Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

Here is a classic psyops tactic where "white becomes black" as evidence obvious in its nature is intentionally misrepresented by a group of agents.
your paranoid delusions do not equal evidence

We have images showing obviously different objects and agents insist they are the same.

The psyops works with the unaccountability of the internet and false social groups to obscure reality, but you know that, agent.
Here is a classic psyops tactic where "white becomes black" as evidence obvious in its nature is intentionally misrepresented by a group of agents.
your paranoid delusions do not equal evidence

We have images showing obviously different objects and agents insist they are the same.

The psyops works with the unaccountability of the internet and false social groups to obscure reality, but you know that, agent.
no, you post photos of obviously the SAME thing and you call them different

i left that link in so ANYONE could look and see for themselves just how fucking INSANE you are
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Why did the perpetrators create a backwards impact/ fall sequence


perhaps for no reason beyond creating a false 'bunny trail' to keep the yokels confused.

It is illogical that such a risk would be made for such an uncertainty.

In 2003 I remember agents at working to dismiss the backwards sequence . . . and the concrete core. That was before I'd figured out that the direction the tops of the towers fall tell a story that explains the radical turn in the approach of flight 175. The hijacker showed up and saw his target burning and had to re position his plane in a hurry.

Clearly, the operation was compromised severely by a muslim flying a plane that had his own ideas. He was supposed to hit WTC 2 on the west side and flight 175 was supposed to hit WTC 1 on the south. That is why WTC 1 had its top fall to the south.
thats just fucking retarded!! :lol:

Retarded is putting it mildly. Chri$$y is obviously a lobotomy patient. Only someone with half of their brain chopped out could fixate on a theory so far beyond the pale that NO ONE believes him.

Let's face it, if someone put a gun to his head, Chri$$y would be unable to name a single person who believes in his Invisicrete (accept no substitutes) core theory. He would be forced to die, knowing in his heart that he died truly alone.

I don't care how many photos of the families of the victims he posts. When his time comes, and it will, he will have to face the victims, with the full knowledge of how he used and abused their families. Karma is a hideous bitch, and will cause you endless pain and suffering for your transgressions.

Die alone, Chri$$y, die alone. You and only you will pay for your delusions and fairy tales. Good luck on the other side, facing the victims you used in your attempts to collect blood money.

Pleasant dreams!
Agents are reduced to juvenile denials here,

because their strategy has been exposed. Accordingly they've created a counter thread where a false social group attempts to provide with what is misrepresented as logic. Exposed by the fact that no evdence is used. All social agreement on text statements to reinforce the viewers thinking that "this group must have a point if they agree..
Agents are reduced to juvenile denials here,

because their strategy has been exposed. Accordingly they've created a counter thread where a false social group attempts to provide with what is misrepresented as logic. Exposed by the fact that no evdence is used. All social agreement on text statements to reinforce the viewers thinking that "this group must have a point if they agree..
you never use "evidence"
just your own twisted paranoid delusions
you post photos showing steel core columns and ONLY steel core columns and then claim they are not steel core columns

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