Donald Trump : Department Of Education Must Go

Department of Education is a redundant beurocracy. Education is mostly funded and administered at the state level.

So you're saying we should have 50, 100, 200 different standards? Can you name another top 20 country in education that doesn't do it at the top? What you suggest sounds like a cluster fuck.
We got to the moon before the Dept Of Education was ever created. I think America would be just fine without it.
The sad thing is that Trump is right. But he's doing it for all the wrong reasons. He knows that if he gets elected the only way he'll get reelected is to dumb down the populace as much as possible in the next four years.
The populace is already dumbed down. It's why Obama got elected twice.

Umm..... check back to see who his opponents were.
Honestly if he said that we should get politics and nonsense out of education. I'd agree with him....But, since he thinks we shouldn't support and work to educate our children as a nation...Well, that is just stupid.

Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!
" It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation"
Federal Role in Education

If you're talking about Common Core, that was cooked up by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

Point is, the ED isn't an essential department. Saying you want to abolish the ED sounds a lot more anti-education than it really is.
So instead of attempting to fix the problems...Well, let's just stop supporting education.

Typical for a party that needs stupid people to win elections.

The only way you can't "fix" government is by getting rid of it.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

What a surprise that a moron is against education. Sure didn't see that coming.

In other news Mike Huckabee says he'll do away with the Department of Satan and Rick Santorum pledged to abolish the SPCA.
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?

And of course this just HAS to be about your ridiculous, cowardly antisemitism...
Education today = Indoctrination...If you love your kids and your nation remove them from public school post haste.
Please do so if you care about your kids' education...the public school system was established for the poor who could not pay for their kids to go into private school or get tutors. It was always designed to be the default position if all else wasn't feasible. It wasn't set up to be everybody's babysitter.

The public school system was established to turn everyone into obedient servile minions of the omnipotent state. The main prophet of public education, John Dewey, even admited as much.
So instead of attempting to fix the problems...Well, let's just stop supporting education.

Typical for a party that needs stupid people to win elections.

The only way you can't "fix" government is by getting rid of it.

Says the one that doesn't understand his own countries history. How sad.

I understand it far better than you. The record of our government is utterly disgraceful.
Honestly if he said that we should get politics and nonsense out of education. I'd agree with him....But, since he thinks we shouldn't support and work to educate our children as a nation...Well, that is just stupid.

Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!

Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.
Department of Education is a redundant beurocracy. Education is mostly funded and administered at the state level.

So you're saying we should have 50, 100, 200 different standards? Can you name another top 20 country in education that doesn't do it at the top? What you suggest sounds like a cluster fuck.
We got to the moon before the Dept Of Education was ever created. I think America would be just fine without it.

Liberals couldn't dream of living without bureaucracies. Bureaucrats carry out duties of elected officials against Americans without taking responsibility for their actions. Don't blame me, blame the bureaucrats, the people you can't redress or vote out of office. The people with a job for life with no accountability.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

Getting rid of something doesn't change anything.

Often getting rid of departments simply causes instability, working within these departments to get make them more effective is usually the best way.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

Getting rid of something doesn't change anything.

Often getting rid of departments simply causes instability, working within these departments to get make them more effective is usually the best way.

So getting rid of Hitler and the Nazis didn't change anything? How about getting rid of the Berlin wall?
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

What a surprise that a moron is against education. Sure didn't see that coming.

In other news Mike Huckabee says he'll do away with the Department of Satan and Rick Santorum pledged to abolish the SPCA.
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?
Thus spake der Fuhrher. Hey! That's an idea! Let's look to racist, Facsists as our example of education policy!

Why isn't education a top priority for Conservatives? It seems they would be happy with an under qualified workforce in the coming century. They would embrace a lack of innovation and economic expansion, stuff right in their political wheelhouse.

But the Conservative, for whom science has always been a dicey proposition, would rather throw out the baby with the bath water so far as our education standards are concerned. The next time we hear about say, the Swedes beating us in science education scores remember the knuckle dragging Conservatives believe it was the best decision for their vision of America.

The conservatives have been fighting the teachers unions for years. You know, the unions that protect and keep crummy teachers employed. They have also promoted home-schooling which works quite well since the liberal schools can't indoctrinate children with their nonsense. And remember who it was that fought against school vouchers and even took it to court. You know, those vouchers that give poorer minorities an opportunity to attend much better schools?

The more uneducated children, the more likely Democrat voters once they get out of school. That's why DEMOCRATS want to keep it this way.
Honestly if he said that we should get politics and nonsense out of education. I'd agree with him....But, since he thinks we shouldn't support and work to educate our children as a nation...Well, that is just stupid.

Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!

Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...
Department of Education is a redundant beurocracy. Education is mostly funded and administered at the state level.

So you're saying we should have 50, 100, 200 different standards? Can you name another top 20 country in education that doesn't do it at the top? What you suggest sounds like a cluster fuck.
We got to the moon before the Dept Of Education was ever created. I think America would be just fine without it.

Liberals couldn't dream of living without bureaucracies. Bureaucrats carry out duties of elected officials against Americans without taking responsibility for their actions. Don't blame me, blame the bureaucrats, the people you can't redress or vote out of office. The people with a job for life with no accountability.

Sounds like the clerk that wouldn't issue marriage licenses. Oh those pesky bureaucrats.
Honestly if he said that we should get politics and nonsense out of education. I'd agree with him....But, since he thinks we shouldn't support and work to educate our children as a nation...Well, that is just stupid.

Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!

Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...

Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

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