Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

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You Trump Voters are Struggling LOL
Trump fans flood the web with bogus voter fraud stories as officials scramble to debunk them
Source: RawStory

If you see your Facebook feed flooded with hyped-up stories of alleged anti-Trump “voter fraud,” you should take them all with a massive grain of salt.

The reason for this is simple: The alleged voter fraud scare stories are bunk. Throughout this week, we’ve seen examples of Trump fans on the web trying to prove a massive voter fraud conspiracy with a series of anecdotes that completely fall apart upon closer inspection.

The most infamous example of this came from Donald Trump himself tweeting about a woman in Tarrant County, Texas who claimed that her voting machine flipped her vote from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton.

-snip- (Trump's tweet)

However, Tarrant County Elections Administrator Frank Phillips told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram earlier this week that he investigated the woman’s complaint and found that it was her own mistake that made her vote flip from Trump to Clinton. “Our investigations have indicated that the voter did not follow the directions for straight-party voting when they inadvertently click the ‘enter’ button or turn the wheel, causing the change in votes,” he said. “Further, in each incident where we could actually speak to a voter, they tell us that they discovered the changed vote on the summary screen display.”


Read more: Trump fans flood the web with bogus voter fraud stories as officials scramble to debunk them
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Yet Hillary can't maintain a strong double digit lead, with more money thrown and more of the media showing their support behind her? Just how bad does it have to be for democrats that not even the likes of Trump can Mrs Clinton create a strong favorable lead throughout this race? L M A O !!!!!!!!!! You gotta love it !!!!
Yet conservatives can't stay on topic and resort to ridiculous red herring fallacies in a failed, lame effort to deflect.

The thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

I know the truth of those poll numbers have to be killing you, that Trump is holding a tight race to the best Clinton and the left can throw at him.

Yet putting that aside, we have families now paying a lot more in premiums thanks to Obamacare, insurance providers leaving, and the best deflection liberals have to hit Trump on is what he said 11 years ago. Now there is the result of liberals like Clayton unable to face up to ... and stay on topic with ... the issues.
Jake Smarmy is having a melt-down.....tooo funny.
:) I am glad you are on the board, since the reb left.

Hell, I am still waiting on you to clarify what an "alt-right" is by your own definition and those "tell-tale" signs" that one is in the midst of an "alt-right-winger".., far you have bailed like the coward that I already knew you to be. You have never had any strengths in your convictions that you could I am an open book......all you need to do is ask.
You know so very little, what you know you can't put into context, thus you lash out, and thus I am continually amused by you. The bartbreit article defines Alt Right. You don't like it. Tell us why.
Why would anyone with an IQ above .05 gives regards to ANYTHING published on Breitbart?
Look you Trump supporters are being Totally Rick Rolled by the puffed up Tangerine Wrestling Promoter ...He took your money and spent it on his books for his profits and on lodgings at his Hotel for his profit...he Snookered all you all ...Sad...
Stone Cold Liar
We found at least six times when Trump claimed he would spend at least $100 million dollars of his own money on his campaign. Thursday night's FEC report showed Trump is $44 million short of that number. And in an interview scheduled to run tonight on Fox Trump refuses to commit to the $100 million figure. Sad!
Look you Trump supporters are being Totally Rick Rolled by the puffed up Tangerine Wrestling Promoter ...He took your money and spent it on his books for his profits and on lodgings at his Hotel for his profit...he Snookered all you all ...Sad...
Stone Cold Liar
We found at least six times when Trump claimed he would spend at least $100 million dollars of his own money on his campaign. Thursday night's FEC report showed Trump is $44 million short of that number. And in an interview scheduled to run tonight on Fox Trump refuses to commit to the $100 million figure. Sad!
In other words, you're upset that JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, Facebook and MS are funding Clinton, and Trump has spent a pittance and still has a pretty even shot at winning.
Jake Smarmy is having a melt-down.....tooo funny.
:) I am glad you are on the board, since the reb left.

Hell, I am still waiting on you to clarify what an "alt-right" is by your own definition and those "tell-tale" signs" that one is in the midst of an "alt-right-winger".., far you have bailed like the coward that I already knew you to be. You have never had any strengths in your convictions that you could I am an open book......all you need to do is ask.
You know so very little, what you know you can't put into context, thus you lash out,

If that's not calling the kettle black :lol: Dale, get used to that kind of talk from Jake
Who's ahead so far in the early vote totals?

By the way, below is the party affiliation breakdown of the early voters in 12 key battleground states. Democrats are ahead in eight states, Republicans are ahead in three, and they're essentially tied in Florida. Note: These percentages only tell us the party affiliation of these voters -- they don't tell us who they voted for. The Clinton and Trump early-vote efforts look very different

The biggest interest are OH and PA. HRC can win without PA and OH but Trump can't.


The head of NBC news has a seat at the CFR and on the Committee of 300...........your point? Perception is 99/10ths reality and they decide hook or

The fact of the matter is that Trump is kicking the ever living shit out of Hitlery in the real world. She has no enthusiastic voter base...they don't show up at her rallies...they don't proudly display bumper stickers touting her. What we do know is that DNC operatives are doing their best to fix the election by working with the bought and paid for lamestream media. We do know what Hitlery actually thinks about the "little people". We know that Hitlery's people gave a 5000K pay off to an FBI agent whose wife was running for political office that was perusing evidence against her. Seriously, Hitlery is the gift that just keeps on giving and the best is yet to come.

The best part of this joke of an election is that the vote of the people doesn't really matter and the right connections is what realy mattes.
In other words, you're upset that JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, Facebook and MS are funding Clinton, and Trump has spent a pittance and still has a pretty even shot at winning.
In other words you are so submissive to Trump you pee yourself when he barks LOL
I agree.

The closest we have had in American history was Andrew Jackson, and he was widely considered to be the worse president ever. Ironically, both Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson had demonstrated little understanding of their allotted constitutional powers.
Historians have rated Jackson from sixth best president to thirteenth best. The only president to pay off the debt.
The "historians' of the 21st century are engaged in present-ism as they judge AJ by today's standards. That's poor historical evaluation. Having said that, AJ truly was Trumpian in sociopathological anger, and unlike Trump (or Dale or most of the far right posters here today), no coward.

So what are the traits of a "alt-rightwinger"??????....still waiting..........
Rick Rolling away
Rick Rolling aaawayyy
you know the nearer
your destination
the more Trump
is Rick Rolling away
In other words, you're upset that JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, Facebook and MS are funding Clinton, and Trump has spent a pittance and still has a pretty even shot at winning.
In other words you are so submissive to Trump you pee yourself when he barks LOL[/QUOTE

Dude, that is sooooo fucking lame.....rise above it, dumb shit........make a case for the Hildebeast and make a case as to why the klunt is a better choice...what does she stand for, solutions, etc, etc......
The far right and alt right weirdies are beginning to smell of desperation. As well they should. :lol:
And the smell of fear from the weirdies out on the desperate regions of the extreme right is only increased by

The inversions by party in PA and OH I find interesting. Also intriguing is the strength of the 3rd parties in the old progressive states of the early 20th century.
The best part of this joke of an election is that the vote of the people doesn't really matter and the right connections is what realy mattes.

The best part is watching you all writhe and struggle while sobbing "Rig Rig"

What can I tell ya.....look at the Trump rallies....look at the dis-interest in Hitlery. Thousands show up for Trump regardless of where he goes......Hitlery draws as many flies as supporters. Let's do a reverse....let's say that in 2008 that polls showed McC-Lame was poling higher than the Barrypuppet even though he had lame, listless crowds...BUT, the Barrypuppet had an enthusiastic crowd with people fainting from the mere sighting of the Barrypuppet? I know that you would scream "racism": and point to the public support........tell me I am wrong. (snicker)
Dale is butt hurt and cannot contribute sensibly, so I simply will slide over his nonsense. But I will be talking to him on election day and the day after, continually. Dale, stop being such a prissy. :lol:
In other words, you're upset that JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, Facebook and MS are funding Clinton, and Trump has spent a pittance and still has a pretty even shot at winning.
In other words you are so submissive to Trump you pee yourself when he barks LOL
Ad lose.

Not to mention, pretty lame and childish. I figure that one to be a complete pothead... they're noted for being a bit stunted.
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