Donald Trump has changed the game and makes everyone look like an amateur


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
I don't even like Trump (*explained at the end of this post), and I can recognize his genius. No one in the GOP can touch this guy. He doesn't have a conservative history yet he has the most overwhelming support of any GOP candidate. He breaks all the rules we know as traditional presidential campaigning and gains more and more support as he does it. It's something beautiful to watch. Americans are so tired of being told cookie-cutter talking points. Sanders and Trump get this. Trump does it better than Sanders. Hillary, Cruz, everybody seems so outdated in terms of campaigning when it comes to Trump. This Fox debate thing is amazing. Trump's event will get better ratings, and it will raise money for veterans and wounded warriors at the same time. This guy is a campaigning genius. I don't even like him, and I can recognize it.

This guy is absolutely brilliant. Even if his presidency would just be more of the same, he deserves to win. He's campaigning far-and-away better than anyone else running. Nobody can touch him.

*So I don't really like Trump because I don't think his Romney bashing is fair (Trump should thank romney for losing in 2012, it only helps Trump's campaign). Isn't it insane how they are essentially the same (not career politicians, successful businessmen, not really partisan, not super conservative, pragmatic) yet the different approach to campaigning is making all the difference in the world? I like Romney, and it's weird because I don't like establishment people and Romney is your traditional establishment guy, or at least he ran that way in 2012. I do think since then, Romney has been more rogue in terms of GOP establishment, wanting to raise minimum wage for example, others would say that's just his progressive side showing, but when Trump's carrying the GOP voting base, I refuse to ever engage a GOP voter in a discussion of whether or not Romney is "conservative" again. Outside of 10 people on internet message boards, GOP voters don't REALLY care about "real conservatives", and the support and enthusiasm for Trump shows this
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"Donald Trump has changed the game and makes everyone look like an amateur"

Actually not.

Trump is the amateur and has managed to change the entire GOP into a bunch of bizarre, childish nitwits.
I don't understand how any objective person can look at what is going on in this election and deny he's better than everyone at campaigning.
He good at pandering to the gullible and weak-minded but will become an epic failure once the general electorate weighs in.
just why fox news and not the republican party is making money on the debates says a lot about the republican party and who really is in charge ... Trump is doing them a favor.

He has changed the game and no one has a clue as to how to stop him.
just why fox news and not the republican party is making money on the debates says a lot about the republican party and who really is in charge ... Trump is doing them a favor.


And, of course. NBC and MSNBC make nothing on those "so called" democrat debates? Jesus....
He has changed the game and no one has a clue as to how to stop him.

No sense in even trying to stop Trump. He could disappear tomorrow, and another circus clown just like him would take up right where he left off. What needs to happen is the idiots who support him need to reconnect with the sane world.
He has changed the game and no one has a clue as to how to stop him.

No sense in even trying to stop Trump. He could disappear tomorrow, and another circus clown just like him would take up right where he left off. What needs to happen is the idiots who support him need to reconnect with the sane world.
This isn't true though. When was the last time someone running as a Republican had this much energy and power in his presidential campaign?

To the Left, Trump is another clown running, to "real conservatives", the message is vote for Cruz because Trump isn't conservative. Trump can't be both of those things (Both another crazy conservative and not a real conservative). Trump reaps the results of this poor framing with the most successful campaign. Most people aren't passionately partisan, and that's a reason why Trump is winning
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He has changed the game and no one has a clue as to how to stop him.

No sense in even trying to stop Trump. He could disappear tomorrow, and another circus clown just like him would take up right where he left off. What needs to happen is the idiots who support him need to reconnect with the sane world.
This isn't true though. When was the last time someone running as a Republican had this much energy and power in his presidential campaign?

To the Left, Trump is another clown running, to "real conservatives", the message is vote for Cruz because Trump isn't conservative. Trump can't be both of those things (Both another crazy conservative and not a real conservative). Trump reaps the results of this poor framing with the most successful campaign. Most people aren't passionately partisan, and that's a reason why Trump is winning

Trump has demonstrated the pattern required to draw in the crazies. It's not that hard. Just unique. I'm sure any number of other people could copy his act.
He has changed the game and no one has a clue as to how to stop him.

No sense in even trying to stop Trump. He could disappear tomorrow, and another circus clown just like him would take up right where he left off. What needs to happen is the idiots who support him need to reconnect with the sane world.
This isn't true though. When was the last time someone running as a Republican had this much energy and power in his presidential campaign?

To the Left, Trump is another clown running, to "real conservatives", the message is vote for Cruz because Trump isn't conservative. Trump can't be both of those things (Both another crazy conservative and not a real conservative). Trump reaps the results of this poor framing with the most successful campaign. Most people aren't passionately partisan, and that's a reason why Trump is winning

Trump has demonstrated the pattern required to draw in the crazies. It's not that hard. Just unique. I'm sure any number of other people could copy his act.
Then you should be happy and stop your bitching. If Trump is such a disaster for the Republican Party, why are you so damn worried about him getting the nomination?
I don't understand how any objective person can look at what is going on in this election and deny he's better than everyone at campaigning.

Hint, throwing fire balls and being good at getting publicity is no campaigning. Two really bad decisions in two days, one bragging that he can work with Nazi Palousey, Chuckey Screwmer and other regressivecrats, and two, pulling out of the debate. He's got people coming out to see the circus, but when they're all alone in that voting booth, I think sanity will prevail.
He has changed the game and no one has a clue as to how to stop him.

No sense in even trying to stop Trump. He could disappear tomorrow, and another circus clown just like him would take up right where he left off. What needs to happen is the idiots who support him need to reconnect with the sane world.
This isn't true though. When was the last time someone running as a Republican had this much energy and power in his presidential campaign?

To the Left, Trump is another clown running, to "real conservatives", the message is vote for Cruz because Trump isn't conservative. Trump can't be both of those things (Both another crazy conservative and not a real conservative). Trump reaps the results of this poor framing with the most successful campaign. Most people aren't passionately partisan, and that's a reason why Trump is winning

Trump has demonstrated the pattern required to draw in the crazies. It's not that hard. Just unique. I'm sure any number of other people could copy his act.
Then you should be happy and stop your bitching. If Trump is such a disaster for the Republican Party, why are you so damn worried about him getting the nomination?

Not the least bit worried about trump.. What worries me is that there are so many who actually believe he is a reasonable choice.
I don't even like Trump (*explained at the end of this post), and I can recognize his genius. No one in the GOP can touch this guy. He doesn't have a conservative history yet he has the most overwhelming support of any GOP candidate. He breaks all the rules we know as traditional presidential campaigning and gains more and more support as he does it. It's something beautiful to watch. Americans are so tired of being told cookie-cutter talking points. Sanders and Trump get this. Trump does it better than Sanders. Hillary, Cruz, everybody seems so outdated in terms of campaigning when it comes to Trump. This Fox debate thing is amazing. Trump's event will get better ratings, and it will raise money for veterans and wounded warriors at the same time. This guy is a campaigning genius. I don't even like him, and I can recognize it.

This guy is absolutely brilliant. Even if his presidency would just be more of the same, he deserves to win. He's campaigning far-and-away better than anyone else running. Nobody can touch him.

*So I don't really like Trump because I don't think his Romney bashing is fair (Trump should thank romney for losing in 2012, it only helps Trump's campaign). Isn't it insane how they are essentially the same (not career politicians, successful businessmen, not really partisan, not super conservative, pragmatic) yet the different approach to campaigning is making all the difference in the world? I like Romney, and it's weird because I don't like establishment people and Romney is your traditional establishment guy, or at least he ran that way in 2012. I do think since then, Romney has been more rogue in terms of GOP establishment, wanting to raise minimum wage for example, others would say that's just his progressive side showing, but when Trump's carrying the GOP voting base, I refuse to ever engage a GOP voter in a discussion of whether or not Romney is "conservative" again. Outside of 10 people on internet message boards, GOP voters don't REALLY care about "real conservatives", and the support and enthusiasm for Trump shows this

Trump is no genius, he's just taken things that already existed and put them into an arena where these things shouldn't exist.

He's seen that people are gullible and stupid, and have fears, and he's playing on them, it's been done before.

Milosevic did it in Serbia, in Argentina Kirchner and Peron did it. In Rwanda they did it, Hitler did it. Doesn't take a genius, takes someone with little regard for decency and people's lives to do it.
I don't understand how any objective person can look at what is going on in this election and deny he's better than everyone at campaigning.

Donald Trump is missing this debate because he is getting ready to drop out of this race. No candidate would miss a debate right before Super Tuesday--LOL

1. Bill Clinton called Trump right before he entered this race.
2. Trump goes balls out on Hispanics--knowing full well they were one of the reasons Romney lost in 2012.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
3. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with Hispanics when the GOP nominee, since Reagan needs to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him




Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
He has changed the game and no one has a clue as to how to stop him.

No sense in even trying to stop Trump. He could disappear tomorrow, and another circus clown just like him would take up right where he left off. What needs to happen is the idiots who support him need to reconnect with the sane world.
This isn't true though. When was the last time someone running as a Republican had this much energy and power in his presidential campaign?

To the Left, Trump is another clown running, to "real conservatives", the message is vote for Cruz because Trump isn't conservative. Trump can't be both of those things (Both another crazy conservative and not a real conservative). Trump reaps the results of this poor framing with the most successful campaign. Most people aren't passionately partisan, and that's a reason why Trump is winning

Trump has demonstrated the pattern required to draw in the crazies. It's not that hard. Just unique. I'm sure any number of other people could copy his act.
Then you should be happy and stop your bitching. If Trump is such a disaster for the Republican Party, why are you so damn worried about him getting the nomination?

Not the least bit worried about trump.. What worries me is that there are so many who actually believe he is a reasonable choice.
Translation: I'm worried SICK about Trump!

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