Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

It should be fairly obvious that there is a team here supporting the FEMA deception which is assisting in misprision of treason.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The team is using psyops type tactics . . . because they have nothing else.

there is no team and there is no psyops.

its you saying stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are.



Can I use that in my quotes???

sure!! (i call them like i see them) :eusa_whistle:


Can I use that in my quotes???

The perps would want you to in their psyops.

Did you make up the stuff about the grillages not being used for the massive core box columns? I have a photo that shows you did...

There were no "massive core box columns". What was in the core was "elevator guide rail" support steel.

The only "massive box columns" were the 24 that surrounded the core on the outside of it such as the "spire" shown in this image looking south at the north end of the west WTC 1 concrete core wall.


The same basic box column as the one north of the north core base wall of WTC 1. Note the 3x7 utility hallway running the length of the wall segment.

agent chrissy, does this sound famlier?
"Personal attacks and straw man arguments are not related. If I could be bothered I could compile a list of personal attacks levied by members of the “clown car” against the “OCTs”. You use words like “ignorant” and “liar” to describe us, you’re a true hypocrite."
>posted at usmb by permission of dr vital<

that was in 2006, perhaps you should change the propaganda, we are on to you.
The only "massive box columns" were the 24 that surrounded the core on the outside of it such as the "spire" shown in this image looking south at the north end of the west WTC 1 concrete core wall.


Thanks for admitting that. the core was comprised of 6 column rows by 8 column rows. You claim that the grillages shown in the following foundation photo were not suitable for those 24 core columns OUTSIDE your supposed concrete core.

Problem is, that same foundation photo shows the six columns rows of the core.


All six rows had those grillages. There could only be 6 column rows in the short axis. That makes the darker colored column rows labeled 1 and 6 CORE BOX COLUMNS. The very same ones you claim were outside your core. AND they all used grillages. Wow are you fucking stupid. You just debunked your own claim...


again, by permission of dr vital:
"Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments. It is considered a personal attack when a person starts referencing a supposed flaw or weakness in an individual's personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions or principles, and use it as a debate tactic or as a means of avoiding discussion of the relevance or truthfulness the person's statement. It works on the reasoning that, by discrediting the source of a logical argument, namely the person making it, the argument itself can be weakened."

I contend that here, as well as several other forums, agent chrissy's personal attacks come in the form of his calling those that oppose his fairy tales "agents". Further, I contend that the clown car name should be changed to "clown truck", both so more of the twoofers can fit in the vehicle, and so that the 'CT" translates from the 'conspiracy theorists' name for themselves to "clown truck"

any of that sound like stuff you heard before agent chrissy?

or do you have problems remembering back to April 2006?
again, by permission of dr vital:
"Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments. It is considered a personal attack when a person starts referencing a supposed flaw or weakness in an individual's personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions or principles, and use it as a debate tactic or as a means of avoiding discussion of the relevance or truthfulness the person's statement. It works on the reasoning that, by discrediting the source of a logical argument, namely the person making it, the argument itself can be weakened."

I contend that here, as well as several other forums, agent chrissy's personal attacks come in the form of his calling those that oppose his fairy tales "agents". Further, I contend that the clown car name should be changed to "clown truck", both so more of the twoofers can fit in the vehicle, and so that the 'CT" translates from the 'conspiracy theorists' name for themselves to "clown truck"

any of that sound like stuff you heard before agent chrissy?

or do you have problems remembering back to April 2006?
maybe "clown BUS" would fit better ;)
again, by permission of dr vital:
"Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments.

Meaning that you apply abusive remarks when I ask you where the steel core columns are in this image of the WTC 2 concrete core.

again, by permission of dr vital:
"Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments.

Meaning that you apply abusive remarks when I ask you where the steel core columns are in this image of the WTC 2 concrete core.


there is no concrete core in your picture.
again, by permission of dr vital:
"Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments.

Meaning that you apply abusive remarks when I ask you where the steel core columns are in this image of the WTC 2 concrete core.


there is no concrete core in your picture.

There is not one steel core column seen, which is not possible under those conditions if there were steel core columns. Your agenda is showing.
There is not one steel core column seen, which is not possible under those conditions if there were steel core columns. Your agenda is showing.

which proves how fucking idiotic you are to show something that is taken looking into the sun as it is smoking and falling down. it shows what a lying sack of shit you are that you need to show this picture instead of the one below of the same structure which clearly shows steel columns.
again, by permission of dr vital:
"Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments.

Meaning that you apply abusive remarks when I ask you where the steel core columns are in this image of the WTC 2 concrete core.
when you started calling anyone that disagrees with you an "agent" you get what you deserve, dipshit
There is not one steel core column seen, which is not possible under those conditions if there were steel core columns. Your agenda is showing.

which proves how fucking idiotic you are to show something that is taken looking into the sun as it is smoking and falling down. it shows what a lying sack of shit you are that you need to show this picture instead of the one below of the same structure which clearly shows steel columns.

Uh, not a single core column is seen. The inside of the core is NOT seen. FEMA said it looked like this.


What we see in your photo is the structure of the inner framed wall of the outer steel framework.


At a different phase where the concrete inside the steel frames of the interior box columns is detonating.
No, your image shows what surrounds the core and does not look into or over the core.

This one looks over the core area, and it is empty. Right next to it we see massive rebar.

no jackass. this is the core. so is your picture. you just lie and say its concrete without any proof. you have no construction pictures. you have no plans. you have no workers that say they worked on it or even saw it.

you got nothing but your own stupid delusions. :cuckoo:
That, is a box surrounding the core. The core is empty. It looks exactly like a retangular concrete tube surrounded box columns and floor beams would look like, while the concrete is detonating.
That, is a box surrounding the core. The core is empty. It looks exactly like a retangular concrete tube surrounded box columns and floor beams would look like, while the concrete is detonating.
of course the core is empty, dipshit
no concrete=empty

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