Donald J. Trump will not be removed by the Senate

As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees. Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020.

Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious. A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. Clear evidence that Trump is willing to sell United States national security in order to remain as President for another four years. That is indeed treason.

So the only question is how many Republicans in the Senate want to go down with Trump's sinking ship? How many Republicans in the Senate want to defend Trump's actions selling U.S. national security interest for his own personal gain? While its an uphill battle to get 20 Republican Senators to convict Trump, its far from impossible. Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
You can post lies, but don't expect anyone to believe them.
1. Trump has the lowest approval rating in history?? Lie#1, please see chart below, Trump is has a higher approval than Obama at this poin
View attachment 282384

2. Joe Biden is all but gone. His extortion of the Ukraine, Hunter's $50,000 a month, plus the China $1.5b puts Joe on ice. 0 - 3.

3. Even if the democrats impeach Trump the senate would acquit by a straight party vote 53-47, then Trump wins in a landslide. Senators know the impeachment is partisan bullshit, no crime was committed, unlike Bill Clinton's perjury and obstruction.

He has the lowest AVERAGE approval Rating in history based on the GALLUP poll which has been doing Presidential approval polls all the way back to 1940:

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

Joe BIDEN and his son did not do anything wrong. A Ukrainian Prosecutor was removed who was not doing his job. He was not prosecuting ANYONE. If BIDEN and his son were guilty of something, it would have been in their interest NOT to fire the Prosecutor because the prosecutor was not prosecuting ANYONE!

I agree Democrats will have an uphill battle in the Senate, but this will not be a straight party vote in the Senate. There will be some Republican Senators that will agree with the evidence. The question will be if they can get 20 Senators or not. Its and uphill challenge, but not impossible. Trump is not immune from being removed from office just because Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

You are going to need more than the Ukraine phone call to get the Senate to Convict and Remove.

I have stated at this time in many of my comments about this impeachment inquiry and believe me I know about the investigation that is going on about Trump using his motel's for possible kickbacks and if proven that could up the chances to convict.

I also have read about the phone Conversations between Australia and England but nothing there to truly say " need to convict "...

We must remember Trump was never supposed to win according to every poll ( except Rasmussen ) so polls this early tell me not to even bother unless I am going to read what the swing and independent voter feel at the moment.

I am just going to say if he is not impeached, convicted and removed then expect him, his spin doctors and supporters fight for him to win.

Biden is done and not because of the Ukraine nonsense but he is mentally showing his age.

Warren is the Democrats choice for 2020...

She will lose in my opinion no matter what poll you show now and yes she is weaker than Hillary Clinton...

Wish the left would just have Gavin Newsom run...

Actually, I think the phone call will be more than enough. But don't worry, the Whistleblower will testify soon and will have more to bring to the table. The inspector General of the State Department is testifying before 8 different Senate and House committees today with urgent information on Ukraine. Various other State Department employees will be testifying in the coming weeks. Mike Pompeo and others could be guilty of obstruction of justice. Anyone that blocks the investigation or refuses to submit documents or appear before congress will be guilty of obstruction justice as well.

What is also terribly disgusting is the Donald Trump suggested that the Whistleblower was spy and should be executed. That's not going to sit well with any Republican Senator.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees...
Gallup has him exactly where Obama was at this point in his presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center
... Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020...
Quid Pro Quo Joe he's your man, if he can't beat him no one can!
...Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious...
No evidence of any crimes or even wrong doing.
... A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. ..
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden, he only promises lawful proper cooperation as per our Treaty with Ukraine signed into law by President Clinton.
... That is indeed treason...
Treason is the ONLY law defined in the US Constitution. Our Framers defined so that clowns couldn't criminalize policy disagreements. Looks like they had you folks in mind.
... Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
If you have irrefutable courtroom quality evidence of High Crimes, the Senate will remove him, if not, they won't, and the nation will severely punish you for putting the us all through this based on your refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Oh my, your in for a big surprise about just how much trouble the Orange Man is in this time. The phone call and the Whistleblower make it clear that Trump has abused his power as President for personal political gain. He was willing to damage U.S. national security for personal political gain.

There will definitely be some Republicans who vote to remove Trump in the Senate. The only question is, will there be enough, 20 Republicans for a total of 67 Senators to remove him. They may not get to the 2/3s margin, but they will definitely get above 50% in the Senate.

A near majority of the public supports impeaching and removing Trump from Office. The latest CNN poll shows its 47% for removal, 45% against removal. This poll has been done 7 times and this is the first time that the number for removal has been greater than the number against removal.

OMG 47% from a CNN poll!

My gawd that is it and Pelosi will Impeach and McConnell will convict because CNN says it is so!

Jesus fucking Christ!

Near majority is all you have and when he is not convicted and removed please do me a favor take your polls and break them down further and go bitch at the independent voters that did not sway those GOP Senators to do as you wish!
With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees. Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020.

Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious. A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. Clear evidence that Trump is willing to sell United States national security in order to remain as President for another four years. That is indeed treason.

So the only question is how many Republicans in the Senate want to go down with Trump's sinking ship? How many Republicans in the Senate want to defend Trump's actions selling U.S. national security interest for his own personal gain? While its an uphill battle to get 20 Republican Senators to convict Trump, its far from impossible. Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.

If any of the Democrats are elected, I will lose faith in this country entirely. Trump's record is a good one, despite how the mainstream media likes to spin it. If the majority of those who vote can't see through the spin, then they aren't nearly as smart as I have given them credit for..

Biden is crooked. Any of us can see that. His son didn't just happen to land the 50k/mth job the Ukraine at the same time his dad was negotiating with them. He also got an absurd amount of money from China. Hunter wasn't qualified for either of these positions, yet just happened to land them. Has he had any such lucrative deals since Biden left office? Biden aside, the rest of the candidates are Socialists. Crazy to think our country has been dumbed down enough to believe that is a good idea. I read some of the post on this board and it send shivers down my spine. Just how gulluble can people be? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.. Ignorance and promises of grandeur woo the masses into voting their freedoms away. Envy is at the root of it all, but most Democrats are emotionally like 16 year olds and know "everything". Us Conservatives are the old fart paren'ts who don't know anyhing because we were never 16 before. You can't tell them anything and unfortuntely we can't take the car keys away.

Trump did not threaten to withold anything from Ukraine and most certainly didn't threaten to do so if Biden wasn't investigated. The "do me a favor" line was taken WAY out of context. That was clearly in reference to investigating the origins of the Russian hoax, which he has every right to push.

The Senate will not convict Trump. Politics aside, there is not even close to enough evidence to do so. The only reason the House may impeach him is purely political in nature. Just imagine if this becomes the norm. If the party that controls the house dislikes the President, they can impeach him/her for anything. It doesn't have to reach any standard, just impeach. God forbid if the opposing party controls the Senate as well. The Democrats have allowed the far-left to take total control of their party. I disagreed with their basic platform before, but now, the left has totally lost their minds.

The sell of Javelin Anti-Tank missiles to Ukraine was BLOCKED by Donald Trump on July 18, 2019. Donald Trump had also stated prior to the call that he would only talk to the President of Ukraine if the President of Ukraine was willing to "Play Ball On Biden". The phone call happened on July 25, 2019 and after the Ukrainian President asks about the anti-tank missiles is when Trump mentions that he needs the Ukrainian President to do him a favor. Trump admits the favor was about Joe Biden and his son. The President NEVER discussed Ukraine's situation with Russia in the call and only wanted to know about BIDEN. He was willing to use the supply of anti-tank missiles, important to US National Security, as a bargaining chip to help him against a domestic political opponent. The PRESIDENT CAN'T DO THAT! That is what drew the alarm of Whistleblower and why Trump is going to be impeached. The President is not the only one that is in trouble. Several other people including Mike Pompeo could be guilty of obstruction of justice.

Trump was losing in the polls in 2016 and if you review polls from Presidents of the past you will see that polls this far out of next year election are worthless...

Also let note Pelosi is having her Freshman from the House go home and do polling on Swing and Independent voters on how those in Purple and Red districts view this impeachment inquiry and if it shows that Swing and Independent voters are divided or show they are against it you better bet Pelosi will slow the impeachment train down or hault it.

Now I know the left will scream that the independent and swing voter matter not but alas they do and could hurt your Democratic Candidate in 2020.

So as you keep on spewing polls in October of 2019 the fact is much can change by November 2020...

Remember if you went by polls Hillary is President...

I know you love to hang your hat on what happened in November 2016, but I got news for you. Polling has a much longer history than what just happened in November 2016. Best you understand that fact now before November 3, 2020. You'll be able to handle Trump's loss or removal from office before then much better if you do.

Now I am going to say Fuck you and Fuck off!

It is you that need to realize individuals like you have been wrong many times before and saying I need to learn so I can handle this is telling me you do not know shit about me!

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me I support Trump you worthless piece of trash?

I voted for Gary Johnson and not Trump or his best friend Hillary!

So go troll someone else you worthless piece of shit!

Well, you at least talk like Trump.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees. Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020.

Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious. A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. Clear evidence that Trump is willing to sell United States national security in order to remain as President for another four years. That is indeed treason.

So the only question is how many Republicans in the Senate want to go down with Trump's sinking ship? How many Republicans in the Senate want to defend Trump's actions selling U.S. national security interest for his own personal gain? While its an uphill battle to get 20 Republican Senators to convict Trump, its far from impossible. Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
You can post lies, but don't expect anyone to believe them.
1. Trump has the lowest approval rating in history?? Lie#1, please see chart below, Trump is has a higher approval than Obama at this poin
View attachment 282384

2. Joe Biden is all but gone. His extortion of the Ukraine, Hunter's $50,000 a month, plus the China $1.5b puts Joe on ice. 0 - 3.

3. Even if the democrats impeach Trump the senate would acquit by a straight party vote 53-47, then Trump wins in a landslide. Senators know the impeachment is partisan bullshit, no crime was committed, unlike Bill Clinton's perjury and obstruction.

He has the lowest AVERAGE approval Rating in history based on the GALLUP poll which has been doing Presidential approval polls all the way back to 1940:

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

Joe BIDEN and his son did not do anything wrong. A Ukrainian Prosecutor was removed who was not doing his job. He was not prosecuting ANYONE. If BIDEN and his son were guilty of something, it would have been in their interest NOT to fire the Prosecutor because the prosecutor was not prosecuting ANYONE!

I agree Democrats will have an uphill battle in the Senate, but this will not be a straight party vote in the Senate. There will be some Republican Senators that will agree with the evidence. The question will be if they can get 20 Senators or not. Its and uphill challenge, but not impossible. Trump is not immune from being removed from office just because Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

You are going to need more than the Ukraine phone call to get the Senate to Convict and Remove.

I have stated at this time in many of my comments about this impeachment inquiry and believe me I know about the investigation that is going on about Trump using his motel's for possible kickbacks and if proven that could up the chances to convict.

I also have read about the phone Conversations between Australia and England but nothing there to truly say " need to convict "...

We must remember Trump was never supposed to win according to every poll ( except Rasmussen ) so polls this early tell me not to even bother unless I am going to read what the swing and independent voter feel at the moment.

I am just going to say if he is not impeached, convicted and removed then expect him, his spin doctors and supporters fight for him to win.

Biden is done and not because of the Ukraine nonsense but he is mentally showing his age.

Warren is the Democrats choice for 2020...

She will lose in my opinion no matter what poll you show now and yes she is weaker than Hillary Clinton...

Wish the left would just have Gavin Newsom run...

Actually, I think the phone call will be more than enough. But don't worry, the Whistleblower will testify soon and will have more to bring to the table. The inspector General of the State Department is testifying before 8 different Senate and House committees today with urgent information on Ukraine. Various other State Department employees will be testifying in the coming weeks. Mike Pompeo and others could be guilty of obstruction of justice. Anyone that blocks the investigation or refuses to submit documents or appear before congress will be guilty of obstruction justice as well.

What is also terribly disgusting is the Donald Trump suggested that the Whistleblower was spy and should be executed. That's not going to sit well with any Republican Senator.

Now do me a favor and look up my comment about what Trump said about the whistleblower and realize Trump should have never said it!

Still not enough to convict if it is the phone call... You will need the bribery to help to get rid of Trump...


Enjoy asshole Pence!
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees...
Gallup has him exactly where Obama was at this point in his presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center
... Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020...
Quid Pro Quo Joe he's your man, if he can't beat him no one can!
...Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious...
No evidence of any crimes or even wrong doing.
... A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. ..
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden, he only promises lawful proper cooperation as per our Treaty with Ukraine signed into law by President Clinton.
... That is indeed treason...
Treason is the ONLY law defined in the US Constitution. Our Framers defined so that clowns couldn't criminalize policy disagreements. Looks like they had you folks in mind.
... Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
If you have irrefutable courtroom quality evidence of High Crimes, the Senate will remove him, if not, they won't, and the nation will severely punish you for putting the us all through this based on your refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Oh my, your in for a big surprise about just how much trouble the Orange Man is in this time. The phone call and the Whistleblower make it clear that Trump has abused his power as President for personal political gain. He was willing to damage U.S. national security for personal political gain.

There will definitely be some Republicans who vote to remove Trump in the Senate. The only question is, will there be enough, 20 Republicans for a total of 67 Senators to remove him. They may not get to the 2/3s margin, but they will definitely get above 50% in the Senate.

A near majority of the public supports impeaching and removing Trump from Office. The latest CNN poll shows its 47% for removal, 45% against removal. This poll has been done 7 times and this is the first time that the number for removal has been greater than the number against removal.

OMG 47% from a CNN poll!

My gawd that is it and Pelosi will Impeach and McConnell will convict because CNN says it is so!

Jesus fucking Christ!

Near majority is all you have and when he is not convicted and removed please do me a favor take your polls and break them down further and go bitch at the independent voters that did not sway those GOP Senators to do as you wish!

It was only 41% in May. It takes time for a strong majority of the public to get behind impeachment and removal. Initially only 19% of the country wanted Nixon removed. Give it time. You'll see higher numbers in the coming weeks.
With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees. Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020.

Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious. A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. Clear evidence that Trump is willing to sell United States national security in order to remain as President for another four years. That is indeed treason.

So the only question is how many Republicans in the Senate want to go down with Trump's sinking ship? How many Republicans in the Senate want to defend Trump's actions selling U.S. national security interest for his own personal gain? While its an uphill battle to get 20 Republican Senators to convict Trump, its far from impossible. Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
You can post lies, but don't expect anyone to believe them.
1. Trump has the lowest approval rating in history?? Lie#1, please see chart below, Trump is has a higher approval than Obama at this poin
View attachment 282384

2. Joe Biden is all but gone. His extortion of the Ukraine, Hunter's $50,000 a month, plus the China $1.5b puts Joe on ice. 0 - 3.

3. Even if the democrats impeach Trump the senate would acquit by a straight party vote 53-47, then Trump wins in a landslide. Senators know the impeachment is partisan bullshit, no crime was committed, unlike Bill Clinton's perjury and obstruction.

He has the lowest AVERAGE approval Rating in history based on the GALLUP poll which has been doing Presidential approval polls all the way back to 1940:

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

Joe BIDEN and his son did not do anything wrong. A Ukrainian Prosecutor was removed who was not doing his job. He was not prosecuting ANYONE. If BIDEN and his son were guilty of something, it would have been in their interest NOT to fire the Prosecutor because the prosecutor was not prosecuting ANYONE!

I agree Democrats will have an uphill battle in the Senate, but this will not be a straight party vote in the Senate. There will be some Republican Senators that will agree with the evidence. The question will be if they can get 20 Senators or not. Its and uphill challenge, but not impossible. Trump is not immune from being removed from office just because Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

You are going to need more than the Ukraine phone call to get the Senate to Convict and Remove.

I have stated at this time in many of my comments about this impeachment inquiry and believe me I know about the investigation that is going on about Trump using his motel's for possible kickbacks and if proven that could up the chances to convict.

I also have read about the phone Conversations between Australia and England but nothing there to truly say " need to convict "...

We must remember Trump was never supposed to win according to every poll ( except Rasmussen ) so polls this early tell me not to even bother unless I am going to read what the swing and independent voter feel at the moment.

I am just going to say if he is not impeached, convicted and removed then expect him, his spin doctors and supporters fight for him to win.

Biden is done and not because of the Ukraine nonsense but he is mentally showing his age.

Warren is the Democrats choice for 2020...

She will lose in my opinion no matter what poll you show now and yes she is weaker than Hillary Clinton...

Wish the left would just have Gavin Newsom run...

Actually, I think the phone call will be more than enough. But don't worry, the Whistleblower will testify soon and will have more to bring to the table. The inspector General of the State Department is testifying before 8 different Senate and House committees today with urgent information on Ukraine. Various other State Department employees will be testifying in the coming weeks. Mike Pompeo and others could be guilty of obstruction of justice. Anyone that blocks the investigation or refuses to submit documents or appear before congress will be guilty of obstruction justice as well.

What is also terribly disgusting is the Donald Trump suggested that the Whistleblower was spy and should be executed. That's not going to sit well with any Republican Senator.

Now do me a favor and look up my comment about what Trump said about the whistleblower and realize Trump should have never said it!

Still not enough to convict if it is the phone call... You will need the bribery to help to get rid of Trump...


Enjoy asshole Pence!

Pence won't be on the Job for long. If Trump was smart he would resign now and become a private citizen. Then when he faces his legal issues as a private citizen, he can have President Pence pardon him before he leaves office on January 20, 2021.
If any of the Democrats are elected, I will lose faith in this country entirely. Trump's record is a good one, despite how the mainstream media likes to spin it. If the majority of those who vote can't see through the spin, then they aren't nearly as smart as I have given them credit for..

Biden is crooked. Any of us can see that. His son didn't just happen to land the 50k/mth job the Ukraine at the same time his dad was negotiating with them. He also got an absurd amount of money from China. Hunter wasn't qualified for either of these positions, yet just happened to land them. Has he had any such lucrative deals since Biden left office? Biden aside, the rest of the candidates are Socialists. Crazy to think our country has been dumbed down enough to believe that is a good idea. I read some of the post on this board and it send shivers down my spine. Just how gulluble can people be? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.. Ignorance and promises of grandeur woo the masses into voting their freedoms away. Envy is at the root of it all, but most Democrats are emotionally like 16 year olds and know "everything". Us Conservatives are the old fart paren'ts who don't know anyhing because we were never 16 before. You can't tell them anything and unfortuntely we can't take the car keys away.

Trump did not threaten to withold anything from Ukraine and most certainly didn't threaten to do so if Biden wasn't investigated. The "do me a favor" line was taken WAY out of context. That was clearly in reference to investigating the origins of the Russian hoax, which he has every right to push.

The Senate will not convict Trump. Politics aside, there is not even close to enough evidence to do so. The only reason the House may impeach him is purely political in nature. Just imagine if this becomes the norm. If the party that controls the house dislikes the President, they can impeach him/her for anything. It doesn't have to reach any standard, just impeach. God forbid if the opposing party controls the Senate as well. The Democrats have allowed the far-left to take total control of their party. I disagreed with their basic platform before, but now, the left has totally lost their minds.

The sell of Javelin Anti-Tank missiles to Ukraine was BLOCKED by Donald Trump on July 18, 2019. Donald Trump had also stated prior to the call that he would only talk to the President of Ukraine if the President of Ukraine was willing to "Play Ball On Biden". The phone call happened on July 25, 2019 and after the Ukrainian President asks about the anti-tank missiles is when Trump mentions that he needs the Ukrainian President to do him a favor. Trump admits the favor was about Joe Biden and his son. The President NEVER discussed Ukraine's situation with Russia in the call and only wanted to know about BIDEN. He was willing to use the supply of anti-tank missiles, important to US National Security, as a bargaining chip to help him against a domestic political opponent. The PRESIDENT CAN'T DO THAT! That is what drew the alarm of Whistleblower and why Trump is going to be impeached. The President is not the only one that is in trouble. Several other people including Mike Pompeo could be guilty of obstruction of justice.

Trump was losing in the polls in 2016 and if you review polls from Presidents of the past you will see that polls this far out of next year election are worthless...

Also let note Pelosi is having her Freshman from the House go home and do polling on Swing and Independent voters on how those in Purple and Red districts view this impeachment inquiry and if it shows that Swing and Independent voters are divided or show they are against it you better bet Pelosi will slow the impeachment train down or hault it.

Now I know the left will scream that the independent and swing voter matter not but alas they do and could hurt your Democratic Candidate in 2020.

So as you keep on spewing polls in October of 2019 the fact is much can change by November 2020...

Remember if you went by polls Hillary is President...

I know you love to hang your hat on what happened in November 2016, but I got news for you. Polling has a much longer history than what just happened in November 2016. Best you understand that fact now before November 3, 2020. You'll be able to handle Trump's loss or removal from office before then much better if you do.

Now I am going to say Fuck you and Fuck off!

It is you that need to realize individuals like you have been wrong many times before and saying I need to learn so I can handle this is telling me you do not know shit about me!

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me I support Trump you worthless piece of trash?

I voted for Gary Johnson and not Trump or his best friend Hillary!

So go troll someone else you worthless piece of shit!

Well, you at least talk like Trump.

Seriously fuck off troll!

You have more in common with that wife beating piece of trash than me.

You spin whatever the news tell you to believe and as I wrote I have been reading and listening or how the fuck would I have known what Pelosi is doing with her Freshman House members?

I listen to C-Span and POTUS while driving to gauge the left and know what they are thinking...
You can post lies, but don't expect anyone to believe them.
1. Trump has the lowest approval rating in history?? Lie#1, please see chart below, Trump is has a higher approval than Obama at this poin
View attachment 282384

2. Joe Biden is all but gone. His extortion of the Ukraine, Hunter's $50,000 a month, plus the China $1.5b puts Joe on ice. 0 - 3.

3. Even if the democrats impeach Trump the senate would acquit by a straight party vote 53-47, then Trump wins in a landslide. Senators know the impeachment is partisan bullshit, no crime was committed, unlike Bill Clinton's perjury and obstruction.

He has the lowest AVERAGE approval Rating in history based on the GALLUP poll which has been doing Presidential approval polls all the way back to 1940:

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

Joe BIDEN and his son did not do anything wrong. A Ukrainian Prosecutor was removed who was not doing his job. He was not prosecuting ANYONE. If BIDEN and his son were guilty of something, it would have been in their interest NOT to fire the Prosecutor because the prosecutor was not prosecuting ANYONE!

I agree Democrats will have an uphill battle in the Senate, but this will not be a straight party vote in the Senate. There will be some Republican Senators that will agree with the evidence. The question will be if they can get 20 Senators or not. Its and uphill challenge, but not impossible. Trump is not immune from being removed from office just because Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

You are going to need more than the Ukraine phone call to get the Senate to Convict and Remove.

I have stated at this time in many of my comments about this impeachment inquiry and believe me I know about the investigation that is going on about Trump using his motel's for possible kickbacks and if proven that could up the chances to convict.

I also have read about the phone Conversations between Australia and England but nothing there to truly say " need to convict "...

We must remember Trump was never supposed to win according to every poll ( except Rasmussen ) so polls this early tell me not to even bother unless I am going to read what the swing and independent voter feel at the moment.

I am just going to say if he is not impeached, convicted and removed then expect him, his spin doctors and supporters fight for him to win.

Biden is done and not because of the Ukraine nonsense but he is mentally showing his age.

Warren is the Democrats choice for 2020...

She will lose in my opinion no matter what poll you show now and yes she is weaker than Hillary Clinton...

Wish the left would just have Gavin Newsom run...

Actually, I think the phone call will be more than enough. But don't worry, the Whistleblower will testify soon and will have more to bring to the table. The inspector General of the State Department is testifying before 8 different Senate and House committees today with urgent information on Ukraine. Various other State Department employees will be testifying in the coming weeks. Mike Pompeo and others could be guilty of obstruction of justice. Anyone that blocks the investigation or refuses to submit documents or appear before congress will be guilty of obstruction justice as well.

What is also terribly disgusting is the Donald Trump suggested that the Whistleblower was spy and should be executed. That's not going to sit well with any Republican Senator.

Now do me a favor and look up my comment about what Trump said about the whistleblower and realize Trump should have never said it!

Still not enough to convict if it is the phone call... You will need the bribery to help to get rid of Trump...


Enjoy asshole Pence!

Pence won't be on the Job for long. If Trump was smart he would resign now and become a private citizen. Then when he faces his legal issues as a private citizen, he can have President Pence pardon him before he leaves office on January 20, 2021.

Again you better wait to see what the independent and swing voter say in red and purple districts because Pelosi is a hell of a lot smarter than you...
The sell of Javelin Anti-Tank missiles to Ukraine was BLOCKED by Donald Trump on July 18, 2019. Donald Trump had also stated prior to the call that he would only talk to the President of Ukraine if the President of Ukraine was willing to "Play Ball On Biden". The phone call happened on July 25, 2019 and after the Ukrainian President asks about the anti-tank missiles is when Trump mentions that he needs the Ukrainian President to do him a favor. Trump admits the favor was about Joe Biden and his son. The President NEVER discussed Ukraine's situation with Russia in the call and only wanted to know about BIDEN. He was willing to use the supply of anti-tank missiles, important to US National Security, as a bargaining chip to help him against a domestic political opponent. The PRESIDENT CAN'T DO THAT! That is what drew the alarm of Whistleblower and why Trump is going to be impeached. The President is not the only one that is in trouble. Several other people including Mike Pompeo could be guilty of obstruction of justice.

Trump was losing in the polls in 2016 and if you review polls from Presidents of the past you will see that polls this far out of next year election are worthless...

Also let note Pelosi is having her Freshman from the House go home and do polling on Swing and Independent voters on how those in Purple and Red districts view this impeachment inquiry and if it shows that Swing and Independent voters are divided or show they are against it you better bet Pelosi will slow the impeachment train down or hault it.

Now I know the left will scream that the independent and swing voter matter not but alas they do and could hurt your Democratic Candidate in 2020.

So as you keep on spewing polls in October of 2019 the fact is much can change by November 2020...

Remember if you went by polls Hillary is President...

I know you love to hang your hat on what happened in November 2016, but I got news for you. Polling has a much longer history than what just happened in November 2016. Best you understand that fact now before November 3, 2020. You'll be able to handle Trump's loss or removal from office before then much better if you do.

Now I am going to say Fuck you and Fuck off!

It is you that need to realize individuals like you have been wrong many times before and saying I need to learn so I can handle this is telling me you do not know shit about me!

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me I support Trump you worthless piece of trash?

I voted for Gary Johnson and not Trump or his best friend Hillary!

So go troll someone else you worthless piece of shit!

Well, you at least talk like Trump.

Seriously fuck off troll!

You have more in common with that wife beating piece of trash than me.

You spin whatever the news tell you to believe and as I wrote I have been reading and listening or how the fuck would I have known what Pelosi is doing with her Freshman House members?

I listen to C-Span and POTUS while driving to gauge the left and know what they are thinking...

Wow, you really sound like Donald Trump.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...

With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees...
Gallup has him exactly where Obama was at this point in his presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center
... Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020...
Quid Pro Quo Joe he's your man, if he can't beat him no one can!
...Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious...
No evidence of any crimes or even wrong doing.
... A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. ..
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden, he only promises lawful proper cooperation as per our Treaty with Ukraine signed into law by President Clinton.
... That is indeed treason...
Treason is the ONLY law defined in the US Constitution. Our Framers defined so that clowns couldn't criminalize policy disagreements. Looks like they had you folks in mind.
... Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
If you have irrefutable courtroom quality evidence of High Crimes, the Senate will remove him, if not, they won't, and the nation will severely punish you for putting the us all through this based on your refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Oh my, your in for a big surprise about just how much trouble the Orange Man is in this time. The phone call and the Whistleblower make it clear that Trump has abused his power as President for personal political gain. He was willing to damage U.S. national security for personal political gain.

There will definitely be some Republicans who vote to remove Trump in the Senate. The only question is, will there be enough, 20 Republicans for a total of 67 Senators to remove him. They may not get to the 2/3s margin, but they will definitely get above 50% in the Senate.

A near majority of the public supports impeaching and removing Trump from Office. The latest CNN poll shows its 47% for removal, 45% against removal. This poll has been done 7 times and this is the first time that the number for removal has been greater than the number against removal.

OMG 47% from a CNN poll!

My gawd that is it and Pelosi will Impeach and McConnell will convict because CNN says it is so!

Jesus fucking Christ!

Near majority is all you have and when he is not convicted and removed please do me a favor take your polls and break them down further and go bitch at the independent voters that did not sway those GOP Senators to do as you wish!

It was only 41% in May. It takes time for a strong majority of the public to get behind impeachment and removal. Initially only 19% of the country wanted Nixon removed. Give it time. You'll see higher numbers in the coming weeks.

And if not?

If you stay at fifty split with independents or the swing against impeachment you will see Pelosi slow the train.

She smarter than the average voter.

I disagree with her political stances but I respect her enough to know she will do what she see fit to retain the House...
He has the lowest AVERAGE approval Rating in history based on the GALLUP poll which has been doing Presidential approval polls all the way back to 1940:

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

Joe BIDEN and his son did not do anything wrong. A Ukrainian Prosecutor was removed who was not doing his job. He was not prosecuting ANYONE. If BIDEN and his son were guilty of something, it would have been in their interest NOT to fire the Prosecutor because the prosecutor was not prosecuting ANYONE!

I agree Democrats will have an uphill battle in the Senate, but this will not be a straight party vote in the Senate. There will be some Republican Senators that will agree with the evidence. The question will be if they can get 20 Senators or not. Its and uphill challenge, but not impossible. Trump is not immune from being removed from office just because Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

You are going to need more than the Ukraine phone call to get the Senate to Convict and Remove.

I have stated at this time in many of my comments about this impeachment inquiry and believe me I know about the investigation that is going on about Trump using his motel's for possible kickbacks and if proven that could up the chances to convict.

I also have read about the phone Conversations between Australia and England but nothing there to truly say " need to convict "...

We must remember Trump was never supposed to win according to every poll ( except Rasmussen ) so polls this early tell me not to even bother unless I am going to read what the swing and independent voter feel at the moment.

I am just going to say if he is not impeached, convicted and removed then expect him, his spin doctors and supporters fight for him to win.

Biden is done and not because of the Ukraine nonsense but he is mentally showing his age.

Warren is the Democrats choice for 2020...

She will lose in my opinion no matter what poll you show now and yes she is weaker than Hillary Clinton...

Wish the left would just have Gavin Newsom run...

Actually, I think the phone call will be more than enough. But don't worry, the Whistleblower will testify soon and will have more to bring to the table. The inspector General of the State Department is testifying before 8 different Senate and House committees today with urgent information on Ukraine. Various other State Department employees will be testifying in the coming weeks. Mike Pompeo and others could be guilty of obstruction of justice. Anyone that blocks the investigation or refuses to submit documents or appear before congress will be guilty of obstruction justice as well.

What is also terribly disgusting is the Donald Trump suggested that the Whistleblower was spy and should be executed. That's not going to sit well with any Republican Senator.

Now do me a favor and look up my comment about what Trump said about the whistleblower and realize Trump should have never said it!

Still not enough to convict if it is the phone call... You will need the bribery to help to get rid of Trump...


Enjoy asshole Pence!

Pence won't be on the Job for long. If Trump was smart he would resign now and become a private citizen. Then when he faces his legal issues as a private citizen, he can have President Pence pardon him before he leaves office on January 20, 2021.

Again you better wait to see what the independent and swing voter say in red and purple districts because Pelosi is a hell of a lot smarter than you...

Its over for Trump in the House. The only question is the Senate. A few Republicans Senators will turn on the President, enough for a majority. The Question is will it be enough for 2/3s, or 67 votes to convict. I'm definitely not certain about that. But its far from impossible.
What is worse as those pushing so hard for impeachment on what some see as weak grounds don’t seem to get this same precedent will be used against the next Democrat President by a Republican controlled House. What is going on here will not end when Trump leaves office you will have both parties now trying to use impeachment as a way to change an election that didn’t go there way.

You are correct that this will open the door for the GOP to act like the Democrats and when it does happen the left will claim it is not fair.

Unfortunately in today political environment we have partisan hacks in control and not sane people.

As with George W. Bush I will warn the left you better make damn sure you can remove because Trump base is cemented and the GOP knows this and understands that this can backfire on Pelosi so bad that it could cost the Democrats the House.

I know she believes that this will gain the left the Oval Office and Senate seats but I disagree and this could play right into Trump favor without her never understanding how she lost the war!

She needs 67 seats in Senate. She has to be delusional if she thinks that's happening.

She is.

This is about 2020 and winning Senate Seats and the Oval Office.

She believe if she can show the GOP unwilling to Convict Trump it will play in the Democrats favor...
And it might.

But even if it doesn't it's still the right thing to do.

Riddle me this, crep.

If your Republican senator were to vote to convict and remove Trump, would reward him with your vote? Or would you vote for his D challenger?

The Senator doesn't see any reward for voting against Trump at all,
Trump was losing in the polls in 2016 and if you review polls from Presidents of the past you will see that polls this far out of next year election are worthless...

Also let note Pelosi is having her Freshman from the House go home and do polling on Swing and Independent voters on how those in Purple and Red districts view this impeachment inquiry and if it shows that Swing and Independent voters are divided or show they are against it you better bet Pelosi will slow the impeachment train down or hault it.

Now I know the left will scream that the independent and swing voter matter not but alas they do and could hurt your Democratic Candidate in 2020.

So as you keep on spewing polls in October of 2019 the fact is much can change by November 2020...

Remember if you went by polls Hillary is President...

I know you love to hang your hat on what happened in November 2016, but I got news for you. Polling has a much longer history than what just happened in November 2016. Best you understand that fact now before November 3, 2020. You'll be able to handle Trump's loss or removal from office before then much better if you do.

Now I am going to say Fuck you and Fuck off!

It is you that need to realize individuals like you have been wrong many times before and saying I need to learn so I can handle this is telling me you do not know shit about me!

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me I support Trump you worthless piece of trash?

I voted for Gary Johnson and not Trump or his best friend Hillary!

So go troll someone else you worthless piece of shit!

Well, you at least talk like Trump.

Seriously fuck off troll!

You have more in common with that wife beating piece of trash than me.

You spin whatever the news tell you to believe and as I wrote I have been reading and listening or how the fuck would I have known what Pelosi is doing with her Freshman House members?

I listen to C-Span and POTUS while driving to gauge the left and know what they are thinking...

Wow, you really sound like Donald Trump.

Donlad John Trump only listens to Hannity and but jobs like Hannity...

So how the fuck am I like him?

I do not have a kid out of wedlock nor have I been married three times and cheated on all my wives...

Nothing in common except we are both Scottish/German...
With the lowest average approval rating of any President in history after nearly 3 years in office, Trump has little chance of winning against any of the Democratic nominees...
Gallup has him exactly where Obama was at this point in his presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center
... Again, he has been defeated by BIDEN in 45 of 46 different polls taken of a BIDEN vs Trump race in 2020...
Quid Pro Quo Joe he's your man, if he can't beat him no one can!
...Trump will likely be impeached because the evidence in this case is so obvious...
No evidence of any crimes or even wrong doing.
... A clear lack of concern for key U.S. national security issues in Ukraine and a willingness to hold up Anti-Tank Missiles meant for the Ukrainian military in order to try and dig up a dirt on a political opponent. ..
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden, he only promises lawful proper cooperation as per our Treaty with Ukraine signed into law by President Clinton.
... That is indeed treason...
Treason is the ONLY law defined in the US Constitution. Our Framers defined so that clowns couldn't criminalize policy disagreements. Looks like they had you folks in mind.
... Many Republicans are going to start to recognize that their chances politically in 2020 will be improved if Trump is not around.
If you have irrefutable courtroom quality evidence of High Crimes, the Senate will remove him, if not, they won't, and the nation will severely punish you for putting the us all through this based on your refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Oh my, your in for a big surprise about just how much trouble the Orange Man is in this time. The phone call and the Whistleblower make it clear that Trump has abused his power as President for personal political gain. He was willing to damage U.S. national security for personal political gain.

There will definitely be some Republicans who vote to remove Trump in the Senate. The only question is, will there be enough, 20 Republicans for a total of 67 Senators to remove him. They may not get to the 2/3s margin, but they will definitely get above 50% in the Senate.

A near majority of the public supports impeaching and removing Trump from Office. The latest CNN poll shows its 47% for removal, 45% against removal. This poll has been done 7 times and this is the first time that the number for removal has been greater than the number against removal.

OMG 47% from a CNN poll!

My gawd that is it and Pelosi will Impeach and McConnell will convict because CNN says it is so!

Jesus fucking Christ!

Near majority is all you have and when he is not convicted and removed please do me a favor take your polls and break them down further and go bitch at the independent voters that did not sway those GOP Senators to do as you wish!

It was only 41% in May. It takes time for a strong majority of the public to get behind impeachment and removal. Initially only 19% of the country wanted Nixon removed. Give it time. You'll see higher numbers in the coming weeks.

And if not?

If you stay at fifty split with independents or the swing against impeachment you will see Pelosi slow the train.

She smarter than the average voter.

I disagree with her political stances but I respect her enough to know she will do what she see fit to retain the House...

Were past all that. They will impeach the President even if the poll numbers for Impeachment are no greater than they are now. You'll need stronger public support to get Republican Senators to turn though.
I know you love to hang your hat on what happened in November 2016, but I got news for you. Polling has a much longer history than what just happened in November 2016. Best you understand that fact now before November 3, 2020. You'll be able to handle Trump's loss or removal from office before then much better if you do.

Now I am going to say Fuck you and Fuck off!

It is you that need to realize individuals like you have been wrong many times before and saying I need to learn so I can handle this is telling me you do not know shit about me!

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me I support Trump you worthless piece of trash?

I voted for Gary Johnson and not Trump or his best friend Hillary!

So go troll someone else you worthless piece of shit!

Well, you at least talk like Trump.

Seriously fuck off troll!

You have more in common with that wife beating piece of trash than me.

You spin whatever the news tell you to believe and as I wrote I have been reading and listening or how the fuck would I have known what Pelosi is doing with her Freshman House members?

I listen to C-Span and POTUS while driving to gauge the left and know what they are thinking...

Wow, you really sound like Donald Trump.

Donlad John Trump only listens to Hannity and but jobs like Hannity...

So how the fuck am I like him?

I do not have a kid out of wedlock nor have I been married three times and cheated on all my wives...

Nothing in common except we are both Scottish/German...

Your language the past few pages has sounded a lot like the language the president has been using the past few days.
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...
Legally the WB cannot be retaliated against.
You are going to need more than the Ukraine phone call to get the Senate to Convict and Remove.

I have stated at this time in many of my comments about this impeachment inquiry and believe me I know about the investigation that is going on about Trump using his motel's for possible kickbacks and if proven that could up the chances to convict.

I also have read about the phone Conversations between Australia and England but nothing there to truly say " need to convict "...

We must remember Trump was never supposed to win according to every poll ( except Rasmussen ) so polls this early tell me not to even bother unless I am going to read what the swing and independent voter feel at the moment.

I am just going to say if he is not impeached, convicted and removed then expect him, his spin doctors and supporters fight for him to win.

Biden is done and not because of the Ukraine nonsense but he is mentally showing his age.

Warren is the Democrats choice for 2020...

She will lose in my opinion no matter what poll you show now and yes she is weaker than Hillary Clinton...

Wish the left would just have Gavin Newsom run...

Actually, I think the phone call will be more than enough. But don't worry, the Whistleblower will testify soon and will have more to bring to the table. The inspector General of the State Department is testifying before 8 different Senate and House committees today with urgent information on Ukraine. Various other State Department employees will be testifying in the coming weeks. Mike Pompeo and others could be guilty of obstruction of justice. Anyone that blocks the investigation or refuses to submit documents or appear before congress will be guilty of obstruction justice as well.

What is also terribly disgusting is the Donald Trump suggested that the Whistleblower was spy and should be executed. That's not going to sit well with any Republican Senator.

Now do me a favor and look up my comment about what Trump said about the whistleblower and realize Trump should have never said it!

Still not enough to convict if it is the phone call... You will need the bribery to help to get rid of Trump...


Enjoy asshole Pence!

Pence won't be on the Job for long. If Trump was smart he would resign now and become a private citizen. Then when he faces his legal issues as a private citizen, he can have President Pence pardon him before he leaves office on January 20, 2021.

Again you better wait to see what the independent and swing voter say in red and purple districts because Pelosi is a hell of a lot smarter than you...

Its over for Trump in the House. The only question is the Senate. A few Republicans Senators will turn on the President, enough for a majority. The Question is will it be enough for 2/3s, or 67 votes to convict. I'm definitely not certain about that. But its far from impossible.

Think again about the House and remember spin doctors will be working hard on all sides.

Simple answer for you and I would vote to impeach, convict and remove him but that is because I know for sure he is a corrupt piece of shit but as I wrote and will write again it will not happen over the Ukraine call...
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...
Legally the WB cannot be retaliated against.

That will stop Trump?
Now I am going to say Fuck you and Fuck off!

It is you that need to realize individuals like you have been wrong many times before and saying I need to learn so I can handle this is telling me you do not know shit about me!

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me I support Trump you worthless piece of trash?

I voted for Gary Johnson and not Trump or his best friend Hillary!

So go troll someone else you worthless piece of shit!

Well, you at least talk like Trump.

Seriously fuck off troll!

You have more in common with that wife beating piece of trash than me.

You spin whatever the news tell you to believe and as I wrote I have been reading and listening or how the fuck would I have known what Pelosi is doing with her Freshman House members?

I listen to C-Span and POTUS while driving to gauge the left and know what they are thinking...

Wow, you really sound like Donald Trump.

Donlad John Trump only listens to Hannity and but jobs like Hannity...

So how the fuck am I like him?

I do not have a kid out of wedlock nor have I been married three times and cheated on all my wives...

Nothing in common except we are both Scottish/German...

Your language the past few pages has sounded a lot like the language the president has been using the past few days.
Yeah, I have been using this language since my slate days, so ya know Trump has been reading me I guess...
As Trump voters and spin doctors gear up to spin the individual behind the complaint is a spy and traitor let me clear this up quickly and even if Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will not convict and remove.

Let calm the conversation down and also to those calling the individual a spy and traitor it is not against the law to file a complaint through the proper channels.

Now had the individual done what Snowden did then maybe you could make a case the individual is a spy and a traitor but they did not.

The individual need to go public and face the nation and realize their career in the government is over and they might have to move from the United States or at least live in more Progressive parts of the Country like California, New York or Oregon.

The individual need to face those they are accusing and if their information is based on being a political plant then they need to face the reality they are ruined more than being someone telling the truth.

Before those of you that support Trump call me a commie pig let be clear I hate Trump but I am fair with my looking at both sides and have stated many times if there is something Impeach and Convict but if there is nothing this will kill the Democrats in 2020.

Let the House do their investigation and let Pelosi play her hand and in the end Trump will stay as President but let me be clear this will not hurt Trump as much as the left believe it but it could hurt Warren chance in 2020 if she had any chance...

That is all I have to say now...
Legally the WB cannot be retaliated against.

That will stop Trump?
IF he can't shoot him and he can't fire him and can't order he be demoted …. pretty much.

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