DOMA ruled unconstitutional

bigrebnc has probably been already a snackpack for the gay pack.
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The Serial Killer Hit List - Part I

From the article:

Serial killers tend to be white, heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties who are sexually dysfunctional and have low self-esteem. Their methodical rampages are almost always sexual in nature. Their killings are usually part of an elaborate fantasy that builds to a climax at the moment of their murderous outburst. Serial killers generally murder strangers with cooling off periods between each crime. Many enjoy cannibalism, necrophilia and keep trophy-like body parts as mementos of their work. Serial killers are sadistic in nature. Some return to crime scenes or grave sites of their victims to fantasize about their deeds. Many like to insert themselves in the investigation of their crimes and some enjoy taunting authorities with letters or carefully placed pieces of evidence.

Jeffrey Dahmer was Heterosexual?... :lol:


in 2004 before the election, George W. Bush had the homophobes scared shitless. George's logic was simple if gays were allowed to marry, they'd suddenly be sprinkled with fairy dust and wake up queers. So rather than voting for logic on the issue of why we were still fighting a illegal war, they voted for Bush. Shows you were their priorities lie - yep same place as their heads - up their ass.

As if allowing same sex marriages was going to tear the fabric of holy matrimony asunder. Hey, phobes, that's already happened. That can be blamed on the heterosexuals. The latest marriage stats between them shows a disturbing divorce rate - like 2 to every 3 marriages.

Of course, following nonsense written in the 1st Century A.D. and demanding on applying it to 21st Century mores speaks volumes about a proclivity for the absurd. As a Texas girl, I always had a sneaking suspicion that homophobes protest just a little bit too much. For in my entire life I cannot remember one instance in which I spent much, if any, time commenting on or thinking about anyone's sex life.
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The Serial Killer Hit List - Part I

From the article:

Serial killers tend to be white, heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties who are sexually dysfunctional and have low self-esteem. Their methodical rampages are almost always sexual in nature. Their killings are usually part of an elaborate fantasy that builds to a climax at the moment of their murderous outburst. Serial killers generally murder strangers with cooling off periods between each crime. Many enjoy cannibalism, necrophilia and keep trophy-like body parts as mementos of their work. Serial killers are sadistic in nature. Some return to crime scenes or grave sites of their victims to fantasize about their deeds. Many like to insert themselves in the investigation of their crimes and some enjoy taunting authorities with letters or carefully placed pieces of evidence.

So, what you're saying is that men with ED should not be allowed to marry, because they are likely to become serial killers.....
Just about every serial killer who has engaged in cannibalism on his victims was also a homosexual.

True story.......

The key word here is Just about and not all. Just thought I would point that out for you sunni so the drama queens want go unhinged :lol:

Your "data" is from

Hahaha. Okay well I will rebute those facts with material I found secretly "coded" into the Baby-Sitter Club Book series.

Next time, find a real source with real information. If you didn't read on, that same site calls for the illegalization of masturbation and "proves" that people who practice yoga and meditation are going to hell. And that's just what I found in 3 minutes!

Thank Flying Spaghetti Monster for saving your soul!

And have you noticed that the killers on that list that actually were gay (many aren't) were in the CLOSET and spoke openly against gay people? People like YOU? Heres a link to a study that homophobic men are much more likely to be gay themselves. And this is actual science. And psychology shows us that supression and shame are the primary characteristics that lead to sexual murders. no study links orientation. not one.
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Just about every serial killer who has engaged in cannibalism on his victims was also a homosexual.

True story.......

The key word here is Just about and not all. Just thought I would point that out for you sunni so the drama queens want go unhinged :lol:

Your "data" is from

Hahaha. Okay well I will rebute those facts with material I found secretly "coded" into the Baby-Sitter Club Book series.

Next time, find a real source with real information. If you didn't read on, that same site calls for the illegalization of masturbation and "proves" that people who practice yoga and meditation are going to hell. And that's just what I found in 3 minutes!

Thank Flying Spaghetti Monster for saving your soul!

And have you noticed that the killers on that list that actually were gay (many aren't) were in the CLOSET and spoke openly against gay people? People like YOU? Heres a link to a study that homophobic men are much more likely to be gay themselves. And this is actual science. And psychology shows us that supression and shame are the primary characteristics that lead to sexual murders. no study links orientation. not one.

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today

Max chuewed on his nutsack not the old inside a man they may be gay bullshit. You either know you're gay or you're not. There is no gay gene that get's switched on you choose or you don't.
Demonstrate the empirical data that proves there is "no gay gene."

Your stupidity becomes more manifest day by day, bigrebnc.
Demonstrate the empirical data that proves there is "no gay gene."

Your stupidity becomes more manifest day by day, bigrebnc.

If I remember correctly, Bigreb is the same person who claims to have had wild orgies with neighborhood kids at the age of 8 :lol:

So, you shouldn't worry too much about the validity of his claims.
Bigreb didn't know how to count to four, and called me a fucking liar for saying 47 minus 43 was 4. multiple times.

He also said AIDS spread before Christianity across the world.

He is, with tons of factual support, an idiot.

And if there is no gay gene, then there are no gay people, and hence there could not possibly be a list of "gay" serial killers.
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