Donald Trump : Department Of Education Must Go

Department of Education is a redundant beurocracy. Education is mostly funded and administered at the state level.

So you're saying we should have 50, 100, 200 different standards? Can you name another top 20 country in education that doesn't do it at the top? What you suggest sounds like a cluster fuck.


Considering the 'standard' that currently exists it might be better if there were 50 different standards. Maybe at least a few of them will get it right if there's a little competition between the states and we end up having some students worth their weight in gold.


Good luck winning Co, Virgina, Florida and ohio without moderates and moderate republicans like I! ;) Extremist make up less then 25% of this country.

Conservatives don't even break more then 35%. hahaha. That 25% is the I hate education, science and investment types.
Considering the 'standard' that currently exists it might be better if there were 50 different standards. Maybe at least a few of them will get it right if there's a little competition between the states and we end up having some students worth their weight in gold.

We do have nationwide standards and testing, though I don't think the Department of Education is involved with creating them. I could be wrong about that. Anyway, teachers still have a little freedom to teach creatively. Individual schools still have flexibility with curriculum.

The Department of Education was created by Jimmy Carter as a reward for the support of teachers unions. Performance has actually gone down since 1980. It's mostly just a beurocracy of 5,000 government jobs. They get to take their cut of tax money and borrowed money that goes to supplement state education budgets. That's all they do.

But yeah, I agree that we shouldn't have inflexible cookie cutter standards for everyone.

"It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd." - Alexis de Tocqueville
Honestly if he said that we should get politics and nonsense out of education. I'd agree with him....But, since he thinks we shouldn't support and work to educate our children as a nation...Well, that is just stupid.

Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!

Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...

Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...
Honestly if he said that we should get politics and nonsense out of education. I'd agree with him....But, since he thinks we shouldn't support and work to educate our children as a nation...Well, that is just stupid.

Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!

Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...

Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...





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Honestly if he said that we should get politics and nonsense out of education. I'd agree with him....But, since he thinks we shouldn't support and work to educate our children as a nation...Well, that is just stupid.

Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!

Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...

Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...

Yes, I benefit so much from the federal government, as if I had a choice. What button to I press to get government out of my life? The more government out of my life, the better my life will be whereas you are the exact opposite.

Yes I wrote about the voucher system; not because I think it's a great idea, but only to show that Republicans have been more proactive in trying to straighten out the mess that is our public school systems than the Democrats. Democrats keep asking for more money as if that's ever going to help.

Taxes? Yes, I do think parents should be paying more taxes if they have kids in the public school system than people that don't. In our state, it's assessed through property taxes. I nor my tenants have any kids in our public school system, but over half of my property taxes that I pay go to support the schools. In the meantime, the parent(s) down the street may be paying half of what I pay because my property is much larger and they might have four kids in those schools. I don't see anything fair about that.
There is no need for a Federal Department of Education.

That's the job of the States not the Fed Govt.

Get rid of the Department of Education and let the States run education in their own States.

Get rid of a few hundred thousand Fed Employees who work for the Department of Education and save the taxpayers a shit load of money for salaries, benefits and retirements.
There is no need for a Federal Department of Education.

That's the job of the States not the Fed Govt.

Get rid of the Department of Education and let the States run education in their own States.

Get rid of a few hundred thousand Fed Employees who work for the Department of Education and save the taxpayers a shit load of money for salaries, benefits and retirements.

As far as I'm concerned, get rid of all bureaucracies. They are making my life miserable. They have too much power and no accountability.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

What a surprise that a moron is against education. Sure didn't see that coming.

In other news Mike Huckabee says he'll do away with the Department of Satan and Rick Santorum pledged to abolish the SPCA.
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?

A educated population is a wealthier and a population that is much better off. You don't see people in Haiti or Somalia leading the world per capita...Why, because their educational systems suck! A first world nation is built by education. If you support the white man then you should support a good educational system as that is what defines that race throughout its history...Everyone worth the shit in the history of our species followed the same.

I have to agree with Trump after reading this~
Please note that in the U.S., the federal role in education is limited. Because of the Tenth Amendment, most education policy is decided at the state and local levels. So, if you have a question about a policy or issue, you may want to check with the relevant organization in your state or school district.

So instead of attempting to fix the problems...Well, let's just stop supporting education.

Typical for a party that needs stupid people to win elections.

Really, how do the schools in your regressivecrat utopias compare to the rest of the country? High rates of illiteracy, low test scores and high dropout rates, add with that high teen pregnancy rates and you've got quality education, RIGHT? After decades since the dept was invented we've spent nearly 2 TRILLION dollars on it and have gotten declining returns every year. The regressivecrats answer to that is throw more money at it and maybe we'll finally get it right. I say scrap it and leave the money in the States who have the primary responsibility for their people.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

What a surprise that a moron is against education. Sure didn't see that coming.

In other news Mike Huckabee says he'll do away with the Department of Satan and Rick Santorum pledged to abolish the SPCA.
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?
Thus spake der Fuhrher. Hey! That's an idea! Let's look to racist, Facsists as our example of education policy!

Why isn't education a top priority for Conservatives? It seems they would be happy with an under qualified workforce in the coming century. They would embrace a lack of innovation and economic expansion, stuff right in their political wheelhouse.

But the Conservative, for whom science has always been a dicey proposition, would rather throw out the baby with the bath water so far as our education standards are concerned. The next time we hear about say, the Swedes beating us in science education scores remember the knuckle dragging Conservatives believe it was the best decision for their vision of America.

The Swedes spend far less per student and get better results, why do you think that is?
The sad thing is that Trump is right. But he's doing it for all the wrong reasons. He knows that if he gets elected the only way he'll get reelected is to dumb down the populace as much as possible in the next four years.

You don't get more dumbed down than the average regressivecrat voter.
Department of Education is a redundant beurocracy. Education is mostly funded and administered at the state level.

So you're saying we should have 50, 100, 200 different standards? Can you name another top 20 country in education that doesn't do it at the top? What you suggest sounds like a cluster fuck.

Right, versus the very expensive cluster fuck we've got now. LMAO
Why should we have a edukated society?

All it does is allow individuals to be informed, and understand their basic rights as Americans, and who the hell wants that?

Also I am sure those that support Trump nonsense would also support getting rid of the EPA because who the hell want to drink safe water?

Also I am sure they will want to get rid of Child Labor Laws because who the hell want kids enjoying their damn childhood when they can be put to work at any young age...

Also I am sure Trump supporters would prefer getting rid of the min. wage because they believe in that fairy tale about trickle down economics, and would be glade to make a dollar a day for eighteen hours of work.

So why don't we rewind America all the way back before Lincoln was elected so Trump can own him some slaves and remind us that only the select few that have money should be allow to enjoy the good life and the rest of us are here to serve those like him...

Now Tea Party supporters should thank Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt for ruining their perfect America!

Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...

Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...

Yes, I benefit so much from the federal government, as if I had a choice. What button to I press to get government out of my life? The more government out of my life, the better my life will be whereas you are the exact opposite.

Yes I wrote about the voucher system; not because I think it's a great idea, but only to show that Republicans have been more proactive in trying to straighten out the mess that is our public school systems than the Democrats. Democrats keep asking for more money as if that's ever going to help.

Taxes? Yes, I do think parents should be paying more taxes if they have kids in the public school system than people that don't. In our state, it's assessed through property taxes. I nor my tenants have any kids in our public school system, but over half of my property taxes that I pay go to support the schools. In the meantime, the parent(s) down the street may be paying half of what I pay because my property is much larger and they might have four kids in those schools. I don't see anything fair about that.

First off you keep on claiming certain garbage about me, and no matter how many times you write it the fact is you are still wrong!

First off you are using the internet which was created with Government money, so what button you should push is the off button on the device you are using...

I find it funny those like you hate the government so much but rely on as much as I do, so please understand that fact, but I bet you will refuse to accept it nor understand it!

Also you wrote about your hero Trump and how had he been President the Department of Education would have been done away with, but the reality is he's selling you so much bullshit and your too stupid to realize it.

Your major issue is with the Union and I will agree the Teacher Union is not helping the Children of this country by keeping worthless teachers at their jobs. I believe the Union has done more harm than good when it come to our school system, so I guess that blows your theory about " You Libs ".

As for paying Taxes, well everyone has to pay into the system if they want roads and infrastructure, and if you disagree then move to a country that has a system of government to your liking.

The fact is it was Republicans like Lincoln, Teddy, Ike and Nixon that expanded the role of the government into our lives, so where is your outrage over that fact?

Simple, you do not care when a Republican does it because you believe they have the best interest of the nation in their heart and soul, but when and if a Democrat get to abuse the system you then whine like a little girl...

Also why should I support the Voucher system?

It is still taking money from me to pay for your kids education, and you claim to be against the Federal Government involvement into our lives, so why write you are in support of another system that will tax us?

Simple, the GOP offered it up, so it must be a good thing to your close minded view...

So as you whine about how you have to pay too much taxes while the family down the street get off paying less is not my problem. Life is not fair and neither is paying taxes, and we all have to pay our share, but of course you prefer those like me to pay more while you pay less and still enjoy the same benefits in life...

So if you do not like the Educational System then do not offer another program that taxes the American Public to replace the broken one with because it is not my duty to pay for your kid education, and if you want a voucher then send your kid to public school instead!
So instead of attempting to fix the problems...Well, let's just stop supporting education.

Typical for a party that needs stupid people to win elections.

To fix education, you have to tear down the existing system & rebuild. It needs to be done at the local level where it traditionally was done. It also requires more parental input & less government regulation.

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