Donald Trump and Elon Musk Are Improbable Working-Class Class Heroes

That’s what we are trying to do, silly.

First step is get rid of Republicans so we can have a majority.
Obama had a super majority in Congress and chose to extend the “Bush Tax cuts”.

Which makes them the Obama Tax cuts for the rich now.

Funny how the Hussein doesn’t get attacked by you flunkies for passing the same exact thing.

For those of you with selective memories:
There is one party of ideas that improve The US.
There is one party of ideas that destroy The US.

To steal a quote...There is only one party in the US, the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies.
It seems bizarre that a couple of guys with a few hundred billion dollars between them are the voice of America’s working class, but that’s what they are.

And it’s not like they’re pretending.

They’re not pulling some scam or trick.

Both of them really believe in what they’ve been saying.

You know it because they’ve been saying it forever.

With Donald Trump, his politics are pretty much the same conservative-Jacksonian-populist (yeah, that’s a thing) politics he’s always had, even though his party affiliation has switched.

The same with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is no regular conservative.

He has just always believed in things like free enterprise, free speech, and small government – you know, the same things the nominally conservative conservatives always talk about but never get around to conserving.


There is one party of ideas that improve The US.
There is one party of ideas that destroy The US.

Easy to Understand where men such as President Trump and Elon would stand.
(hint - it is the first one.)
It shows how gullible and easily manipulated you are.

The Guy says he wants to bring manufacturing back here but had his stuff made in China when he could have had it made here and employed Americans.

It doesn’t get any more obvious where his loyalty is but you refuse to see it. He put pennies over people. Always have, always will.
Obama had a super majority in Congress and chose to extend the “Bush Tax cuts”.

Which makes them the Obama Tax cuts for the rich now.

Funny how the Hussein doesn’t get attacked by you flunkies for passing the same exact thing.

For those of you with selective memories:
Obama partially extended the Bush tax cuts at a time that he did not have a supermajority.

The tax cuts for lower brackets remained. The rich paid more.
I'm a life long blue collar worker. In California.
There is no way in hell I would vote for the socialist Democratic ticket.
You think I enjoy seeing my hard earned tax dollars go to providing sex change operations to illegal aliens and other insane communist policy garbage?
Equity will be the downfall of America if it continues.
One of those really stupid ideas?
I’m opposed to anything artificial that results in arbitrary decisions made about use or capital.

Only taxing realized gains locks capital because people are seeking to avoid paying taxes on it.

It inhibits allocations and distorts the economy.
There are no tax breaks for the rich. They pay far more in taxes than the poor.

Funny no one doesn't change the tax code then as the rich are only paying their fair share of taxes according to the tax code written by Congress.
Who are all rich people.
But the rich need to pay their fair share? Are any of them being chased by the IRS for tax evasion?
The top 5% are a very small group yet pay about HALF of all taxes collected!
Yet politicians tell stupid people they need to pay their "fair share." :icon_rolleyes:
Worse, they suggest that the reason America doesn't have enough money is because this small group of people just need to pay yet even more in taxes.
Funny no one doesn't change the tax code then as the rich are only paying their fair share of taxes according to the tax code written by Congress.
Who are all rich people.
But the rich need to pay their fair share? Are any of them being chased by the IRS for tax evasion?
The top 5% are a very small group yet pay about HALF of all taxes collected!
Yet politicians tell stupid people they need to pay their "fair share." :icon_rolleyes:
Worse, they suggest that the reason America doesn't have enough money is because this small group of people just need to pay yet even more in taxes.

The average American is stupid -
It's just a fact.
The Democrat Party preys on that.
I’m opposed to anything artificial that results in arbitrary decisions made about use or capital.

Only taxing realized gains locks capital because people are seeking to avoid paying taxes on it.

It inhibits allocations and distorts the economy.

If you tax unrealized gains, you would have to also allow unrealized losses be written off taxes. This is a system that cannot work and will in the end just benefit the stupidly rich once again.
You know what?

Working people appreciate that.

These guys haven’t changed.

Their old party did.

It started holding the working class in contempt and has sought to silence, disarm, and disenfranchise its members.

Neither Donald nor Elon signed on for that.

Working class Americans also appreciate the fact that these guys actually build things.

This is important.
If you tax unrealized gains, you would have to also allow unrealized losses be written off taxes. This is a system that cannot work and will in the end just benefit the stupidly rich once again.
Yes. Allow unrealized losses to be written off. Why won’t it work?
Elon and Trump want to take unions power away. Firing workers who strike. You don't know what you are saying.

In the last 40 years our economic policies have favored Elon and Trump. How they gonna fix that or undo it? I know. More tax breaks to the rich.
Whether you support or do not support unions, the president of the longshoreman union which was in the news last week is a Psychotic. He is up front about it. So, if he votes Progressive, he is just a good guy. That same guy in a poorer time would kill many people. Makes no difference. Gender, race, culture, gay, etc., etc. One percent of the people in the world are Psychotics. It comes from pure survival when survival was a thousand times tougher thousand and hundreds of thousands of years ago. There are psychotics who do good also. They take chances to advance civilization and even to their personal self.
That’s what we are trying to do, silly.

First step is get rid of Republicans so we can have a majority.
Yes funny how the only trouble is Republicans to the well intrenched democrat cult.
I find you crazy democrat cult members even less useful the the republicans cult members
The average American is stupid -
It's just a fact.

By my estimate, the average college grad these days has no more education than a high-school grad when I went to school.
Which is to say about as much as an 8th grader in the 1850s.
Worse, BJ, college grads are only taught now about one narrow field of skills so they can do one specialized job.
When asked about areas of learning outside their field of view, they are usually dumber than shit.
America is about 30th in the world as far as intelligence is concerned.
The average hard leftist here seems to have an IQ of around 70-90.
By my estimate, the average college grad these days has no more education than a high-school grad when I went to school.
Which is to say about as much as an 8th grader in the 1850s.
Worse, BJ, college grads are only taught now about one narrow field of skills so they can do one specialized job.
When asked about areas of learning outside their field of view, they are usually dumber than shit.
America is about 30th in the world as far as intelligence is concerned.
The average hard leftist here seems to have an IQ of around 70-90.

I don't think that you are wrong, at all.
Yet they have convinced these people that The Credentialed Class can do no wrong.

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