Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

Thanks jillian. your "groupthink" participation is perfect, for whatever reason.

Here is a good example of the false social group asserting its presence supporting agents in the psyop.

so very true.So many agents have penetrated this site its unreal.They talk as though they never even had a third grade education class on science the way they blindly defend the NIST report which changed its story so many times when the laws of physics proved them wrong and still do.:lol: its like these agents here were asleep in third grade physics classes.:lol:
thats just fucking retarded!! :lol:

Retarded is putting it mildly. Chri$$y is obviously a lobotomy patient. Only someone with half of their brain chopped out could fixate on a theory so far beyond the pale that NO ONE believes him.

Let's face it, if someone put a gun to his head, Chri$$y would be unable to name a single person who believes in his Invisicrete (accept no substitutes) core theory. He would be forced to die, knowing in his heart that he died truly alone.

I don't care how many photos of the families of the victims he posts. When his time comes, and it will, he will have to face the victims, with the full knowledge of how he used and abused their families. Karma is a hideous bitch, and will cause you endless pain and suffering for your transgressions.

Die alone, Chri$$y, die alone. You and only you will pay for your delusions and fairy tales. Good luck on the other side, facing the victims you used in your attempts to collect blood money.

Pleasant dreams!

what a total freaking OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY APOLOGISTS are the ones that will have to face the victems familys and how you abused their familys.You OCTA disinformation agent trolls are the ones with full knowledge of what really happened and are the ones spreading fairy all know it,I know it.Not all the OCTA'S here fall in that catagory of course,many are just in denial.YOU however do.You know it,i know it.

You fools are the ones collecting blood money. I cant believe you could be such a moron to know what karma is yet you participate in this coverup.If you know what karma is then you should know that you OCTA'S are the ones that are bringing evil karma down on yourself and will suffer endless pains for your participation in this coverup in future years.:lol: I have to laugh about it because I cant believe you can possibly be that ignorant when you know the negative karma you are beinging down on yourself just for a paycheck and what a freaking hypocrite you are.

In the end,YOU will be horrified by what you have done participating in this coverup.Your such an idiot you dont even know that most the 9/11 familys think it was an inside job as well because its so obvious it is the way they lied to them and wont give them any answers that they keep asking.You OCTA'S are the ones who are bringing down major suffering on yourselves.In the end you will be horrified by what you have done to those familys.You brought this up because you want to deny thats exactly what your doing to yourself right now bringing suffering down on yourself.If that makes your conscience feel better,than congrats,but you WILL pay for your participation in this coverup in future years with long suffering with YOUR karma you are creating right now.
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Agent gumjob defeated by its own subterfuge in the psyop. Americans, your Constitution depends on you ability to use common sense, reason and evidence effectively.

The post.

The thread.

The next thing that will happen is the false social group conducting the upper level of the social psyops here will confirm that they also see the feature gumjob describes.
sane people WOULD see what he describes
that clearly leaves you out
Agent gumjob defeated by its own subterfuge in the psyop. Americans, your Constitution depends on you ability to use common sense, reason and evidence effectively.

The post.

The thread.

The next thing that will happen is the false social group conducting the upper level of the social psyops here will confirm that they also see the feature gumjob describes.

So let's get this straight. I say that I can see the flanges of the columns go THROUGH what you call the plate on top of that column AND see a small bump at the top which agress with the fact that there are two lugs on the sides, slightly lower than the top of the beam and you say that's not true because you need a CLOSEUP to verify that.

Yet YOU use the same friggin' photo to say that you can see a buttplate in that photo and don't need a closeup???


That's the most idiotic, circle-jerk logic I have seen from you yet.

Even though I have provided OTHER clear photos of lugs WHICH, when viewed from a distance in a blurry photo and can be verbally manipulated to make someone THINK they see buttplates (like you are doing), you still claim you are correct.

Sorry weasel, but you need clear photos of at least one buttplate on top of a core columns from the towers, otherwise my evidence stands firm as to what is actually seen.

Have at it Chris. Let's see you back your claim.
thats just fucking retarded!! :lol:

Retarded is putting it mildly. Chri$$y is obviously a lobotomy patient. Only someone with half of their brain chopped out could fixate on a theory so far beyond the pale that NO ONE believes him.

Let's face it, if someone put a gun to his head, Chri$$y would be unable to name a single person who believes in his Invisicrete (accept no substitutes) core theory. He would be forced to die, knowing in his heart that he died truly alone.

I don't care how many photos of the families of the victims he posts. When his time comes, and it will, he will have to face the victims, with the full knowledge of how he used and abused their families. Karma is a hideous bitch, and will cause you endless pain and suffering for your transgressions.

Die alone, Chri$$y, die alone. You and only you will pay for your delusions and fairy tales. Good luck on the other side, facing the victims you used in your attempts to collect blood money.

Pleasant dreams!

what a total freaking OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY APOLOGISTS are the ones that will have to face the victems familys and how you abused their familys.You OCTA disinformation agent trolls are the ones with full knowledge of what really happened and are the ones spreading fairy all know it,I know it.Not all the OCTA'S here fall in that catagory of course,many are just in denial.YOU however do.You know it,i know it.

You fools are the ones collecting blood money. I cant believe you could be such a moron to know what karma is yet you participate in this coverup.If you know what karma is then you should know that you OCTA'S are the ones that are bringing evil karma down on yourself and will suffer endless pains for your participation in this coverup in future years.:lol: I have to laugh about it because I cant believe you can possibly be that ignorant when you know the negative karma you are beinging down on yourself just for a paycheck and what a freaking hypocrite you are.

In the end,YOU will be horrified by what you have done participating in this coverup.Your such an idiot you dont even know that most the 9/11 familys think it was an inside job as well because its so obvious it is the way they lied to them and wont give them any answers that they keep asking.You OCTA'S are the ones who are bringing down major suffering on yourselves.In the end you will be horrified by what you have done to those familys.You brought this up because you want to deny thats exactly what your doing to yourself right now bringing suffering down on yourself.If that makes your conscience feel better,than congrats,but you WILL pay for your participation in this coverup in future years with long suffering with YOUR karma you are creating right now.

Honest question for you 9/11. Do you believe Chris' core theory or not?

Specifically concerning the buttplate issue, what proof has he provided that would convince you he is correct when comparing my evidence concerning the same topic.

I'm really curious to get someone else's view.

Are you and I willing to have some constructive conversation on the concrete core topic or does it not interest you at all?

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