
1. A perusal of any of the Leftist movements will reveal that all have 'domination' of their fellow citizens as their goal.

You're back, nice

I didn't bother to read your entire spam but let me guess... socialists, communists, liberals, nazis etc. are all the same and totally evil. It all started with that commie FDR and it has been going downhill ever since, only homeschooling and Ayn Rand can save the homeland according to the goddess Coulter and the visionary with alzheimers, St Ronnie.

And you're still clueless about what socialism actually is


Don't fret. Her kind are being systemically exterminated by progress.
According to your side progress is the tearing apart of the moral fabric of the nation. The destruction of the nuclear family. The destruction of our culture
1. A perusal of any of the Leftist movements will reveal that all have 'domination' of their fellow citizens as their goal.

You're back, nice

I didn't bother to read your entire spam but let me guess... socialists, communists, liberals, nazis etc. are all the same and totally evil. It all started with that commie FDR and it has been going downhill ever since, only homeschooling and Ayn Rand can save the homeland according to the goddess Coulter and the visionary with alzheimers, St Ronnie.

And you're still clueless about what socialism actually is


Don't fret. Her kind are being systemically exterminated by progress.
According to your side progress is the tearing apart of the moral fabric of the nation. The destruction of the nuclear family. The destruction of our culture

Conservatism destroys the nuclear family by driving down wages and driving away jobs.
How come whenever it is pointed out that people were mass murdered under communist russia the left seems to get defensive. Why can't we all just agree that mass murder is a bad thing instead of trying to defend it in some way. The left constantly acts as if we are accusing them of something which makes me wonder where their ideological home is sometimes.

Because the Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are exactly like the mass murderers, in that they just shrug when it's brought up.

When the fact that communists murdered 100 million souls is brought up...the just this:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society

Joe Biden is a mass murderer?

Who did he kill?
Yes, Children, this is what happens when you let a Mail Order Bride take on line philosophy classes from the University of Phoenix. The resulting spew of crazy is amusing to watch.


I'm not sure how she gets genocide is unique to all the political philopshies she can call "Socialism". There were plenty of genocides that were done in the name of "Freedom" and "Capitalism" that were just as bad, such as the genocide of Native Americans on this continent or the genocide of aborigines in Australia....

But to the point, without even bothering to track down all of her misattributed quotes,

You know like this one..

Marx and damned made-up quotes

Sorry, Marx never said that.

But even leaving that one alone. The fact is, human beings have a history of being pretty damned shitty to each other. To single out one philosophy and then try to conflate it into the source of all evil is pretty dishonest.

"I'm not sure how she gets genocide is unique to all the political philopshies(sic) she can call "Socialism".(sic)

That's because you never studied history .....or philosophy.
I have., again, I'll provide the direction that is so lacking in your education:

"Early socialists publically advocated genocide, in the 19th and 20th centuries. It first appeared in Marx's journal, Rheinishe Zeitung, in January of 1849. When the socialist class war happens, there will be primitive societies in Europe, two stages behind- not even capitalist yet- the Basques, the Bretons, the Scottish Highlanders, the Serbs, and others he calls 'racial trash,' and they will have to be destroyed because, being two stages behind in the class struggle, it will be impossible to bring them up to being revolutionary." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge University.

a. "The classes and races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way...they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust." Karl Marx, People's Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981

b. "Before Marx, no other European thinker publically advocated racial extermination. He was the first." George Watson.

Even your pal Jonah Goldberg says Socialism and Communism are not the same.

Is he wrong?
Who cares. Both ideologies are enemies to freedom, liberty, individual rights, achievement, success, private property and rights to some semblance to privacy
Socialism is just "communist lite"..Both ideologies have as part of their core, the eventual formation of an elite ruling class that has absolute power to make all decisions. And each also owes its base to collectivism.

Yes, just like I quoted Hitler saying. The Jews and Social Democrats were just in league to bring on the Marxism.
Socialism is basically what you think it is.

I see it as living and working in a tolerant and caring society.

Others, certainly in America, see it as oppressing the individual.

I struggle to get my head around a ME ME philosophy. Socialism grew out of a long history of oppression against the working man. The lesson is clear. Alone we are not strong enough to stand up to the mighty. Together we are.

This is the best definition I have ever come across.

“The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.” Bill Shankly
All of which are excuses to destroy the concept of individual freedom and liberty.
The leftist version of "caring" is always defined by redistribution of wealth and effort. It is also based on the belief that to be a part of a society that each individual "owes" it to the less fortunate to supply those people a means to live as well as those who earned their lifestyle.
Simply put "to each according to his needs. From each according to his abilities"....
Caring? Why is it you people believe caring and compassion always begins and ends in the bank accounts of others?
And it is usually from those least able to afford such largess.
1. A perusal of any of the Leftist movements will reveal that all have 'domination' of their fellow citizens as their goal.

You're back, nice

I didn't bother to read your entire spam but let me guess... socialists, communists, liberals, nazis etc. are all the same and totally evil. It all started with that commie FDR and it has been going downhill ever since, only homeschooling and Ayn Rand can save the homeland according to the goddess Coulter and the visionary with alzheimers, St Ronnie.

And you're still clueless about what socialism actually is


Don't fret. Her kind are being systemically exterminated by progress.
According to your side progress is the tearing apart of the moral fabric of the nation. The destruction of the nuclear family. The destruction of our culture

Conservatism destroys the nuclear family by driving down wages and driving away jobs.

Exactly what I've come to expect from you: utter nonsense.
When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

You need a holy bronze age book to be able to distinquish between right and wrong, that's really sad

Besides that socialism has a lot more in common with the teachings of Jesus than the Ayn Rand ideology

The problem with your brand of socialism is you have no faith in that it will be accepted by the majority. So you demand government create laws that are designed such that if individuals are not given a choice and must comply or face sanctions . In other words, your version demands compliance or the result is punishment.
You are free to practice all the socialism you wish. Just leave those who want nothing to do with socialism, out of it.
1. A perusal of any of the Leftist movements will reveal that all have 'domination' of their fellow citizens as their goal.

You're back, nice

I didn't bother to read your entire spam but let me guess... socialists, communists, liberals, nazis etc. are all the same and totally evil. It all started with that commie FDR and it has been going downhill ever since, only homeschooling and Ayn Rand can save the homeland according to the goddess Coulter and the visionary with alzheimers, St Ronnie.

And you're still clueless about what socialism actually is


Don't fret. Her kind are being systemically exterminated by progress.
According to your side progress is the tearing apart of the moral fabric of the nation. The destruction of the nuclear family. The destruction of our culture

Conservatism destroys the nuclear family by driving down wages and driving away jobs.

Exactly what I've come to expect from you: utter nonsense.

And yet irrefutable, apparently. Funny how that works.
When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

You need a holy bronze age book to be able to distinquish between right and wrong, that's really sad

Besides that socialism has a lot more in common with the teachings of Jesus than the Ayn Rand ideology

The problem with your brand of socialism is you have no faith in that it will be accepted by the majority. So you demand government create laws that are designed such that if individuals are not given a choice and must comply or face sanctions . In other words, your version demands compliance or the result is punishment.
You are free to practice all the socialism you wish. Just leave those who want nothing to do with socialism, out of it.

Democratic socialism is widely accepted by the majority. Far more than is the current brand of conservatism being touted by the forces that have overrun the GOP.
When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

You need a holy bronze age book to be able to distinquish between right and wrong, that's really sad

Besides that socialism has a lot more in common with the teachings of Jesus than the Ayn Rand ideology

The problem with your brand of socialism is you have no faith in that it will be accepted by the majority. So you demand government create laws that are designed such that if individuals are not given a choice and must comply or face sanctions . In other words, your version demands compliance or the result is punishment.
You are free to practice all the socialism you wish. Just leave those who want nothing to do with socialism, out of it.

Yup....all those little Nazis.

"Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual") concretizes the collectivist belief that individuals have no rights and that "the greater good" is the only standard of value. Under such a system, man is not an end to himself, only a tool to be sacrificed for the Führer, autocrat or ruling mob.

Only capitalism regards man as a sovereign individual with an inalienable right to his own life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government recognition and protection of individual rights is the hallmark of a moral, peaceful, productive society.
Sipsey Street Irregulars: The lie before the crime. "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual")
Socialism is basically what you think it is.

I see it as living and working in a tolerant and caring society.

Others, certainly in America, see it as oppressing the individual.

I struggle to get my head around a ME ME philosophy. Socialism grew out of a long history of oppression against the working man. The lesson is clear. Alone we are not strong enough to stand up to the mighty. Together we are.

This is the best definition I have ever come across.

“The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.” Bill Shankly

Oh fuck you and your left wing shit.

Let us all know why if your fucking utopia "caring for the poor people" is so great why so many from those utopias are trying to get here from there?

I already know for a fucking fact you never actually lived in those conditions. Not as a poor person.

Meanwhile, go ahead and explain why the poor from such a horrible system here are not trying to escape to those "utopias."

I have read your posts and you are nothing but a typical left wing bleeding heard asshat. Really, typical. You think you are so educated and really you are ignorant as all fuck.

With all due disrespect. I will be waiting for you to answer why so many from those great utopias are trying to get to this country if things are "oh so great."
As usual with your "type". Abuse follows very soon after the argument is lost. Go and play with your gun collection kid.
The moment you mentioned support for the socialist utopia the argument was lost. By you.
Under the heading 'Learning From History'...
....a report of Chinese Communist efforts to bring Utopia to Tibet, and you will detect a similar pattern in how Liberals/Progressives/Democrats deal with religion and individualism in America:

11. "Communist leaders in Tibet have vowed to continue their crackdown on hundreds of Tibetan monasteries... Critics say the campaign is a purge to hunt down monks and nuns loyal to the Tibetan spiritual leader and take away religious freedoms..... a Communist Party education campaign to enforce Chinese patriotism and impose order among Tibet's 700 monasteries is vital.

He says 35-thousand monks and nuns have been "rectified" in similar operations in a bid to maintain order and prevent chaos and theft.... an act of religious suppression.

Critics claim China is trying to stamp out Buddhism by hunting down monks and nuns loyal to the Dalai Lama, close down monasteries and force their residents to return to secular life.

China staunchly defends its policy on Tibet and insists that the Tibetan people enjoy complete religious freedom. Critics of Beijing's rigid approach to Tibet accuse the Chinese of attempting to destroy its traditional culture and religion." CHINA: COMMUNIST LEADER IN TIBET CONTINUE CRACKDOWN ON MONASTERIES | AP Archive

"Critics of Beijing's rigid approach to Tibet accuse the Chinese of attempting to destroy its traditional culture and religion."

And, closer to home.....American communists " attempting to destroy its traditional culture and religion."

There was FDR placing KKKer Hugo Black on the Supreme Court, putting a bar to religion in the Constitution.

There was LBJ, Democrat Liberal, obviating the first amendment by demanding that churches not be allowed to endorse candidates.

There is Obama forcing religious folks to ignore their religion and their conscience.
When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

You need a holy bronze age book to be able to distinquish between right and wrong, that's really sad

Besides that socialism has a lot more in common with the teachings of Jesus than the Ayn Rand ideology

The problem with your brand of socialism is you have no faith in that it will be accepted by the majority. So you demand government create laws that are designed such that if individuals are not given a choice and must comply or face sanctions . In other words, your version demands compliance or the result is punishment.
You are free to practice all the socialism you wish. Just leave those who want nothing to do with socialism, out of it.

Democratic socialism is widely accepted by the majority. Far more than is the current brand of conservatism being touted by the forces that have overrun the GOP.
If that were true, then the US would be every bit as socialist as Western Europe. We are not.
And never will.
Socialists such as yourself have an ulterior motive for supporting socialism. They either will not or cannot do for themselves and thus want others to take care of both their needs and wants. In other words you want to live off the efforts of others. A parasite. A freeloader. A leech.
Don't bother responding You will ever convince me that I must bust my ass working to serve you.
When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

You need a holy bronze age book to be able to distinquish between right and wrong, that's really sad

Besides that socialism has a lot more in common with the teachings of Jesus than the Ayn Rand ideology

The problem with your brand of socialism is you have no faith in that it will be accepted by the majority. So you demand government create laws that are designed such that if individuals are not given a choice and must comply or face sanctions . In other words, your version demands compliance or the result is punishment.
You are free to practice all the socialism you wish. Just leave those who want nothing to do with socialism, out of it.

Democratic socialism is widely accepted by the majority. Far more than is the current brand of conservatism being touted by the forces that have overrun the GOP.
There is no 'democratic socialism'....Your version is liberal socialism...Left wing dogma.
Your brand of socialism is defined by confiscation and redistribution under threat of government sanctions.
Not only is my education and my alma mater far better than yours....but only one of us has 'valedictorian' in their resume.

Being a HOme School Valedictorian isn't that impressive.

The facts of history...which, clearly, you never studied, prove the validity of the quote.

Except half of the quote was taken out of context and the other half was completely fabricated. But you go on pretending like you made a quote, oh Mail Order Bride from Hell.
"taken out of context"......YAWN...
Socialism is basically what you think it is.

I see it as living and working in a tolerant and caring society.

Others, certainly in America, see it as oppressing the individual.

I struggle to get my head around a ME ME philosophy. Socialism grew out of a long history of oppression against the working man. The lesson is clear. Alone we are not strong enough to stand up to the mighty. Together we are.

This is the best definition I have ever come across.

“The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.” Bill Shankly

Oh fuck you and your left wing shit.

Let us all know why if your fucking utopia "caring for the poor people" is so great why so many from those utopias are trying to get here from there?

I already know for a fucking fact you never actually lived in those conditions. Not as a poor person.

Meanwhile, go ahead and explain why the poor from such a horrible system here are not trying to escape to those "utopias."

I have read your posts and you are nothing but a typical left wing bleeding heard asshat. Really, typical. You think you are so educated and really you are ignorant as all fuck.

With all due disrespect. I will be waiting for you to answer why so many from those great utopias are trying to get to this country if things are "oh so great."
As usual with your "type". Abuse follows very soon after the argument is lost. Go and play with your gun collection kid.
The moment you mentioned support for the socialist utopia the argument was lost. By you.
I am not trying to make an argument of any sort. Certainly not with people whose world view hasnt changed since the 50s.
"Critics of Beijing's rigid approach to Tibet accuse the Chinese of attempting to destroy its traditional culture and religion."

12. "There was a new political slogan favored by the Party head in Tibet:

The Communist Party Is Your New Buddha.

When he had first heard it, Shan had actually thought it was some kind of joke. But now the slogan was emblazoned on public walls and banners all over Tibet and offered up for Tibetan schoolchildren to recite like a militant mantra.

Shan looked back at the statue. The only Tibetan writing he had seen anywhere in Baiyun was inscribed along the top edge at the front of its pedestal: PRAISE THE GREAT LEADER TO WHOM WE OWE OUR LIVES AND PROSPERITY."

With sudden alarm, Shan studied the slope again. He had carefully avoided the town, one of the new immigrant settlements that were sprouting in the Tibetan countryside, and had warned his old Tibetan friends to stay away as well.

The government had begun paying a bounty for information on unregistered monks, much more for their capture, encouraging a new breed of bounty hunters who did the work of the police in ferreting out hidden lamas. "Bonecatchers," the Tibetans called such reviled men, for those they brought in were usually dazed, emaciated hermits who were little more than skin and bone. The bonecatcher who lured Jamyang into government hands would earn more than most Tibetans made in a year. There would be a police post in the town, with a jail. Once in the town the bighearted lama would never get out.

The knobs will learn of it, he said, referring to the dreaded Public Security bulldogs, the elite of Beijings many enforcement arms. They both knew that if the knobs discovered that one of the monk outlaws had been living here protected by the local Tibetans they would use it as an excuse to round up two or three dozen and ship them to one of Beijings new pacification camps." From the novel, "Mandarin Gate," by Eliot Pattison

The Communist Party Is Your New Buddha.

Remember back in '08, when all the elites were speaking of Obama as Jesus, God, and the messiah?

See the pattern?
1. A perusal of any of the Leftist movements will reveal that all have 'domination' of their fellow citizens as their goal.

You're back, nice

I didn't bother to read your entire spam but let me guess... socialists, communists, liberals, nazis etc. are all the same and totally evil. It all started with that commie FDR and it has been going downhill ever since, only homeschooling and Ayn Rand can save the homeland according to the goddess Coulter and the visionary with alzheimers, St Ronnie.

And you're still clueless about what socialism actually is


Don't fret. Her kind are being systemically exterminated by progress.
According to your side progress is the tearing apart of the moral fabric of the nation. The destruction of the nuclear family. The destruction of our culture

I support the nuclear family ;) Of course, I don't hate other choices either but to which their own. Do you want government stopping people from living their life?
Socialism is basically what you think it is.

I see it as living and working in a tolerant and caring society.

Others, certainly in America, see it as oppressing the individual.

I struggle to get my head around a ME ME philosophy. Socialism grew out of a long history of oppression against the working man. The lesson is clear. Alone we are not strong enough to stand up to the mighty. Together we are.

This is the best definition I have ever come across.

“The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.” Bill Shankly

Oh fuck you and your left wing shit.

Let us all know why if your fucking utopia "caring for the poor people" is so great why so many from those utopias are trying to get here from there?

I already know for a fucking fact you never actually lived in those conditions. Not as a poor person.

Meanwhile, go ahead and explain why the poor from such a horrible system here are not trying to escape to those "utopias."

I have read your posts and you are nothing but a typical left wing bleeding heard asshat. Really, typical. You think you are so educated and really you are ignorant as all fuck.

With all due disrespect. I will be waiting for you to answer why so many from those great utopias are trying to get to this country if things are "oh so great."
As usual with your "type". Abuse follows very soon after the argument is lost. Go and play with your gun collection kid.
The moment you mentioned support for the socialist utopia the argument was lost. By you.

Most of europe uses social democracy and so do we. The fact that we regulate and have a public sector makes us one. Works a shit ton better then pure unregulated capitalism ever would.
When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

You need a holy bronze age book to be able to distinquish between right and wrong, that's really sad

Besides that socialism has a lot more in common with the teachings of Jesus than the Ayn Rand ideology

The problem with your brand of socialism is you have no faith in that it will be accepted by the majority. So you demand government create laws that are designed such that if individuals are not given a choice and must comply or face sanctions . In other words, your version demands compliance or the result is punishment.
You are free to practice all the socialism you wish. Just leave those who want nothing to do with socialism, out of it.

Democratic socialism is widely accepted by the majority. Far more than is the current brand of conservatism being touted by the forces that have overrun the GOP.
There is no 'democratic socialism'....Your version is liberal socialism...Left wing dogma.
Your brand of socialism is defined by confiscation and redistribution under threat of government sanctions.

That's not what I learned in political science. You think I'd value the opinion of a corporate shill over my college education?

Any and all taxes in your mind = redistribution and evil. But in reality all the wealth is flooding into the top 1%, but I guess reality doesn't freaking matter to a loserterian mental case.

Roads cost money
Police cost money
regulations to have clean water and food cost money

You think you're going to not have somalia when you finally get rid of government? lol

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