Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

Trump’s crime was to falsify business records in an effort to interfere with the 2016 election – Trump’s felony conviction is not a stand-alone offense; rather, it’s the start of Trump’s ongoing attacks on our democratic institutions, Trump’s treasonous, historic crimes of attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, his inciting of an attack of America’s democracy on 1/6, and his lawless effort to commit election fraud in Georgia.

And this will be the GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee.
Although, you prog dems can’t even tell us what exactly the payments to his lawyer should have been entered into the books as…What a joke.
I only accuse the jurors of being brain-dead liberal democrats along the same lines of the anti MAGA libs posting on this forum They have been brainwashed to hate trump and will do anything to stop him


"Brain dead liberal democrats"

And you would know that exactly?

How did they answer the opposing attorneys questions in the voir dire? Even the judge's questions?
Were you there in the courtroom to see their body language, hear their tone, judge for yourself their demeanor? Did each one admit to being a democrat? If they did admit such, well, why didn't Trump's lawyers reject 'em?

Could you have done a better job of sifting and selecting jurors that you thought would work best for the defendant, Trump?
Did you think Don Trump hired incompetent attorneys inexperienced in voir dire selections?
If you think that, what is the basis or rationale for thinking that?

I ain't trying to put you on the spot, poster Mac-7. Rather, I'm trying to determine your qualifications to make a rather strange assertion about jurors in Manhattan who sat for weeks watching and listening to witnesses, and reading reams of documentary evidence.

You seemingly assert that you know them well. So I'm merely asking you how you know them, and do you have the experience and qualifications to be a judge of these people. you must have been there in the courtroom in order to pass your judgement on the jurors, well.....can you share with the forum what it was really like in there? How did the visitors in the courtroom react when the verdicts were read?
Were you there in the courtroom to see their body language, hear their tone, judge for yourself their demeanor?
No I was not there and neither were you

You accept the verdict because it suits your political agenda

Like most libs you want the nation’s future decided in a banana republic courtroom, with a partisan democrat judge, and a stacked jury of libs that share you hate for Trump, rather than at the polls in november
What specific crimes did the jury rule on???

Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon

It's shameful for a major American party to nominate a felon for the presidency, and The Party of Lincoln should go back to the drawing board.

Felons are frequently ineligible for employment and housing, and it’s the height of arrogance for Trump to insist that he, as a felon, be eligible for America’s most important job, which comes with America’s most famous house.

An element of Trump’s crime was to cover up extramarital sex he had with porn star Stormy Daniels while his wife was home nursing their infant son; that he consummated this affair without protection; that if he’d impregnated her, he’d have paid for her abortion in exchange for her signature on a non-disclosure agreement; and that he now seeks to tell every woman in America if and when she can have an abortion.

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He won’t be once this farce Court gets bitchslapped on appeal.

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