Donald Trump Correctly Predicted What Mail-In Ballots and Social Media Interference Would Mean Nearly 6-Months Prior to Election 2020

He nailed it. Which is another reason the political class hates him.

But he was right, again.

By then he had already been told by his own people that he was going to lose the election.
He nailed it. Which is another reason the political class hates him.

But he was right, again.

He knew he was going to lose. All polling showed him losing including his own internal polling showed him losing to Biden, citizens getting to cast their vote without having to worry about catching covid at the polls was just the icing on the cake for Democrats.

May 2020, or right after primary results were showing millions chose to vote via absentee, Trump began his fraudulent scheme, calling absentee ballots fraudulent, (with no proof) and telling his voters NOT to vote absentee and vote in person....

He schemed to have only election day votes count and cut off the counting of citizens who voted absentee.

Trump had planned his defrauding the American people of their vote for a very long time before the election.
You've been conned, by a con artist.... an exceptional one!

That is not your fault.

He's played on your vulnerabilities, and fears....and made them out to be even worse than what they are, so that he, could play your savior... the ONLY ONE who could FIX it for you.

You're just pawns to him, in his game of power and kingship.
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There was this in August before the 2020 election:

"The concept of “election night,” is no longer accurate and indeed is dangerous. We face a period of contestation stretching from the first day a ballot is cast in mid-September until January 20. The winner may not, and we assess likely will not, be known on “election night” as officials count mail-in ballots. This period of uncertainty provides opportunities for an unscrupulous candidate to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the process and to set up an unprecedented assault on the outcome. Campaigns, parties, the press and the public must be educated to adjust expectations starting immediately."

Yes, they planned to cheat it. What kinda shit is that?! Huh?!

200+ years but all of a sudden it's "dangerous". :rolleyes-41:
There was this in August before the 2020 election:

"The concept of “election night,” is no longer accurate and indeed is dangerous. We face a period of contestation stretching from the first day a ballot is cast in mid-September until January 20. The winner may not, and we assess likely will not, be known on “election night” as officials count mail-in ballots. This period of uncertainty provides opportunities for an unscrupulous candidate to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the process and to set up an unprecedented assault on the outcome. Campaigns, parties, the press and the public must be educated to adjust expectations starting immediately."

Yes, they planned to cheat it. What kinda shit is that?! Huh?!

200+ years but all of a sudden it's "dangerous". :rolleyes-41:

That guy is responsible for Trump going to jail for Mara Lago decisions.... He gave Trump some really shitty advice then, as his opinion is now.

That guy is responsible for Trump going to jail for Mara Lago decisions.... He gave Trump some really shitty advice then, as his opinion is now.
I am starting to believe that there has to be authoritarians offered for people who vote Republican to offset your authoritarians who have been empowered for many years and decades.

That guy is responsible for Trump going to jail for Mara Lago decisions.... He gave Trump some really shitty advice then, as his opinion is now.
Da fuq are you on about? :dunno: Who is "That Guy"?

Your post was in response to a Democrat (or maybe globalist, or both ) exercise they did in how to cheat an American election in August of 2020.

There was no "that guy" AFAIK. Democrats/globalists like to run their scenarios and figure everything out.

Crap, we used to do things like that in school. Were they Democrats? :aargh:

Nah, the main teacher prayed with us in public school, couldn't have been.

Look up "Event 201" That's where Gates and friends unleashed Covid onto the world. (November 2019)

"TIP" = 2020 election

"Event 201" = release of Covid on society.

Same pattern, running all teh scenarios.
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There was this in August before the 2020 election:

"The concept of “election night,” is no longer accurate and indeed is dangerous. We face a period of contestation stretching from the first day a ballot is cast in mid-September until January 20. The winner may not, and we assess likely will not, be known on “election night” as officials count mail-in ballots. This period of uncertainty provides opportunities for an unscrupulous candidate to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the process and to set up an unprecedented assault on the outcome. Campaigns, parties, the press and the public must be educated to adjust expectations starting immediately."

Yes, they planned to cheat it. What kinda shit is that?! Huh?!

200+ years but all of a sudden it's "dangerous". :rolleyes-41:
You're posting jibberish from Judicial Watch. Do better.
I am starting to believe that there has to be authoritarians offered for people who vote Republican to offset your authoritarians who have been empowered for many years and decades.
Name one authoritarian that is a Democrat that you speak of...???
You've been conned, by a con artist.... an exceptional one!

That is not your fault.

He's played on your vulnerabilities, and fears....and made them out to be even worse than what they are, so that he, could play your savior... the ONLY ONE who could FIX it for you.

You're just pawns to him, in his game of power and kingship.

Let no one who took a single Covid vaccine ever, EVER lecture us on who was conned.
The election is over, when states certify their election results, and pick their electors, who then vote. This takes about one month, from election day....on a constitutional dictated timeline. During this month, any candidate can call for recounts, make suits in court, etc.

After that, GAME OVER! Those are the rules and election law. The winner is President elect. Peaceful transfer of power.

Trump CHOSE to tear that apart and still is trying, 3 years later.
Name one authoritarian that is a Democrat that you speak of...???

The election is over, when states certify their election results, and pick their electors, who then vote. This takes about one month, from election day....on a constitutional dictated timeline. During this month, any candidate can call for recounts, make suits in court, etc.

After that, GAME OVER! Those are the rules and election law. The winner is President elect.

Trump CHOSE to tear that apart and still is trying, 3 years later.
So why have elections for all of American history been over in 2-3 days, hmm? (except 2000 and 2020)

One month my fuckin' ass, bitch! That's a lie.

If it takes a whole month to count the votes? Someone is getting the real number and cheating enough to beat it.

Do you hear yourself? All this computer stuff and they can't count all the votes in 90 minutes?

Psshhhht! 🛑

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