Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

i am a citizen and i still think you are a fucking mentally retarded moron

Your behavior will not qualify you to even be an immigrant, so forget having that kind of credibility.

The Oath of Allegiance

The final step in the naturalization process is the reciting of the "oath of allegiance" by the applicant, in which he or she makes several promises upon becoming a U.S. citizen. The oath of allegiance is:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
hey dumbfuck
i dont have to take any oath
so you can shove that shit up your pussy ass

Uhhhhhh, are you trying to say as a natural born person you have less duty than an immigrant to defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and fully evade such duty here and now?
Your behavior will not qualify you to even be an immigrant, so forget having that kind of credibility.

The Oath of Allegiance

The final step in the naturalization process is the reciting of the "oath of allegiance" by the applicant, in which he or she makes several promises upon becoming a U.S. citizen. The oath of allegiance is:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
hey dumbfuck
i dont have to take any oath
so you can shove that shit up your pussy ass

Uhhhhhh, are you trying to say as a natural born person you have less duty than an immigrant to defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and fully evade such duty here and now?
you are not defending the constitution
you are a mental patient that has escaped from the mental ward of your state institution
hey dumbfuck
i dont have to take any oath
so you can shove that shit up your pussy ass

Uhhhhhh, are you trying to say as a natural born person you have less duty than an immigrant to defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and fully evade such duty here and now?
you are not defending the constitution
you are a mental patient that has escaped from the mental ward of your state institution

Okay, I gather you feel that you can be a citizen and not defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, which of course puts your legal status in question as I would testify that you are seeking to obstruct justice because people need independently verified evidence and I'm trying to bring it but you are colluding with others to use manipulation to try and diminish the meanings that will protect the Constitution. Then of course you have admitted that the laws of the United States of America mean nothing so that is consistent.
Uhhhhhh, are you trying to say as a natural born person you have less duty than an immigrant to defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and fully evade such duty here and now?
you are not defending the constitution
you are a mental patient that has escaped from the mental ward of your state institution

Okay, I gather you feel that you can be a citizen and not defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, which of course puts your legal status in question as I would testify that you are seeking to obstruct justice because people need independently verified evidence and I'm trying to bring it but you are colluding with others to use manipulation to try and diminish the meanings that will protect the Constitution. Then of course you have admitted that the laws of the United States of America mean nothing so that is consistent.
what you are doing is not defending the constitution, you are a fucking moron trying to claim the constitutionally elected government carried out a mass murder on its citizens

and that makes you one fucking SICK puppy
Hi Chris:

Did anyone notice that after this thread and the post in the oathkeeper thread, all posting opposing me stopped in the FEMA thread?

Your mouth is moving :)lol:), but Chris :)cuckoo:) is not saying anything . . .



Okay, now you know you've got to be a REAL cook if Terral calls your conspiracy theories crazy. I mean, come on... how bad does your theory have to be if TERRAL of all people calls you out on it??

Chris, I'd quit while you're ahead...
Hi Chris:

Did anyone notice that after this thread and the post in the oathkeeper thread, all posting opposing me stopped in the FEMA thread?

Your mouth is moving :)lol:), but Chris :)cuckoo:) is not saying anything . . .



Okay, now you know you've got to be a REAL cook if Terral calls your conspiracy theories crazy. I mean, come on... how bad does your theory have to be if TERRAL of all people calls you out on it??

Chris, I'd quit while you're ahead...

Terrals been asked to define a use for any of his information and he has not. He's called out nothing. The reverse, he's been called out and failed to produce any logical medhod by which to use his information.

On the other hand with the information of the FEMA deception immediate official action is required upon formal submittal of competent evidence to the NY state attorney general. Some photos with annotations and affidavits of witnesses with experience in construction describing what they do and do not see.
you are not defending the constitution
you are a mental patient that has escaped from the mental ward of your state institution

Okay, I gather you feel that you can be a citizen and not defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, which of course puts your legal status in question as I would testify that you are seeking to obstruct justice because people need independently verified evidence and I'm trying to bring it but you are colluding with others to use manipulation to try and diminish the meanings that will protect the Constitution. Then of course you have admitted that the laws of the United States of America mean nothing so that is consistent.
what you are doing is not defending the constitution, you are a fucking moron trying to claim the constitutionally elected government carried out a mass murder on its citizens

and that makes you one fucking SICK puppy

Are you suggesting that the 2000 election was properly conducted? You might recall that a number of congress persons had 10's of 1,000's of signatures objecting to the certification of the election but no senator, including the one running against gwb, would sign it.

For the record, as soon as an individual elected to an office takes part in something such as 9-11 in any capacity, they are not a part of the US govenment. They are an infiltrator acting under color of authority and a usurper.

The entire election was a psyops and the senate was the primary target, or else they would have signed because the election was obviously corrupted.
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yes, you do try and give them extra breaks by claiming things that didnt exist

You post no evidence countering independently verified evidence so your post is not credible for the purpose of making the suggestion of beliefs ruling over evidence

The only independently verified evidence of any core shows a concrete core. WTC 1 north and west wall rebar.

you see rebar where none existed
you are helping the actual murderers by attempting to claim the actual murderers didnt do it

The perpetrators operating the psyops would want you to state that, which is not accurate and it is not relative to the information the psyops is trying to obscure here.

I am claiming the buildings involved were misrepresented to the agency having the duty to analyse what was thought to have been collapse.
The psyops targeting this message board for disinformation seems to have evolved from ridicule and evasive unaccountablity to a more outright obfusucation, which has grown from a hijacking of the FEMA deception thread into the agents working to artificially position any thread in the conspiracy forum at the top rather than the FEMA deception thread.


Apparently Terral may be unwittingly be used to provide something they can focus on that is not the concrete core issue relating to the FEMA deception.

I've asked Terral if there are any uses for his information, and he has completely failed to define any. Basically at this time, his information is all useless. Most information is. Later, it will have uses.

Now it does not have a use. Conditions require other information to be used first before such information can be used.

Right now the fact that the official cause of death is shown to be invalidated in the FEMA thread, means the NY state attorney general has a duty to the people of that state to provide due process in 3,000 murders. In this case an inquiry into the alleged deception. So the information of that thread has a well defined and valid use.

But, .......... Terral isn't posting there, he's playing ping pong with divecon, toro and agent smith.

Terral apparently thinks that a building that went down killing no one, privately owned, is more important than discussion relating to an obvious deception that invalidates the official cause of death of 3,000 innocent people.

Priority and logic are very important to freedom.
Hi Chris:

Did anyone notice that after this thread and the post in the oathkeeper thread, all posting opposing me stopped in the FEMA thread?

Your mouth is moving :)lol:), but Chris :)cuckoo:) is not saying anything . . .



Okay, now you know you've got to be a REAL cook if Terral calls your conspiracy theories crazy. I mean, come on... how bad does your theory have to be if TERRAL of all people calls you out on it??

Chris, I'd quit while you're ahead...

Would you give up on Consitutional due process that easily?

It seems like you see Terral as existing to marginalize information of conspiracies and then attempt to use that factor to minimize, with no rational relation, that the simple deception I prove with independently verifiable evidence is some how on the same level.

I have to tell, you, the perpetrators of mass murder would approve of your attempts, despite their failures. Do you know they would approve?

The information I bring has an actual usage defined. Terral has never described any use his information might have.
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Terral is a disinfo agent too

Or an MKultra victim who is the unwitting tool of disinfos. We have no way of knowing if MK ultra stopped with the Church commission.

One thing is certain, he has no defined uses for the information he pushes and is not reasoning with the evidence showing a very clearly defined use for gaining more truth.

Very clear there is a huge discrepency.


I would say this board has an unusual amount of activity in threads that are controversial towards conspiracy that also lack substance adequate to be useful.

This is one of the more crude and desparate activities the psyops does on message boards to impair or discourage unity amongst Americans seeking to protect their Constitution with law, justice and reason supported with evidence.

The tactic is to bury the evidence in garbage if possible.
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I would say this board has an unusual amount of activity in threads that are controversial towards conspiracy that also lack substance adequate to be useful.

This is one of the more crude and desparate activities the psyops does on message boards to impair or discourage unity amongst Americans seeking to protect their Constitution with law, justice and reason supported with evidence.

The tactic is to bury the evidence in garbage if possible.
no, its to PUT garbage WITH garbage

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