Donald J Trump and the rise of Neo Fascism in America.



Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.

"There's not even anything to debate here".

That's it, huh? And you're calling others neo-fascists.

You people are a hoot, both ends.

The Great Hyperbole Campaign: Stalin vs. Hitler 2016.


There isn't.

Substitute a religion favorable to you, like Christians, and you'd understand.

Pretty cool strategy.

If you want to avoid contrary opinions, just say there's nothing to talk about.


Sometimes I actually admire the way hardcore partisan ideologues can just exist in a vacuum.
Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats.

Protect the Wealthy? ah.....that means grow the economy. More can enter wealthy category. What is the last job you got from a poor person? thats' what I thought.

Tea Party? yeah terrible nuts huh? Concerned citizens don't want to dump collapsed economy onto innocent Children? how much Govt Debt and Waste is OK? $20T? $40T? unsustainable according to the GOVT monitors working in the actual GOVT.

you folks is crazy.

Pooling wealth into the hands of the few doesn't "grow the economy". It's a recipe for revolution.


Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.

"There's not even anything to debate here".

That's it, huh? And you're calling others neo-fascists.

You people are a hoot, both ends.

The Great Hyperbole Campaign: Stalin vs. Hitler 2016.


There isn't.

Substitute a religion favorable to you, like Christians, and you'd understand.

Pretty cool strategy.

If you want to avoid contrary opinions, just say there's nothing to talk about.


Sometimes I actually admire the way hardcore partisan ideologues can just exist in a vacuum.

Okay Mac. I'm against singling out the members of one religion and banning them from the country.

You seem to be for it.

We will never agree on that. And doing that sort of thing is in the playbook of fascism. Along with many of the other radical crapola "ideas" Trump spews.

Debate over.
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".
So in other words just the polar opposite of Obama??

Let me guess: Are you saying that he is calling for a permanent ban on all Muslims?

Yes or no?

There's not even anything to debate here.

What he said was so reprehensible and un-American, the Republicans themselves should have ushered him out of the party, immediately.
"There's not even anything to debate here".

That's it, huh? And you're calling others neo-fascists.

You people are a hoot, both ends.

The Great Hyperbole Campaign: Stalin vs. Hitler 2016.


There isn't.

Substitute a religion favorable to you, like Christians, and you'd understand.
Pretty cool strategy.

If you want to avoid contrary opinions, just say there's nothing to talk about.


Sometimes I actually admire the way hardcore partisan ideologues can just exist in a vacuum.

Okay Mac. I'm against singling out the members of one religion and banning them from the country.

You seem to be for it.

We will never agree on that. And doing that sort of thing is in the playbook of fascism. Along with many of the other radical crapola "ideas" Trump spews.

Debate over.
Actually, I'm not for it. Oops!

But I'll ask you again: Did Trump say he wanted to ban all Muslims forever?

We both know the answer to that. But dishonest arguments are your thing.

Looking forward to your straight answer to my simple question.
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

One Problem:

Trump is a fraud and they're too stupid to know it!


I agree with your thread and just wanted to add that to it.
How about you explaining just how Hillary plans on paying for her $2 Trillion dollars in new spending instead of just continuing to bash and smear the opposition party's candidate? How about showing a minute degree of class for once?

If I was a Hillary Clinton supporter I might, but again what part of voting third party did you not understand when I wrote it in other threads?

See you are proof that Trump supporters believe anyone that does not support Trump must be a Hillary Clinton supporter when the reality is there are many within the GOP that believe Trump is a fraud and supporters like you are nuts for believing the radical nonsense he spews.

Now if you want someone to answer your question the best bet is to ask a Hillary Clinton supporter and not me because I am not voting for her either.

How does that work for you or will you double down on stupidity and claim I am going to vote for her?

My bet is on the double down part!

You walk like a duck, you talk like a duck, therefore you are a duck.
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

Try reading the title of the party first like
national SOCIALISM
or doens't the acronym NAZI have somethign to do with german worker's party...hay...wait a minute...isn't that the same kind of political strategy communist used. Is that coincidence?
Yes, Trump and his buddies are trying on the Nazi Big Lie, which is working only on the far right dummies. By the way, Hitler killed or imprisoned all the socialists in Germany.
Sallow so easily makes Mac1958 look like a stooge.

The OP is quite clear: in Trump we see the new rise of American neo-fascism characterized by extreme nationalism, jingoism, ethnocentrism, weak civil liberties, and so forth. People who live in fear and need a strong man welcome security in return for giving up their freedom.

Mac1958 is a great example of such people.
Another dishonest, smearing OP about Trump. Some facts:

* Trump has NEVER said that *all* Mexicans illegals are criminals. He's gone out of his way to note that most Mexican illegals are not criminals.Why do you keep lying about this?

* Trump only wants a temporary suspension of Muslim immigration until we figure out what in the world is going on and can properly screen incoming Muslims, given the Tashfeen Malik debacle. (At first we were told that Malik had undergone an "extensive" screening, including two interviews. Now we're getting conflicting answers from three different agencies about exactly how she was screened. She may not have been interviewed once, much less twice, and her "extensive" screening didn't even catch the fact that she gave a fake address.)

* Spare me the drama and posturing about the idea of making Muslims register so they can be tracked. Jimmy Carter had every Iranian who was here on a visa double-checked, and some were deported as a result.
Mike, Mike, Mike . . . thank you for all the laughs you bring to the discussion
First of all, Trump is not a president, so he really has no power over any policy.

Now, if Trump is a Nazi for his ideas about pausing immigration for certain groups, so is Carter.


Seig Heil, y'all.

So is Wilson, FDR, Obama. All presidents what were doing it. But it's OK when Democrat does it.
"Now, if Trump is a Nazi for his ideas about pausing immigration for certain groups, so is Carter."

The above is a classic fallacy of false equivalency. And notice as well that if Carter is a Nazi to the far right then, then Trump must be also.

Carter had every legal right to stop a certain nationality, Trump has no right to stop a religious group.

A percentage of 57 to 25 Americans in a poll have rejected Trump's anti-Americanism.
Trump started out his political campaign with a kickoff that included bashing Mexicans and being surrounded by paid "supporters". That sort of start would have doomed him in a "regular" political party. But that's not the case with the new Republican party. It's nearly five decade quest for every racist vote in the country has led to this, Fascism. Historically, the Republican party started out as the liberal wing of the Whigs and the "Free States" Democrats. It's interest was in propping up the industrial North and freeing the slaves. Through the years it has morphed into a party that protected the interests of the wealthy until the civil rights act passed. Then it actively courted the disenfranchised white Christians of the South. The Election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party, an ultra right wing bread basket of white Christian theocrats. Trump is the natural progression in this march to outright Fascism. He appeals to those who want "one country, one god and one people who are all the same".

One Problem:

Trump is a fraud and they're too stupid to know it!


I agree with your thread and just wanted to add that to it.

Not really. I think he sincerely believes his own rhetoric. He's been saying this stuff behind closed doors while holding court with paid shills. None of it really was ever vetted until recently. The scary part is there are a sizable amount of people that finds his ridiculously outrageous nonsense, intriguing.

The Media helped a great deal here as well. American Journalism has become a joke.

By the way, this is happening in France as well. The right wing party there is pretty fascist.

You could be correct but I find it hard to believe a man worth billions that is in real estate would be this radical in his mindset and is not just playing the lunatic segment of this nation.

He's had no hand in creating those billions.

It was handed to him and the company essentially runs itself.

If anything? The decisions he has made has costs investors big.

They had a special on Trump the other night, what you say is partially true. He did start out with a leg up but most of his fortune was made by himself. Graduate of Wharton College, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and is now worth 4 billion. Trump's investments have put more people to work, middle class and other, then Obama could ever dream of doing.

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