Donald and the national inquirer

Given the fact Rubio dropped out of the race after Florida it would make zero sense for any Rubio associate to do that. It's also been claimed that Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years if true it would seem more likely the story would have come from the Trump camp instead of Rubio. To be fair to all concerned we have no idea who gave the Enquirer the story just accusations and speculation and it's likely we will never know.

I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
And I'm simply stating that between Trump and Rubio Trump has more to gain by leaking the story than Rubio or an ally of his which would gain them nothing. As I said we will likely never know who actually leaked it.

  • Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
    Daily Beast ^ | 03/25/2016 | Besty Woodruff
    The truth behind the rumor-mongering, however, is a little more complex. A half-dozen GOP operatives and media figures tell The Daily Beast that Cruz’s opponents have been pushing charges of adultery for at least six months now( wasn't Rubio's chief opponent 6 months ago Cruz???)—and that allies of former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio were involved in spreading the smears. For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications, according to Republican operatives and media figures. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Politico, and ABC News—reporters at all those outlets heard some version of...

And now you're touting the veracity of the Daily Beast? What's next, Mother Jones?

Why, you don't like me quoting YOUR SUBVERSIVE, commie website?

MY subversive, commie website? Yet another example that the Trump Koolaid is not only toxic, it's hallucinogenic. Dumbass, I'm farther right than you are, as demonstrated by the fact that I didn't immediately strap on my gold-plated, sequined kneepads the instant Trump showed up. If Trumpmania hadn't killed most of your functioning brain cells, you would remember who you're talking to.
Teds trash! Supporter of blacklivesmatters, supporter of fucked up trade and supporter of legal residency.

Now this...What a piece of shit. I'll be voting for HIllary if this asshole somehow gets the nomination.
Even given that they say Rubio's campaign shopped this story around back when he was still running, who am I more likely to believe would come up with this tactic? Rubio, the gormless Boy Scout who can't even have a good rank-out without looking pathetic, or the reality TV star who's butt buddies with the CEO of the tabloid? Puhleeze.

this may be the only time you hear these words. but i agree with you.

I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.
I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
And I'm simply stating that between Trump and Rubio Trump has more to gain by leaking the story than Rubio or an ally of his which would gain them nothing. As I said we will likely never know who actually leaked it.

  • Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
    Daily Beast ^ | 03/25/2016 | Besty Woodruff
    The truth behind the rumor-mongering, however, is a little more complex. A half-dozen GOP operatives and media figures tell The Daily Beast that Cruz’s opponents have been pushing charges of adultery for at least six months now( wasn't Rubio's chief opponent 6 months ago Cruz???)—and that allies of former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio were involved in spreading the smears. For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications, according to Republican operatives and media figures. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Politico, and ABC News—reporters at all those outlets heard some version of...

And now you're touting the veracity of the Daily Beast? What's next, Mother Jones?

Why, you don't like me quoting YOUR SUBVERSIVE, commie website?

MY subversive, commie website? Yet another example that the Trump Koolaid is not only toxic, it's hallucinogenic. Dumbass, I'm farther right than you are, as demonstrated by the fact that I didn't immediately strap on my gold-plated, sequined kneepads the instant Trump showed up. If Trumpmania hadn't killed most of your functioning brain cells, you would remember who you're talking to.

What a shame, you left your brain on a fence post!

  • Suddenly, Ted Cruz seems like a gentleman
    The Miami ^ | March 25, 2016 | Carl Hiaasen
    Pinch yourself, hard. The unthinkable, the unimaginable, the impossible is happening. People are actually feeling empathy for Ted Cruz. What does this say about our beloved America? Into what kind of weird cosmic rat-hole have we let ourselves be dragged? One of the coldest, most despised figures in the Senate, Cruz is endeavoring to appear human. The same snide jerk who led the costly, unpopular Republican shutdown of the government is now warming hearts for the way he rushed to the defense of his wife, Heidi. For this Frankenstein turn of events we can thank Donald Trump. In case you...
"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.

the donald has been friends with the guy from the enquirer for a million years. you don't really believe it came from ruibio, do you?

plus, rubio isn't doing anything to help the donald.
Why not, until it proven false I say it is true.

You don't prove a negative, you evil, driveling little nimrod.

Same quote I gave Snouter or what ever that filthy little dickweed's name was before I flushed him:

It is DESPICABLE to take an unsubstantiated rumor reported only in a gossip rag and spread it AS FACT in order to slander, defame, and destroy your political opponents. ANYONE who participates in this sort of thing is detestable beyond words. Even if it turned out to be true -- which I doubt it ever will be -- that still would not excuse or vindicate those who ran with slanderous gossip all because they wanted it to be true.

As it stands right now, at this juncture, not a single person on this planet aside from the principle people involved can make definitive statements about what is or isn't true with this story. But anyone with common sense would be leaning very strongly towards it not being true. If you have definitively decided it is true, and have proceeded to repeat it as definitive truth, you are behaving in a way that is, quite simply, evil. Again, that is STILL the case even if, by some crazy twist of fate, this ends up being a 1 in 90,000,000 story that the Enquirer gets right.

This story reminds us that people are bored, petty, and vindictive. The absolute glee with which many liberals and Trump fans (but I repeat myself) have reacted to this story should send chills right down to your soul. They're accepting an unsubstantiated smear as gospel because it plays to their prejudices, but they're also celebrating something that, if it were true, would mean the utter devastation of not only Cruz's family but the families of his alleged mistresses. So even if you believe it, to be happy about it is subhuman.

driveling little nimrod.

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  • #89
this may be the only time you hear these words. but i agree with you.

I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

Isn't it sad how many people who claimed to be conservative and fight for limited government have sold out to Trump?
I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

Isn't it sad how many people who claimed to be conservative and fight for limited government have sold out to Trump?
aka...........pass TPP and flush more jobs..........No thanks......
  • Thread starter
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  • #91
Poor Ted. He's a horrid candidate that lost 75% of the "Evangelical Christian" vote to a 3x married businessman who couldn't cite one verse from the Bible.

Jesus wept!!
People have been slinging mud in Trump's direction for a while now.....

Now they cry when some gets thrown back..................too damned bad.

So telling the truth about Trump means you get to lie about Cruz?

You guys are seriously messed up
Send your complaints to the National Enquirer..................

I'm not the one who has to sleep last night with your nonsense
Well I'm happy about that..............didn't want to sleep with your ass anyway.............:ack-1:
  • Daily Beast: Rubio allies shopped Cruz affair rumors to the media
    Hot Air ^ | 3/25/2016
    Man, this is going to make the inevitable “Rubio endorses Cruz” photo op next week awkward — unless it torpedoes the possibility of an endorsement altogether. Better that it comes out now than after the Cruz/Rubio “unity ticket” forms, eh?

    It may very well be that Trump’s allies handed the story off to the Enquirer, say Betsy Woodruff and Asawin Suebsaeng, given Trump’s chumminess with CEO David Pecker. But Rubioworld was there first.

    For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications, according to Republican operatives and media figures. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Politico, and ABC News—reporters at all those outlets heard some version of the Cruz-is-cheating story. None of them decided to run with rumors. Those publications’ representatives all declined to provide on-the-record comments when The Daily Beast reached out for this article.

    Breitbart News, the notoriously Trump-friendly conservative outlet, was also pitched the story of Cruz’s extramarital affairs, according to a source close to the publication. That source said an operative allied with Marco Rubio—but not associated with his official campaign—showed the publication a compilation video of Cruz and a woman other than his wife coming out of the Capitol Grille restaurant and a hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But the outlet opted not to report on the video, which demonstrated no direct evidence of an affair.

    “We got it from a Rubio ally,” said the source. “It was too thin, so [Breitbart’s Washington political editor Matt Boyle] decided not to run it. There was no way to verify the claims.”
this may be the only time you hear these words. but i agree with you.

I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

as i've always said.... people are retarded.

and people especially don't like dissent.

i feel your pain.


Of the three women named so far, Carpenter stands out the most.

When asked if it was true, she said "Talk to my lawyer."


No, what she said was, "This is tabloid trash. I mean, what's out there is tabloid trash. If someone wants to comment on it, they can talk to my lawyer. It is categorically false, and you should be ashamed of spreading this kind of smut. Donald Trump's supporters should be held to account for it, and I will not be intimidated, I will continue to make my thoughts known about Donald Trump, and I am not backing down."

So clearly, what she meant was if that sleazoid Trumpette bitch who tried to ambush her with this shit on CNN - or even her fucking sleazoid boss, Donny Boy - wants to spread lies about her, she's prepared to sue their asses.

And unlike Donny Boy, I think when SHE threatens to sue, she means it.
I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

as i've always said.... people are retarded.

and people especially don't like dissent.

i feel your pain.

I think you know what an incredible insult such a thing actually is to me.

Ah, well. Just means a lot fewer people I have to worry about being nice to from now on.
I know; I'm right there with you. Trump has turned this election into a surreal, kafka-esque nightmare where you and I are agreeing with each other. It's like a sign of the apocalypse, isn't it?

it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

Isn't it sad how many people who claimed to be conservative and fight for limited government have sold out to Trump?

Because all those moderate DemoRATS, Independents, and minorities will vote for Ted?...I like Ted, still do, and he is still my #2, but after this, and women being named, and those women tell the reporters to "Talk to my lawyer!!!", I'm a bit ashamed of Ted!
it really is. if ever there was a harbinger of the end times.........

I expect to see the StayPuft Marshmallow Man coming up the street any minute now.

i'm scared.

You have it easier than I do. I'm actually getting accused of being a leftist commie every time I turn around by people who've been arguing on my side of every issue for the last 8 years. At least you actually ARE a liberal.

Isn't it sad how many people who claimed to be conservative and fight for limited government have sold out to Trump?
aka...........pass TPP and flush more jobs..........No thanks......

you know the GOP likes TPP far more than most dems, right?

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