Donald Jr. Calls Out Peter Fonda

Hahaha. So when did the GOP get filled with so many whinny little pussies?

I know, ya'll can put him in that cell you've had reserved for Lois, Eric Hillary, Obama (anyone)..... and put this pecker in it.

Maybe ya'll could boycott his latest movie? Wait, when was his last movie? Why is he relevant again?

You threaten to kidnap the President's son and have him gang-raped and we should just ignore it....not any more.

He didn't threaten to kidnap or gang rape the "Pussy Grabber in Chief's" son. He vulgarly asked, how would you feel if it were done to your kid?

I know to the new whinny bitches of the GOP it feels like he said the former, deep down in their guts, it's just feels true.

Touchy Trumphlakes.
isn't what he said. but thanks for defending the undefendable.
Liberals are miserable, disgusting people. Nothing more needs to be said.
Try this on and see if it fits:


What kind of irresponsible mother try to enter the nation illegally?

What a piece of shit.

The mother was seeking asylum for herself and her disabled child. What justifies Lewandowski's boorishness? How can his attitude be rationalized?

why do you care?

I'm a human being and I am an American. His comments do not make me proud to be either today.
Liberals are miserable, disgusting people. Nothing more needs to be said.
Try this on and see if it fits:

The drooling trumpanzees love it when trump and his minions make fun of the handicapped.

A shameless attitude that they rationalize every day. Do they see this as "winning"? It flies in the face of the noble attitudes we were taught as children ourselves.

he who throws stones.

And what good, other than for David versus Goliath, has ever come from that?

And why throw stones at a 10 year old girl afflicted with Down Syndrome? Is there some nobility in that?
Do you WANT to be reported for making real threats against Peter Fonda? Just asking, 'cuz I'm sure it can be arranged, you numbskull.

Who's the numbskull? I ain't threatening anybody....if I came face to face with Peter Fonda I'd probably spit on him...if he threw a punch, then we'd have us a little encounter session he wouldn't enjoy very much.
geeze sleaze pleaze Tom that above display of trash is unnecessary and total doo doo. I am sending the Hulk and Kim and Lil Kim after you.

Send Courtney Cox...from what I hear she ain't been properly boned in years...she's my favorite MILF.
Do you WANT to be reported for making real threats against Peter Fonda? Just asking, 'cuz I'm sure it can be arranged, you numbskull.

Who's the numbskull? I ain't threatening anybody....if I came face to face with Peter Fonda I'd probably spit on him...if he threw a punch, then we'd have us a little encounter session he wouldn't enjoy very much.
That's probably why they don't take you out much, Tom.
I don't think so. Jr has some background in the arts. Kind of like Putin.

Putin is a 3rd or 4th dan in Judo....part of his KGB training.
He was awarded his 8th a few years ago. His test is on youtube.

After Sandan (3rd), it's all fighters in my system (GoJu Ryu) are Nidans....I stopped at sensei left his wife and disappeared into the Sierra Nevadas....then twenty years later I found out he was back with her on the lam in LA.
Do you WANT to be reported for making real threats against Peter Fonda? Just asking, 'cuz I'm sure it can be arranged, you numbskull.

Who's the numbskull? I ain't threatening anybody....if I came face to face with Peter Fonda I'd probably spit on him...if he threw a punch, then we'd have us a little encounter session he wouldn't enjoy very much.

That's probably why they don't take you out much, Tom.

That's "Mr. Horn" to you, Sheila.
Do you WANT to be reported for making real threats against Peter Fonda? Just asking, 'cuz I'm sure it can be arranged, you numbskull.

Who's the numbskull? I ain't threatening anybody....if I came face to face with Peter Fonda I'd probably spit on him...if he threw a punch, then we'd have us a little encounter session he wouldn't enjoy very much.
That's probably why they don't take you out much, Tom.
Peter Fonda is NOT a member of the site so he CAN say that. Ask a mod you fuckin idiot.
I don't think so. Jr has some background in the arts. Kind of like Putin.

Putin is a 3rd or 4th dan in Judo....part of his KGB training.
He was awarded his 8th a few years ago. His test is on youtube.

After Sandan (3rd), it's all fighters in my system (GoJu Ryu) are Nidans....I stopped at sensei left his wife and disappeared into the Sierra Nevadas....then twenty years later I found out he was back with her on the lam in LA.
Sho-Ru-Ren 2nd. 25 years.
Why wasn't Fonda arrested by the Secret Service for threatening the lives of the 1st family? Are celebs exempt from the law?
I am sure he is going to get a visit.

As if Trump got a visit from the FBI when he asked Russia to hack into Hillary's email server.

Still stuck on that lie? He said if Russia had already hacked Hillary's server, they should find the 30,000 missing e-mails and give them to the press for a price. It was obviously a joke, but based on the idea that Hillary's server was already hacked.

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