Donald and the national inquirer

"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.
Given the fact Rubio dropped out of the race after Florida it would make zero sense for any Rubio associate to do that. It's also been claimed that Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years if true it would seem more likely the story would have come from the Trump camp instead of Rubio. To be fair to all concerned we have no idea who gave the Enquirer the story just accusations and speculation and it's likely we will never know.
I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.
Given the fact Rubio dropped out of the race after Florida it would make zero sense for any Rubio associate to do that. It's also been claimed that Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years if true it would seem more likely the story would have come from the Trump camp instead of Rubio. To be fair to all concerned we have no idea who gave the Enquirer the story just accusations and speculation and it's likely we will never know.
I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
And I'm simply stating that between Trump and Rubio Trump has more to gain by leaking the story than Rubio or an ally of his which would gain them nothing. As I said we will likely never know who actually leaked it.
"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.
Given the fact Rubio dropped out of the race after Florida it would make zero sense for any Rubio associate to do that. It's also been claimed that Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years if true it would seem more likely the story would have come from the Trump camp instead of Rubio. To be fair to all concerned we have no idea who gave the Enquirer the story just accusations and speculation and it's likely we will never know.
I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
And I'm simply stating that between Trump and Rubio Trump has more to gain by leaking the story than Rubio or an ally of his which would gain them nothing. As I said we will likely never know who actually leaked it.
Your speculation is duly noted.
"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.
Given the fact Rubio dropped out of the race after Florida it would make zero sense for any Rubio associate to do that. It's also been claimed that Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years if true it would seem more likely the story would have come from the Trump camp instead of Rubio. To be fair to all concerned we have no idea who gave the Enquirer the story just accusations and speculation and it's likely we will never know.

I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
And I'm simply stating that between Trump and Rubio Trump has more to gain by leaking the story than Rubio or an ally of his which would gain them nothing. As I said we will likely never know who actually leaked it.

  • Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
    Daily Beast ^ | 03/25/2016 | Besty Woodruff
    The truth behind the rumor-mongering, however, is a little more complex. A half-dozen GOP operatives and media figures tell The Daily Beast that Cruz’s opponents have been pushing charges of adultery for at least six months now( wasn't Rubio's chief opponent 6 months ago Cruz???)—and that allies of former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio were involved in spreading the smears. For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications, according to Republican operatives and media figures. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Politico, and ABC News—reporters at all those outlets heard some version of...
Donald Trump’s Alliance With the National Enquirer

Seems history is repeating but we are wiser. You can't play the same dirty trick twice.

Still think Cruz can't beat trump? Trump obviously is scared
I'll hold my breath while Cruz gets 90% of the remaining delegates............He already lost...........unless the establishment hands it over in a contested convention.

i think that's the intent
Of course it is...............

It's actually 82% needed by Cruz to get the magic number. Trump needs 52% now............

Kasich is the only one that can block delegates in the North.............which is why he is still in the race...........He could take every delegate left and not even come close to getting the magic number.

The establishment will sink the ship and elect Hillary to prevent an outsider into the game.

or maybe they don't want someone who's an embarrassment. either way. personally, i think they created both of these men.

kasich is your only candidate who could have actually won.
That is only a matter of opinion..............and only is the GOP mass defects in the General.........some are promising to vote for Hillary.....some are promising to stay home............

The question is........when it's time to dance will they really let Hillary win...........

I got news for you, Chuckles. I've been saying all along that if this goes to a brokered convention and the establishment tries to hand the nomination to anyone but Trump or Cruz, the two actual front-runners with loads of delegates, I would be among the first to revolt. After this latest Trump stunt, the GOPe has my blessing to hand the nomination to anyone they want in order to shut Trump out. I will cheer as I happily go to the polls and vote for Anyone-Who-Isn't-Trump.

So yeah, the Great Orange Hope just flushed ANY slim remaining chance you had at playing the, "But Hillary!" card right down his gold-plated toilet.
I'll hold my breath while Cruz gets 90% of the remaining delegates............He already lost...........unless the establishment hands it over in a contested convention.

i think that's the intent
Of course it is...............

It's actually 82% needed by Cruz to get the magic number. Trump needs 52% now............

Kasich is the only one that can block delegates in the North.............which is why he is still in the race...........He could take every delegate left and not even come close to getting the magic number.

The establishment will sink the ship and elect Hillary to prevent an outsider into the game.

or maybe they don't want someone who's an embarrassment. either way. personally, i think they created both of these men.

kasich is your only candidate who could have actually won.
That is only a matter of opinion..............and only is the GOP mass defects in the General.........some are promising to vote for Hillary.....some are promising to stay home............

The question is........when it's time to dance will they really let Hillary win...........

I got news for you, Chuckles. I've been saying all along that if this goes to a brokered convention and the establishment tries to hand the nomination to anyone but Trump or Cruz, the two actual front-runners with loads of delegates, I would be among the first to revolt. After this latest Trump stunt, the GOPe has my blessing to hand the nomination to anyone they want in order to shut Trump out. I will cheer as I happily go to the polls and vote for Anyone-Who-Isn't-Trump.

So yeah, the Great Orange Hope just flushed ANY slim remaining chance you had at playing the, "But Hillary!" card right down his gold-plated toilet.
So be it.............the lines are drawn.
I'll hold my breath while Cruz gets 90% of the remaining delegates............He already lost...........unless the establishment hands it over in a contested convention.

i think that's the intent
Of course it is...............

It's actually 82% needed by Cruz to get the magic number. Trump needs 52% now............

Kasich is the only one that can block delegates in the North.............which is why he is still in the race...........He could take every delegate left and not even come close to getting the magic number.

The establishment will sink the ship and elect Hillary to prevent an outsider into the game.

or maybe they don't want someone who's an embarrassment. either way. personally, i think they created both of these men.

kasich is your only candidate who could have actually won.

What the hell else can you do when you're facing a hostile takeover by a supervillain with a horde of lunatic minions?
Hostile takeover..........yeah I like that............Thanks....

Against the establishment that hasn't been listening to the people for decades.........Hostile.........yeah the American people are hostile...........which may very well cause the establishment to get upset.........with their champion Hillary........being supported now by the GOP RINO's and the Dem party.......

Dems are getting defections though.................will Trump gain more than the Dems lose..........yet to be seen.

You aren't "the American people". The American people don't stand around nodding and agreeing with smear jobs. You're a vile cancerous growth, right along with your painted-up Clown Prince of Politics.
i think that's the intent
Of course it is...............

It's actually 82% needed by Cruz to get the magic number. Trump needs 52% now............

Kasich is the only one that can block delegates in the North.............which is why he is still in the race...........He could take every delegate left and not even come close to getting the magic number.

The establishment will sink the ship and elect Hillary to prevent an outsider into the game.

or maybe they don't want someone who's an embarrassment. either way. personally, i think they created both of these men.

kasich is your only candidate who could have actually won.

What the hell else can you do when you're facing a hostile takeover by a supervillain with a horde of lunatic minions?
Hostile takeover..........yeah I like that............Thanks....

Against the establishment that hasn't been listening to the people for decades.........Hostile.........yeah the American people are hostile...........which may very well cause the establishment to get upset.........with their champion Hillary........being supported now by the GOP RINO's and the Dem party.......

Dems are getting defections though.................will Trump gain more than the Dems lose..........yet to be seen.

You aren't "the American people". The American people don't stand around nodding and agreeing with smear jobs. You're a vile cancerous growth, right along with your painted-up Clown Prince of Politics.
Who the hell said I'm the American people........I have one vote..........cancels yours.........That is how this shit works......

Over a million voted for him Florida.............I guess those million people are a cancer in your book as well..........

Cruz has already lost...........Kasich has already lost...............via the vote...........the only way to stop Trump is to USURP the voters will..............
So you guys are going to claim a rubio supporter Sat on this story while Rubio was still in the Race? Why?

No, they're claiming that Rubio was shopping it around and all the papers gave it a pass until Trump suddenly needed to slime Cruz.

In other words it's still trump

Of course it's Trump. It couldn't be more obvious if David Pecker had orange makeup still smeared around his mouth from giving Donny Boy head.
"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.
Given the fact Rubio dropped out of the race after Florida it would make zero sense for any Rubio associate to do that. It's also been claimed that Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years if true it would seem more likely the story would have come from the Trump camp instead of Rubio. To be fair to all concerned we have no idea who gave the Enquirer the story just accusations and speculation and it's likely we will never know.

I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
And I'm simply stating that between Trump and Rubio Trump has more to gain by leaking the story than Rubio or an ally of his which would gain them nothing. As I said we will likely never know who actually leaked it.

  • Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
    Daily Beast ^ | 03/25/2016 | Besty Woodruff
    The truth behind the rumor-mongering, however, is a little more complex. A half-dozen GOP operatives and media figures tell The Daily Beast that Cruz’s opponents have been pushing charges of adultery for at least six months now( wasn't Rubio's chief opponent 6 months ago Cruz???)—and that allies of former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio were involved in spreading the smears. For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications, according to Republican operatives and media figures. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Politico, and ABC News—reporters at all those outlets heard some version of...

And now you're touting the veracity of the Daily Beast? What's next, Mother Jones?
i think that's the intent
Of course it is...............

It's actually 82% needed by Cruz to get the magic number. Trump needs 52% now............

Kasich is the only one that can block delegates in the North.............which is why he is still in the race...........He could take every delegate left and not even come close to getting the magic number.

The establishment will sink the ship and elect Hillary to prevent an outsider into the game.

or maybe they don't want someone who's an embarrassment. either way. personally, i think they created both of these men.

kasich is your only candidate who could have actually won.
That is only a matter of opinion..............and only is the GOP mass defects in the General.........some are promising to vote for Hillary.....some are promising to stay home............

The question is........when it's time to dance will they really let Hillary win...........

I got news for you, Chuckles. I've been saying all along that if this goes to a brokered convention and the establishment tries to hand the nomination to anyone but Trump or Cruz, the two actual front-runners with loads of delegates, I would be among the first to revolt. After this latest Trump stunt, the GOPe has my blessing to hand the nomination to anyone they want in order to shut Trump out. I will cheer as I happily go to the polls and vote for Anyone-Who-Isn't-Trump.

So yeah, the Great Orange Hope just flushed ANY slim remaining chance you had at playing the, "But Hillary!" card right down his gold-plated toilet.
So be it.............the lines are drawn.

The lines were already drawn. Yours runs right in front of whatever funny farm Trump recruited you from.
People have been slinging mud in Trump's direction for a while now.....

Now they cry when some gets thrown back..................too damned bad.
Of course it is...............

It's actually 82% needed by Cruz to get the magic number. Trump needs 52% now............

Kasich is the only one that can block delegates in the North.............which is why he is still in the race...........He could take every delegate left and not even come close to getting the magic number.

The establishment will sink the ship and elect Hillary to prevent an outsider into the game.

or maybe they don't want someone who's an embarrassment. either way. personally, i think they created both of these men.

kasich is your only candidate who could have actually won.
That is only a matter of opinion..............and only is the GOP mass defects in the General.........some are promising to vote for Hillary.....some are promising to stay home............

The question is........when it's time to dance will they really let Hillary win...........

I got news for you, Chuckles. I've been saying all along that if this goes to a brokered convention and the establishment tries to hand the nomination to anyone but Trump or Cruz, the two actual front-runners with loads of delegates, I would be among the first to revolt. After this latest Trump stunt, the GOPe has my blessing to hand the nomination to anyone they want in order to shut Trump out. I will cheer as I happily go to the polls and vote for Anyone-Who-Isn't-Trump.

So yeah, the Great Orange Hope just flushed ANY slim remaining chance you had at playing the, "But Hillary!" card right down his gold-plated toilet.
So be it.............the lines are drawn.

The lines were already drawn. Yours runs right in front of whatever funny farm Trump recruited you from.
Wow...............I'm gonna go cry now....................I guess your choice got his ass kicked and you are a sore loser...........

"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.

the donald has been friends with the guy from the enquirer for a million years. you don't really believe it came from ruibio, do you?

plus, rubio isn't doing anything to help the donald.
Why not, until it proven false I say it is true.

You don't prove a negative, you evil, driveling little nimrod.

Same quote I gave Snouter or what ever that filthy little dickweed's name was before I flushed him:

It is DESPICABLE to take an unsubstantiated rumor reported only in a gossip rag and spread it AS FACT in order to slander, defame, and destroy your political opponents. ANYONE who participates in this sort of thing is detestable beyond words. Even if it turned out to be true -- which I doubt it ever will be -- that still would not excuse or vindicate those who ran with slanderous gossip all because they wanted it to be true.

As it stands right now, at this juncture, not a single person on this planet aside from the principle people involved can make definitive statements about what is or isn't true with this story. But anyone with common sense would be leaning very strongly towards it not being true. If you have definitively decided it is true, and have proceeded to repeat it as definitive truth, you are behaving in a way that is, quite simply, evil. Again, that is STILL the case even if, by some crazy twist of fate, this ends up being a 1 in 90,000,000 story that the Enquirer gets right.

This story reminds us that people are bored, petty, and vindictive. The absolute glee with which many liberals and Trump fans (but I repeat myself) have reacted to this story should send chills right down to your soul. They're accepting an unsubstantiated smear as gospel because it plays to their prejudices, but they're also celebrating something that, if it were true, would mean the utter devastation of not only Cruz's family but the families of his alleged mistresses. So even if you believe it, to be happy about it is subhuman.

"Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says"

Ted Cruz sex scandal story leaked to National Enquirer by Marco Rubio “ally,” not Donald Trump, report says

They claim it was Rubio's people that provided the story and video.
Given the fact Rubio dropped out of the race after Florida it would make zero sense for any Rubio associate to do that. It's also been claimed that Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years if true it would seem more likely the story would have come from the Trump camp instead of Rubio. To be fair to all concerned we have no idea who gave the Enquirer the story just accusations and speculation and it's likely we will never know.

I am simply offering what has been stated by those in the know.
And I'm simply stating that between Trump and Rubio Trump has more to gain by leaking the story than Rubio or an ally of his which would gain them nothing. As I said we will likely never know who actually leaked it.

  • Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
    Daily Beast ^ | 03/25/2016 | Besty Woodruff
    The truth behind the rumor-mongering, however, is a little more complex. A half-dozen GOP operatives and media figures tell The Daily Beast that Cruz’s opponents have been pushing charges of adultery for at least six months now( wasn't Rubio's chief opponent 6 months ago Cruz???)—and that allies of former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio were involved in spreading the smears. For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications, according to Republican operatives and media figures. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Politico, and ABC News—reporters at all those outlets heard some version of...

And now you're touting the veracity of the Daily Beast? What's next, Mother Jones?

Why, you don't like me quoting YOUR SUBVERSIVE, commie website?
People have been slinging mud in Trump's direction for a while now.....

Now they cry when some gets thrown back..................too damned bad.

Yeah, right, we've heard this before. "Trump is an innocent, pure little lamb being attacked and abused, and he's just defending himself!"

Your hypocrisy, double standards, and lies are as revolting as your hero.
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  • #79
So you guys are going to claim a rubio supporter Sat on this story while Rubio was still in the Race? Why?

No, they're claiming that Rubio was shopping it around and all the papers gave it a pass until Trump suddenly needed to slime Cruz.

In other words it's still trump

Of course it's Trump. It couldn't be more obvious if David Pecker had orange makeup still smeared around his mouth from giving Donny Boy head.

The idea that they expect us to believe Rubio supporters Sat on the story while he was in the Race, and only now just happen to give the story to the Enquirer, a Donald Trump rag, when Ted Cruz is taking off in Wisconsin.

I believe that as much as I believe Hillary shouldn't be behind bars
  • Thread starter
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  • #80
People have been slinging mud in Trump's direction for a while now.....

Now they cry when some gets thrown back..................too damned bad.

So telling the truth about Trump means you get to lie about Cruz?

You guys are seriously messed up

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