Donald Trump and Elon Musk Are Improbable Working-Class Class Heroes

But they did expire, and the economy improved. That's the point.

He pushed the expiration out to 2012, but they did expire. It's why Hump had to order a bunch of new ones and wreck the economy again.
So why didn’t he let them expire in 2010? He extended them.
We’ve seen Trump’s taxes and he often pays nothing.
FUCK you guys are dumb. Left tells you, "ah, TRUMP DOESN"T PAY ENOUGH TAXES" and you brain-free animals parrot the same. Did you know there are more taxes than federal income tax? Without looking, Trump pays millions in taxes every year.
Elon and Trump want to take unions power away. Firing workers who strike. You don't know what you are saying.
Unions are victims of their own success. Think about it, virtually every major initiative they've fought for has been won and is now law. Child labor? Gone. 5-day work week, overtime and holiday pay? Yup. Work safety improvements? Absolutely, to the point that workers behave differently when they see the OSHA guy coming because they know he's just going to get in the way. Higher pay? Yes, to the point that some companies needed federal bailouts when their lavish retirement packages overwhelmed them. So, what's left for unions to fight for? Pretty much just more money.
In the last 40 years our economic policies have favored Elon and Trump. How they gonna fix that or undo it? I know. More tax breaks to the rich.
How about tax breaks for all taxpayers? That's what they're advocating, and what the usual suspects seem to forget about. The serfs in the Middle Ages didn't pay the kind of tax rates we're expected, nay, demanded to pay, and if we complain, we're being "selfish". Somehow, it's not selfish to demand part of your neighbor's paycheck.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

He could do everything he preaches against, and everything Christianity prohibits, and they'd still defend him.

It's a cult.
Because he will give them whatever they want. They don't care if he's a crook. He's lyin for the Lord as far as they're concerned and they are right. I'd go with him too if I was a religious kook.
Because he will give them whatever they want. They don't care if he's a crook. He's lyin for the Lord as far as they're concerned and they are right. I'd go with him too if I was a religious kook.
We're not hiring a pastor, spiritual advisor or groovy guru. We're hiring a president, and he's the only serious candidate in the race. The other is an empty suit with no idea what's going on.

And I find it interesting that the only thing keeping you from voting for TRUMP! is your lack of faith. Might want to check what motivates you to vote.
FUCK you guys are dumb. Left tells you, "ah, TRUMP DOESN"T PAY ENOUGH TAXES" and you brain-free animals parrot the same. Did you know there are more taxes than federal income tax? Without looking, Trump pays millions in taxes every year.
Why does the right only focus on federal income taxes?

Seems like you guys shit the standards whenever it suits you.
Yep. The loopholes he wrote into law for himself.
Now how do you suppose he wrote tax law BEFORE he sent Hillary into retirement (oh, blessed day)? You do know, don't you, that he stated he took advantage of them during the debate BEFORE the election? You know, when Obama was in office. Does any of this ring a bell?

We're not hiring a pastor, spiritual advisor or groovy guru. We're hiring a president, and he's the only serious candidate in the race. The other is an empty suit with no idea what's going on.

And I find it interesting that the only thing keeping you from voting for TRUMP! is your lack of faith. Might want to check what motivates you to vote.
OMG where do I begin with all the reasons not to vote for Trump. Can't be trusted. His/your phylosophy is all presidents break the law so why shouldn't he. And going after your political rivals because you claim it was politics they went after you. But he started it by saying Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq. And lock her up.

I don't even know where to start on why Trump is not fit to serve. Says everyone except his Nazi supporters.

What motivates me to vote is a serious person running this country. Not a demented criminal lying idiot rapist conspiracy theorist crook.

Donald hires illegals, doesn't pay his fair share of taxes and buys bibles from China. He's what's wrong with America.
Now how do you suppose he wrote tax law BEFORE he sent Hillary into retirement (oh, blessed day)? You do know, don't you, that he stated he took advantage of them during the debate BEFORE the election? You know, when Obama was in office. Does any of this ring a bell?

He lied when he said his tax legislation was going to raise his taxes.

He wrote in special loopholes for real estate, which is almost certainly one of the dodgiest ways for people to avoid taxes.
Yep. The loopholes he wrote into law for himself.

Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax plan​

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.

U.S.-BASED MULTINATIONALS are currently holding $2.4 trillion in profits overseas to avoid paying taxes on them. Remarkably enough, the 11 technology companies represented at Wednesday’s summit with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York account for about one-quarter of that total — a staggering $560 billion — all by themselves.

Trump has promised to deliver such a huge gift to multinationals by allowing them to bring back overseas profits at a one-time rate of 10 percent.

WE can't afford another 4 years of Trump. The rich can.
Unless Trump wins it won't matter.

It's the Establishment against the Outsider. The outsider snuck a victory in 2016. This will be allowed to happen again.

China and their axis await Harris/Walz
1) Income taxes aren't the only ones collected.
2) The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. They aren't being taxed nearly enough.
3) It's not a matter of being "envious", it's being responsible. Unless you want them to cut your social security and medicare (or even means test it), we need to find a way to meet our financial obligations.
The best way to meet our financial obligations is to stop funding the rest of the world.
If other members of the UN lowers their share of the expenses then we follow by cutting ours. Same goes for NATO. We need to stop funding wars. We need to stop spending billions for birth control in other countries. We need to stop funding research on migration of toads and other things and start actually keeping in what we make on taxes, pay down our debt so that we are not paying billions in interest. In other words we need to stop spending like drunken sailors.
It would be best if we went back to before JFKs era with his idea of tax cuts. Kick a few billionaires out of congress and actually fix our tax code. But as long as we have these billionaires in congress they are going to keep anything that would make them pay more.
OMG where do I begin with all the reasons not to vote for Trump. Can't be trusted. His/your phylosophy is all presidents break the law so why shouldn't he. And going after your political rivals because you claim it was politics they went after you. But he started it by saying Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq. And lock her up.
And yet he has prosecuted no political opponent, put no political opponents in jail, had no political opponents assassinated. This all reminds me of the predictions that he was going to launch WWIII, crash the economy, cause sunspots, allow dogs and cats to live together and people to wear white after Labor Day. Of course, none of that happened, but this time, oh yes, THIS time the predictions are all going to come true, just wait and see. Tell you what, let's elect him and if he puts anyone in prison for being an opponent, I'll agree that he shouldn't have. Deal?
I don't even know where to start on why Trump is not fit to serve. Says everyone except his Nazi supporters.
I'm sure all 5 of them agree. I'll have to ask at the next meeting, right before they get kicked out again, because they're Nazis and no one else wants them around.

What motivates me to vote is a serious person running this country. Not a demented criminal lying idiot rapist conspiracy theorist crook.
Then you have no major candidate to vote for who has a chance of winning. Harris is FAR from a serious candidate, not even able to play T-ball when served up a floater like, "Where do you disagree with Joe Biden's policies?".

Donald hires illegals,
You mean some of his many companies, in none of which we would expect him to personally inspect every hire, sometimes hire illegal aliens (You really should avoid the insulting term illegals, people are not illegal).

doesn't pay his fair share of taxes
Name a tax law he's broken. If/when you can't, you'll have to realize he's done everything legally, which means you're complaining about the law, not the people following it.

"How DARE you drive 65 on that interstate? That's too fast!! What do you mean that's the speed limit, you shouldn't drive that fast. No one should drive over 55!"

and buys bibles from China.
Interesting that. China sells the very item they try so hard to control and squash. Where do YOU get your Bibles from? Do you make sure they're not made in China? What about all those Amazon deliveries? Do you make sure they're not coming on a slow boat from China?

He's what's wrong with America.
And he may very well be your president for the next 4 years while Harris gets drunk and cries that it's just not fair to expect her to actually win votes.

Harris jailed black men for possessing pot and kept them in prison after they were supposed to be released. That alone should disqualify her from getting any minority votes.
He lied when he said his tax legislation was going to raise his taxes.

He wrote in special loopholes for real estate, which is almost certainly one of the dodgiest ways for people to avoid taxes.
Do you not recall when he said he uses the same loopholes Hillary's big donor use? That was BEFORE he became president (oh blessed day).

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