Donald J Trump and the rise of Neo Fascism in America.



Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.

They can't because they'd lose half of their party.


Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.

"There's not even anything to debate here".

That's it, huh? And you're calling others neo-fascists.

You people are a hoot, both ends.

The Great Hyperbole Campaign: Stalin vs. Hitler 2016.



Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.

I did not hear Trump say anything in this video. What I heard was a paid yahoo saying something that he claims Trump said.
Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats.

Protect the Wealthy? ah.....that means grow the economy. More can enter wealthy category. What is the last job you got from a poor person? thats' what I thought.

Tea Party? yeah terrible nuts huh? Concerned citizens don't want to dump collapsed economy onto innocent Children? how much Govt Debt and Waste is OK? $20T? $40T? unsustainable according to the GOVT monitors working in the actual GOVT.

you folks is crazy.
Oh Gawd, lemme guess? Trump is Hitler, right? Man, that ole 'HE's HITLER!!' shite is soo old & tired. Wingnuts need to come up with some newer more original insults. The 'HE's HITLER!!' shite is so damn lame.
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".
How is Trump meant to appeal to neo-Christians?
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

One Problem:

Trump is a fraud and they're too stupid to know it!


I agree with your thread and just wanted to add that to it.

Not really. I think he sincerely believes his own rhetoric. He's been saying this stuff behind closed doors while holding court with paid shills. None of it really was ever vetted until recently. The scary part is there are a sizable amount of people that finds his ridiculously outrageous nonsense, intriguing.

The Media helped a great deal here as well. American Journalism has become a joke.

By the way, this is happening in France as well. The right wing party there is pretty fascist.

The Right wing party in France IS pretty fascist.
So another blog on the GOP being fascists, funny they haven't a clue as to what fascism is all about yet they label every non fellow traveler as a neo nazi or fascist. What a collective group of idiots.
So when is the belief in the US Constitution and accompanying Bill of Rights being a fascist? Heck we have had to endure his majesty king obama, his executive orders, progressive socialist agenda, and failed foreign policy for the past 7 years so what do you expect, people are pissed, their tired of being lied to and taken for granted. Not everyone is a freaking socialist, some of us work!
Sallow, post an expanded version in the Writers' Corner, where deflections etc can be dealt with by the mods.
Yada yada yada, in case you missed it, we already have a commie hate America hate whitey fascist in office.
No, we don't, but you are a hate black people fascist who wants your ilk filth in office.
Sure we do. I don't hate blacks at all. Get a grip on yourself.
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

One Problem:

Trump is a fraud and they're too stupid to know it!


I agree with your thread and just wanted to add that to it.

Not really. I think he sincerely believes his own rhetoric. He's been saying this stuff behind closed doors while holding court with paid shills. None of it really was ever vetted until recently. The scary part is there are a sizable amount of people that finds his ridiculously outrageous nonsense, intriguing.

The Media helped a great deal here as well. American Journalism has become a joke.

By the way, this is happening in France as well. The right wing party there is pretty fascist.

You could be correct but I find it hard to believe a man worth billions that is in real estate would be this radical in his mindset and is not just playing the lunatic segment of this nation.
What specifically is radical in his mindset?
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

One Problem:

Trump is a fraud and they're too stupid to know it!


I agree with your thread and just wanted to add that to it.

Not really. I think he sincerely believes his own rhetoric. He's been saying this stuff behind closed doors while holding court with paid shills. None of it really was ever vetted until recently. The scary part is there are a sizable amount of people that finds his ridiculously outrageous nonsense, intriguing.

The Media helped a great deal here as well. American Journalism has become a joke.

By the way, this is happening in France as well. The right wing party there is pretty fascist.

You could be correct but I find it hard to believe a man worth billions that is in real estate would be this radical in his mindset and is not just playing the lunatic segment of this nation.
What specifically is radical in his mindset?

I have read your thread and responses and everything Trump spews is not radical in your mind while many including people in the GOP have stated is words are too much, and wrong.
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

Try reading the title of the party first like
national SOCIALISM
or doens't the acronym NAZI have somethign to do with german worker's party...hay...wait a minute...isn't that the same kind of political strategy communist used. Is that coincidence?
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

One Problem:

Trump is a fraud and they're too stupid to know it!


I agree with your thread and just wanted to add that to it.

Not really. I think he sincerely believes his own rhetoric. He's been saying this stuff behind closed doors while holding court with paid shills. None of it really was ever vetted until recently. The scary part is there are a sizable amount of people that finds his ridiculously outrageous nonsense, intriguing.

The Media helped a great deal here as well. American Journalism has become a joke.

By the way, this is happening in France as well. The right wing party there is pretty fascist.

You could be correct but I find it hard to believe a man worth billions that is in real estate would be this radical in his mindset and is not just playing the lunatic segment of this nation.
What specifically is radical in his mindset?

I have read your thread and responses and everything Trump spews is not radical in your mind while many including people in the GOP have stated is words are too much, and wrong.
You can't answer the question?


Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.

"There's not even anything to debate here".

That's it, huh? And you're calling others neo-fascists.

You people are a hoot, both ends.

The Great Hyperbole Campaign: Stalin vs. Hitler 2016.


There isn't.

Substitute a religion favorable to you, like Christians, and you'd understand.


Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.

They can't because they'd lose half of their party.

It would be 1/3rd of the party.

And it should be "good riddance".

Those folks should form their own party and see how much traction it gets.

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