Donald Trump Brags About Crowd Size in Front of Empty Seats

So, you don't think Gaffigan should be president, since he gets huge crowds?
Unlike you, I do think.

Therefore, unlike you, I recognize that your boy, Spudz McAlzheimer, is astoundingly unpopular. Justifiably so. But, still, astoundingly.
Wait, so the guy that put blacks in prison, Joe're willing to support...but the, guy that pardoned blacks that Biden put in prison, Donald Trump you "hate"?
Save that weak shit, they all put black folks in prison. Trump's so called program was just a continuation what Pres. Obama started. Most black folks are in state prisons which the programs does nothing for. Trump can't even admit he was wrong about the Central Park 5, the full took out full page ads in the paper calling for the deaths of 5 innocent teenagers.
Why exactly do you hate Trump? What did Trump do to blacks? Give them the best unemployment numbers they've ever had?
Lower unemployment was the effect of Pres. Obama, not Trump. Even with that black unemployment was still twice that of white unemployment.
More pay? Lower inflation? Kept millions of illegals from pouring into the cities where they live? Made their neighborhoods safe? Kept their young men from being killed in wars?
Made what damn neighborhoods safe? I see you have the Sean Hannity talking points down to a T.
What's sad, Super is that Joe Biden is probably the worst President for blacks this country has ever had but you're too blind to see it.
No Trump was the worse president that America has ever had and your head is stuck too far up his ass for you to see it.
What a lousy post. Normal people don't attend political rallies of either party. Only the fringe kooks do.
Save that weak shit, they all put black folks in prison. Trump's so called program was just a continuation what Pres. Obama started. Most black folks are in state prisons which the programs does nothing for. Trump can't even admit he was wrong about the Central Park 5, the full took out full page ads in the paper calling for the deaths of 5 innocent teenagers.

Lower unemployment was the effect of Pres. Obama, not Trump. Even with that black unemployment was still twice that of white unemployment.

Made what damn neighborhoods safe? I see you have the Sean Hannity talking points down to a T.

No Trump was the worse president that America has ever had and your head is stuck too far up his ass for you to see it.
Did you happen to catch the latest poll out, Super? 77% of those polled said that they were worse off under Joe Biden than before he became President. Perhaps you might want to take your OWN head out of your ass and take a good look at how bad a President Joe Biden has been? You name a topic...the economy...inflation...the border...crime...the withdrawal from Afghanistan...ending sanctions on Iran...kissing China's rear end on everything...his war on fossil fuels...even the incompetent people he's picked to be in his Administration...the list goes on and on and that's not even talking about his corruption. He's going to be impeached because his family raked in over 30 million dollars through influence peddling...literally the biggest scandal in this country's political history. Years down the road when Biden's years in office are evaluated by unbiased historians? He's going to go down as the worst President we've EVER had!
"If dull was a precious metal, you’d be filthy rich."

Ah, poser Back Again, you have become merely silly. and inexplicably angry.
Your game is no longer worth the candle.

But, good luck to you.
Me and my avatar will try not to post material that further discombobulates and frazzles you again.
Maybe then, you can settle down, son.

Ah, poser Back Again, you have become merely silly. and inexplicably angry.
Your game is no longer worth the candle.

But, good luck to you.
Me and my avatar will try not to post material that further discombobulates and frazzles you again.
Maybe then, you can settle down, son.

Shortly after I identify Chiliconfuzed as a poseur, he/she/it swiftly retorts that I am the supposed “poser.”

What Chiliconfuzed lacks in logic and honesty, it compensates for with an enormous supply of unoriginality.

The poor twit doesn’t even understand that an avatar isn’t an actual human being. :abgg2q.jpg:
Did you happen to catch the latest poll out, Super? 77% of those polled said that they were worse off under Joe Biden than before he became President. Perhaps you might want to take your OWN head out of your ass and take a good look at how bad a President Joe Biden has been? You name a topic...the economy...inflation...the border...crime...the withdrawal from Afghanistan...ending sanctions on Iran...kissing China's rear end on everything...his war on fossil fuels...even the incompetent people he's picked to be in his Administration...the list goes on and on and that's not even talking about his corruption. He's going to be impeached because his family raked in over 30 million dollars through influence peddling...literally the biggest scandal in this country's political history. Years down the road when Biden's years in office are evaluated by unbiased historians? He's going to go down as the worst President we've EVER had!
What did he inherit from the previous president?

Did Trump hand off to Biden the same type of economy that he was handed?
The fact that you demand to SEE some evidence simply points out how blind you are Super! It's been just refuse to admit that it's there!
So why hasn't anything been done with it? Why did the Trump DOJ sit on it? All of these folks were appointed by your Orange God and he only gives the best.
What did he inherit from the previous president?

Did Trump hand off to Biden the same type of economy that he was handed?
Biden inherited an economy that was poised to rebound from Covid. His numbers SHOULD have been some of the best ever but as usual Joe fucked it up. He kept pumping trillions of dollars into a recovering economy which created rampant inflation.
So why hasn't anything been done with it? Why did the Trump DOJ sit on it? All of these folks were appointed by your Orange God and he only gives the best.
The Trump FBI was headed by Christopher Wray...someone who has shown himself to be fully as sleazy as those 51 former intelligence officials. Trump appointed him. It was a mistake that he'll correct about ten minutes after he wins reelection!
Biden inherited an economy that was poised to rebound from Covid. His numbers SHOULD have been some of the best ever but as usual Joe fucked it up. He kept pumping trillions of dollars into a recovering economy which created rampant inflation.
Biden inherited an economy that was trash, funny how Trump Humpers don't want to admit to that.
The Trump FBI was headed by Christopher Wray...someone who has shown himself to be fully as sleazy as those 51 former intelligence officials. Trump appointed him. It was a mistake that he'll correct about ten minutes after he wins reelection!
More excuses, Wray, Sessions and Barr didn't bring any charges against Biden because there was none to bring. If Trump gets back in the WH this country will suffer a set back it may NEVER recover from.

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