Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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You settle if you consider the risk of losing as being greater than the chance of winning. “Malice” still has nothing to do with it.

Malice is a standard that has to be met in order for Fox to lose. Fox looked at its odds of losing on Malice (it had already lost on falsity).....and settled for the single largest defamation payout in the history of our nation.

You don't pay $787,000,000 dollars when you're going to win on malice. You pay it when you're going to lose.

There are 787,500,000 reasons that demonstrate you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
Thank you for admitting that your source that there is no you saying there is no malice.

You've already elegantly demonstrated what your legal assessments are worth with your predictions of how the case would turn out. Fox lost their asses.

My source on malice is $787 million dollars.

You don't pay $787,000,000 dollars because you were going to WIN on malice. You pay because you were going to lose.

So we have your pseudo-legal assurances of you citing yourself on one hand. And the single largest public defamation settlement in US history on the other.

Yeah, your source sucks.
Could be someone or maybe an upper leaning management group, otherwise that leans left who may have had a hand in trying to transform or destroy Fox by any means necessary... Could be that they are trying to get it to divide itself rendering one side weakened and confused, and then trying to get it to give way for the other side (left), to take it over. Doubtful that would happen, but who knows anymore...

Sort of like what happened at Anheuser Busch... They quickly tried to separate from the so called management decisions acted out by the one's they had in charge of the brand when that stupidity went viral. They went all conservative with their Clydesdale commercial trying to do damage control, but it's too late.

That bird done flew.
Could be someone or maybe an upper leaning management group, otherwise that leans left who may have had a hand in trying to transform or destroy Fox by any means necessary... Could be that they are trying to get it to divide itself rendering one side weakened and confused, and then trying to get it to give way for the other side (left), to take it over. Doubtful that would happen, but who knows anymore...

Or, Fox just lied their asses off about Dominion. You'd get the same result. And the judge in the case found Fox was lying.

No conspiracy necessary.
It’s probably a waste of electrons to try to educate morons like Horseshit and Skevey Skylar, but even the plaintiff, Dominion, itself, alleged that defendant, Fox News, had “recklessly disregarded the truth.”

See the first sentence of paragraph numbered “3” in Dominion’s complaint.

It is, of course, true that Dominion also alleged “malice.” But that is simply because they are permitted to plead their cause of action in the alternative. They did so. (I don’t know anyone who has claimed that the plaintiff’s lawyers were anything but competent.)

We return you, now, to the usual banal commentary of Horseshit and Skylar.
The stakes are what each has at stake.

It's reflected in the settlement amount.

whether you understand that or not, 0-fer.
Wrong. But then, I wouldn’t expect you to understand that your words, as always, are meaningless.

If what you have been attempting to grunt out is that the parties to a defamation suit have something at stake, that is always true. But it is not a legal concept.

You’re an absolute imbecile.
Wrong. But then, I wouldn’t expect you to understand that your words, as always, are meaningless.

If what you have been attempting to grunt out is that the parties to a defamation suit have something at stake, that is always true. But it is not a legal concept.

You’re an absolute imbecile.
There's a pile of prattle in service of nothing.
Malice is a standard that has to be met in order for Fox to lose. Fox looked at its odds of losing on Malice (it had already lost on falsity).....and settled for the single largest defamation payout in the history of our nation.
There you go again, posting your gibberish and being wrong. :itsok:
You don't pay $787,000,000 dollars when you're going to win on malice. You pay it when you're going to lose.
Wrong. As I’ve already explained.
There are 787,500,000 reasons that demonstrate you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
Except for the fact that you’re entirely wrong.

Do you need a primer on what the elements are to prove a defamation case?

It’s readily available. You don’t even have to have gone to law school to get those elements. Your ability to understand them is unlikely to ever be achieved.
There's a pile of prattle in service of nothing.

They are resorting to defending the indefensible. But that is all they have done since January 6, 2021.

At this point, even though they refuse to accept it, they have they have lost. They come with absurd and unbelievable excuses in order justify themselves.

Nothing is ever their fault. They will always be the victim. There always some heretofore unknown reason or entity that prevents them from attaining what cheap as goal they have.

The 2020 November is a case in point. The malevolent "Deep State" denied them their cherished victory.

Never mind that no evidence, no proof of any wrong doing, it was DOMINION (how very sinister that name is.....DOMINION the very naked is suppose to scare you or so they think). Votes mysteriously transferred from candidate to another.

Somehow, as if by magic there over votes one candidate and under votes for another, some malevolent power must have cause this to happen, their candidate could never lose.

Problem being of course, they nothing they can prove, so they build on their ridiculous conspiracy theories to blame anything or anyone for their candidate's loss.

This is all they have left.

Half baked, unbelievable conspiracy theories fed by equally unbelievable lies.
That ^ could be engraved on your tombstone.

Such remarks are beneath even you. Also such remarks can be taken as possible threat. But because I know Cons like you are cowards who never back up their B.S., I just say that even you should know better, but you do not care anyway.
There you go again, posting your gibberish and being wrong.

Says you, citing you again. And you have no idea what you're talking about.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Fox news had already lost on falsity on March 31st, with the courts granting Dominion summary judgment on the issue.

Which means that Fox only had malice as their final line of legal defense. And looking at the odds of losing on malice in trial, they chose to settle for the largest public defamation payout in the history of our nation. $787,000,000

Your position is that all of Fox's professional lawyers were wrong, as there was no malice. Because you said so.

I should have sent Fox an Email telling them as much. It could have saved them 3/4s of a billion dollars!

Dear Fox New Network.

I know you have an expensive team of lawyers with collective decades of experience in defamation suits advising you to settle. But there's a random jackass on the internet that insists that he knows better than all of them and there is no way you can lose. See, per this random dude on the internet, there was no malice. Because he says so. Thus, there is no chance Dominion can win.

So, great news! No need to settle.

Yours Truly,


If only I'd sent that Email.....they could have saved so much money.
What is the catch here !!
This settlement has a huge catch 🤔🤔
What is the catch here !!
This settlement has a huge catch 🤔🤔

There's no catch. There's no NDA. There's no appeal. There's only FOX paying hundreds of millions of dollars in a defamation settlement because they lied their asses off.
There's no catch. There's no NDA. There's no appeal. There's only FOX paying hundreds of millions of dollars in a defamation settlement because they lied their asses off.
No , there is a far bigger thing going on ??
To a small brain it’s a settlement
To me it was prearranged
No , there is a far bigger thing going on ??
To a small brain it’s a settlement
To me it was prearranged

I'm pretty sure 'to me' isn't a legal standard. And no one consulted you on the settlement.
Such remarks are beneath even you. Also such remarks can be taken as possible threat. But because I know Cons like you are cowards who never back up their B.S., I just say that even you should know better, but you do not care anyway.

You’re insane. 😜

You’d have to be literally insane to believe that using an old saying somehow constitutes a threat.

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