Donald Trump could face All-Black appeals court in Manhattan


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If this is not a race war, then what is a race war.
All charges against Trump are f.... nuts.
Whites are already a minority on Earth,the entirely amount is between 6 and 7 millions.
There was no one true leader of whites which wasn't persecuted by NWO.

A social media post has gone viral claiming Donald Trump could face an all-Black Appeals Court if, as widely expected, he decides to appeal his conviction on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up the payment of hush money to Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

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If this is not a race war, then what is a race war.
All charges against Trump are f.... nuts.


I'm loving it. Five Black Femaled Jurists will decide on the rightful conviction of Convicted Felon P01135809.

Karma is a first class iron clad bitch!
If this is not a race war, then what is a race war.
All charges against Trump are f.... nuts.
Whites are already a minority on Earth,the entirely amount is between 6 and 7 millions.
There was no one true leader of whites which wasn't persecuted by NWO.


IM2 and the Brutha getting hard!

...although they may not go for the high yella negress. Too much white in her for those racists.

IM2 slave dream.jpg

Look, when you are behind enemy lines...what do you expect? We can't expect any breaks from the commie dems. We should expect the exact opposite. Remember the J-6'ers?? The J-6'ers were behind enemy lines. But they didn't know that at the time. No one knew it until it was too late.

Bub...harken back to the Mondale era. He carried MN and DC, that is it. Now see what states the commie dems carry. The citizens aka 'the vote' were our last line of defense, once the government, courts and military have failed us. You know, in the last 12 presidential elections, a rep has NEVER won DC. A rep has never got more than 16.51% of the vote in DC. If you go back 60 years, then the most a rep has got was 21.56%. Recent presidential races are in the 4% - 7% area for the rep candidate. Does that tell you anything?

Here is the record for how D.C. voted in presidential elections over the last 60 years from Wikipedia:

Goldwater 14.5% 1964

Nixon 18.8%

Nixon 21.56%

Ford 16.51%

Reagan 13.3%

Reagan 13.73%

Bush (G.W). 14.3%

Bush (G.W). 9.1%

Dole 9.34%

Bush (G.H). 8.95%

Bush (G.H). 14.3%

McCain 6.53%

Romney 7.28%

Trump 4.09%

Trump 5.4% 2020


Same thing in NYC more or less. Run by commie dems, like Portland and Seattle. All enemy territory, don't get caught in their legal system.

carville trump.jpg
If this is not a race war, then what is a race war.
All charges against Trump are f.... nuts.
Whites are already a minority on Earth,the entirely amount is between 6 and 7 millions.
There was no one true leader of whites which wasn't persecuted by NWO.


is it your contention that black people cannot do their job without being biased?
If this is not a race war, then what is a race war.
All charges against Trump are f.... nuts.
Whites are already a minority on Earth,the entirely amount is between 6 and 7 millions.
There was no one true leader of whites which wasn't persecuted by NWO.


There are 21 judges in the Appellate Division First Department to choose the panel from.

Also, that court did reduce the bond Trump had to put up from the civil trial, and told Letitia James to pound sand when she cried that the bonding agency wasn't something, something, something.

That same court gave Trump the go ahead yesterday to sue Mary Trump, overturning a lower courrt ruling.
I'm loving it. Five Black Femaled Jurists will decide on the rightful conviction of Convicted Felon P01135809.

Karma is a first class iron clad bitch!
They talk the screams without question of pure anger. And yet their actions to themselves causes them much misery and then blames others for it.
If this is not a race war, then what is a race war.
All charges against Trump are f.... nuts.
Whites are already a minority on Earth,the entirely amount is between 6 and 7 millions.
There was no one true leader of whites which wasn't persecuted by NWO.

Is this for real? I mean, c’mon, I know that female blacks are “golden” in Liberalville and are jumped ahead of men of any race and white women, but this is ridiculous.
Is this for real? I mean, c’mon, I know that female blacks are “golden” in Liberalville and are jumped ahead of men of any race and white women, but this is ridiculous.

If you just landed on this planet last week, and spent your entire week watching American television, you would swear black women are 60% of the population.
If you just landed on this planet last week, and spent your entire week watching American television, you would swear black women are 60% of the population.
I have remarked in the past as to how ridiculously disproportionately represented blacks are in advertising - to which of course the libs screamed “raaaaacist!” at me - but it is even more extreme when it comes to female blacks.

They represent 6% of the population, but are 50% of the prosecutors going on the lawfare attacks against Trump.
I have remarked in the past as to how ridiculously disproportionately represented blacks are in advertising - to which of course the libs screamed “raaaaacist!” at me - but it is even more extreme when it comes to female blacks.

They represent 6% of the population, but are 50% of the prosecutors going on the lawfare attacks against Trump.


This is what you get, when you force "equity" on to everyone, instead of "equality".

This is what you get, when you force "equity" on to everyone, instead of "equality".
Yup. You end up with idiots like Karine Jean-Pierre and Kamala Harris in prestigious positions because the Biden White House prioritized female blackness over qualifications and ability.
If this is not a race war, then what is a race war.
All charges against Trump are f.... nuts.
Whites are already a minority on Earth,the entirely amount is between 6 and 7 millions.
There was no one true leader of whites which wasn't persecuted by NWO.

He may get a better deal from all Black justices.

Then again, there's Bragg and Fani and letitia

so yeh... maybe I'm wrong but a lot of Blacks have been treated unfairly by the justice system (therefore, have empathy presumably) AND more Blacks are voting for T this time around..

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