Donald Trump and Elon Musk Are Improbable Working-Class Class Heroes

Do you not recall when he said he uses the same loopholes Hillary's big donor use? That was BEFORE he became president (oh blessed day).
Why would I believe anything that he says? He’s got to be one of the least trustworthy people out there.
And yet he has prosecuted no political opponent, put no political opponents in jail, had no political opponents assassinated. This all reminds me of the predictions that he was going to launch WWIII, crash the economy, cause sunspots, allow dogs and cats to live together and people to wear white after Labor Day. Of course, none of that happened, but this time, oh yes, THIS time the predictions are all going to come true, just wait and see. Tell you what, let's elect him and if he puts anyone in prison for being an opponent, I'll agree that he shouldn't have. Deal?

I'm sure all 5 of them agree. I'll have to ask at the next meeting, right before they get kicked out again, because they're Nazis and no one else wants them around.

Then you have no major candidate to vote for who has a chance of winning. Harris is FAR from a serious candidate, not even able to play T-ball when served up a floater like, "Where do you disagree with Joe Biden's policies?".

You mean some of his many companies, in none of which we would expect him to personally inspect every hire, sometimes hire illegal aliens (You really should avoid the insulting term illegals, people are not illegal).

Name a tax law he's broken. If/when you can't, you'll have to realize he's done everything legally, which means you're complaining about the law, not the people following it.

"How DARE you drive 65 on that interstate? That's too fast!! What do you mean that's the speed limit, you shouldn't drive that fast. No one should drive over 55!"

Interesting that. China sells the very item they try so hard to control and squash. Where do YOU get your Bibles from? Do you make sure they're not made in China? What about all those Amazon deliveries? Do you make sure they're not coming on a slow boat from China?

And he may very well be your president for the next 4 years while Harris gets drunk and cries that it's just not fair to expect her to actually win votes.

Harris jailed black men for possessing pot and kept them in prison after they were supposed to be released. That alone should disqualify her from getting any minority votes.
How could he put political opponents in jail? For what? Bob Barr tried. And Bob Barr wouldn't go after political rivals without evidence. Eventually, even Barr left Trump. Another RINO who refused to go along because everyone who goes along ends up in jail.

But you'll spin it. All his people who were found guilty, is "going after political opponents". Bla bla bla.
It seems bizarre that a couple of guys with a few hundred billion dollars between them are the voice of America’s working class, but that’s what they are.

And it’s not like they’re pretending.

They’re not pulling some scam or trick.

Both of them really believe in what they’ve been saying.

You know it because they’ve been saying it forever.

With Donald Trump, his politics are pretty much the same conservative-Jacksonian-populist (yeah, that’s a thing) politics he’s always had, even though his party affiliation has switched.

The same with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is no regular conservative.

He has just always believed in things like free enterprise, free speech, and small government – you know, the same things the nominally conservative conservatives always talk about but never get around to conserving.


There is one party of ideas that improve The US.
There is one party of ideas that destroy The US.

Easy to Understand where men such as President Trump and Elon would stand.
(hint - it is the first one.)
You don't know what you're talking about.

Seek help soon. :cuckoo:
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It seems bizarre that a couple of guys with a few hundred billion dollars between them are the voice of America’s working class, but that’s what they are.

And it’s not like they’re pretending.

They’re not pulling some scam or trick.

Both of them really believe in what they’ve been saying.

You know it because they’ve been saying it forever.

With Donald Trump, his politics are pretty much the same conservative-Jacksonian-populist (yeah, that’s a thing) politics he’s always had, even though his party affiliation has switched.

The same with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is no regular conservative.

He has just always believed in things like free enterprise, free speech, and small government – you know, the same things the nominally conservative conservatives always talk about but never get around to conserving.


There is one party of ideas that improve The US.
There is one party of ideas that destroy The US.

Easy to Understand where men such as President Trump and Elon would stand.
(hint - it is the first one.)

Having been born in South Africa, Elon Musk is a more authentic "African-American" than most every black person in the US.

Do the math: The US population is roughly 333.3 million people, while only 2.1 million sub-Saharan Africans live here.

In other words, only 0.63% of the US population are black folks who were actually born in Africa.
It seems bizarre that a couple of guys with a few hundred billion dollars between them are the voice of America’s working class, but that’s what they are.

And it’s not like they’re pretending.

They’re not pulling some scam or trick.

Both of them really believe in what they’ve been saying.

You know it because they’ve been saying it forever.

With Donald Trump, his politics are pretty much the same conservative-Jacksonian-populist (yeah, that’s a thing) politics he’s always had, even though his party affiliation has switched.

The same with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is no regular conservative.

He has just always believed in things like free enterprise, free speech, and small government – you know, the same things the nominally conservative conservatives always talk about but never get around to conserving.


There is one party of ideas that improve The US.
There is one party of ideas that destroy The US.

Easy to Understand where men such as President Trump and Elon would stand.
(hint - it is the first one.)
That's shown by how much they love the poorly educated.
It seems bizarre that a couple of guys with a few hundred billion dollars between them are the voice of America’s working class, but that’s what they are.

And it’s not like they’re pretending.

They’re not pulling some scam or trick.

Both of them really believe in what they’ve been saying.

You know it because they’ve been saying it forever.

With Donald Trump, his politics are pretty much the same conservative-Jacksonian-populist (yeah, that’s a thing) politics he’s always had, even though his party affiliation has switched.

The same with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is no regular conservative.

He has just always believed in things like free enterprise, free speech, and small government – you know, the same things the nominally conservative conservatives always talk about but never get around to conserving.


There is one party of ideas that improve The US.
There is one party of ideas that destroy The US.

Easy to Understand where men such as President Trump and Elon would stand.
(hint - it is the first one.)
You know it because they been saying it…


Elon and Trump want to take unions power away. Firing workers who strike
After We Let the Successpool Take Away Our Backbone, They Stabbed Us in the Back

That's the workers' fault. Union members quit being union men. No red-blooded male should put up with this emasculation by the self-appointed authorities.

It's ironic that in a time of rampant worker sissiness, the greatest unions ever rose. The pro athletes get hundreds of times what they were paid before they manned up.

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