Donald Trump and Elon Musk Are Improbable Working-Class Class Heroes

Obama had a super majority in Congress and chose to extend the “Bush Tax cuts”.

Which makes them the Obama Tax cuts for the rich now.

Funny how the Hussein doesn’t get attacked by you flunkies for passing the same exact thing.

For those of you with selective memories:
Actually if they were so enthusiastic about everyone paying taxes they would roll back things to just before JFK did tax cuts. He realized that he won by a very slim margin so he felt a tax cut would cement a larger margin in the next election. But hey it was a democrat so it was okay.
The average American is stupid -
It's just a fact.

Decide for yourself, BJ----

Here is an 8th grade test used in a Kansas school from 1895.
Ask yourself how many college grads today even with advanced degrees could pass it.
I'm not sure I could.

Decide for yourself, BJ----

Here is an 8th grade test used in a Kansas school from 1895.
Ask yourself how many college grads today even with advanced degrees could pass it.
I'm not sure I could.

I decided that a long time ago.

You agree with me - outstanding.
Yes funny how the only trouble is Republicans to the well intrenched democrat cult.
I find you crazy democrat cult members even less useful the the republicans cult members
They’re not the only problem, but they’re the primary problem. Especially lately when they’ve become entirely opposed to compromise.
Elon and Trump want to take unions power away. Firing workers who strike. You don't know what you are saying.

In the last 40 years our economic policies have favored Elon and Trump. How they gonna fix that or undo it? I know. More tax breaks to the rich.
Lol, you're an idiot. Trump was president for 4 years and didn't attempt to do none of that.
They’re not the only problem, but they’re the primary problem. Especially lately when they’ve become entirely opposed to compromise.
I find that funny as hell as Hillary, pelosi and a host of others have claimed that they want no compromise. That they are the only right ones.
Obama had a super majority in Congress and chose to extend the “Bush Tax cuts”.

Which makes them the Obama Tax cuts for the rich now.

Funny how the Hussein doesn’t get attacked by you flunkies for passing the same exact thing.

For those of you with selective memories:

Uh, actually, the Bush Tax cuts expired on Obama's watch.

He couldn't revoke them earlier because - wait for it - Bush had left him the worst recession since the Great Depression.
Uh, actually, the Bush Tax cuts expired on Obama's watch.

He couldn't revoke them earlier because - wait for it - Bush had left him the worst recession since the Great Depression.

So you admit raising taxes “on the rich” is bad for the economy?
It seems bizarre that a couple of guys with a few hundred billion dollars between them are the voice of America’s working class, but that’s what they are.

And it’s not like they’re pretending.

They’re not pulling some scam or trick.

Both of them really believe in what they’ve been saying.

You know it because they’ve been saying it forever.

With Donald Trump, his politics are pretty much the same conservative-Jacksonian-populist (yeah, that’s a thing) politics he’s always had, even though his party affiliation has switched.

The same with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is no regular conservative.

He has just always believed in things like free enterprise, free speech, and small government – you know, the same things the nominally conservative conservatives always talk about but never get around to conserving.


There is one party of ideas that improve The US.
There is one party of ideas that destroy The US.

Easy to Understand where men such as President Trump and Elon would stand.
(hint - it is the first one.)
Democrats actively work to raise the pay of union members - the very people who already make far more than the average Joe and have far better benefits than the average Jane. This raises prices on the poorest Americans and is actually social injustice because it hits minorities the hardest. Meanwhile, the union workers get a raise from $30 per hour to $40 per hour and everyone else gets screwed, including those who don't even work, such as the elderly.
You're such a stupid bitch. My brother is rich. They got it too good. Let's go back to what we were doing before Reagan, Bush and Trump gave them tax breaks.

Share some of that wealth
The top 1% are paying 45% of all federal income taxes, and the top 5% account for 2/3rds. On the other end, the lower 50% pay just 3%.

Stop being so envious of other people who are more successful than you and just be glad they pay the bulk of the government’s bills.
Democrats actively work to raise the pay of union members - the very people who already make far more than the average Joe and have far better benefits than the average Jane. This raises prices on the poorest Americans and is actually social injustice because it hits minorities the hardest. Meanwhile, the union workers get a raise from $30 per hour to $40 per hour and everyone else gets screwed, including those who don't even work, such as the elderly.
I had a business, and I made a point NOT to hire union shops for basic production. I had to pay at least 30% more, which I could not pass on to my clients and remain competitive, so those high salaries came right out of my pocket. Couldn’t afford to lower my income while overpaying high school grads with a very basic set of skills.
The top 1% are paying 45% of all federal income taxes, and the top 5% account for 2/3rds. On the other end, the lower 50% pay just 3%.

Stop being so envious of other people who are more successful than you and just be glad they pay the bulk of the government’s bills.

1) Income taxes aren't the only ones collected.
2) The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. They aren't being taxed nearly enough.
3) It's not a matter of being "envious", it's being responsible. Unless you want them to cut your social security and medicare (or even means test it), we need to find a way to meet our financial obligations.
I had a business, and I made a point NOT to hire union shops for basic production. I had to pay at least 30% more, which I could not pass on to my clients and remain competitive, so those high salaries came right out of my pocket. Couldn’t afford to lower my income while overpaying high school grads with a very basic set of skills.
wow, more money grubbing, I see.

You certainly do hit all the stereotypes.
Nope. In fact, it's good for the economy because it redistributes wealth.

Which is why the bush Tax giveaways were allowed to expire in 2010, and the economy got better after that.

Wrong. They didn’t expire in 2010, Obama extended them. Which is why the economy got better.

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