Donald Trump is a Fascist

Wait.. you just described Obama and his brain-dead minions.
Which justifies Trump's stupidity how?

After all, Donald Trump is not an ordinary presidential candidate, or an ordinary Republican. He is a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic bigot. He has proposed banning Muslims from entering the United States; called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; supported the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants; routinely treated women with sexist disdain; advocated for torture of suspected terrorists; and generally dismissed the rule of law. He is, as my colleague Jamelle Bouie lucidly explained, a fascist, in a completely different category from previous Republican presidential nominees.

Romney and McCain had qualities and policies that Ginsburg surely loathed as well. But they always had Americaā€™s best interests at heart. That is altogether untrue of the sinister and self-interested Trump. For Ginsburg to treat Trump with the same respectā€”that is, complete silenceā€”that she afforded previous Republican nominees would acquiesce to the premise that his candidacy is just like theirs. It would suggest that this is an election like any other, a run-of-the-mill election rather than a battle for Americaā€™s soul. It would legitimize a fascist.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Just Risked Her Judicial Independence, Her Ethical Standing, and Her Legacy to Insult Trump

When good people don't speak up, guys like Hitler and Trump win.
The people have spoken you just dont like what they have to say
The people spoke and elected Bush too 2 times. No, I didn't like what they had to say.

And the people haven't spoken yet. Don't let down the confetti just yet.

Where did Trump ever say Mexicans were rapists and criminals? His disdain for the rule of law? There was disdain for any rules about the law last week when the powers to be decided to gave hillary a pass on her being reckless with national security. Anyway, I'll wait for you to post where Trump said Mexicans were rapists and criminals.
Well he was wrong

Data on immigrants and crime are incomplete, but a range of studies show there is no evidence immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans. In fact, first-generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans.

Donald Trumpā€™s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Immigration and crime levels have had inverse trajectories since the 1990s: immigration has increased, while crime has decreased. Some experts say the influx of immigrants contributed to the decrease in crime rates, by increasing the denominator while not adding significantly to the numerator.

The Congressional Research Service found that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants do not fit in the category that fits Trumpā€™s description: aggravated felons, whose crimes include murder, drug trafficking or illegal trafficking of firearms.

CRS also found that non-citizens make up a smaller percentage of the inmate population in state prisons and jails, compared to their percentage to the total U.S. population.

An analysis of 2010 Census data in a report from the American Immigration Council, a pro-immigration group, shows that 1.6 percent of immigrant males 18 to 39 years old were incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of native-born males. That disparity in incarceration rates has been consistent in the decennial Census since 1980, the report says.

four out of five arrests for drug smuggling involved U.S. citizens.

The theory is that immigrants generally have a stronger incentive than native-born Americans to stay out of legal trouble ā€” especially undocumented immigrants, who risk deportation. And those who legally are in the United States (or are pursuing legal status) are required to pass a criminal background check.

Itā€™s difficult to connect any crime with illegal immigration, by its nature. Drug smuggling and violent crimes do exist, but the cases are not indicative of larger trends in the immigrant population. What we do know about crime rates among non-citizens and inmates with unknown or unauthorized immigrant statuses show Trumpā€™s assertions about a crime wave are not accurate.
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€

Shep has to realize that Trump knows Hiliary isn't a "political" opponent but a soldier making her bones.
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€

How is wanting to put a criminal in jail being fascist?
Which justifies Trump's stupidity how?

After all, Donald Trump is not an ordinary presidential candidate, or an ordinary Republican. He is a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic bigot. He has proposed banning Muslims from entering the United States; called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; supported the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants; routinely treated women with sexist disdain; advocated for torture of suspected terrorists; and generally dismissed the rule of law. He is, as my colleague Jamelle Bouie lucidly explained, a fascist, in a completely different category from previous Republican presidential nominees.

Romney and McCain had qualities and policies that Ginsburg surely loathed as well. But they always had Americaā€™s best interests at heart. That is altogether untrue of the sinister and self-interested Trump. For Ginsburg to treat Trump with the same respectā€”that is, complete silenceā€”that she afforded previous Republican nominees would acquiesce to the premise that his candidacy is just like theirs. It would suggest that this is an election like any other, a run-of-the-mill election rather than a battle for Americaā€™s soul. It would legitimize a fascist.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Just Risked Her Judicial Independence, Her Ethical Standing, and Her Legacy to Insult Trump

When good people don't speak up, guys like Hitler and Trump win.
The people have spoken you just dont like what they have to say
The people spoke and elected Bush too 2 times. No, I didn't like what they had to say.

And the people haven't spoken yet. Don't let down the confetti just yet.

Where did Trump ever say Mexicans were rapists and criminals? His disdain for the rule of law? There was disdain for any rules about the law last week when the powers to be decided to gave hillary a pass on her being reckless with national security. Anyway, I'll wait for you to post where Trump said Mexicans were rapists and criminals.
Well he was wrong

Data on immigrants and crime are incomplete, but a range of studies show there is no evidence immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans. In fact, first-generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans.

Donald Trumpā€™s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Immigration and crime levels have had inverse trajectories since the 1990s: immigration has increased, while crime has decreased. Some experts say the influx of immigrants contributed to the decrease in crime rates, by increasing the denominator while not adding significantly to the numerator.

The Congressional Research Service found that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants do not fit in the category that fits Trumpā€™s description: aggravated felons, whose crimes include murder, drug trafficking or illegal trafficking of firearms.

CRS also found that non-citizens make up a smaller percentage of the inmate population in state prisons and jails, compared to their percentage to the total U.S. population.

An analysis of 2010 Census data in a report from the American Immigration Council, a pro-immigration group, shows that 1.6 percent of immigrant males 18 to 39 years old were incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of native-born males. That disparity in incarceration rates has been consistent in the decennial Census since 1980, the report says.

four out of five arrests for drug smuggling involved U.S. citizens.

The theory is that immigrants generally have a stronger incentive than native-born Americans to stay out of legal trouble ā€” especially undocumented immigrants, who risk deportation. And those who legally are in the United States (or are pursuing legal status) are required to pass a criminal background check.

Itā€™s difficult to connect any crime with illegal immigration, by its nature. Drug smuggling and violent crimes do exist, but the cases are not indicative of larger trends in the immigrant population. What we do know about crime rates among non-citizens and inmates with unknown or unauthorized immigrant statuses show Trumpā€™s assertions about a crime wave are not accurate.

But if people come here legally, we get to see their backgrounds and approve of them. Can't do that when they come here illegally.
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€

How is wanting to put a criminal in jail being fascist?
After all, Donald Trump is not an ordinary presidential candidate, or an ordinary Republican. He is a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic bigot. He has proposed banning Muslims from entering the United States; called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; supported the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants; routinely treated women with sexist disdain; advocated for torture of suspected terrorists; and generally dismissed the rule of law. He is, as my colleague Jamelle Bouie lucidly explained, a fascist, in a completely different category from previous Republican presidential nominees.

Romney and McCain had qualities and policies that Ginsburg surely loathed as well. But they always had Americaā€™s best interests at heart. That is altogether untrue of the sinister and self-interested Trump. For Ginsburg to treat Trump with the same respectā€”that is, complete silenceā€”that she afforded previous Republican nominees would acquiesce to the premise that his candidacy is just like theirs. It would suggest that this is an election like any other, a run-of-the-mill election rather than a battle for Americaā€™s soul. It would legitimize a fascist.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Just Risked Her Judicial Independence, Her Ethical Standing, and Her Legacy to Insult Trump

When good people don't speak up, guys like Hitler and Trump win.
The people have spoken you just dont like what they have to say
The people spoke and elected Bush too 2 times. No, I didn't like what they had to say.

And the people haven't spoken yet. Don't let down the confetti just yet.

Where did Trump ever say Mexicans were rapists and criminals? His disdain for the rule of law? There was disdain for any rules about the law last week when the powers to be decided to gave hillary a pass on her being reckless with national security. Anyway, I'll wait for you to post where Trump said Mexicans were rapists and criminals.
Well he was wrong

Data on immigrants and crime are incomplete, but a range of studies show there is no evidence immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans. In fact, first-generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans.

Donald Trumpā€™s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Immigration and crime levels have had inverse trajectories since the 1990s: immigration has increased, while crime has decreased. Some experts say the influx of immigrants contributed to the decrease in crime rates, by increasing the denominator while not adding significantly to the numerator.

The Congressional Research Service found that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants do not fit in the category that fits Trumpā€™s description: aggravated felons, whose crimes include murder, drug trafficking or illegal trafficking of firearms.

CRS also found that non-citizens make up a smaller percentage of the inmate population in state prisons and jails, compared to their percentage to the total U.S. population.

An analysis of 2010 Census data in a report from the American Immigration Council, a pro-immigration group, shows that 1.6 percent of immigrant males 18 to 39 years old were incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of native-born males. That disparity in incarceration rates has been consistent in the decennial Census since 1980, the report says.

four out of five arrests for drug smuggling involved U.S. citizens.

The theory is that immigrants generally have a stronger incentive than native-born Americans to stay out of legal trouble ā€” especially undocumented immigrants, who risk deportation. And those who legally are in the United States (or are pursuing legal status) are required to pass a criminal background check.

Itā€™s difficult to connect any crime with illegal immigration, by its nature. Drug smuggling and violent crimes do exist, but the cases are not indicative of larger trends in the immigrant population. What we do know about crime rates among non-citizens and inmates with unknown or unauthorized immigrant statuses show Trumpā€™s assertions about a crime wave are not accurate.

But if people come here legally, we get to see their backgrounds and approve of them. Can't do that when they come here illegally.

Can't argue with you. But you see the illegal immigration problem was caused by corportions and the GOP who let illegals in in order to lower wages. It was done on purpose.

If you would like to learn how you've been duped

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Two great articles on how we got to where we are.
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€

How is wanting to put a criminal in jail being fascist?
The people have spoken you just dont like what they have to say
The people spoke and elected Bush too 2 times. No, I didn't like what they had to say.

And the people haven't spoken yet. Don't let down the confetti just yet.

Where did Trump ever say Mexicans were rapists and criminals? His disdain for the rule of law? There was disdain for any rules about the law last week when the powers to be decided to gave hillary a pass on her being reckless with national security. Anyway, I'll wait for you to post where Trump said Mexicans were rapists and criminals.
Well he was wrong

Data on immigrants and crime are incomplete, but a range of studies show there is no evidence immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans. In fact, first-generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans.

Donald Trumpā€™s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Immigration and crime levels have had inverse trajectories since the 1990s: immigration has increased, while crime has decreased. Some experts say the influx of immigrants contributed to the decrease in crime rates, by increasing the denominator while not adding significantly to the numerator.

The Congressional Research Service found that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants do not fit in the category that fits Trumpā€™s description: aggravated felons, whose crimes include murder, drug trafficking or illegal trafficking of firearms.

CRS also found that non-citizens make up a smaller percentage of the inmate population in state prisons and jails, compared to their percentage to the total U.S. population.

An analysis of 2010 Census data in a report from the American Immigration Council, a pro-immigration group, shows that 1.6 percent of immigrant males 18 to 39 years old were incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of native-born males. That disparity in incarceration rates has been consistent in the decennial Census since 1980, the report says.

four out of five arrests for drug smuggling involved U.S. citizens.

The theory is that immigrants generally have a stronger incentive than native-born Americans to stay out of legal trouble ā€” especially undocumented immigrants, who risk deportation. And those who legally are in the United States (or are pursuing legal status) are required to pass a criminal background check.

Itā€™s difficult to connect any crime with illegal immigration, by its nature. Drug smuggling and violent crimes do exist, but the cases are not indicative of larger trends in the immigrant population. What we do know about crime rates among non-citizens and inmates with unknown or unauthorized immigrant statuses show Trumpā€™s assertions about a crime wave are not accurate.

But if people come here legally, we get to see their backgrounds and approve of them. Can't do that when they come here illegally.

Can't argue with you. But you see the illegal immigration problem was caused by corportions and the GOP who let illegals in in order to lower wages. It was done on purpose.

If you would like to learn how you've been duped

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Two great articles on how we got to where we are.

How have I been duped? I know that employers want illegals here. We finally have a guy wanting to do something about the problem which is one of the reason that he's so popular.
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€

How is wanting to put a criminal in jail being fascist?
The people spoke and elected Bush too 2 times. No, I didn't like what they had to say.

And the people haven't spoken yet. Don't let down the confetti just yet.

Where did Trump ever say Mexicans were rapists and criminals? His disdain for the rule of law? There was disdain for any rules about the law last week when the powers to be decided to gave hillary a pass on her being reckless with national security. Anyway, I'll wait for you to post where Trump said Mexicans were rapists and criminals.
Well he was wrong

Data on immigrants and crime are incomplete, but a range of studies show there is no evidence immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans. In fact, first-generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans.

Donald Trumpā€™s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Immigration and crime levels have had inverse trajectories since the 1990s: immigration has increased, while crime has decreased. Some experts say the influx of immigrants contributed to the decrease in crime rates, by increasing the denominator while not adding significantly to the numerator.

The Congressional Research Service found that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants do not fit in the category that fits Trumpā€™s description: aggravated felons, whose crimes include murder, drug trafficking or illegal trafficking of firearms.

CRS also found that non-citizens make up a smaller percentage of the inmate population in state prisons and jails, compared to their percentage to the total U.S. population.

An analysis of 2010 Census data in a report from the American Immigration Council, a pro-immigration group, shows that 1.6 percent of immigrant males 18 to 39 years old were incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of native-born males. That disparity in incarceration rates has been consistent in the decennial Census since 1980, the report says.

four out of five arrests for drug smuggling involved U.S. citizens.

The theory is that immigrants generally have a stronger incentive than native-born Americans to stay out of legal trouble ā€” especially undocumented immigrants, who risk deportation. And those who legally are in the United States (or are pursuing legal status) are required to pass a criminal background check.

Itā€™s difficult to connect any crime with illegal immigration, by its nature. Drug smuggling and violent crimes do exist, but the cases are not indicative of larger trends in the immigrant population. What we do know about crime rates among non-citizens and inmates with unknown or unauthorized immigrant statuses show Trumpā€™s assertions about a crime wave are not accurate.

But if people come here legally, we get to see their backgrounds and approve of them. Can't do that when they come here illegally.

Can't argue with you. But you see the illegal immigration problem was caused by corportions and the GOP who let illegals in in order to lower wages. It was done on purpose.

If you would like to learn how you've been duped

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Two great articles on how we got to where we are.

How have I been duped? I know that employers want illegals here. We finally have a guy wanting to do something about the problem which is one of the reason that he's so popular.

Trump uses illegal labor on his projects.
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€

How is wanting to put a criminal in jail being fascist?
The people spoke and elected Bush too 2 times. No, I didn't like what they had to say.

And the people haven't spoken yet. Don't let down the confetti just yet.

Where did Trump ever say Mexicans were rapists and criminals? His disdain for the rule of law? There was disdain for any rules about the law last week when the powers to be decided to gave hillary a pass on her being reckless with national security. Anyway, I'll wait for you to post where Trump said Mexicans were rapists and criminals.
Well he was wrong

Data on immigrants and crime are incomplete, but a range of studies show there is no evidence immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans. In fact, first-generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans.

Donald Trumpā€™s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Immigration and crime levels have had inverse trajectories since the 1990s: immigration has increased, while crime has decreased. Some experts say the influx of immigrants contributed to the decrease in crime rates, by increasing the denominator while not adding significantly to the numerator.

The Congressional Research Service found that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants do not fit in the category that fits Trumpā€™s description: aggravated felons, whose crimes include murder, drug trafficking or illegal trafficking of firearms.

CRS also found that non-citizens make up a smaller percentage of the inmate population in state prisons and jails, compared to their percentage to the total U.S. population.

An analysis of 2010 Census data in a report from the American Immigration Council, a pro-immigration group, shows that 1.6 percent of immigrant males 18 to 39 years old were incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of native-born males. That disparity in incarceration rates has been consistent in the decennial Census since 1980, the report says.

four out of five arrests for drug smuggling involved U.S. citizens.

The theory is that immigrants generally have a stronger incentive than native-born Americans to stay out of legal trouble ā€” especially undocumented immigrants, who risk deportation. And those who legally are in the United States (or are pursuing legal status) are required to pass a criminal background check.

Itā€™s difficult to connect any crime with illegal immigration, by its nature. Drug smuggling and violent crimes do exist, but the cases are not indicative of larger trends in the immigrant population. What we do know about crime rates among non-citizens and inmates with unknown or unauthorized immigrant statuses show Trumpā€™s assertions about a crime wave are not accurate.

But if people come here legally, we get to see their backgrounds and approve of them. Can't do that when they come here illegally.

Can't argue with you. But you see the illegal immigration problem was caused by corportions and the GOP who let illegals in in order to lower wages. It was done on purpose.

If you would like to learn how you've been duped

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Two great articles on how we got to where we are.

How have I been duped? I know that employers want illegals here. We finally have a guy wanting to do something about the problem which is one of the reason that he's so popular.

You mean you have a guy who's willing to say all the right things to get elected? He doesn't want to do anything about it. And the GOP won't let him do anything about it.

Us liberals wanted you to not sign NAFTA before HW Bush invented NAFTA. Why didn't you listen to us then?

And you think the GOP are going to allow tariffs? The Democrats will though. Maybe you are a democrat and just didn't know it.
Let's see what an American fascist can accomplish with the restrictions placed on the role of president. It might be fun. Come on guys. Let's vote Trump. It might be fun.
Trump and Sanders are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fascists.

Fox agrees

Fox News host Shep Smith launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump Monday, questioning what the GOP presidential nomineeā€™s real motives are.

Smith railed against Trump for pandering to his voter base by attacking his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday nightā€™s presidential debate. He also criticized the brash businessman for failing to court undecided voters who wanted to hear substantive arguments, as Trump vowed to jail Clinton if he were elected.

ā€œIt might have been bordering on unconstitutional, maybe even something almost definitionally fascist,ā€ Smith said of the declaration. ā€œThis, ā€˜If I get elected, Iā€™m going to prosecute my political opponent,ā€™ thatā€™s never been done in the history of the United States.ā€

You think Fox is any different from NBC or ABC or ANY other media outlet? HA! Not hardly. Same shit owned by same people etc etc....I quit watching CNN and started watching Fox but now I have turned it off. Its all bullshit.

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