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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

Whatever. At least he's taking a strong stand. It's high time someone called it for what it is.

Hitler also took a "strong stand." Remember Koresh? Maybe Christians should have been banned after that mess in Texas? I really didn't think Donald would go this far, but I guess I underestimated him.
Trump pounced on the fear of the illiterate and feeble minded conservatives. Remember he is a businessman and he knows what type of ignorant people he is dealing with.

You Liberals really do need to take the pulse of the American people. It's not only the Conservatives who are fed up with Liberal politics.
You really need to get back on your meds before you shoot up a movie theater. No one of any consequence was duped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives.


WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential hopeful and real estate mogul Donald Trump is calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" following a series of deadly terror attacks involving Islamic jihadists in California and France.

"Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension," Trump said in a statement emailed to reporters on Monday.

"Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life," he added.

More: Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.


This is seriously wrong! I can't imagine that most Americans and/or Christians would agree with Trump. Does it also apply to Christian immigration into the U.S.? Is Trump going to place the Muslims who are already here, including American citizens, into concentration camps? Our Constitution might have something to say about this.
First the Mexicans, then the Muslims, are the blacks are next?

Here are two of your most elementary Liberal Dumb-Ass efforts at propaganda.

In these few sentences of pure horseshit by two liberals who are not very smart, Black American U. S. Citizens are (I guess) made to fear that if they don't keep voting Democratic....they might be deported...because Don Trump has has the good sense to note that we ought to stop:

1) Letting illegal aliens Invade our Southern Border and take jobs from Blacks; and

2) With a Caliphate of Lunatic Muslims now acting as as Muslim Nation-State, and using its resources to send murderers to America, that we ought to stop immigration from predominantly Muslim States, for now---until we get the situation under control and understand it a little better than Obama seems to understand it now.

I think, one of the surprises of this election season, which has had abundant surprises already...is the surprise Democrats are going to get when they realize Blacks are not as stupid as the common Liberal thinks they are.


Trump's announcement goes much further than stopping immigration from predominantly Muslim States. He is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. That means not just immigration from Muslim states but a ban on all Muslim entering the US for any reason from anywhere. That statement would also include American citizens.

Now he will probably modify that statement and then claim he's sticking by what he said, whatever that may be with no indication as to how as president he might do any of this. In other words, typical Trump.

He has announced a policy that America desperately needs right now....a general policy. You have chosen to think he means keeping out Muslim American citizens...and I believe he meant no such thing. He is a negotiator...he stakes out his position; knowing he will not get everything he has demanded....in the end. But he has started the conversation...one that ought to be had...because he has the stones to defy, to ridicule...you Political Correctness Assholes.
Forgetting about how unconstitutional Trump's proposal is or how un-American or how down right discussing. This proposal will certain give ISIS recruiting a real boost in the US and make it harder for law enforcement to get information out of Muslim communities.

What Trump doesn't understand, or care is that Muslims are the eyes and ears of Homeland Security both in the US and abroad. Both the FBI and the CIA are actively recruiting Muslims. Many Americans seem to think monitoring the Internet and computer scanning of billions of phone calls is going stop terrorism. This is just nonsense. Monitoring rarely identifies a terrorist or their target. That information comes from people working within the Muslim communities and Mosques.

There isn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about it, and we stand to gain nothing by importing these muzzie barbarians. They aren't fit to live in a civilized society.

Not unconstitutional? Does it also apply to Christians? Jews? Other religions?

Hey Dumb-Ass. Muslims squatting in the deserts of Arabia and Persia, waiting for the chance to come to America to blow some people up---don't have any rights under the U. S. Constitution.
Hate to bring you the bad news, but most of Islamic terrorist attacks are now being perpetrated by American Citizens. Syed Rizwan Farook was born in the US and is an American citizens and Tashfeen Malik, his wife was a permanent resident who had applied for citizenship. Islamic terrorism in the US is not coming form Muslims squatting in the deserts of Arabia and Persia but American citizens, people we work with and our neighbors.

Exact reason there should be no more let in. Visas become green cards; and green cards become citizenship, and they have children...but will never assimilate. Mohammed was a stone cold killer, and he has taught it in his religion, and the murder and hate is passed down from generation to generation. Its a cancer. Ask Europe.






Muslims.....They need to stay in the desert and concentrate on killing each other...at which they have excelled for 1400 years.
I only know what Trump said. What he means, I have no idea.

So far no one has said how Muslims might be bared from entering the US. They don't have arm bans, at least not yet. Religion is not listed on any passport and only few countries collect religious affiliation. then there's Federal law that prohibits the government from collection of religious affiliations information and there is this 1st amendment thing.
Have second and third generation christian immigrants got a track record of becoming radicalized and wanting to kill Americans?
McVeigh. Is that a Middle Eastern name?

Deflection, really? Is that all you have?
No. The facts are no one immigrant group has a lock on domestic terror. Italian anarchist threw bombs in the early 20 th century. Puerto Rican separatists attacked congress itself. This current xenophobia is neither new nor wise.

How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Yes, everything Sane Americans do, including protect themselves from Lunatics, pisses off Muslims and swells the recruiting ranks of the Lunatic Muslim Division. That's Obama's favorite bullshit line reserved for you really sick and stupid pussies.

Time to quit tip-toeing around the delicate sensibilities of these Lunatic butchers who will cut you head off for letting your daughter drive a car....Time to shut down all immigration from Muslims States...let them stay in the desert where Allah put them....and kill each other like Muhammad taught them so well how to do.

McVeigh. Is that a Middle Eastern name?

Deflection, really? Is that all you have?
No. The facts are no one immigrant group has a lock on domestic terror. Italian anarchist threw bombs in the early 20 th century. Puerto Rican separatists attacked congress itself. This current xenophobia is neither new nor wise.

How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Yes, everything Sane Americans do, including protect themselves from Lunatics, pisses off Muslims and swells the recruiting ranks of the Lunatic Muslim Division. That's Obama's favorite bullshit line reserved for you really sick and stupid pussies.

Time to quit tip-toeing around the delicate sensibilities of these Lunatic butchers who will cut you head off for letting your daughter drive a car....Time to shut down all immigration from Muslims States...let them stay in the desert where Allah put them....and kill each other like Muhammad taught them so well how to do.

How about stop fucking with Muslims, in Muslim lands, because they have that precious oil we need, and come home?
5 Ways Donald Trump Perfectly Mirrors Hitler's Rise To Power

#5. He Blames A Specific Group Of Immigrants For All Our Problems (And Promises To Eliminate Them From Our Society)

#4. He'll Sell His Hate As Hope For The Poorest Citizens In This Country

#3. Don't Think Concentration Camps, Just Think Prisons

#2. Not Taking Him Seriously Makes Him More Dangerous

#1. He Used To Keep A Copy Of Hitler's Sequel To Mein Kampf By His Bed


DETAILS: 5 Ways Donald Trump Perfectly Mirrors Hitler's Rise To Power | Cracked.com

Does anyone else see the dangerous comparisons?
Yep, however I don't think Trump supporters really care whether Trump's rise parallels Hitler because like Hitler's supporters, they are deaf to all but the worlds their Fuhrer.

According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed

Except that Trump does not want race based laws like you libtards and the Nazis liked, nor is he a socialist like you libtards and the Nazis liked nor does he want to 'save the Earth' like you libtards and the Nazis want to.

Face it, if anyone hree is close to being a Nazi it is the Dhimmicratic Party, no one else.

Fascists try so hard to distance themselves from Hitler.
How are they going to tell who is not a Muslim, who is a Muslim, and who is just pretending not to be a Muslim?

If the USA bans immigration, and enforces it, then there is no fucking need to discern the religion of the immigrants in the first place.
Hitler also took a "strong stand." Remember Koresh? Maybe Christians should have been banned after that mess in Texas? I really didn't think Donald would go this far, but I guess I underestimated him.
Trump pounced on the fear of the illiterate and feeble minded conservatives. Remember he is a businessman and he knows what type of ignorant people he is dealing with.

You Liberals really do need to take the pulse of the American people. It's not only the Conservatives who are fed up with Liberal politics.
You really need to get back on your meds before you shoot up a movie theater. No one of any consequence was duped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives.



McVeigh. Is that a Middle Eastern name?

Deflection, really? Is that all you have?
No. The facts are no one immigrant group has a lock on domestic terror. Italian anarchist threw bombs in the early 20 th century. Puerto Rican separatists attacked congress itself. This current xenophobia is neither new nor wise.

How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Well, that's what the regressive propagandist keep saying, we've come to expect nothing less.
So you really think closing mosques so Muslims would have no place to worship and treating them as second class citizens is not going help ISIS recruitment in America?
Trump pounced on the fear of the illiterate and feeble minded conservatives. Remember he is a businessman and he knows what type of ignorant people he is dealing with.

You Liberals really do need to take the pulse of the American people. It's not only the Conservatives who are fed up with Liberal politics.
You really need to get back on your meds before you shoot up a movie theater. No one of any consequence was duped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives.



Yes criminals commit crime. What does that have to do with me stating no one of consequence was dumped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives?
Deflection, really? Is that all you have?
No. The facts are no one immigrant group has a lock on domestic terror. Italian anarchist threw bombs in the early 20 th century. Puerto Rican separatists attacked congress itself. This current xenophobia is neither new nor wise.

How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Well, that's what the regressive propagandist keep saying, we've come to expect nothing less.
So you really think closing mosques so Muslims would have no place to worship and treating them as second class citizens is not going help ISIS recruitment in America?
Oh, that would help it alright, to increase it five-fold, just what ISIS wants.
Deflection, really? Is that all you have?
No. The facts are no one immigrant group has a lock on domestic terror. Italian anarchist threw bombs in the early 20 th century. Puerto Rican separatists attacked congress itself. This current xenophobia is neither new nor wise.

How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Well, that's what the regressive propagandist keep saying, we've come to expect nothing less.
Trump supporters...

Still can't get past the deflection stage I see.
No. The facts are no one immigrant group has a lock on domestic terror. Italian anarchist threw bombs in the early 20 th century. Puerto Rican separatists attacked congress itself. This current xenophobia is neither new nor wise.

How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Well, that's what the regressive propagandist keep saying, we've come to expect nothing less.
Trump supporters...

Still can't get past the deflection stage I see.
That's not deflection, Tex, that's history repeating itself because you dumbfucks didn't learn it the first 20 times...
WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential hopeful and real estate mogul Donald Trump is calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" following a series of deadly terror attacks involving Islamic jihadists in California and France.

"Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension," Trump said in a statement emailed to reporters on Monday.

"Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life," he added.

More: Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.


This is seriously wrong! I can't imagine that most Americans and/or Christians would agree with Trump. Does it also apply to Christian immigration into the U.S.? Is Trump going to place the Muslims who are already here, including American citizens, into concentration camps? Our Constitution might have something to say about this.
First the Mexicans, then the Muslims, are the blacks are next?

Here are two of your most elementary Liberal Dumb-Ass efforts at propaganda.

In these few sentences of pure horseshit by two liberals who are not very smart, Black American U. S. Citizens are (I guess) made to fear that if they don't keep voting Democratic....they might be deported...because Don Trump has has the good sense to note that we ought to stop:

1) Letting illegal aliens Invade our Southern Border and take jobs from Blacks; and

2) With a Caliphate of Lunatic Muslims now acting as as Muslim Nation-State, and using its resources to send murderers to America, that we ought to stop immigration from predominantly Muslim States, for now---until we get the situation under control and understand it a little better than Obama seems to understand it now.

I think, one of the surprises of this election season, which has had abundant surprises already...is the surprise Democrats are going to get when they realize Blacks are not as stupid as the common Liberal thinks they are.


Trump's announcement goes much further than stopping immigration from predominantly Muslim States. He is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. That means not just immigration from Muslim states but a ban on all Muslim entering the US for any reason from anywhere. That statement would also include American citizens.

Now he will probably modify that statement and then claim he's sticking by what he said, whatever that may be with no indication as to how as president he might do any of this. In other words, typical Trump.

He has announced a policy that America desperately needs right now....a general policy. You have chosen to think he means keeping out Muslim American citizens...and I believe he meant no such thing. He is a negotiator...he stakes out his position; knowing he will not get everything he has demanded....in the end. But he has started the conversation...one that ought to be had...because he has the stones to defy, to ridicule...you Political Correctness Assholes.
There isn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about it, and we stand to gain nothing by importing these muzzie barbarians. They aren't fit to live in a civilized society.

Not unconstitutional? Does it also apply to Christians? Jews? Other religions?

Hey Dumb-Ass. Muslims squatting in the deserts of Arabia and Persia, waiting for the chance to come to America to blow some people up---don't have any rights under the U. S. Constitution.
Hate to bring you the bad news, but most of Islamic terrorist attacks are now being perpetrated by American Citizens. Syed Rizwan Farook was born in the US and is an American citizens and Tashfeen Malik, his wife was a permanent resident who had applied for citizenship. Islamic terrorism in the US is not coming form Muslims squatting in the deserts of Arabia and Persia but American citizens, people we work with and our neighbors.

Exact reason there should be no more let in. Visas become green cards; and green cards become citizenship, and they have children...but will never assimilate. Mohammed was a stone cold killer, and he has taught it in his religion, and the murder and hate is passed down from generation to generation. Its a cancer. Ask Europe.






Muslims.....They need to stay in the desert and concentrate on killing each other...at which they have excelled for 1400 years.
I only know what Trump said. What he means, I have no idea.

So far no one has said how Muslims might be bared from entering the US. They don't have arm bans, at least not yet. Religion is not listed on any passport and only few countries collect religious affiliation. then there's Federal law that prohibits the government from collection of religious affiliations information and there is this 1st amendment thing.

You simply ban all immigration from certain countries....everybody knows who those countries are. They have no constitutional rights until they get here.

Like Roosevelt banned all Germans when he had to deal with Hitler....even though most of the Germans were likely trying to get away from the Nazis. Couldn't take the chance.

Too many Muslims who might be Lunatics...can't take the chance, particularly with a nearly sovereign Caliphate sending Death Squads to America.

They need to stay in the desert until we get rid of the Caliphate, at least...and that will take a new president who is not a Pussy....one who is committed to doing his duty...that is: Provide for the Common Defense.

You Liberals really do need to take the pulse of the American people. It's not only the Conservatives who are fed up with Liberal politics.
You really need to get back on your meds before you shoot up a movie theater. No one of any consequence was duped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives.



Yes criminals commit crime. What does that have to do with me stating no one of consequence was dumped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives?

Weak minded people fall for the open boarders, let them all in crap. Not too smart is it?
You really need to get back on your meds before you shoot up a movie theater. No one of any consequence was duped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives.



Yes criminals commit crime. What does that have to do with me stating no one of consequence was dumped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives?

Weak minded people fall for the open boarders, let them all in crap. Not too smart is it?

Feeble minded people actually believe Trump is going to build a fence along the Mexican border thats going to keep out illegals. :laugh:
Deflection, really? Is that all you have?
No. The facts are no one immigrant group has a lock on domestic terror. Italian anarchist threw bombs in the early 20 th century. Puerto Rican separatists attacked congress itself. This current xenophobia is neither new nor wise.

How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Well, that's what the regressive propagandist keep saying, we've come to expect nothing less.
So you really think closing mosques so Muslims would have no place to worship and treating them as second class citizens is not going help ISIS recruitment in America?

I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about Muslim immigration, is it me, or you, who is off topic?
First the Mexicans, then the Muslims, are the blacks are next?

Here are two of your most elementary Liberal Dumb-Ass efforts at propaganda.

In these few sentences of pure horseshit by two liberals who are not very smart, Black American U. S. Citizens are (I guess) made to fear that if they don't keep voting Democratic....they might be deported...because Don Trump has has the good sense to note that we ought to stop:

1) Letting illegal aliens Invade our Southern Border and take jobs from Blacks; and

2) With a Caliphate of Lunatic Muslims now acting as as Muslim Nation-State, and using its resources to send murderers to America, that we ought to stop immigration from predominantly Muslim States, for now---until we get the situation under control and understand it a little better than Obama seems to understand it now.

I think, one of the surprises of this election season, which has had abundant surprises already...is the surprise Democrats are going to get when they realize Blacks are not as stupid as the common Liberal thinks they are.


Trump's announcement goes much further than stopping immigration from predominantly Muslim States. He is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. That means not just immigration from Muslim states but a ban on all Muslim entering the US for any reason from anywhere. That statement would also include American citizens.

Now he will probably modify that statement and then claim he's sticking by what he said, whatever that may be with no indication as to how as president he might do any of this. In other words, typical Trump.

He has announced a policy that America desperately needs right now....a general policy. You have chosen to think he means keeping out Muslim American citizens...and I believe he meant no such thing. He is a negotiator...he stakes out his position; knowing he will not get everything he has demanded....in the end. But he has started the conversation...one that ought to be had...because he has the stones to defy, to ridicule...you Political Correctness Assholes.
Not unconstitutional? Does it also apply to Christians? Jews? Other religions?

Hey Dumb-Ass. Muslims squatting in the deserts of Arabia and Persia, waiting for the chance to come to America to blow some people up---don't have any rights under the U. S. Constitution.
Hate to bring you the bad news, but most of Islamic terrorist attacks are now being perpetrated by American Citizens. Syed Rizwan Farook was born in the US and is an American citizens and Tashfeen Malik, his wife was a permanent resident who had applied for citizenship. Islamic terrorism in the US is not coming form Muslims squatting in the deserts of Arabia and Persia but American citizens, people we work with and our neighbors.

Exact reason there should be no more let in. Visas become green cards; and green cards become citizenship, and they have children...but will never assimilate. Mohammed was a stone cold killer, and he has taught it in his religion, and the murder and hate is passed down from generation to generation. Its a cancer. Ask Europe.






Muslims.....They need to stay in the desert and concentrate on killing each other...at which they have excelled for 1400 years.
I only know what Trump said. What he means, I have no idea.

So far no one has said how Muslims might be bared from entering the US. They don't have arm bans, at least not yet. Religion is not listed on any passport and only few countries collect religious affiliation. then there's Federal law that prohibits the government from collection of religious affiliations information and there is this 1st amendment thing.

You simply ban all immigration from certain countries....everybody knows who those countries are. They have no constitutional rights until they get here.

Like Roosevelt banned all Germans when he had to deal with Hitler....even though most of the Germans were likely trying to get away from the Nazis. Couldn't take the chance.

Too many Muslims who might be Lunatics...can't take the chance, particularly with a nearly sovereign Caliphate sending Death Squads to America.

They need to stay in the desert until we get rid of the Caliphate, at least...and that will take a new president who is not a Pussy....one who is committed to doing his duty...that is: Provide for the Common Defense.

Got your plans right here, including the ovens...
You really need to get back on your meds before you shoot up a movie theater. No one of any consequence was duped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives.



Yes criminals commit crime. What does that have to do with me stating no one of consequence was dumped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives?

Weak minded people fall for the open boarders, let them all in crap. Not too smart is it?

This is what happens when stupid people fall for rhetoric like Trumps.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

"To forgo a repeat of last year, when labor shortages triggered an estimated $140 million in agricultural losses, as crops rotted in the fields, officials in Georgia are now dispatching prisoners to the state’s farms to help harvest fruit and vegetables.

The labor shortages, which also have affected the hotel and restaurant industries, are a consequence of Georgia’s immigration enforcement law, HB 87, which was passed last year. As State Rep. Matt Ramsey, one of the bill’s authors, said at the time, “Our goal is … to eliminate incentives for illegal aliens to cross into our state.”
How many of those groups have active FBI investigations TODAY? There are more than 1000 investigations on Muslims and at least 50 are being monitored 24/7. Name one other group that comes anywhere close to those numbers.
And we had 900 homegrown ISIS cases being investigated. Thanks to idiots like Trump, who would close mosques and ban entry to the US by Muslims, those numbers are going to keep growing. Everything that Trump says about Muslims just reinforces ISIS claims and makes recruiting so much easier.
Great job, Trump.

Well, that's what the regressive propagandist keep saying, we've come to expect nothing less.
Trump supporters...

Still can't get past the deflection stage I see.
That's not deflection, Tex, that's history repeating itself because you dumbfucks didn't learn it the first 20 times...

Yep, that's what you regressive propagandist keep saying, guess what, no one is buying.

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