Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

When their biggest complaint about Trump is "Well, he may have been a billionaire, but he didn't have as many billions as was once thought", well that's pretty darned good.
That's not anyone's biggest complaint. Trump is repulsive.
You were young and stupid. Trump was a liar,cheat and bully back then. Art of the deal is fiction. Trump bought the first 5000 copies to get on the NYT best seller list.
This is in the same vein as "Trump was only rich because his daddy gave him millions".
The jealousy over this great man is without bounds.
So when a liberal complains that Trump was an adulterer, we are not allowed to point out that the Democrat rapist she supports was worse? We have to be silent rather than point out the liberal hypocrisy?
According to the mods, no.
Nato is BAD---proof is in the puddin-----Do you see them bombing PUTIN for attacking an European NATION?

NFBW $- wrote: So in your pro-Putin head, Trump was right? Ukraine would be better off the past five days had Trump succeeded and accomplished what Putin dreams about, dissolving NATO.

The Trump and his voters / Putin bromance breakup is too late. Putin over valued Trump’s influence on the US electorate’s sympathy for autocracy and Authoritarian rulers. Tucker Carlson is a dumb fucker in the eyes of most Americans. Tucker was a big star on the Russian TV for the past year. Putin must of been convinced that Trump represented most Americans. He’s really fucked up.

Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine hasn't gone well for him so far, and it has created new problems for his longtime admirer Donald Trump.

The former U.S. president could always count on his base to remain loyal, but his strongest supporters have not gone along with his calling Putin's aggression an act of "genius," argued USA Today columnist Austin Sarat.

"Putin’s invasion is a wake-up call for Americans who ... have become complacent about democracy," Sarat wrote, "and it is a stark warning about what the world would look like if the kind of 'smart,''savvy' autocrats Trump admires were to be in charge and able to do whatever they want

NATO's job (there reason for existence supposedly) is to clamp down quickly on any tyrannt attacking EUROPE and yet look at them?

According to Trump n Tucker Putin wasn’t a tyrant until his military crossed the Ukraine’s border five days ago. Ukraine is not a member state. There is a procedure and requirements for a nation to qualify to join. Just like Ahmad Arberry you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
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NFBW $- wrote: So in your pro-Putin head, Trump was right? Ukraine would be better off the past five days had Trump succeeded and accomplished what Putin dreams about, dissolving NATO.

The Trump and his voters / Putin bromance breakup is too late. Putin over valued Trump’s influence on the US electorate’s sympathy for autocracy and Authoritarian rulers. Tucker Carlson is a dumb fucker in the eyes of most Americans. Tucker was a big star on the Russian TV for the past year. Put most of them convinced that Trump represented most Americans. He’s really fucked up.

According to Trump n Tucker Putin wasn’t a tyrant until his military crossed the Ukraine’s border five days ago. Ukraine is not a member state. There is a procedure and requirements for a nation to qualify to join. Just like Ahmad Arberry you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
NFBW $- wrote: So in your pro-Putin head, Trump was right? Ukraine would be better off the past five days had Trump succeeded and accomplished what Putin dreams about, dissolving NATO.

The Trump and his voters / Putin bromance breakup is too late. Putin over valued Trump’s influence on the US electorate’s sympathy for autocracy and Authoritarian rulers. Tucker Carlson is a dumb fucker in the eyes of most Americans. Tucker was a big star on the Russian TV for the past year. Putin must of been convinced that Trump represented most Americans. He’s really fucked up.

According to Trump n Tucker Putin wasn’t a tyrant until his military crossed the Ukraine’s border five days ago. Ukraine is not a member state. There is a procedure and requirements for a nation to qualify to join. Just like Ahmad Arberry you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
I think you know where you can shove yourself with your comments about me being pro-Putin...I wish evil upon him. I am hoping his fellow oligarths remove him sooner rather than later in as painful manner as possible.

Nato's failure to do their main job--to stop european nations from invading their neighbors is a clear sign that Trump was right as he always was about NATO being a huge waste of US taxpayer money. Power hungry and greedy themselves--they were hoping to sacrifice Ukraine to appease Putin and to stupid and self-centered to care that if PUtin succeeded, he would not stop at the Ukraine. Nato should be dissolved---Trump should have pulled ALL of our money out them. They are naught more than a collection of elitists seeking to enrich themselves instead of doing their actual "job".

Trump called PUtin smart--PUtin is. That doesn't Trump or anyone else that states this obvious is in a bromance with PUTIn--just they are intelligent and honest enough to admit the facts. Something that you can't do.

OH and fyi, I don't like tucker's personality---and I don't watch FOX news. I'm an atheist---I find the bible thumping on the network tiresome. And I prefer to read my own news---as I am in the habit of seeking out several different accounts on the same story to give me a wider view of what actually is happening. Again, something that I doubt that you are capable of.
NFBW $- wrote: So in your pro-Putin head, Trump was right? Ukraine would be better off the past five days had Trump succeeded and accomplished what Putin dreams about, dissolving NATO.

The Trump and his voters / Putin bromance breakup is too late. Putin over valued Trump’s influence on the US electorate’s sympathy for autocracy and Authoritarian rulers. Tucker Carlson is a dumb fucker in the eyes of most Americans. Tucker was a big star on the Russian TV for the past year. Putin must of been convinced that Trump represented most Americans. He’s really fucked up.

According to Trump n Tucker Putin wasn’t a tyrant until his military crossed the Ukraine’s border five days ago. Ukraine is not a member state. There is a procedure and requirements for a nation to qualify to join. Just like Ahmad Arberry you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
Ukraine is a european nation--their invasion signals a threat to all european nations. Natos job is to stop dictators from invading any european nation in order to prevent wars--that have a nasty habit of growing and encompassing others. Those willing to invade one nation are more than willing to invade others. LOGIC 101--again something that you obviously can't grasp.
According to the mods, no.
Great! So the moderators are allowing Republicans to speak out and show how hypocritical leftists are. I’m sure that, as a good leftist, you would prefer that those who make valid points revealing your double standards and hypocrisy be silenced, but NOT HERE, lefty!
Natos job is to stop dictators from invading any european nation i

Trump and Tucker didn’t consider Putin a dictator who is going to blitzkrieg into Ukraine just like Hitler blitzkrieged into Poland.

I must assume you agree with those fools and Putin appeasers. Where have you been?

You’re just repeating your original point. I don’t you address my questions?

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