Donald J. Trump will not be removed by the Senate

As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees. Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020.

Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious. A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. Clear evidence that Trump is willing to sell United States national security in order to remain as President for another four years. That is indeed treason.

So the only question is how many Republicans in the Senate want to go down with Trump's sinking ship? How many Republicans in the Senate want to defend Trump's actions selling U.S. national security interest for his own personal gain? While its an uphill battle to get 20 Republican Senators to convict Trump, its far from impossible. Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.

If any of the Democrats are elected, I will lose faith in this country entirely. Trump's record is a good one, despite how the mainstream media likes to spin it. If the majority of those who vote can't see through the spin, then they aren't nearly as smart as I have given them credit for..

Biden is crooked. Any of us can see that. His son didn't just happen to land the 50k/mth job the Ukraine at the same time his dad was negotiating with them. He also got an absurd amount of money from China. Hunter wasn't qualified for either of these positions, yet just happened to land them. Has he had any such lucrative deals since Biden left office? Biden aside, the rest of the candidates are Socialists. Crazy to think our country has been dumbed down enough to believe that is a good idea. I read some of the post on this board and it send shivers down my spine. Just how gulluble can people be? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.. Ignorance and promises of grandeur woo the masses into voting their freedoms away. Envy is at the root of it all, but most Democrats are emotionally like 16 year olds and know "everything". Us Conservatives are the old fart paren'ts who don't know anyhing because we were never 16 before. You can't tell them anything and unfortuntely we can't take the car keys away.

Trump did not threaten to withold anything from Ukraine and most certainly didn't threaten to do so if Biden wasn't investigated. The "do me a favor" line was taken WAY out of context. That was clearly in reference to investigating the origins of the Russian hoax, which he has every right to push.

The Senate will not convict Trump. Politics aside, there is not even close to enough evidence to do so. The only reason the House may impeach him is purely political in nature. Just imagine if this becomes the norm. If the party that controls the house dislikes the President, they can impeach him/her for anything. It doesn't have to reach any standard, just impeach. God forbid if the opposing party controls the Senate as well. The Democrats have allowed the far-left to take total control of their party. I disagreed with their basic platform before, but now, the left has totally lost their minds.

The sell of Javelin Anti-Tank missiles to Ukraine was BLOCKED by Donald Trump on July 18, 2019. Donald Trump had also stated prior to the call that he would only talk to the President of Ukraine if the President of Ukraine was willing to "Play Ball On Biden". The phone call happened on July 25, 2019 and after the Ukrainian President asks about the anti-tank missiles is when Trump mentions that he needs the Ukrainian President to do him a favor. Trump admits the favor was about Joe Biden and his son. The President NEVER discussed Ukraine's situation with Russia in the call and only wanted to know about BIDEN. He was willing to use the supply of anti-tank missiles, important to US National Security, as a bargaining chip to help him against a domestic political opponent. The PRESIDENT CAN'T DO THAT! That is what drew the alarm of Whistleblower and why Trump is going to be impeached. The President is not the only one that is in trouble. Several other people including Mike Pompeo could be guilty of obstruction of justice.

What are you talking about? Did you actually read the transcripts? Immediately after Trump says to "do me a favor" he specifically mentioned the "server" and "Crowdstrike", which is in direct reference to the Russian collusion situation. The Biden thing was mentioned AFTER that and AFTER the Ukrainian president's response.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Zelinsky brought up Giuliani in his response, which prompted Trump to mention the Biden situation, which is very relevant as it shows potential corruption in our government.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees...
Gallup has him exactly where Obama was at this point in his presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center
... Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020...
Quid Pro Quo Joe he's your man, if he can't beat him no one can!
...Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious...
No evidence of any crimes or even wrong doing.
... A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. ..
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden, he only promises lawful proper cooperation as per our Treaty with Ukraine signed into law by President Clinton.
... That is indeed treason...
Treason is the ONLY law defined in the US Constitution. Our Framers defined so that clowns couldn't criminalize policy disagreements. Looks like they had you folks in mind.
... Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
If you have irrefutable courtroom quality evidence of High Crimes, the Senate will remove him, if not, they won't, and the nation will severely punish you for putting the us all through this based on your refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Oh my, your in for a big surprise about just how much trouble the Orange Man is in this time. The phone call and the Whistleblower make it clear that Trump has abused his power as President for personal political gain. He was willing to damage U.S. national security for personal political gain...
He asked for help with Barr's investigation into the Intelligence Communities illegal activities in the 2016 election. This is a perfectly proper request. Trump made no threats, set no conditions and we have treaty with Ukraine committing both nations into assisting each others investigations.
... 20 Republicans for a total of 67 Senators to remove him...
Name the 20.
... A near majority of the public supports impeaching and removing Trump from Office. The latest CNN poll shows its 47% for removal, 45% against removal...
Both numbers are within the MOE so your claim may also be expressed: A NEAR MAJORITY OPPOSES IMPEACHING AND REMOVING.

Polling is meaningless until the Senate trial has had an opportunity to compel testimony and cross examine witnesses under oath. If you do not have solid evidence of real crimes, any transitory support melts like fog.
It won't cost Pelosi shit. Most Yanks hate Trump. You could run Coco the Clown next year and he'd whip the Orange Buffoon's arse.

Unfortunately, none of your current candidates have popularity of a clown.

They all suck.

Trump is headed to term #2.

Could happen. I'd be very surprised if it did. And if it did, the decline of the US would become more rapid.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees. Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020.

Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious. A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. Clear evidence that Trump is willing to sell United States national security in order to remain as President for another four years. That is indeed treason.

So the only question is how many Republicans in the Senate want to go down with Trump's sinking ship? How many Republicans in the Senate want to defend Trump's actions selling U.S. national security interest for his own personal gain? While its an uphill battle to get 20 Republican Senators to convict Trump, its far from impossible. Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.

If any of the Democrats are elected, I will lose faith in this country entirely. Trump's record is a good one, despite how the mainstream media likes to spin it. If the majority of those who vote can't see through the spin, then they aren't nearly as smart as I have given them credit for..

Biden is crooked. Any of us can see that. His son didn't just happen to land the 50k/mth job the Ukraine at the same time his dad was negotiating with them. He also got an absurd amount of money from China. Hunter wasn't qualified for either of these positions, yet just happened to land them. Has he had any such lucrative deals since Biden left office? Biden aside, the rest of the candidates are Socialists. Crazy to think our country has been dumbed down enough to believe that is a good idea. I read some of the post on this board and it send shivers down my spine. Just how gulluble can people be? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.. Ignorance and promises of grandeur woo the masses into voting their freedoms away. Envy is at the root of it all, but most Democrats are emotionally like 16 year olds and know "everything". Us Conservatives are the old fart paren'ts who don't know anyhing because we were never 16 before. You can't tell them anything and unfortuntely we can't take the car keys away.

Trump did not threaten to withold anything from Ukraine and most certainly didn't threaten to do so if Biden wasn't investigated. The "do me a favor" line was taken WAY out of context. That was clearly in reference to investigating the origins of the Russian hoax, which he has every right to push.

The Senate will not convict Trump. Politics aside, there is not even close to enough evidence to do so. The only reason the House may impeach him is purely political in nature. Just imagine if this becomes the norm. If the party that controls the house dislikes the President, they can impeach him/her for anything. It doesn't have to reach any standard, just impeach. God forbid if the opposing party controls the Senate as well. The Democrats have allowed the far-left to take total control of their party. I disagreed with their basic platform before, but now, the left has totally lost their minds.

The sell of Javelin Anti-Tank missiles to Ukraine was BLOCKED by Donald Trump on July 18, 2019. Donald Trump had also stated prior to the call that he would only talk to the President of Ukraine if the President of Ukraine was willing to "Play Ball On Biden". The phone call happened on July 25, 2019 and after the Ukrainian President asks about the anti-tank missiles is when Trump mentions that he needs the Ukrainian President to do him a favor. Trump admits the favor was about Joe Biden and his son. The President NEVER discussed Ukraine's situation with Russia in the call and only wanted to know about BIDEN. He was willing to use the supply of anti-tank missiles, important to US National Security, as a bargaining chip to help him against a domestic political opponent. The PRESIDENT CAN'T DO THAT! That is what drew the alarm of Whistleblower and why Trump is going to be impeached. The President is not the only one that is in trouble. Several other people including Mike Pompeo could be guilty of obstruction of justice.

What are you talking about? Did you actually read the transcripts? Immediately after Trump says to "do me a favor" he specifically mentioned the "server" and "Crowdstrike", which is in direct reference to the Russian collusion situation. The Biden thing was mentioned AFTER that and AFTER the Ukrainian president's response...
Yup. The favor concerned cooperation on the investigation into the 2016 election. The Fake news media is cutting nearly 500 words out of the transcript to put "favor" right next to "Biden". That edifice will not survive Trail in the Senate.
... The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible....
The CrowdStrike Farce is at the very base of all the illegal activity the Intelligence Community directed at Trump during the Obama Administration. That is why they went apes-hit over this call.

No matter what happens between now and the Senate Trial, all this gets cleared up at the Senate Trial, which is why I'm not sure the House ever votes out articles of impeachment, because once they do, the Senate takes control and all their horses-hit is promptly exposed.
It won't cost Pelosi shit. Most Yanks hate Trump. You could run Coco the Clown next year and he'd whip the Orange Buffoon's arse.

Unfortunately, none of your current candidates have popularity of a clown.

They all suck.

Trump is headed to term #2.

Could happen. I'd be very surprised if it did. And if it did, the decline of the US would become more rapid.
Trump's doing a fabulous job, that's why worker's real income has risen 4 times as far under Trump in less than 3 years as they did under Obama in 8.

And this is why most neocon whackadoodles have no credibility. You post a cute widdle map with lovely colours. Great. Now take out all the red bits where there are no people living and suddenly it looks a lot different. Even more so, those really dark blue bits have literally millions of more people in them than the dark red bits.

Trump's doing a fabulous job, that's why worker's real income has risen 4 times as far under Trump in less than 3 years as they did under Obama in 8.

Bullshit bullshit and more bullshit

US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?

Sure a couple of these charts show unemployment getting better, Dow Jones going well etc. But remember this: Obama inherited an absolute cluster fuck from Bush. And all those trends that are happening under Trump were WELL underway under Obama. Obama did a sterling job (with help from a Repub Congress and Senate it must be said).

And this is why most neocon whackadoodles have no credibility. You post a cute widdle map with lovely colours. Great. Now take out all the red bits where there are no people living and suddenly it looks a lot different. Even more so, those really dark blue bits have literally millions of more people in them than the dark red bits.


Yes, nuts tend to be attracted to each other and live in large cities. We all know that.
Trump's doing a fabulous job, that's why worker's real income has risen 4 times as far under Trump in less than 3 years as they did under Obama in 8.
...Sure a couple of these charts show unemployment getting better, Dow Jones going well etc...
Do you mean to be so dismissive of strong employment rising wages and plummeting Food Stamp rolls?
... And all those trends that are happening under Trump were WELL underway under Obama...
Are you sure?

Here's Obama's final two year trend:


And here's Trump's first two years.


That's a REVERSAL of trend, not a continuation of trend.

... Obama did a sterling job (with help from a Repub Congress and Senate it must be said).
Obama and Bush were the two worst back to back presidents since the Civil War.


Michelle with Dumb and Dumber
Last edited:

And this is why most neocon whackadoodles have no credibility. You post a cute widdle map with lovely colours. Great. Now take out all the red bits where there are no people living and suddenly it looks a lot different. Even more so, those really dark blue bits have literally millions of more people in them than the dark red bits.


Yes, nuts tend to be attracted to each other and live in large cities. We all know that.

I know. All those rural folk are the ones that hold the country together. They are the salt of the Earth. They are the ones that everyone else aspires to be. They are the ones whose feet we should be kissing. Without them the world would stop. I know, I know, I know...:bow3::bow3::bow3:
Save us the rural vs urban bullshit.

We're all Americans
Obama and Bush were the two worst back to back presidents since the Civil War.

Michelle with Dumb and Dumber

Trump is easily the worst president the US has ever had under all indicators. Easily. I honestly thought I would never see anybody worse than Bush jnr. Wouldn't have dreamed of it in a million years. Oh, and just for you.

Even Obama's predictions under Trump were pretty accurate. Why would that be? Because he put things in place to make it happen before the Orange Buffoon walked in the door.

Obama and Bush were the two worst back to back presidents since the Civil War.

Michelle with Dumb and Dumber

Trump is easily the worst president the US has ever had under all indicators. Easily. I honestly thought I would never see anybody worse than Bush jnr. Wouldn't have dreamed of it in a million years. Oh, and just for you.
Trump's had 9 full quarters of GDP growth and averaged 2.7%
Obama's final 9 full quarters only averaged 2.0%, so Trump's growth is about a 1/3rd better.
Even Obama's predictions under Trump were pretty accurate. Why would that be? Because he put things in place to make it happen before the Orange Buffoon walked in the door.

They predicted a 4% decline from 2017 to 2018 when Trump produced a 24% increase. That's not "pretty accurate" that's a complete miss of both amount and trend.

2018 unemployment was 3.9%


Obama predicted unemployment would stay flat at 4.7% when it decline by 17% to 3.9%. That's not "pretty accurate" that also completely misses amount and trend.

There are 5,750,000 more employed today than when Obama left office. That's lives changed and hope renewed!
Whether they know it or not the actions of The Democrat Party have locked them out of The White House for at least four more years, possibly twelve. By then Nutty Old Uncle Bernie will have passed his "use by" date; Hillary will have taken her last great tumble and their crowd of juveniles will be so squabbling over a nomination that they'll off each other.

All Roads Lead To Obama's Intelligence Community Illegally Spying on the Trump Campaign: The Russia collusion morass threatens to spoil the Democrats’ impeachment drama.

Watergate comparisons are in the air but a big difference is overlooked. Only a few days elapsed between news breaking of anonymous whistleblower allegations against Donald Trump (the actual report hadn’t even been seen yet) and Nancy Pelosi’s opening of an impeachment inquiry.

Their rush to judgment is getting ready to blow up in their faces.

Numerous press accounts claimed falsely, even with the evidence in hand, that Mr. Trump had asked for a “favor” from Ukraine’s president in the form of “dirt” on Joe Biden. The plain words of the available transcript show the “favor” he sought was cooperation with the Justice Department’s perfectly proper investigation of the 2016 election.

Now come reports in the Journal, the New York Times and the Washington Post that, at the behest of Attorney General William Barr, the administration has reached out in similar fashion to other governments, including Italy’s, Britain’s and Australia’s.

House Democrats, of course, are free to impeach over any charge that can win 218 votes, including a claim Mr. Trump sought foreign interference in the 2020 election. But they didn’t bargain on the Russia-collusion fiasco forcing its way into the drama they are trying to create. Even a daily email blast from the Trump-unfriendly Columbia Journalism Review acknowledges that the “Trump-Ukraine story, it’s safe to say, is now about much more than Trump and Ukraine.” . . .

But more important is the new outpouring of reporting that sets these questions in the broader context of a legitimate inquiry into the actions of U.S. intelligence agencies in the last presidential election. The implications are not small. Democrats may have to reconsider their selection of Adam Schiff as impeachment frontman because of his role in promoting the Russia-collusion canard. Questions will have to be asked about the motives of the whistleblower—a CIA official who dropped his highly polished bomb on the eve of a Justice Department inspector general’s report that will begin opening the lid on FBI and CIA actions during the 2016 campaign.

At least by the public, questions should also be asked about the mainstream media’s conspicuous reluctance to look into Democratic and Obama administration behavior in the Russia-collusion matter. Why, it’s almost like the press doesn’t want the subject investigated, for fear of what might be learned about the press.

Flashback, March 2017: “Hypothesis: The spying-on-Trump thing is worse than we even imagine, and once it was clear Hillary had lost and it would inevitably come out, the Trump/Russia collusion talking point was created as a distraction.”
There's an old saying..."If you are going to take a shot at the king, you better kill him"!

The house can impeach with a simple majority...but the senate needs a two-thirds majority to remove a president from office...and we all know that ain't gonna happen!

That's why I say there will be no vote to impeach...the democrats just want a public spectacle. Regardless of what the fake news tells you...THEY ARE NO CLOSER TO VOTING FOR IMPEACHMENT THAN THEY WERE A YEAR AGO!!!
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

Maybe. Maybe not.

One thing I can tell you for sure. He wont be in that office forever, and when the protection goes away, things are going to change in a very big way. Imagine multiple state attorney generals that are just waiting for that day. Now imagine multiple federal prosecutors that are just waiting for that day. Now imagine the entire US intelligence community waiting for that day.

I'm sure you'll be just fine.

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