Donald John Trump: LOSER

“Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election.

He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover.

He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York.

All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind.

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing.

He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it.

And by it, I mean him.

We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. Many people say so. The best people.

Believe me.”

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- posted by @JoJoFromJerz on X

Wow, that sure is a lot of losing! What do you think?
Hey stupid, a majority voted against him, so he lost the popular vote.

Holy shit you are dumb
Sometimes you are too stupid to reply too. You said “Clinton LOST the popular vote”. Who did he lose to dipshit? When you realized your fucking mistake you suddenly changed to “majority”. You’re fucking dumb.
UNBELIVABLE, the Republican party passed a censure on Senator Langford in OKHALOMA.
(AN 80% Republican state)
HIS crime ignoring TRUMPS order. TO NOT work with the Dems on a REPUBLICAN bill that would dramatically increase security at the border.
WHAT reason did TRUMP give for shutting down this bill,
QUOTE said it( was not perfect enough)
How? Can you explain?

Of course I can. He destabilized NATO, the most important alliance in the world to the free, he turned a blind eye to Putin and even took Putin's side over our own intelligence agencies, on the world stage no less as Putin literally laughed.
Recall the celebrations in Moscow when Trump won our election?
He pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal. How has that been working out?
He sucked off little Kim on the world stage. Yeah, that kind of diplomacy does not embolden your enemy.
And maybe worst of all he pulled out of TPP. This was a gift to China's future that they could have never imagined.
In the meantime he totally ignored central and South America, as if they did not exist. Do all the people escaping to come here make us safer?
Truly hate the make America Great Again slogan
AS if from OUR very inception We had not been reaching for the stars,
the worlds leading country in everything thought to be right and good. NOT PERFECT because the country is run by humans & humans are NEVER perfect.
ONLY with a balance of power can we hold the greedy and corrupt in check.
We quit trying, insanity now rules.
You don't have to be a card carrying member to support and believe in communist ideology.
Karl Marx had nothing correct or valid to contribute.
Calling one 'communist' is an acurate description of heir ideology and politics based on their statements. No more lame than calling someone a RINO or "Trumpster".
Unlike the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens; Trump didn't spend his post college career path collecting government paychecks and bribes to support/vote for socialist and elitist agendas.
Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's loves themself first, the members of their family second, and their rich friends and financiers third. It breaks down pretty quickly after that into pillaging whatever they can from the taxpayers.
Marx's valid insights were first: the natural tendency of unregulated capitalism is to accumulate wealthy and income at the top; second, partly as a result of this capitalism experiences increasingly destructive economic downturns.

That is what did happen from the time Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1847 to the Stock Market Crash of 1928, and the ensuing Great Depression.

The Roosevelt administration countered those taxes with minimum wage laws, laws to protect labor unions, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for with extremely high taxes on rich people and corporations.

As result, the United States recovered from the Great Depression. Recessions became fewer and milder, even though they usually began under Republican presidents and ended under Democrat presidents.

Beginning with the Reagan administration the reforms of the New Deal were reversed. Taxes were cut for the rich and corporations. The minimum wage lost ground to the productivity of the economy, Labor Unions became weaker.

Consequently, hings are moving in directions Karl Marx predicted. Wealth and income again accumulates at the top. Recessions are longer and deeper. They are often followed with jobless recoveries, when the economy grows, but unemployment remains high.

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