Don Lemon viciously attacks pastor for meeting with Donald Trump


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Don Lemon tries to get the pastor to trash Trump and when he refuses, CNN changes the headline on the screen to attack the pastor and Don Lemon goes into full on badger mode against the pastor practically calling him an uncle Tom.

Don Lemon is a pawn and a propagandist. It isn't really his fault, other than he is willing to take the thirty pieces of silver. If he doesn't, someone else will. White folks are no different.

I remember when he had a conversation with. . . It think it was Morgan Freeman, he admitted he got tired of having to "play his role," and harp on this shit day in and day out.

IT IS HIS BOSS, and the financial powers above him that tell him what he has to do and how to spin stories. He HAS to do this in order to keep his job and make bank. If he doesn't, he knows they will can his ass and hire some other token black man to do the same thing.

Lemon is a fagot and a left wing shill.. He has ZERO CREDIBILITY on ANYTHING..
Don Lemon tries to get the pastor to trash Trump and when he refuses, CNN changes the headline on the screen to attack the pastor and Don Lemon goes into full on badger mode against the pastor practically calling him an uncle Tom.

Didn't Lemon say he was going to be going off the air soon? What's the holdup? GTFO you freaking tool.

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