Donald and the national inquirer

OP assuming like Trump did all the research and wrote the tabloid article. Desperation, eh.

What research? The article claims rumors. There is no research involved. It's a hit piece by a Trump affiliate.

Yeah, I think their research was something like, "Ted Cruz is male, and he's heterosexual, and he has contact with females in his professional life. BINGO! Let's run a story about him having affairs!"
I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

Isn't it sad how many people who claimed to be conservative and fight for limited government have sold out to Trump?

More like nauseating.
Also, Jeff Roe, campaign manager for Ted Cruz, did, in fact secure the rights for the photo of Mrs. Trump from GQ (Google it).

Liz Mair, the PAC monster that put out the ad for Utah. Illegal coordination right there, folks. Trump was right and Cruz lied again.

Mair outed two of those three women last night on Twitter, but I don’t think she realized what she was doing when she suggested they sue. Nobody knew who they were until she put that out there.

The money laundering aspect is the same thing that caught up John Edwards.
The lines were already drawn. Yours runs right in front of whatever funny farm Trump recruited you from.
Wow...............I'm gonna go cry now....................I guess your choice got his ass kicked and you are a sore loser...........


Only a Trumpette sleazeball would consider tabloid rumors to be "ass kicking". If your hero actually had the stones to kick ANYONE'S ass, rather than whining and spouting empty threats while sending his minions out to sling mud, he'd be showing up to debates and making his case to the American people . . . the real ones, not the sewer dwellers like you. But no, the instant he thought he might have to do more than hurl grade-school insults, he ran like a cowardly little girl, didn't he?

Keep relishing the slime. I wouldn't want to forget that you and Trump are far worse enemies in your own way than any merely-stupid liberal.
Ass kicked in general and not specific to this thread................

PAC's for Cruz spilled first blood...........This isn't a pillow fight.....

Oh, okay. It was an unpardonable step over the line to reprint a picture Melania Trump posed for, took money for, and allowed to be published in an international magazine, but THIS is just "playing the game".

You're still a two-faced hypocritical dirtbag. No suprise.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.
Also, Jeff Roe, campaign manager for Ted Cruz, did, in fact secure the rights for the photo of Mrs. Trump from GQ (Google it).

Liz Mair, the PAC monster that put out the ad for Utah. Illegal coordination right there, folks. Trump was right and Cruz lied again.

Mair outed two of those three women last night on Twitter, but I don’t think she realized what she was doing when she suggested they sue. Nobody knew who they were until she put that out there.

The money laundering aspect is the same thing that caught up John Edwards.

I have a better idea. Instead of saying, "Google it. Here's my assertion, YOU prove it", why don't you produce the links? Oh, that's right, you can't, because you'll get the same response that Vigilante did when he tried it: "You're listening to the fucking Daily Beast? You've sunk THAT low?"

Got proof? Prosecute him. I have no doubt that'll get just as far as Trump's empty threats about suing.


Of the three women named so far, Carpenter stands out the most.

When asked if it was true, she said "Talk to my lawyer."


No, what she said was, "This is tabloid trash. I mean, what's out there is tabloid trash. If someone wants to comment on it, they can talk to my lawyer. It is categorically false, and you should be ashamed of spreading this kind of smut. Donald Trump's supporters should be held to account for it, and I will not be intimidated, I will continue to make my thoughts known about Donald Trump, and I am not backing down."

So clearly, what she meant was if that sleazoid Trumpette bitch who tried to ambush her with this shit on CNN - or even her fucking sleazoid boss, Donny Boy - wants to spread lies about her, she's prepared to sue their asses.

And unlike Donny Boy, I think when SHE threatens to sue, she means it.

Have a link to that quote?

Hey, why bother to get informed from real sources, when you've got the National Enquirer and the Daily Beast, right? I'd tell you to be ashamed, if I thought you had any sense of shame left.

The remarkable CNN exchange that took the Ted Cruz affair rumors from the tabloids into the mainstream

I transcribed it directly from the video.
I got news for you, Chuckles. I've been saying all along that if this goes to a brokered convention and the establishment tries to hand the nomination to anyone but Trump or Cruz, the two actual front-runners with loads of delegates, I would be among the first to revolt. After this latest Trump stunt, the GOPe has my blessing to hand the nomination to anyone they want in order to shut Trump out. I will cheer as I happily go to the polls and vote for Anyone-Who-Isn't-Trump.

So yeah, the Great Orange Hope just flushed ANY slim remaining chance you had at playing the, "But Hillary!" card right down his gold-plated toilet.
So be it.............the lines are drawn.

The lines were already drawn. Yours runs right in front of whatever funny farm Trump recruited you from.
Wow...............I'm gonna go cry now....................I guess your choice got his ass kicked and you are a sore loser...........


Only a Trumpette sleazeball would consider tabloid rumors to be "ass kicking". If your hero actually had the stones to kick ANYONE'S ass, rather than whining and spouting empty threats while sending his minions out to sling mud, he'd be showing up to debates and making his case to the American people . . . the real ones, not the sewer dwellers like you. But no, the instant he thought he might have to do more than hurl grade-school insults, he ran like a cowardly little girl, didn't he?

Keep relishing the slime. I wouldn't want to forget that you and Trump are far worse enemies in your own way than any merely-stupid liberal.

but he did turn the press cycle away from brussels and back onto his own whiny butt, didn't he?

Yeah, I think I've mentioned a few times how blatantly these lackwits are being played by someone whose major business acumen is in marketing and hype.
Last edited:
Wow...............I'm gonna go cry now....................I guess your choice got his ass kicked and you are a sore loser...........


Only a Trumpette sleazeball would consider tabloid rumors to be "ass kicking". If your hero actually had the stones to kick ANYONE'S ass, rather than whining and spouting empty threats while sending his minions out to sling mud, he'd be showing up to debates and making his case to the American people . . . the real ones, not the sewer dwellers like you. But no, the instant he thought he might have to do more than hurl grade-school insults, he ran like a cowardly little girl, didn't he?

Keep relishing the slime. I wouldn't want to forget that you and Trump are far worse enemies in your own way than any merely-stupid liberal.
Ass kicked in general and not specific to this thread................

PAC's for Cruz spilled first blood...........This isn't a pillow fight.....

Oh, okay. It was an unpardonable step over the line to reprint a picture Melania Trump posed for, took money for, and allowed to be published in an international magazine, but THIS is just "playing the game".

You're still a two-faced hypocritical dirtbag. No suprise.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.

That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.
You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

as i've always said.... people are retarded.

and people especially don't like dissent.

i feel your pain.

I think you know what an incredible insult such a thing actually is to me.

Ah, well. Just means a lot fewer people I have to worry about being nice to from now on.

i think whenever people mischaracterize who we are, it's insulting.

what i will say is i'm no fan of ted cruz. i know that doesn't come as a shock to you. but i don't think anyone has the right to just make up garbage about someone and spread it as true. i particularly don't like it when those people say, well, until you prove it untrue, i'll keep spreading it. even ted cruz doesn't deserve that.

Hey, you know me. Stick to the fucking issues. I never gave a shit about Bill Clinton's sex life until it started involving employees. I said at the time that everyone knew he was a horndog, and if his wife was okay with it, it was their business. There was plenty enough in his policies to be angry about without trying to keep tabs on where he put Little Willy.

i'm just going to point out once again that that "employee" went to D.C. to "get her presidential knee pads". and she never complained. it was her so-called friend linda tripp who violated her friendship.

i never care about who they screw as long as it isn't us. it does however become an issue when people pretend some type of higher morality and then do these things.

Still utterly inappropriate and inexcusable. If someone in my office is screwing the boss, I really don't care if they were coerced or did it willingly for favors. And neither does the company. And I had zero patience with the whole "lying under oath, obstructing justice" thing. But frankly - and I said this at the time, too - I'd have respected Hillary a lot more if she'd just come out and said honestly, "I know my husband has affairs. I've chosen to be okay with it. That's how our marriage works, and it's nobody's business but ours." I can see why she didn't, because open marriages don't exactly fly with Middle America even now. But I'd have respected it.

Be that as it may, I also didn't give much of a fuck about the whole "birth certificate" flap. I thought it was weird and looked shady that Obama kept dodging it for so long, instead of just producing the damned thing and letting everyone move on, but once it was out there, that was it. Done. Unless there's something else, can we please get back to his crappy administration?

This is fucking ridiculous. THIS is the "straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is" antidote to Political Correctness these losers have been touting all this time? THIS ramped-up, reality-TV-on-steroids circus is the "New Honest" that they've been preaching to the skies?

As much as I hate political correctness, at least people were sort of pretending to have manners.
Only a Trumpette sleazeball would consider tabloid rumors to be "ass kicking". If your hero actually had the stones to kick ANYONE'S ass, rather than whining and spouting empty threats while sending his minions out to sling mud, he'd be showing up to debates and making his case to the American people . . . the real ones, not the sewer dwellers like you. But no, the instant he thought he might have to do more than hurl grade-school insults, he ran like a cowardly little girl, didn't he?

Keep relishing the slime. I wouldn't want to forget that you and Trump are far worse enemies in your own way than any merely-stupid liberal.
Ass kicked in general and not specific to this thread................

PAC's for Cruz spilled first blood...........This isn't a pillow fight.....

Oh, okay. It was an unpardonable step over the line to reprint a picture Melania Trump posed for, took money for, and allowed to be published in an international magazine, but THIS is just "playing the game".

You're still a two-faced hypocritical dirtbag. No suprise.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.

That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.

Blame your Christian brethren who have preferred Trump, the 3x married sinner who couldn't recite one verse from the bible, over Cruz who waves the Bible around like he wrote it. Why do you think that is Avatar?


Of the three women named so far, Carpenter stands out the most.

When asked if it was true, she said "Talk to my lawyer."


No, what she said was, "This is tabloid trash. I mean, what's out there is tabloid trash. If someone wants to comment on it, they can talk to my lawyer. It is categorically false, and you should be ashamed of spreading this kind of smut. Donald Trump's supporters should be held to account for it, and I will not be intimidated, I will continue to make my thoughts known about Donald Trump, and I am not backing down."

So clearly, what she meant was if that sleazoid Trumpette bitch who tried to ambush her with this shit on CNN - or even her fucking sleazoid boss, Donny Boy - wants to spread lies about her, she's prepared to sue their asses.

And unlike Donny Boy, I think when SHE threatens to sue, she means it.

Have a link to that quote?

Hey, why bother to get informed from real sources, when you've got the National Enquirer and the Daily Beast, right? I'd tell you to be ashamed, if I thought you had any sense of shame left.

The remarkable CNN exchange that took the Ted Cruz affair rumors from the tabloids into the mainstream

I transcribed it directly from the video.

I find it interesting that she IMMEDIATELY said "It's tabloid trash, if someone wants to comment about it, they should talk to my lawyer!".... Sounds suspiciously like a a lawyer has informed her exactly what to say!
I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

as i've always said.... people are retarded.

and people especially don't like dissent.

i feel your pain.

i feel your pain.
You have a hangover too? The raging and vitriolic spewing of your friend Cecilie has proven nothing except that you folks live in a fantasy world where you imagine something and that makes it true. When you come up with actual proof to establish your position then it would be a good time to discuss these issues.
Wow...............I'm gonna go cry now....................I guess your choice got his ass kicked and you are a sore loser...........


Only a Trumpette sleazeball would consider tabloid rumors to be "ass kicking". If your hero actually had the stones to kick ANYONE'S ass, rather than whining and spouting empty threats while sending his minions out to sling mud, he'd be showing up to debates and making his case to the American people . . . the real ones, not the sewer dwellers like you. But no, the instant he thought he might have to do more than hurl grade-school insults, he ran like a cowardly little girl, didn't he?

Keep relishing the slime. I wouldn't want to forget that you and Trump are far worse enemies in your own way than any merely-stupid liberal.
Ass kicked in general and not specific to this thread................

PAC's for Cruz spilled first blood...........This isn't a pillow fight.....

Oh, okay. It was an unpardonable step over the line to reprint a picture Melania Trump posed for, took money for, and allowed to be published in an international magazine, but THIS is just "playing the game".

You're still a two-faced hypocritical dirtbag. No suprise.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.
Only a Trumpette sleazeball would consider tabloid rumors to be "ass kicking". If your hero actually had the stones to kick ANYONE'S ass, rather than whining and spouting empty threats while sending his minions out to sling mud, he'd be showing up to debates and making his case to the American people . . . the real ones, not the sewer dwellers like you. But no, the instant he thought he might have to do more than hurl grade-school insults, he ran like a cowardly little girl, didn't he?

Keep relishing the slime. I wouldn't want to forget that you and Trump are far worse enemies in your own way than any merely-stupid liberal.
Ass kicked in general and not specific to this thread................

PAC's for Cruz spilled first blood...........This isn't a pillow fight.....

Oh, okay. It was an unpardonable step over the line to reprint a picture Melania Trump posed for, took money for, and allowed to be published in an international magazine, but THIS is just "playing the game".

You're still a two-faced hypocritical dirtbag. No suprise.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.

That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.

He's literally teetering on the edge of me agreeing to vote for Hillary rather than let him in the White House. I would already vote for Sanders before I would him. And don't think I'm not going to need therapy after even CONSIDERING the notion.
Ass kicked in general and not specific to this thread................

PAC's for Cruz spilled first blood...........This isn't a pillow fight.....

Oh, okay. It was an unpardonable step over the line to reprint a picture Melania Trump posed for, took money for, and allowed to be published in an international magazine, but THIS is just "playing the game".

You're still a two-faced hypocritical dirtbag. No suprise.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.

That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.

He's literally teetering on the edge of me agreeing to vote for Hillary rather than let him in the White House. I would already vote for Sanders before I would him. And don't think I'm not going to need therapy after even CONSIDERING the notion.
Get your bumper sticker for Hillary............


Of the three women named so far, Carpenter stands out the most.

When asked if it was true, she said "Talk to my lawyer."


No, what she said was, "This is tabloid trash. I mean, what's out there is tabloid trash. If someone wants to comment on it, they can talk to my lawyer. It is categorically false, and you should be ashamed of spreading this kind of smut. Donald Trump's supporters should be held to account for it, and I will not be intimidated, I will continue to make my thoughts known about Donald Trump, and I am not backing down."

So clearly, what she meant was if that sleazoid Trumpette bitch who tried to ambush her with this shit on CNN - or even her fucking sleazoid boss, Donny Boy - wants to spread lies about her, she's prepared to sue their asses.

And unlike Donny Boy, I think when SHE threatens to sue, she means it.

Have a link to that quote?

Hey, why bother to get informed from real sources, when you've got the National Enquirer and the Daily Beast, right? I'd tell you to be ashamed, if I thought you had any sense of shame left.

The remarkable CNN exchange that took the Ted Cruz affair rumors from the tabloids into the mainstream

I transcribed it directly from the video.

I find it interesting that she IMMEDIATELY said "It's tabloid trash, if someone wants to comment about it, they should talk to my lawyer!".... Sounds suspiciously like a a lawyer has informed her exactly what to say!

Riiiiight. Because it TOTALLY requires a lawyer's advice to think of threatening to sue when someone libels you. No one would EVER come up with that spontaneously. Had to be coached.

Seriously, are you competing for some "Biggest Moron" trophy somewhere?
Oh, okay. It was an unpardonable step over the line to reprint a picture Melania Trump posed for, took money for, and allowed to be published in an international magazine, but THIS is just "playing the game".

You're still a two-faced hypocritical dirtbag. No suprise.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.

That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.

He's literally teetering on the edge of me agreeing to vote for Hillary rather than let him in the White House. I would already vote for Sanders before I would him. And don't think I'm not going to need therapy after even CONSIDERING the notion.
Get your bumper sticker for Hillary............

Only if I can plaster it over that gaping sphincter under Donald Trump's nose.
Whatever............She is a model............and they used it in a campaign ad.............Got return fire............I don't care if they are you are whining about it...............Don't know who pushed it........don't really fucking care.............

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.................Tell Cruz to quit...........there you go.........a solution........

Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.

That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.

He's literally teetering on the edge of me agreeing to vote for Hillary rather than let him in the White House. I would already vote for Sanders before I would him. And don't think I'm not going to need therapy after even CONSIDERING the notion.
Get your bumper sticker for Hillary............

Only if I can plaster it over that gaping sphincter under Donald Trump's nose.
You just said your almost ready to vote for why don't you get her bumper sticker............
Exactly, dumb shit. She ACTUALLY POSED FOR IT. There was not a single untruth in the ad. There wasn't even an insult. Just "This is who she is. If you don't like that, vote for Cruz."

Whole different world from spreading unfounded rumors that could destroy people's lives and families.

Can't tell the difference between the kitchen and Hell? Hell is the one you slithered out of. Go back there, dirtball.

If you really think the solution is, "If you don't like us lying about you, quit opposing us", then I would like to be the first to cordially invite you to hold your fucking breath while you wait for that to happen. PLEASE.

I already told you the solution: Anyone but Trump. Literally, ANYONE. The GOPe can run my drunk downstairs neighbor who wakes me up every Friday night screaming "Fuck!" every other word at his girlfriend. I don't care. You have actually found the one candidate on Planet Earth who is worse to picture in the White House than a retread of Bill Clinton. Congratulations.

That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.

He's literally teetering on the edge of me agreeing to vote for Hillary rather than let him in the White House. I would already vote for Sanders before I would him. And don't think I'm not going to need therapy after even CONSIDERING the notion.
Get your bumper sticker for Hillary............

Only if I can plaster it over that gaping sphincter under Donald Trump's nose.
You just said your almost ready to vote for why don't you get her bumper sticker............

Because Donny Boy isn't helping himself with these sleazy tactics, unless the person is question is as vile and repulsive as he is (take a bow).

We'll just have to wait and see if the rest of America is as disgusting as you are.
That's just it. Donald trump makes bill Clinton look like the pope. We impeached him on less than what Donald has done. Why on earth should we vote for him? Because he has an R next to his name?

Because he says he will build a wall in one sentence and then says its negotiable I'm the next?

We deserve what's coming if we elect him.

He's literally teetering on the edge of me agreeing to vote for Hillary rather than let him in the White House. I would already vote for Sanders before I would him. And don't think I'm not going to need therapy after even CONSIDERING the notion.
Get your bumper sticker for Hillary............

Only if I can plaster it over that gaping sphincter under Donald Trump's nose.
You just said your almost ready to vote for why don't you get her bumper sticker............

Because Donny Boy isn't helping himself with these sleazy tactics, unless the person is question is as vile and repulsive as he is (take a bow).

We'll just have to wait and see if the rest of America is as disgusting as you are.
Opinions are like assholes........everyone has one and they all stink...........I don't care what you think of me............I want the damned establishment to get their fucking clocks cleaned.........they are the best political whores money can buy..............Trump could.......and I do mean could change that.............If I have to open pandora's box to find out then so be it.

Cruz and Kasich have already lost the battle.

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