Donald Trump Being Accused Of Rape

I'm not sure but didn't she admit that she made her story up?
Basically yes...she said she never met kavanaugh in person.

I, for one, have not heard either.
Neither, the suggestion that she made up the Kavanaugh 'rape' story, or the outright assertion that she said she never met Kavanaugh.

So, can either poster, 'shockedcanadian', or 'Thunk'.....offer the forum some vetting on their postings?
Give us some confidence that we can depend on what you say is truthful.

I, for one, have not heard either.
Neither, the suggestion that she made up the Kavanaugh 'rape' story, or the outright assertion that she said she never met Kavanaugh.

So, can either poster, 'shockedcanadian', or 'Thunk'.....offer the forum some vetting on their postings?
Give us some confidence that we can depend on what you say is truthful.
Does Yahoo News work for you? Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Fabricated Allegations as a ‘Ploy’ for ‘Attention’
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The lawyer said a report by an expert showed there was unidentified male DNA present on the dress Carroll wore when she encountered Trump, but she said it was not an isolated sample of male DNA but rather a mix of DNA that would require complex analysis ...

So the lawyer had to milk Trump for a DNA sample?
Does Yahoo.News good enough for you?

Umm, good poster have the wrong woman.

From your own link:
"Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has referred Judy Munro-Leighton to the Justice Departement and FBI for investigation into potentially materially false statements and obstruction.

She was 12, I was 32???
Umm, good poster have the wrong woman.

From your own link:
"Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has referred Judy Munro-Leighton to the Justice Departement and FBI for investigation into potentially materially false statements and obstruction.
Umm, no. I was speaking about the Kavanagh accuser not the Trump accuser. I never said I didn't believe the Trump.accuser either (though it should be viewed with a critical eye), though after so many years the timing is suspect.
I was speaking about the Kavanagh accuser not the Trump accuser.
Here, lemme walk you through it poster Shocked.
You and poster Thunk were referencing this woman, pictured below, Christine Blasey Ford:


In short, you were in error with the link you provided....which was to another accuser.
But thanks for contributing
Here, lemme walk you through it poster Shocked.
You and poster Thunk were referencing this woman, pictured below, Christine Blasey Ford:


In short, you were in error with the link you provided....which was to another accuser.
But thanks for contributing
Hehe, you are correct, I stand corrected. That may have been what was conveyed through media then and in passing interesting I assmed it was the first woman.
No he's an alleged rapist. Are you suggesting conviction for rape should be a political isiue so that only MAGAts can get away with it. Sounds like.
Good Shareprofit..good! The element of vengeance is strong in you. People who have been screwed with I understand pushback. Unfortunately, there are many who still cannot do it. There are many though who never were screwed with and screw with people. Like Joe. There are people empowered who abuse others and get away with it. The real question is if allegations are truth. If signing a document from an empowered person is truth in legal matters. When it comes to politicians, why are we fronted with many of the same type of flaws all the time and many others not keeping promises? So now we are in decline in part due to this.

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