Donald J. Trump will not be removed by the Senate

There's an old saying..."If you are going to take a shot at the king, you better kill him"!

The house can impeach with a simple majority...but the senate needs a two-thirds majority to remove a president from office...and we all know that ain't gonna happen!

That's why I say there will be no vote to impeach...the democrats just want a public spectacle. Regardless of what the fake news tells you...THEY ARE NO CLOSER TO VOTING FOR IMPEACHMENT THAN THEY WERE A YEAR AGO!!!
As soon as they take a vote on articles of impeachment, the Senate takes over and quickly exposes this as a farce, so, I'm not sure they ever take the vote. They may instead attempt to misuse their impeachment authority to keep the administration tied up demands and subpoenas.

Twitter Outage and Outrage Edition.

Impeachment fever is getting hotter in the Dems’ brains every day and they are not just going to overreach, they are going to WAY overreach. There’s a prime example of the lunacy in Tuesday’s New York Times. An Op-Ed titled “Trump Has Disqualified Himself From Running in 2020” is the most hysteria-riddled nonsense they’ve posted yet.

The beauty of that is that none of the coastal media bubble people understand how off-putting their ravings are to at least half of the country. It’s a gift that keeps on giving and won’t be going away any time soon.

With the 24/7 friendly air cover provided by the media and our cultural and educational institutions, all the Democrats have to do is not act crazy. And they can’t even manage that, doubly so under Trump.
They may instead attempt to misuse their impeachment authority to keep the administration tied up demands and subpoenas.


That's why the dem demands don't stop at Trump...they are also trying to bog down pompeo and barr.

This is utterly last gasp desperation on the dems part.;..when Trump released the transcript of the phone call & they saw Trump mentioned the word "CrowdStrike" to the ukraine president...they knew their ass was in a sling. Now they're flailing their arms & grasping at straws.

It's all over but the tears. Lots and lots of delicious liberal tears! :crybaby:
There's an old saying..."If you are going to take a shot at the king, you better kill him"!

The house can impeach with a simple majority...but the senate needs a two-thirds majority to remove a president from office...and we all know that ain't gonna happen!

That's why I say there will be no vote to impeach...the democrats just want a public spectacle. Regardless of what the fake news tells you...THEY ARE NO CLOSER TO VOTING FOR IMPEACHMENT THAN THEY WERE A YEAR AGO!!!

It only takes 20 Republican Senators to pick their country over their party. If the vote were tonight I think there would be at least 5 who would vote to remove Trump from office which would mean a majority of the Senate voted to remove Trump from office. Getting the other 15 Senators will be an uphill battle, but not impossible. Trump' ship is sinking fast, and many Republican Senators may after more investigation and growing public support for impeachment, be willing to jump ship.

Nixon was strong and had just won a landslide victory in the 1972 election. Trump relative to Nixon is politically weak. The party he is nominally apart of may have the majority in the Senate, but that does not mean all Republican Senators are his troops willing to go down to the bottom of the sea on his sinking ship.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees...
Gallup has him exactly where Obama was at this point in his presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center
... Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020...
Quid Pro Quo Joe he's your man, if he can't beat him no one can!
...Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious...
No evidence of any crimes or even wrong doing.
... A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. ..
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden, he only promises lawful proper cooperation as per our Treaty with Ukraine signed into law by President Clinton.
... That is indeed treason...
Treason is the ONLY law defined in the US Constitution. Our Framers defined so that clowns couldn't criminalize policy disagreements. Looks like they had you folks in mind.
... Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
If you have irrefutable courtroom quality evidence of High Crimes, the Senate will remove him, if not, they won't, and the nation will severely punish you for putting the us all through this based on your refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Oh my, your in for a big surprise about just how much trouble the Orange Man is in this time. The phone call and the Whistleblower make it clear that Trump has abused his power as President for personal political gain. He was willing to damage U.S. national security for personal political gain...
He asked for help with Barr's investigation into the Intelligence Communities illegal activities in the 2016 election. This is a perfectly proper request. Trump made no threats, set no conditions and we have treaty with Ukraine committing both nations into assisting each others investigations.
... 20 Republicans for a total of 67 Senators to remove him...
Name the 20.
... A near majority of the public supports impeaching and removing Trump from Office. The latest CNN poll shows its 47% for removal, 45% against removal...
Both numbers are within the MOE so your claim may also be expressed: A NEAR MAJORITY OPPOSES IMPEACHING AND REMOVING.

Polling is meaningless until the Senate trial has had an opportunity to compel testimony and cross examine witnesses under oath. If you do not have solid evidence of real crimes, any transitory support melts like fog.

There already is solid evidence of real crimes and more evidence is coming. Whether the Republican Senators will convict is another question. O.J. Simpson was guilty based on the evidence, but walked away a free man. Look for Trump's legal team to pull they same stunt with the trial in the Senate.

I'll name the most likely 20 in a second.

Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they area all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
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As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees. Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020.

Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious. A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. Clear evidence that Trump is willing to sell United States national security in order to remain as President for another four years. That is indeed treason.

So the only question is how many Republicans in the Senate want to go down with Trump's sinking ship? How many Republicans in the Senate want to defend Trump's actions selling U.S. national security interest for his own personal gain? While its an uphill battle to get 20 Republican Senators to convict Trump, its far from impossible. Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
You can post lies, but don't expect anyone to believe them.
1. Trump has the lowest approval rating in history?? Lie#1, please see chart below, Trump is has a higher approval than Obama at this poin
View attachment 282384

2. Joe Biden is all but gone. His extortion of the Ukraine, Hunter's $50,000 a month, plus the China $1.5b puts Joe on ice. 0 - 3.

3. Even if the democrats impeach Trump the senate would acquit by a straight party vote 53-47, then Trump wins in a landslide. Senators know the impeachment is partisan bullshit, no crime was committed, unlike Bill Clinton's perjury and obstruction.

He has the lowest AVERAGE approval Rating in history based on the GALLUP poll which has been doing Presidential approval polls all the way back to 1940:

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

Joe BIDEN and his son did not do anything wrong. A Ukrainian Prosecutor was removed who was not doing his job. He was not prosecuting ANYONE. If BIDEN and his son were guilty of something, it would have been in their interest NOT to fire the Prosecutor because the prosecutor was not prosecuting ANYONE!

I agree Democrats will have an uphill battle in the Senate, but this will not be a straight party vote in the Senate. There will be some Republican Senators that will agree with the evidence. The question will be if they can get 20 Senators or not. Its and uphill challenge, but not impossible. Trump is not immune from being removed from office just because Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

How can you look at polls when the MSM is blaring 93% negative news on Trump every day? Even so Rasmussen shows Trump is doing okay. Those other polls are skewed, remember 2016? Look at the 95% approval from Republicans, that shows how Trump's base is, and the GOP Senators know that. Any GOP senator that votes to impeach based on the democrat's bullshit gets primaried.

Joe Biden and his son are crooks. Joe is dumb enough to put it on video!! Trump will run that video a lot, but the dems won't nominate Joe, he's done. Giuliani and Barr have the truth on Joe and the fired prosecutor. Joe is done, his poll numbers are tanking already, wait until the primaries start.

If the democrats impeach Trump, the Senate would never remove him, anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.
Its the GOP/Trump base that they need to heed.

p.s. where ya been? Joe needs all the supporters he can muster <g>
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They may instead attempt to misuse their impeachment authority to keep the administration tied up demands and subpoenas.


That's why the dem demands don't stop at Trump...they are also trying to bog down pompeo and barr.

This is utterly last gasp desperation on the dems part.;..when Trump released the transcript of the phone call & they saw Trump mentioned the word "CrowdStrike" to the ukraine president...they knew their ass was in a sling. Now they're flailing their arms & grasping at straws.

It's all over but the tears. Lots and lots of delicious liberal tears! :crybaby:

IMPEACHMENT AS REGIME SUICIDE: The ruling class still believes in a consensus that doesn’t exist. Their legitimacy is vanishing.


The Democratic party and the chattering classes are playing a dangerous game with impeachment.

All impeachments are partisan, but this one is in doubly bad faith: it has no chance of succeeding in removing Trump.

The only outcome possible is to confirm for Democrats and Republicans alike the idea that 2020 is a regime-change moment, for reasons that go far beyond Trump.

The Republican Congress’s impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 took for granted the possibility of a renewed national consensus — either one that could motivate a Senate supermajority to convict and remove Clinton (a tall order) or one that at least might lead public opinion to condemn Clinton after he survived impeachment. As it turned out, the GOP got it all wrong: not only was Clinton acquitted in the Senate, neither of the articles of impeachment received even simple-majority support in that Republican-controlled chamber. And Clinton’s popularity remained high.

To the extent that there was still a skeletal national consensus, it favored Clinton. Impeachment was a circus, but it wasn’t a national trauma. It cast no shadow over the next presidential election two years later. It was a dud that reaffirmed the stability of the American regime.

With Trump, everything is different. The 2016 election was a referendum on the regime itself. Trump resurrected the populist attacks on the country’s political and economic establishment that Perot had battle-tested in the 1990s.

Trump was no mere conventional Republican who happened to beat Hillary Clinton. He was a completely unconventional Republican who first beat the party’s own ideological standard-bearers during the primaries, in the course of which he often said things that no Republican had said for a generation or more. Trump’s message in the primaries and general election boiled down to: they screwed you. ‘They’ being the Bushes, the Clintons, the establishment in both parties, the warmongers, the trade-deal architects, the communist Chinese, free-riding allies, and more.
Trump is no ideologue or political theorist, but he launched a comprehensive attack on the domestic and international liberal order. He campaigned against the system as it has existed since the Cold War ended.

Trump’s enemies are not just the left, they are the ancien regime. Anyone who supports the political and economic dispensation of the post-Cold War era is apt to feel threatened by Trump and even more menaced by what stands behind him — a growing anti-consensus, a force that declares every center of power in this country illegitimate and antithetical to the well-being of the people.

That’s why this impeachment attempt is radically different from the Nixon or Clinton episodes. There is no consensus to save this time; there is only an anti-consensus waiting to be radicalized. Trump’s enemies have been in denial about this since the day he first declared for the White House — they have wrongly assumed that a healthy, old-fashioned, pro-establishment consensus must emerge out of sheer revulsion at Trump. Hence all the appeals on the part of anti-Trump pundits to Republican decency and conscience. They assume that, deep down, for all that Republicans are racists and deplorables, they still love the regime, and they will support it over Trump.

In fact, for most Republicans, certainly at the grassroots, the voice of conscience and their sense of decency command them to support Trump against an absolutely illegitimate and malevolent regime.

Impeachment is a regime counter-attack against a man elected to bring about change. And while impeachment is certainly constitutional, it is an elite procedure not a democratic one. The media has passed the first judgment on whether it’s warranted in this case. (It is, they say.)

The Democratic House will investigate and then — inevitably, if they’re not to lose the faith of their own voters — bring articles of impeachment. Ultimately, the Senate will hold the trial and Trump will almost certainly be acquitted on a partisan vote. Instead of showing, as the Nixon and Clinton impeachments did, that party isn’t quite everything and some establishment cohesion remains, the failure of the Trump impeachment will deepen the divisions of 2016 and sharpen the question of regime legitimacy. A mistaken premise — overestimation of support for the ruling class and their rules — will lead to the regime losing rather than gaining credibility. This will be most obvious among the activist wing of the Republican party, but the effects won’t stop there.

The old saying is that if you strike at a king, be sure to kill him. In this case, the regime is striking not a king but at the very idea that an elected official can challenge the establishment. This risks revealing just how weak the country’s ruling class really is: if 40 percent of the country remains with Trump through the ordeal of impeachment, that will show that 40 percent is anti-regime — revolutions are made with less. And that 40 percent would be a floor, not a ceiling; a starting point for a future anti-regime movement.

The moderate path here is the one that eschews impeachment and instead shows that the elite still has faith in elections. Let the voters decide whether they want to defend the ‘norms’ of the regime, and even if they decide not to — by re-electing Trump — the regime will have lost less credibility than it stands to through a failed attempt at impeachment. Legitimacy is bleeding away from American politics and society, and Trump is a symptom not the cause. The cause is the folly of America’s leadership class as a whole. Electing Trump was the public’s way of impeaching that class.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees...
Gallup has him exactly where Obama was at this point in his presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center
... Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020...
Quid Pro Quo Joe he's your man, if he can't beat him no one can!
...Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious...
No evidence of any crimes or even wrong doing.
... A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. ..
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden, he only promises lawful proper cooperation as per our Treaty with Ukraine signed into law by President Clinton.
... That is indeed treason...
Treason is the ONLY law defined in the US Constitution. Our Framers defined so that clowns couldn't criminalize policy disagreements. Looks like they had you folks in mind.
... Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
If you have irrefutable courtroom quality evidence of High Crimes, the Senate will remove him, if not, they won't, and the nation will severely punish you for putting the us all through this based on your refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Oh my, your in for a big surprise about just how much trouble the Orange Man is in this time. The phone call and the Whistleblower make it clear that Trump has abused his power as President for personal political gain. He was willing to damage U.S. national security for personal political gain...
He asked for help with Barr's investigation into the Intelligence Communities illegal activities in the 2016 election. This is a perfectly proper request. Trump made no threats, set no conditions and we have treaty with Ukraine committing both nations into assisting each others investigations.
... 20 Republicans for a total of 67 Senators to remove him...
Name the 20.
... A near majority of the public supports impeaching and removing Trump from Office. The latest CNN poll shows its 47% for removal, 45% against removal...
Both numbers are within the MOE so your claim may also be expressed: A NEAR MAJORITY OPPOSES IMPEACHING AND REMOVING.

Polling is meaningless until the Senate trial has had an opportunity to compel testimony and cross examine witnesses under oath. If you do not have solid evidence of real crimes, any transitory support melts like fog.

There already is solid evidence of real crimes...
Name one, with CFR number.
... I'll name the most likely 20 in a second.
Sure you will.
There's an old saying..."If you are going to take a shot at the king, you better kill him"!

The house can impeach with a simple majority...but the senate needs a two-thirds majority to remove a president from office...and we all know that ain't gonna happen!

That's why I say there will be no vote to impeach...the democrats just want a public spectacle. Regardless of what the fake news tells you...THEY ARE NO CLOSER TO VOTING FOR IMPEACHMENT THAN THEY WERE A YEAR AGO!!!

It only takes 20 Republican Senators to pick their country over their party...
Pelosi said that he is "not above the law". Sounds good, but what evidence does she have that Trump broke ANY US law in the conversation? We have the transcript, no laws were broken by Trump. ZERO Republicans are going to vote to remove the President absent courtroom level proof of actual law breaking. You claim multiple laws were broken in this conversation, yet you can't cite a single CFR section that Trump violated. See the problem? With out law breaking, you won't even get all the Democrats to vote for removal. Why the hell would they?
... If the vote were tonight I think there would be at least 5 who would vote to remove Trump from office...
Wishful thinking.
... may after more investigation and growing public support for impeachment...
As soon as the public sees that you are trying to impeach him with no law violations, any support is going to drop to just the anti-Trump crazies. What sane person would support removal of a President absent law breaking?
...So having a professed Socialist in office would be better in your mind?...
Mike Pence is a professed Socialist? :21:

...Have you looked at the actual results of Trump's policies instead of just the hate of the man? The results don't lie...
What has that to do with whether or not he committed Impeach-able Offenses?

...Any of the Democratic candidates will destroy our country, but hey, at least men will be able to use the women's restroom, right? You guys need to grow up.
What has that to do with whether or not he committed Impeach-able Offenses?
...So having a professed Socialist in office would be better in your mind?...
Mike Pence is a professed Socialist? :21:

...Have you looked at the actual results of Trump's policies instead of just the hate of the man? The results don't lie...
What has that to do with whether or not he committed Impeach-able Offenses?

...Any of the Democratic candidates will destroy our country, but hey, at least men will be able to use the women's restroom, right? You guys need to grow up.
What has that to do with whether or not he committed Impeach-able Offenses?
Pelosi says he is not above the law, yet, he broke no laws in his conversation, there is no doubt about this, we have the transcript.
What is worse as those pushing so hard for impeachment on what some see as weak grounds don’t seem to get this same precedent will be used against the next Democrat President by a Republican controlled House. What is going on here will not end when Trump leaves office you will have both parties now trying to use impeachment as a way to change an election that didn’t go there way.

You are correct that this will open the door for the GOP to act like the Democrats and when it does happen the left will claim it is not fair.

Unfortunately in today political environment we have partisan hacks in control and not sane people.

As with George W. Bush I will warn the left you better make damn sure you can remove because Trump base is cemented and the GOP knows this and understands that this can backfire on Pelosi so bad that it could cost the Democrats the House.

I know she believes that this will gain the left the Oval Office and Senate seats but I disagree and this could play right into Trump favor without her never understanding how she lost the war!

She needs 67 seats in Senate. She has to be delusional if she thinks that's happening.

She is.

This is about 2020 and winning Senate Seats and the Oval Office.

She believe if she can show the GOP unwilling to Convict Trump it will play in the Democrats favor...
And it might.

But even if it doesn't it's still the right thing to do.

Riddle me this, crep.

If your Republican senator were to vote to convict and remove Trump, would reward him with your vote? Or would you vote for his D challenger?

The Senator doesn't see any reward for voting against Trump at all,
It's not a riddle. Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran are two complete idiots and criminals to boot. I wouldn't vote for them if they paid me.

However, republican sentiment is swinging towards impeachment, and independent is even more. That's who they are courting, not me.
Trump's had 9 full quarters of GDP growth and averaged 2.7%
Obama's final 9 full quarters only averaged 2.0%, so Trump's growth is about a 1/3rd better.

I know what you mean. The thing that makes Trump's record even more amazing is that the moment he came into office the world had suffered the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression...

....oh, wait....
Obama predicted unemployment would stay flat at 4.7% when it decline by 17% to 3.9%. That's not "pretty accurate" that also completely misses amount and trend.

There are 5,750,000 more employed today than when Obama left office. That's lives changed and hope renewed!

I reiterate, all Trump did was continue the trend that Obama started. And that is the way it should be.
Trump's had 9 full quarters of GDP growth and averaged 2.7%
Obama's final 9 full quarters only averaged 2.0%, so Trump's growth is about a 1/3rd better.

I know what you mean. The thing that makes Trump's record even more amazing is that the moment he came into office the world had suffered the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression...

....oh, wait....
Trump's first two years are being compared to Obama's last two years. This is years, and years and years and years after the end of the 2008 recession.
Obama predicted unemployment would stay flat at 4.7% when it decline by 17% to 3.9%. That's not "pretty accurate" that also completely misses amount and trend.

There are 5,750,000 more employed today than when Obama left office. That's lives changed and hope renewed!

I reiterate, all Trump did was continue the trend that Obama started. And that is the way it should be.

Here's Obama's final two year trend:


And here's Trump's first two years.


That's not a continuation of trend, that's a REVERSAL of trend! And thank goodness for it!
You are correct that this will open the door for the GOP to act like the Democrats and when it does happen the left will claim it is not fair.

Unfortunately in today political environment we have partisan hacks in control and not sane people.

As with George W. Bush I will warn the left you better make damn sure you can remove because Trump base is cemented and the GOP knows this and understands that this can backfire on Pelosi so bad that it could cost the Democrats the House.

I know she believes that this will gain the left the Oval Office and Senate seats but I disagree and this could play right into Trump favor without her never understanding how she lost the war!

She needs 67 seats in Senate. She has to be delusional if she thinks that's happening.

She is.

This is about 2020 and winning Senate Seats and the Oval Office.

She believe if she can show the GOP unwilling to Convict Trump it will play in the Democrats favor...
And it might.

But even if it doesn't it's still the right thing to do.

Riddle me this, crep.

If your Republican senator were to vote to convict and remove Trump, would reward him with your vote? Or would you vote for his D challenger?

The Senator doesn't see any reward for voting against Trump at all,
It's not a riddle. Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran are two complete idiots and criminals to boot. I wouldn't vote for them if they paid me.

However, republican sentiment is swinging towards impeachment, and independent is even more. That's who they are courting, not me.

No, only in the liberal mind that fabricates such fantasies.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

Why would the whistleblowers career be over? The Whistleblower statues exist to allow call out crimes and abuses of power *without* retaliation and with anonymity.

Trump is already threatening the active investigators with arrest for treason. And made elaborate accusations against the whistleblower, despite not even knowing it is.

The only reason Trump wants to know the whistleblower's so that he and his proxies can slander and threaten him or her. This after their cover up efforts failed spectacularly.

This they call 'draining the swamp'.

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