Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper

We should all buy Bibles from Trump and give them to all our friends and relatives for Christmas.
Dollar wise tip: Go to a used book store, even Goodwill or Salvation Army.....they have tons of them for maybe $2, or less.

A penny saved is a penny that you can contribute to the homeless.

Just sayin'.

The shooters have a constitutional right to own guns
Well, as they have that's good that Adam Lanza and Salvador Ramo......had their guns. Right?
After all, they had a 'right'.
What could go wrong under that 'right'?

God expects us to obey the laws of the government.
Such as business fraud?
Such as laws against sexual assault?
Such as laws against scams like Trump University? Fake charity?
Therefore, it is rebellion against God to unlawfully enter another country.
And, in that vein ---is it a rebellon against God to ---- commit fraud to cheat in business?
Would Jesus non-consensually and violently insert his fingers into the vagina of an unwilling woman?

Liberals don't understand the Bible. The Bible spoke of masters and servants.
That's an interesting take.
Do you think Don Trump understands the Commandments again stealing? Bearing false witness? Against adultery?

And poster Lenny, how do you interpret your god's view towards women? Does he think they have the same rights as the men in your bible? Should they?
Trump not gay though. Very different.

^^^ Ace and Gary.

Guess who is who :19:

It will be known soon...
Are you sure? He looked pretty sheepish after his back room "talk" with putin.
Christians voting for Trump only further VINDICATES my belief they are idiots and hypocrites. Trump's playing them for fools, shamelessly.

But this is no surprise. Swaggert, Falwell, Roberts, Bakers, 700 club. These folks are gullible you must admit and Trump has tapped into that. Selling them bibles. Hilarious. You're going to lose Don.
Christians like other voters are also workers, business owners, bosses, parents, tax payers, and homeowners therefore what they want in a president goes further than just their Christian belief. Like other Trump supporters Trump tells them what they want to hear with fire and conviction just the way their preacher does. He will rid the country of the crazy democrats, the evil liberal judges, the socialists, the communists, the murders and rapists, and all that would do us harm. He will bring God back into our schools. He will make our streets safe. He will cut taxes, bring prosperity back to America, eliminate liberal programs that are destroying America, etc, etc.

Trump learned in years of selling real estate, you make sales by telling people what they want to hear, not what they don't want hear. And that is the heart of his campaign, We Will Make American Great Again and never tell them what that would require.
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Why is it that those who don't believe in the Bible are always the most offended by the Bible?
How is the Bible offensive?
It's the people that interpret the Bible to suit their objectives.
Just like the people who wrote it.
How is the Bible offensive?
It's the people that interpret the Bible to suit their objectives.
Just like the people who wrote it.
Surely these people realize it's not the Bible that is the problem. It's them, their twisted interpretations of it, and their ugly hypocrisy.

At some level, they have to know that.
Surely these people realize it's not the Bible that is the problem. It's them, their twisted interpretations of it, and their ugly hypocrisy.

At some level, they have to know that.
Evangelicals on TV or in church telling the gullible, what the bible meant to say...................but didn't.
Not really. Evil isn't organized. Evil comes from emptiness. It fills voids God vacated.

Like Diddycrats
The fact religious people are in bed with this crime boss tells me how we are still a very stupid uncivilized people. I thought in 1999 we would never have wars again. After Clinton settled the Kosovo war with only one soldier dying and that was an accident on the way over. But then Iraq/Afghanistan.

I thought Hitler could never happen today, but here we are, actually considering electing a crime boss who's buddies with Putin, who's literally pulling a Hitler right now in Ukraine.

Trump is the greatest con man of all time. The greatest GRIFT this county ever got. He's like carnival side show the masses love it. Maybe Republicans are right. Maybe we should test people before we allow them to vote. LOL.

Trump is ripping Republicans off right now. It's fun to watch. It just wasn't fun when Trump won in 2016 and was ripping us all off.
The fact religious people are in bed with this crime boss tells me how we are still a very stupid uncivilized people. I thought in 1999 we would never have wars again. After Clinton settled the Kosovo war with only one soldier dying and that was an accident on the way over. But then Iraq/Afghanistan.

I thought Hitler could never happen today, but here we are, actually considering electing a crime boss who's buddies with Putin, who's literally pulling a Hitler right now in Ukraine.

Trump is the greatest con man of all time. The greatest GRIFT this county ever got. He's like carnival side show the masses love it. Maybe Republicans are right. Maybe we should test people before we allow them to vote. LOL.

Trump is ripping Republicans off right now. It's fun to watch. It just wasn't fun when Trump won in 2016 and was ripping us all off.
^^^ WEF shill gaslighting Americans

In America today Trump is more popular than ever while claiming to be a diddycrat is like admitting you're a pedo.
^^^ WEF shill gaslighting Americans

In America today Trump is more popular than ever while claiming to be a diddycrat is like admitting you're a pedo.

Only in your circles pal. Let me give you an example. My nephew is a young republican in college. He is way outnumbered by WOKE. Pro choice, affordable college, student loan forgiveness, gun legislation, more open to socialism, Metoo, BLM, Pro LGBTQ, CRT.

Didn't you forget schools indoctrinate them? Oh is cognitive dissonance setting in?
Believers claim the victim and imply that non-theists gang up on them, or rally against them. No, atheists just look at believers the same way they might look at someone who claims the Earth is flat, or that the Earth is the centre of the universe: delusional.

The bar theists set for perceived atheist hostility appears to be anyone simply voicing a dissenting opinion or mentioning an inclination towards non-belief. Claiming ‘persecution’ is simply a deflection for theists who are unwilling or unable to deal with open criticism.

You're just parroting the media hating christian. I am a scientist/petroleum geologist who can discern the laws of physics and mathematics yet still believe that Jesus Christ was sent to this world to die for our sins and then defeat death when he was resurrected. It's not difficult. There's nothing special about science. It's always been here. Humans are the ones who have to catch up to how mathematics and physics govern the earth and how they differ in space and even our own galaxy....and we have no clue about other galaxies.
^^^ WEF shill gaslighting Americans

In America today Trump is more popular than ever while claiming to be a diddycrat is like admitting you're a pedo.

Trump ranted his outrage and insults all across the Easter weekend. Did he make any sense to you?

I think he was just manic.
You're just parroting the media hating christian. I am a scientist/petroleum geologist who can discern the laws of physics and mathematics yet still believe that Jesus Christ was sent to this world to die for our sins and then defeat death when he was resurrected. It's not difficult. There's nothing special about science. It's always been here. Humans are the ones who have to catch up to how mathematics and physics govern the earth and how they differ in space and even our own galaxy....and we have no clue about other galaxies.
It's true some very intelligent people also believe in god.
The fact religious people are in bed with this crime boss tells me how we are still a very stupid uncivilized people.
Yeah, they should gravitate toward the Party of abortion, chicks with dicks, faggotry, immorality, indecency and degeneracy.
I thought Hitler could never happen today, but here we are, actually considering electing a crime boss who's buddies with Putin, who's literally pulling a Hitler right now in Ukraine.

Trump is the greatest con man of all time. The greatest GRIFT this county ever got. He's like carnival side show the masses love it. Maybe Republicans are right. Maybe we should test people before we allow them to vote. LOL.
It’s all about policy and Americans first…ignorantly, you loons continue to pretend it’s about something else.
Trump is ripping Republicans off right now. It's fun to watch. It just wasn't fun when Trump won in 2016 and was ripping us all off.
Can you tell us how Trump is “ripping off“ Republicans?
Can you tell us how he ripped you off in 2016?

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