Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper

Yeah, they should gravitate toward the Party of abortion, chicks with dicks, faggotry, immorality, indecency and degeneracy.

View attachment 925509

It’s all about policy and Americans first…ignorantly, you loons continue to pretend it’s about something else.

Can you tell us how Trump is “ripping off“ Republicans?
Can you tell us how he ripped you off in 2016?
He turned the office of the presidency into a money making racket for him and his buddies. Remember the swamp? He and his buddies are the worse swamp monsters.

And he played you. Remember that call to the Mexican president? He said "just say Mexico will pay for the wall even if you don't mean it" and the Mexican president said no. Fuck off.

I shouldn't have to explain it. If you like Trump, it's too late for all that. See you in November dummy. Or rich greedy liar.
Just imagine a no good fuck like Trump encouraging people to buy his bible so he can make a buck right before Easter.

Trump is the biggest con artist & pile of shit in the history of modern civilization.
Don't buy one. There, feel better?
I've always said religious people are gullible because they believe something that scientifically can't be verified as true. Them supporting Trump is further proof they are easily conned.

But then again, he gave them the overturning of roe v wade. Even though that's very unpopular, he's been bragging to them that he got it done.
Leftists are the most gulibul of all. Con man Jo thanks you for your cult mentality and support.
Why is it that those who don't believe in the Bible are always the most offended by the Bible?

Silly, it's not the Bible that is offensive, it's the shameless snake oil salesman degenerate who puts on this ludecrous act.
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He's a phony Christian just like his cult.

Most cults have a pseudo-religious component, and this is no different.
He knows a "mark" when he sees one. Trump was pro choice until his keepers informed him that he needed the pro life crowd in order to be a player in the 2016 campaign. He did an about face quick. Real quick.

He's the biggest piece of slime born in the past 100 years.
If I needed a Bible I sure as hell woudn't buy one from the AntiChrist Trump.
Wouldn’t the anti-Christ pretend, faggots, chicks with dicks and abortions are cool?

He's a phony Christian just like his cult.

Most cults have a pseudo-religious component, and this is no different.
Is your crypt keeper a legit Catholic? Doesn’t he champion pole puffing, chicks with dicks and abortions?
Is that what good Catholics do?
He knows a "mark" when he sees one. Trump was pro choice until his keepers informed him that he needed the pro life crowd in order to be a player in the 2016 campaign. He did an about face quick. Real quick.

He's the biggest piece of slime born in the past 100 years.
Remember when the crypt keeper didn’t want his kids going to school with negroes and when he hated illegal wetbacks? Damn, talk about an about-face huh?
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[ off topic ]

I never use the ignore feature, but just for the hell of it.... I wonder if I were to do an experiment and put anyone who replies (on any thread) with a whataboutism on ignore, how many people I'd end up NOT having on ignore. I'm guessing probably 4 or 5 people, out of a site of thousands. :lol:

[ / off topic ]
He turned the office of the presidency into a money making racket for him and his buddies. Remember the swamp? He and his buddies are the worse swamp monsters.
I thought he donated his salary and lost a billion in net worth while President?
Isn’t that what your programmers said?
Is the crypt keeper donating his salary?
And he played you. Remember that call to the Mexican president? He said "just say Mexico will pay for the wall even if you don't mean it" and the Mexican president said no. Fuck off.
I don’t remember that call…it didn’t happen, that’s why you didn’t post a link to prove it did.
I shouldn't have to explain it. If you like Trump, it's too late for all that. See you in November dummy. Or rich greedy liar.
Just remember, with no Democrat concocted anomalies you really have no pathway to a victory.
You supposedly won by 6 million votes last cycle with a Dem/China made virus, a George Floyd incident pushed by the MSM and social media, a national mail-in-ballot scam and without the crypt keepers record fucking you in the ass.
You’re out of bullshit to bail you out…hahaha…you are so fucked.
Get ready for a non-stop bitch-slapping from the Orange Man….hahahaha
[ off topic ]

I never use the ignore feature, but just for the hell of it.... I wonder if I were to do an experiment and put anyone who replies (on any thread) with a whataboutism on ignore, how many people I'd end up NOT having on ignore. I'm guessing probably 4 or 5 people, out of a site of thousands. :lol:

[ / off topic ]
All scared pussies have giant ignore lists…if I were a marxist commie I’d hate discourse / dissent.
All scared pussies have giant ignore lists…if I were a marxist commie I’d hate discourse / dissent.

I never use the ignore feature. I was imagining a hypothetical situation, but if you didn't catch that the first time, never mind. Carry on with the whataboutisms. :lol:
I've always said religious people are gullible because they believe something that scientifically can't be verified as true. Them supporting Trump is further proof they are easily conned.

But then again, he gave them the overturning of roe v wade. Even though that's very unpopular, he's been bragging to them that he got it done.
In fairness, the type of christianity which the MAGA believe is pretty alien to actual Christians...

MAGA is very far from the teachings of Christ... Christians especially outside America are pretty appalled to the behaviour of not only Trump but also his followers. Jesus was about humility and love for your fellow man, this is not...

It is quite clear that these 'Christians' are really part of a tribe... They claim they are Christians but do not follow the teachings of Christ...

Democratic policies would be far closer to Chirst's teachings that Republicans ones... Those policies are more about caring for the poor, down trodden...

Here are the beatitudes :
MAGA is a long way from them...

As for Roe v Wade, this is a wedge issue... Plain and simple... When it passed the Evangelical church didn't care, they called a Catholic issue.
It was only when the lost the school segregation issue in 1978 that they were interested... They needed an issue and that was chosen, Catholics are now pro Roe v Wade as they know that it wasn't a big deal and Jesus never mentioned it. One of the Cahtolic Churches Super Saints said it was OK until the 12th week, so how can you impose your beliefs on others..

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