Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

It's shameful for a major American party to nominate a felon for the presidency, and The Party of Lincoln should go back to the drawing board.

Felons are frequently ineligible for employment and housing, and it’s the height of arrogance for Trump to insist that he, as a felon, be eligible for America’s most important job, which comes with America’s most famous house.

An element of Trump’s crime was to cover up extramarital sex he had with porn star Stormy Daniels while his wife was home nursing their infant son; that he consummated this affair without protection; that if he’d impregnated her, he’d have paid for her abortion in exchange for her signature on a non-disclosure agreement; and that he now seeks to tell every woman in America if and when she can have an abortion.

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Indeed, like Joe Biden and fellow Democrat Neo-Marxist conspirators, they've convicted DJT, just as Stalin, Mao, Putin and Maduro have convicted their political opponents.
Actually the DOJ said xiden willfully stole classified material and disclosed it, and is only avoiding prosecution because the DOJ doesn’t prosecute senile people
That is not what the DOJ said. You are a liar.

Where is all the bullying and pushback we expected with a conviction.

It as if the MAGA alt right got the air knocked out of them, gut punched.

With Trump beginning to fall in the polls, this is the time to stomp them when they are down.
That is not what the DOJ said. You are a liar.

Where is all the bullying and pushback we expected with a conviction.

It as if the MAGA alt right got the air knocked out of them, gut punched.

With Trump beginning to fall in the polls, this is the time to stomp them when they are down.
Yeah it is. You just can’t accept it, just like you all couldn’t accept the 2016 election and thus had to prosecute trump

Sad really
That is not what the DOJ said. You are a liar.

Where is all the bullying and pushback we expected with a conviction?

It's as if the MAGA alt-right got the air knocked out of them, gut-punched.

With Trump beginning to fall in the polls, this is the time to stomp them when they are down.
Except that Trump is soaring in the polls and received a million dollars an hour in contributions as a result of the enemy democrat's show trial.

The corrupt show trial actually cements the understanding that the 2020 truly was stolen. The corrupt judge did something I never thought would happen. He actually turned the never Trumpers into donors.
Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

It's shameful for a major American party to nominate a felon for the presidency, and The Party of Lincoln should go back to the drawing board.

Felons are frequently ineligible for employment and housing, and it’s the height of arrogance for Trump to insist that he, as a felon, be eligible for America’s most important job, which comes with America’s most famous house.

An element of Trump’s crime was to cover up extramarital sex he had with porn star Stormy Daniels while his wife was home nursing their infant son; that he consummated this affair without protection; that if he’d impregnated her, he’d have paid for her abortion in exchange for her signature on a non-disclosure agreement; and that he now seeks to tell every woman in America if and when she can have an abortion.

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On occassion we do get words of wizdom from the other side.
Here's jusr a few fro Fareed Zakaria on CMM....
Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

It's shameful for a major American party to nominate a felon for the presidency, and The Party of Lincoln should go back to the drawing board.

Felons are frequently ineligible for employment and housing, and it’s the height of arrogance for Trump to insist that he, as a felon, be eligible for America’s most important job, which comes with America’s most famous house.

An element of Trump’s crime was to cover up extramarital sex he had with porn star Stormy Daniels while his wife was home nursing their infant son; that he consummated this affair without protection; that if he’d impregnated her, he’d have paid for her abortion in exchange for her signature on a non-disclosure agreement; and that he now seeks to tell every woman in America if and when she can have an abortion.

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Trump is a convicted felon, and it is high time your mother does something about all those celebratory cum rags next to your bed,
Trump’s crime was to falsify business records in an effort to interfere with the 2016 election – Trump’s felony conviction is not a stand-alone offense; rather, it’s the start of Trump’s ongoing attacks on our democratic institutions, Trump’s treasonous, historic crimes of attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, his inciting of an attack of America’s democracy on 1/6, and his lawless effort to commit election fraud in Georgia.

And this will be the GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee.
Huh? On what planet? Trumps support is stronger then ever, you demafasict have literally made him America’s Nelson Mandela
That's why your Orange rump is falling in the polls?

That is why you are simply standing on the edges shaking your puny little fists?

Nominate Nikki and give yourselves a fighting chance and a new path.

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