Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

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Ad lose.
So you lose because you ad hom all the time.
An ad hominem has ZERO do with a subject as opposed to humor.
Please display my posts where I ad hominem.
l'll wait.
You have no humor. And when you do it again, I will note it. So noted.
You realize you just wasted The Lord's bandwidth.
See, you have no humor.
You're not witty so don't try to piggy back on someone's else wit.
I mean you really are NOT's not even a joke how not witty you are.
In other words, you're upset that JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, Facebook and MS are funding Clinton, and Trump has spent a pittance and still has a pretty even shot at winning.
In other words you are so submissive to Trump you pee yourself when he barks LOL
Ad lose.
Odd to hear that given that the entire admiration society gathering like gnats to a weiner around Trump admire him for his politically incorrect ad hominem style of calling women dogs , bimbos , calling people sad weak , mocking disabilities , mocking POW s
Not to mention, pretty lame and childish. I figure that one to be a complete pothead... they're noted for being a bit stunted.
Oh is this an attempt at "pot shaming" ....LOL fat chance everybody knows pot gets you through times of no money better than money through times of no pot
Sad but true. Rubio, Kasich, Bush or Christie could have captured the middle and won. I think Cruz would have had trouble though.
The right would have sat home with bush on the ticket.
You mean the antiAmerican far right.
You are defining Supply Side with Americanism.
I guess you love slavery.
That makes no sense, so there you go, you are you.
Supply Side REQUIRES extremely low cost labor.
Look it up.
You prove my point, so thanks.
The right would have sat home with bush on the ticket.
You mean the antiAmerican far right.
You are defining Supply Side with Americanism.
I guess you love slavery.
That makes no sense, so there you go, you are you.
Supply Side REQUIRES extremely low cost labor.
Look it up.
You prove my point, so thanks.
Never try something again when you didn't try the first time.
So you lose because you ad hom all the time.
An ad hominem has ZERO do with a subject as opposed to humor.
Please display my posts where I ad hominem.
l'll wait.
You have no humor. And when you do it again, I will note it. So noted.
You realize you just wasted The Lord's bandwidth.
See, you have no humor.
You're not witty so don't try to piggy back on someone's else wit.
I mean you really are NOT's not even a joke how not witty you are.
says mrs. unfunny!
An ad hominem has ZERO do with a subject as opposed to humor.
Please display my posts where I ad hominem.
l'll wait.
You have no humor. And when you do it again, I will note it. So noted.
You realize you just wasted The Lord's bandwidth.
See, you have no humor.
You're not witty so don't try to piggy back on someone's else wit.
I mean you really are NOT's not even a joke how not witty you are.
says mrs. unfunny!
Didn't your wife tell you not to mention her?
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Everything is pointing to a Trump win, shill. Stop spinning. You'll lose your balance.
Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history
Maybe so but with current events he will still win by a landslide.
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Everything is pointing to a Trump win, shill. Stop spinning. You'll lose your balance.
Nothing of the sort points to a Trump victory except the point on your head. You need to grow up and face the music.
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Yes, he has, and it looks like he still might win. Just imagine how fucked up your candidate is for that to be a TRUE STATEMENT!
The far and alt right have shot their last bolt.

By tomorrow morning, the dust will settle, and there they stand looking like deer in the headlights.

Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Yes, he has, and it looks like he still might win. Just imagine how fucked up your candidate is for that to be a TRUE STATEMENT!
You are right. She is a fucked up candidate. You are wrong, as you are so often: she is not my candidate.
Too bad there's no Nobel prize for slapstick!

This thread's OP would head the nominations.

Funniest things posted on this board in weeks.
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Everything is pointing to a Trump win, shill. Stop spinning. You'll lose your balance.
Nothing of the sort points to a Trump victory except the point on your head. You need to grow up and face the music.
You need to stop lying shill. Then, you need to prepare for your court appointed attorney.

Whenever that whore screws up big time, like now, you shills pour on the lies. No one believes your crap anymore. If they ever did. The fact is, the evidence that Trump will win is clear and out there for anyone to see. At this point if you can't see it then you don't want to.
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Everything is pointing to a Trump win, shill. Stop spinning. You'll lose your balance.
Nothing of the sort points to a Trump victory except the point on your head. You need to grow up and face the music.
You need to stop lying shill. Then, you need to prepare for your court appointed attorney.

Whenever that whore screws up big time, like now, you shills pour on the lies. No one believes your crap anymore. If they ever did. The fact is, the evidence that Trump will win is clear and out there for anyone to see. At this point if you can't see it then you don't want to.
hope burns eternal for the insane like you

And, I promise you, you will have an opportunity to clearly explain yourself.
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.
This is probably the best Internet post in modern history as well.


And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

You have no idea how you are being manipulated, do you?

Who’s Checking the Fact Checkers?
A new study sheds some light on what facts the press most likes to check.

One recent example that drives the point home is the Washington Post's recent fact check that gave President Barack Obama "four Pinocchios" for asserting that he had, in fact, called what happened in Benghazi an act of "terrorism."

According to the Post's Glenn Kessler, Obama did in fact refer to it the next day in a Rose Garden address as an "act of terror," but did not call it "terrorism." Is this a distinction without a difference?

the answer is yes, "act of terror" IS "terrorism". :rolleyes:

BUT be that as it may, POLITICO gave Romney's assertion HALF-TRUE rating, not false.

Romney says Obama waited 14 days to call Libya attack terror

So the LONE example in your article actually shows even handed rating from Politico.

Further, Politico awarded LIE OF THE YEAR to Obama for "keep your doctor" statement. How does that square off with your assertions that they suffer from pervasive lefty bias?
Right here, this is all you need to read to know they are unreliable.

Everyone knows, after reading the Wikileaks that Hillary wants open borders. Trump called her out on it.

What does Politifake say?

Says Hillary Clinton "wants to have open borders."

Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 19th, 2016 in the third 2016 presidential debate

Donald Trump wrongly says Hillary Clinton wants open borders


Bias, flat out bias.

IOW, they can't be trusted worth shit. Stop letting the media do your thinking for you. Derp.
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