Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

In a psyops any activity that interferes with the targeted groups ability to cognit what is being said, while they assume both sides have equal credibility to start with, has a desired effect psychologically.

Agent pretends to be confused.
YOU have ZERO credibility
you fucking moron
In a psyops any activity that interferes with the targeted groups ability to cognit what is being said, while they assume both sides have equal credibility to start with, has a desired effect psychologically.

Agent pretends to be confused.

tell us all again the same story you wrote to hillary clinton about how you are the chosen one and you are to lead all the world out of hypnosis.

thats one of my favorite bedtime stories.

did you figure out how to fit all the elevators into your fake concrete core yet? :lol:
there are no agents and there is no psyops.

there is you saying really stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are.
there are no agents and there is no psyops.

there is you saying really stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are.
dipshit seems to think that because sane people dont agree with his delusional bullshit, that we MUST all be disinfo agents
that alone is proof enough that he is totally delusional
gumjob busted posting altered video in efforts to create confusion.

gum posts reversed video

I bust him doing it


What was that again you dickhead? I altered a video???? You can kiss my ass!!!!


Seems you fucked up yet again and even admitted it in the following quote from another thread.
Okay, my quick effort to compensate for the deficiency of your post is not correct. At least you've finally explained now, what you should have in the beginning.

What a damn deceitful little weasel you are Chris. You make me sick. Instead of using your brain to figure out what I posted, you instead make false accusations about me editing a video. You're nothing but a lying scumbag.

You're losing credibility every time you post because you just keep screwing up.

What a friggin' loser!

Just said you are posting altered video because you don't explain what you post beyond your intended misrepresentation to provide corroborative context from the information. Not that you made it. I've seen others of various type. You are a known fraud.


A desparate attempt to put the WTC 1 exterior outside the WTC 2 was botched by your team when the exterior footbridge windeo frames bleeding through the perimeter walls of the Tower are pretty obvious.

Your lies, misrepresentations, deceptions and fraud are all that you can manage so if I assume the entire prsentation is a fraud, instead of just one part, you'll understand.

You know the steel core is all a lie to begin with. Half assed commitment to it as a charade.

You need direct evidence and you've never posted it. It doesn't exist. The steel core columns did not exist.

The thing in this drawing from FEMA you support as being the core,


never existed.

It was concrete.

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Is that a confession of treason?

You have ignored violations of law that deprive the public of building plans that could protect this boys life, as his father would have wanted.


9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
Just said you are posting altered video because you don't explain what you post beyond your intended misrepresentation to provide corroborative context from the information.

So because you're too stupid to figure out what the photo shows, you have the right to accuse me of altering the video??? With no proof???

You're a lunatic.
Just said you are posting altered video because you don't explain what you post beyond your intended misrepresentation to provide corroborative context from the information. Not that you made it. I've seen others of various type. You are a known fraud.


A desparate attempt to put the WTC 1 exterior outside the WTC 2 was botched by your team when the exterior footbridge windeo frames bleeding through the perimeter walls of the Tower are pretty obvious.

that picture isnt altered, you fucking moron!!! you simply blew it up to fucking much and it is now pixelated.

you really dont have any fucking idea what you are looking at EVER!!! :lol:
Just said you are posting altered video because you don't explain what you post beyond your intended misrepresentation to provide corroborative context from the information. Not that you made it. I've seen others of various type. You are a known fraud.

A desparate attempt to put the WTC 1 exterior outside the WTC 2 was botched by your team when the exterior footbridge windeo frames bleeding through the perimeter walls of the Tower are pretty obvious.

that picture isnt altered, you fucking moron!!! you simply blew it up to fucking much and it is now pixelated.

you really dont have any fucking idea what you are looking at EVER!!! :lol:
he's a total idiot
has no clue what he is looking at

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