Donald Trump is a fraud and here is the proof.

Do you know how to READ? I suggest you read the entire article, if you can?

Sure I know how to read...I read your posts in 2011.

So, which mealymouthed Romneyesque candidate are you supporting this year...Bush or Christie?

I am certainly not stupid enough to support Donald Trump.

No one is going to convince me that Donald Trump is in this race to win it. He's in it to chase millions of Hispanic voters into Hillary's column--and HERE'S THE PROOF:

The Daily/Caller--2012 Donald Trump's reflection on why Mitt Romney lost the election.

While Donald Trump has taken an aggressive anti-illegal immigration stance since announcing his presidential candidacy, in 2012, after Mitt Romney lost to President Obama, the real estate billionaire criticized the GOP for being too harsh towards illegal immigrants.

“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants, but what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it,” “They didn’t know what the policy was, but what they were is they were kind.” Trump’s call for a more delicate approach then on the issue of illegal immigration is in stark contrast to his recent comments.

During his campaign kickoff speech last month, the billionaire mogul decried U.S. immigration policy, saying that Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs” and “bringing crime.” “They’re rapists,” he continued, adding that “some, I assume, are good people.” Trump added another complaint to the list, saying this week that Mexican immigrants spread “tremendous infectious disease.”

Those remarks have caused heavy backlash and led some companies doing business with Trump to sever ties. NBC Universal, Univision, Serta, NASCAR, Macy’s and the PGA Tour have all either ended their contracts or announced plans to do so because of his remarks.

During that 2012 post-election interview, Trump also criticized Romney, whom he had endorsed.

“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal,” Trump said. He was referring to Romney’s answer during a Jan. 2012 primary debate in which he said that instead of rounding up illegal immigrants and deporting them, the U.S. should adopt a policy of “self-deportation.” Illegal immigrants without job prospects would eventually return to their home countries, Romney claimed. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump told Kessler. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

Trump did say in the interview that Republicans needed to develop a plan to “take care of this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful productive citizens of this country.”

The Trump campaign did not immediately return a request for comment
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Donald Trump is nothing more than Bill Clinton's trojan horse. He has no intention of becoming the next President, he's only here to help out his long time friends, Bill & Hillary Clinton.


You are correct on this one, and it's disgusting. The competition of ideas shouldn't be reduced to a sleazy parlor game.
No one is going to convince me that Donald Trump is in this race to win it. He's in it to chase millions of Hispanic voters into Hillary's column--and HERE'S THE PROOF:

The Daily/Caller--2012 Donald Trump's reflection on why Mitt Romney lost the election.

While Donald Trump has taken an aggressive anti-illegal immigration stance since announcing his presidential candidacy, in 2012, after Mitt Romney lost to President Obama, the real estate billionaire criticized the GOP for being too harsh towards illegal immigrants.

“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants, but what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it,” “They didn’t know what the policy was, but what they were is they were kind.” Trump’s call for a more delicate approach then on the issue of illegal immigration is in stark contrast to his recent comments.

During his campaign kickoff speech last month, the billionaire mogul decried U.S. immigration policy, saying that Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs” and “bringing crime.” “They’re rapists,” he continued, adding that “some, I assume, are good people.” Trump added another complaint to the list, saying this week that Mexican immigrants spread “tremendous infectious disease.”

Those remarks have caused heavy backlash and led some companies doing business with Trump to sever ties. NBC Universal, Univision, Serta, NASCAR, Macy’s and the PGA Tour have all either ended their contracts or announced plans to do so because of his remarks.

During that 2012 post-election interview, Trump also criticized Romney, whom he had endorsed.

“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal,” Trump said. He was referring to Romney’s answer during a Jan. 2012 primary debate in which he said that instead of rounding up illegal immigrants and deporting them, the U.S. should adopt a policy of “self-deportation.” Illegal immigrants without job prospects would eventually return to their home countries, Romney claimed. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump told Kessler. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

Trump did say in the interview that Republicans needed to develop a plan to “take care of this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful productive citizens of this country.”

The Trump campaign did not immediately return a request for comment

Donald Trump is nothing more than Bill Clinton's trojan horse. He has no intention of becoming the next President, he's only here to help out his long time friends, Bill & Hillary Clinton.


thanks lib.
tough shit now. we told you all Obama was a fraud and you all still put the thug in as president. so I'm now almost HOPING Trump gets in just to chap a bunch of asses

The only ass that's going to get champed is yours. Donald Trump called for higher taxes recently.

I don't care what he calls for. We still have a freaking YEAR away before we vote. I'm sick of hearing you all whine already. go worry over your all's circus, of all white fogies running for President.
Its fun to watch the GOP capitulating so soon. I don't think they'll all stay home this time but the signs of disharmony are encouraging. Couldn't happen to a nicer party or worse human beings.
Do you know how to READ? I suggest you read the entire article, if you can?

2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Sure I know how to read...I read your posts in 2011.

So, which mealymouthed Romneyesque candidate are you supporting this year...Bush or Christie?

I am certainly not stupid enough to support Donald Trump.


no you're worse. You are supporting a woman who is under investigation as we speak. or some 100 year old socialist fogie who wants us to become like Venezuela and he'll be Hugo Sanders.
He just changed his opinion on illegal immigration. People tend to change their opinion. What's wrong with it? Yesterday he was supporting illegal immigrants and now he doesn't.
He has 'changed' quite a few things suddenly. I don't trust him. Bernie style socialists like Trump don't suddenly 'change' their opinions. Socialists like Trump are notorious for changing opinions on a dime if it suits the Borg
Republicans are retarded for catering to Hispanics. Hispanics comprise 17.2 percent of the total U.S. population, but only 8.9 percent of actual voters. Republicans need to stop the flow of illegals anchor babies that grow into voters & focus on the White voters they keep alienating & increase their voter participation rates.
Trump was a big HRC supporter in 2008 primaries. He also endorsed Rahm Emanuel in 2011 and contributed to many democrat candidates. He's no republican, but he sure is making them look bad. He could say the same things in a more tactful way, but he needs to go for outrageous.
Oreo is asking a valid question and you are all ignoring it.

If Romney lost Hispanic votes due to saying illegals should self-deport how is Trump winning those Hispanic votes by saying boot all illegals?

I don't trust Trump. He's what, 70? A tiger does not change its stripes. He is not a conservative, period. I do find his non-pc approach refreshing (pc is bullshit and needs to go away), but he comes off as bullyish (ala Christie), non-presidential, and I do not think he'd make for a good president. I still don't believe he actually wants to be president no matter how much he's blathering that he does.
Republicans are retarded for catering to Hispanics. Hispanics comprise 17.2 percent of the total U.S. population, but only 8.9 percent of actual voters. Republicans need to stop the flow of illegals anchor babies that grow into voters & focus on the White voters they keep alienating & increase their voter participation rates.

That is one of the many things that Republican voters are angry at them for.
They believe the lefts propaganda and cave in to it.
Oreo is asking a valid question and you are all ignoring it.

If Romney lost Hispanic votes due to saying illegals should self-deport how is Trump winning those Hispanic votes by saying boot all illegals?

I don't trust Trump. He's what, 70? A tiger does not change its stripes. He is not a conservative, period. I do find his non-pc approach refreshing (pc is bullshit and needs to go away), but he comes off as bullyish (ala Christie), non-presidential, and I do not think he'd make for a good president. I still don't believe he actually wants to be president no matter how much he's blathering that he does.

Romney did not lose because of the Hispanic vote.
Too many Repubs stayed home.
Oreo is asking a valid question and you are all ignoring it.

If Romney lost Hispanic votes due to saying illegals should self-deport how is Trump winning those Hispanic votes by saying boot all illegals?

I don't trust Trump. He's what, 70? A tiger does not change its stripes. He is not a conservative, period. I do find his non-pc approach refreshing (pc is bullshit and needs to go away), but he comes off as bullyish (ala Christie), non-presidential, and I do not think he'd make for a good president. I still don't believe he actually wants to be president no matter how much he's blathering that he does.

Romney did not lose because of the Hispanic vote.
Too many Repubs stayed home.

I don't think any poster on this board is wrong more often than you are...

...except maybe PoliticalChic...

The GOP Turnout Myth
Oreo is asking a valid question and you are all ignoring it.

If Romney lost Hispanic votes due to saying illegals should self-deport how is Trump winning those Hispanic votes by saying boot all illegals?

I don't trust Trump. He's what, 70? A tiger does not change its stripes. He is not a conservative, period. I do find his non-pc approach refreshing (pc is bullshit and needs to go away), but he comes off as bullyish (ala Christie), non-presidential, and I do not think he'd make for a good president. I still don't believe he actually wants to be president no matter how much he's blathering that he does.

Romney did not lose because of the Hispanic vote.
Too many Repubs stayed home.

I don't think any poster on this board is wrong more often than you are...

...except maybe PoliticalChic...

The GOP Turnout Myth

Not a myth, facts
Bush -62 million
McCain 60 million
Romney 57 million.
Oreo is asking a valid question and you are all ignoring it.

If Romney lost Hispanic votes due to saying illegals should self-deport how is Trump winning those Hispanic votes by saying boot all illegals?

I don't trust Trump. He's what, 70? A tiger does not change its stripes. He is not a conservative, period. I do find his non-pc approach refreshing (pc is bullshit and needs to go away), but he comes off as bullyish (ala Christie), non-presidential, and I do not think he'd make for a good president. I still don't believe he actually wants to be president no matter how much he's blathering that he does.

Romney did not lose because of the Hispanic vote.
Too many Repubs stayed home.

I don't think any poster on this board is wrong more often than you are...

...except maybe PoliticalChic...

The GOP Turnout Myth

Not a myth, facts
Bush -62 million
McCain 60 million
Romney 57 million.

Read the fucking article.
Oreo is asking a valid question and you are all ignoring it.

If Romney lost Hispanic votes due to saying illegals should self-deport how is Trump winning those Hispanic votes by saying boot all illegals?

I don't trust Trump. He's what, 70? A tiger does not change its stripes. He is not a conservative, period. I do find his non-pc approach refreshing (pc is bullshit and needs to go away), but he comes off as bullyish (ala Christie), non-presidential, and I do not think he'd make for a good president. I still don't believe he actually wants to be president no matter how much he's blathering that he does.

Romney did not lose because of the Hispanic vote.
Too many Repubs stayed home.

I don't think any poster on this board is wrong more often than you are...

...except maybe PoliticalChic...

The GOP Turnout Myth

Not a myth, facts
Bush -62 million
McCain 60 million
Romney 57 million.

Turnout for Democrats was down more in 2012 than it was for Republicans:

"Turnout was down for both Republicans and Democrats, falling 4.2 percentage points for the Democrats from 33.0 percent of eligible citizens in 2008 to 28.8 this year; and 1.2 percentage points for the GOP from 28.4 in 2008 to 27.2 this year."

Now stop.

2012 Election Turnout Dips Below 2008 and 2004 Levels: Number Of Eligible Voters Increases By Eight Million, Five Million Fewer Votes Cast | Bipartisan Policy Center

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