doing it?

Deflected from the question again...and you aren't even smart enough to make it seem like you're not.

What fucking question all I did was make the change back to Justifagcation that you changed the spelling of. And you being stupid makes no difference too me.
Heterosexuals cheat like crazy, clevergirl. They are no more intrinsically faithful that gays. Why? The nature of humanity is to fornicate.

The mindlessness here is your refusal to understand that cultures change and evolve.

Obviously millions of American's do care and so do you, or you would not feel compelled to comment at all.

Many acceptable reasons have been presented why you can change your mind, but you refuse, which is your right.


Lengthy, but factual- all of the information is sourced. Homosexuals are not monogamous statistically speaking- . . .
Heterosexuals are not faithful either.

No one cares.

No one said that heterosexuals were always monogamous- Only that homosexuals rarely are.

When the issue is changing and redefining what marriage means and has historically been encouraged for, the issue actually is relevant- regardless of your mindless dismissal-

Obviously millions of American's do care and so do you, or you would not feel compelled to comment at all.

I have stated my position. I have attempted to refrain from personal attack- I understand that the issue is an emotionally charged one- but no one here has provided me any reason to change my position-

It is likely I have likewise failed- but entrenched positions that are based in ones personal world view rarely change.

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Didnt liberals say we didnt need a constitutional amendment because of DOMA, so we need one now, correct? So now they'll hop on board?
Heterosexuals cheat like crazy, clevergirl. They are no more intrinsically faithful that gays. Why? The nature of humanity is to fornicate.

The mindlessness here is your refusal to understand that cultures change and evolve.

Obviously millions of American's do care and so do you, or you would not feel compelled to comment at all.

Many acceptable reasons have been presented why you can change your mind, but you refuse, which is your right.


Heterosexuals are not faithful either.

No one cares.

No one said that heterosexuals were always monogamous- Only that homosexuals rarely are.

When the issue is changing and redefining what marriage means and has historically been encouraged for, the issue actually is relevant- regardless of your mindless dismissal-

Obviously millions of American's do care and so do you, or you would not feel compelled to comment at all.

I have stated my position. I have attempted to refrain from personal attack- I understand that the issue is an emotionally charged one- but no one here has provided me any reason to change my position-

It is likely I have likewise failed- but entrenched positions that are based in ones personal world view rarely change.


How was that walker recall jake? I bet you are pissed since you said he would be recalled.
Jake, gays have a HUGE incidence of crazy sexual ideas. Like AIDS roulette. I'll let you guess as to what that is. I suppose heterosexuals could do that, but usually dont, not nearly as often as gays, necros, pedos, and all the other sexual perverts.
Jake, gays have a HUGE incidence of crazy sexual ideas. Like AIDS roulette. I'll let you guess as to what that is. I suppose heterosexuals could do that, but usually dont, not nearly as often as gays, necros, pedos, and all the other sexual perverts.

Crazy sexual ideas? Like what, wearing socks to bed? WTF?

Only in the winter.
Jake, gays have a HUGE incidence of crazy sexual ideas. Like AIDS roulette. I'll let you guess as to what that is. I suppose heterosexuals could do that, but usually dont, not nearly as often as gays, necros, pedos, and all the other sexual perverts.

Oh yes! Please do tell what crazy sexual ideas go through the mind of a gay person! I'm gay but probably have less of a handle on the gay mind as you do.


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