Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

Trump’s crimes aren’t about hush money or Trump having sex with a with porn star, it’s about Trump interfering with the 2016 election and committing election fraud.

Actually, you're just the typical Dem / Socialist election denier.
Yep. But trump isn’t a killer, leftist, or dem donor.
Non sequitur?
Are you in the wrong thread?
Wrong chatroom?
In other words, whadahell are you wishing to say, poster Struth?
Explain yourself.


Convicted in a liberal partisan kangaroo court
Clever? Original?
You be the judge.
In the meantime, let's ask the prolific poster Mac-7 to......well, to prove his allegation that the jurors, bailiffs, judge, clerks, police, were a 'kangaroo court'.
Tell us what you know about the partisanship of those clerks & bailiffs & jurors?

Batter up, amigo. Show the forum you have adult gravitas.

Thanx, in advance.
Non sequitur?
Are you in the wrong thread?
Wrong chatroom?
In other words, whadahell are you wishing to say, poster Struth?
Explain yourself.


Clever? Original?
You be the judge.
In the meantime, let's ask the prolific poster Mac-7 to......well, to prove his allegation that the jurors, bailiffs, judge, clerks, police, were a 'kangaroo court'.
Tell us what you know about the partisanship of those clerks & bailiffs & jurors?

Batter up, amigo. Show the forum you have adult gravitas.

Thanx, in advance.
Unlike the people you listed, he’s not a dem donor like Madoff, or a killer like ted bundy.

Hard for you to grasp?
And then he broke the all time record for most political contributions in 24 hours

First, with no desire to be disrespectful, I would ask for that poster ('Missourian') to prove that assertion.
Offer us independent verification. Independent from Don Trump or enablers working with or for Don Trump.
As you know, or should know, Don Trump has a long and storied history of being quite economical with the truth. In my experience, if he says: "most", "best", "greatest', "most wonderful".......well, that's a tell.

It tells me to kick the friggin' tires, look in the poke, peek under the covers. In short, his fabulism negates his credibility.


Don Trump is a convicted felon. (so sayeth not only the OP, but also a 12-member jury who sat for weeks listening to testimony from witnesses, and reading documented evidence.)

So Don Trump is a felon.
Then some other posters wish to compare Trump to Jesus and poster Struth says he's like Mandela....because of his conviction status. ONLY his conviction status, it seems.

So like Trump, Bernie Madoff, John Gotti, and Jeffrey Dahmer.......are also convicted felons.


so was Jesus
So was Nelson Mandela!
Hard for you to grasp?

OK, so move your goal post when your 'convicted felon' analogy bombs?
You played the "so is Mandela" card as if Don Trump should be equated to Mandela.
Another poster equated Don Trump to Jesus.
Both comparisons are silly.
And need be pointed to as just that......silly.
Everybody can grasp that. No?
See the meme in post #66.

Where Don Trump is depicted as advising the world that Trump's Duped and Snookered ranks have increased.*

*seems P.T.Barnum underestimated the fertility of all those sucker's mothers.
"The Democratic party is a convicted serial killer, of nations"

Seems a tad histrionic.
But, to bring poor poster BluesLegend closer to earth and reality......let's ask him to explain his rather hyperbolic allegation.

So saddle up, Skippy. Show us your proofs. Explain yourself.
Trump’s crimes aren’t about hush money or Trump having sex with a with porn star, it’s about Trump interfering with the 2016 election and committing election fraud.
If your assertions are true, the FEC or DOJ would have prosecuted the Federal crimes. They did not prosecute them.

The State courts cannot prosecute Federal crimes.

Trump will appeal to the USSC and get those 34 bullshit counts dismissed.
We can make a Trump clothing line. Felonious in a banana Republic. Chiquita. Dayo!
If your assertions are true, the FEC or DOJ would have prosecuted the Federal crimes. They did not prosecute them.

The State courts cannot prosecute Federal crimes.

Trump will appeal to the USSC and get those 34 bullshit counts dismissed.
But they will drag it out for election interference.

They didnt even get him on the musdomeaner charge in this to try this bs loophole off it.

Same shit Logan Act crap 2016. FISA warrant violations.

And none went to jail
Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

It's shameful for a major American party to nominate a felon for the presidency, and The Party of Lincoln should go back to the drawing board.

Felons are frequently ineligible for employment and housing, and it’s the height of arrogance for Trump to insist that he, as a felon, be eligible for America’s most important job, which comes with America’s most famous house.

An element of Trump’s crime was to cover up extramarital sex he had with porn star Stormy Daniels while his wife was home nursing their infant son; that he consummated this affair without protection; that if he’d impregnated her, he’d have paid for her abortion in exchange for her signature on a non-disclosure agreement; and that he now seeks to tell every woman in America if and when she can have an abortion.

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An unusually thoughtful take from Cow-turd.
Don Trump is a convicted felon. (so sayeth not only the OP, but also a 12-member jury who sat for weeks listening to testimony from witnesses, and reading documented evidence.)

So Don Trump is a felon.
Then some other posters wish to compare Trump to Jesus and poster Struth says he's like Mandela....because of his conviction status. ONLY his conviction status, it seems.

So like Trump, Bernie Madoff, John Gotti, and Jeffrey Dahmer.......are also convicted felons.




OK, so move your goal post when your 'convicted felon' analogy bombs?
You played the "so is Mandela" card as if Don Trump should be equated to Mandela.
Another poster equated Don Trump to Jesus.
Both comparisons are silly.
And need be pointed to as just that......silly.
Everybody can grasp that. No?
Trump is like Nelson Mandela. A political prisoner

He doesn’t eat or murder people like Jeffrey Dalmer.
Non sequitur?
Are you in the wrong thread?
Wrong chatroom?
In other words, whadahell are you wishing to say, poster Struth?
Explain yourself.


Clever? Original?
You be the judge.
In the meantime, let's ask the prolific poster Mac-7 to......well, to prove his allegation that the jurors, bailiffs, judge, clerks, police, were a 'kangaroo court'.
Tell us what you know about the partisanship of those clerks & bailiffs & jurors?

Batter up, amigo. Show the forum you have adult gravitas.

Thanx, in advance.
I only accuse the jurors of being brain-dead liberal democrats along the same lines of the anti MAGA libs posting on this forum

They have been brainwashed to hate trump and will do anything to stop him

The left owns the courts in New York and can do whatever it pleases
Is he going to hire the Chinese to make it for him again? Of course he is.

But he puts America first right? LOL.... you’re such an idiot.
Disconnecting from that statement. We live off of Chinese slaves for a lot of our comforts. Progs never respond to their social justice rights. Never! China is a nation that is using this to become dominant in the world. At some point they will tell us to phuk ourselves. They have a way to go due to their population. They however have a growing infrastructure. They had little a few decades ago. Incredible. So, we know Joe now after near 4 years. Where are the tens of millions of homegrown manufacturing employment? Tell me.
Disconnecting from that statement. We live off of Chinese slaves for a lot of our comforts. Progs never respond to their social justice rights. Never! China is a nation that is using this to become dominant in the world. At some point they will tell us to phuk ourselves. They have a way to go due to their population. They however have a growing infrastructure. They had little a few decades ago. Incredible. So, we know Joe now after near 4 years. Where are the tens of millions of homegrown manufacturing employment? Tell me.
So I guess thats a yes; the blob is going to have his new clothes made in China

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