Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

Typical liberal victimization poor mouth spout off,
90% of “rich” people started out average or below but had inspiration and perspiration attributes that put them over the top.
Nothing like you safe space wailing Nancy’s of today.

You really should use toilet paper on that percentage before you present it. I would say that you may not know where it's been but we all know it's been up your ass.
In summer 1989, my wife and I had a nonstop to Seattle. In the five-hour flight, I read The Art of the Deal from cover to cover. This was right at the time I decided to switch careers from teaching to real estate investing. I was 30 years old. That book was so motivational to me, had more sound business tips, and was so inspiring, I couldn't wait to get back home and start. That was 33 years ago, and it was the best decision I ever made.

But the point is, Donald Trump represented the very best of America. He was extremely wealthy by age 34, a self-made billionaire by 40. A brilliant, bold, organized, disciplined, confident swashbuckling kind of guy. I liked that and wanted to be that in my own sphere, though not the showy part. I wasn't going to do anything near as big as buy a landmark NYC hotel, but I was going to do my own little thing here in my mid-sized city.

Fast forward to late 1996. My wife and I were in Romania. Not far removed from Communism. The weather was overcast, bleak, lifeless. So were the people. Walking through the streets of Bucharest, the men were all dressed alike. Drab black pants, black shoes, black overcoat. They walked without energy or purpose it seemed. I was tall energetic, walked fast, wore jeans and white sneakers, and a bright red, white, and blue windbreaker. I didn't realize how I stood out, though I wasn't trying to. People looked at me. In the evening, I walked downtown to the casino. I did pretty well at blackjack. The natives didn't seem to know how to play. Nobody ever split or doubled down. I was having such a good run, people were putting their chips beside mine. Before long, the floor manager summoned me, and said I would have to remove my red, white, and blue jacket because it was too flamboyant for their tastes. Underneath I was wearing an old beat-up gray sweatshirt, but that was fine with them because it was not bright. I apologized and did what they wanted.

When I got back to the house where we were staying, I asked our native guide how I was perceived. I thought perhaps I was disliked. She said, no, the people can tell you are an American and admire that. They admire your energy, and are a bit jealous of you because of all you represent. I think I appeared to them the same way Americans see Donald Trump. Tall, energetic, can-do, very confident, maybe a little brash. Some are jealous. But this is what America is.

But is also extremely generous, giving, and caring. Just like Donald Trump. There are many stories of people Trump has helped financially without it being publicized. The media has scrubbed most of those accounts. But I remember before the big Google purge of 2016, such stories were readily found. America has always come to the aid of people in need. We are strong, confident, and giving. Never has an American leader matched a country's personality better than President Trump.

But the Marxist left doesn't want that. They want us to be like Soviet-bloc people. Bland, weak, tired, ineffectual zombie-like, and controlled. They don't want people to strive and dream and work and achieve. They don't want Donald Trumps.
You wanted to be a guy who brags about sexual assault?
"Trump, who discussed pulling the US from NATO takes credit for NATO’s existence in a new statement. Trump, who threatened to withhold weapons funding from Ukraine to get dirt on Biden, takes credit for Ukrainian weapons in same statement."

Trump is as delusional as the 5'7" Russian lunatic with his finger on the button.
Typical liberal victimization poor mouth spout off,
90% of “rich” people started out average or below but had inspiration and perspiration attributes that put them over the top.
Nothing like you safe space wailing Nancy’s of today.
Yes, very typical. Libs are very reluctant to credit positive traits - intelligence, discipline, motivation, hard work - with success, since the flip side would be that failure can be attributed, to a large degree at least, with the converse - low intelligence, no discipline, lack of motivation, and unwillingness to work hard. Libs can’t accept that so…they make a big deal about wealthy people inheriting.

The fact is that 93% of millionaires received no or little inheritance.
What makes you think Trump got the entire amount? There were other children, you know.
But $300 million in 1999 is equal to $507 million today. The president is worth at least $2.4 billion according to Forbes, so........

So how much did 0bama, Clinton, or Biden make in private business?
He cheated his siblings. He got his revenge for their challenge by cancelling the family health insurance plan. .... which left his 18 month old nephew with cerebral palsy with no health insurance.
Yes, very typical. Libs are very reluctant to credit positive traits - intelligence, discipline, motivation, hard work - with success, since the flip side would be that failure can be attributed, to a large degree at least, with the converse - low intelligence, no discipline, lack of motivation, and unwillingness to work hard. Libs can’t accept that so…they make a big deal about wealthy people inheriting.

The fact is that 93% of millionaires received no or little inheritance.
Trump has none of those attributes... he's too lazy to do due diligence so most of his business ventures have failed.
He cheated his siblings. He got his revenge for their challenge by cancelling the family health insurance plan. .... which left his 18 month old nephew with cerebral palsy with no health insurance.
Might be what the OP admires the most.
In summer 1989, my wife and I had a nonstop to Seattle. In the five-hour flight, I read The Art of the Deal from cover to cover. This was right at the time I decided to switch careers from teaching to real estate investing. I was 30 years old. That book was so motivational to me, had more sound business tips, and was so inspiring, I couldn't wait to get back home and start. That was 33 years ago, and it was the best decision I ever made.

But the point is, Donald Trump represented the very best of America. He was extremely wealthy by age 34, a self-made billionaire by 40. A brilliant, bold, organized, disciplined, confident swashbuckling kind of guy. I liked that and wanted to be that in my own sphere, though not the showy part. I wasn't going to do anything near as big as buy a landmark NYC hotel, but I was going to do my own little thing here in my mid-sized city.

Fast forward to late 1996. My wife and I were in Romania. Not far removed from Communism. The weather was overcast, bleak, lifeless. So were the people. Walking through the streets of Bucharest, the men were all dressed alike. Drab black pants, black shoes, black overcoat. They walked without energy or purpose it seemed. I was tall energetic, walked fast, wore jeans and white sneakers, and a bright red, white, and blue windbreaker. I didn't realize how I stood out, though I wasn't trying to. People looked at me. In the evening, I walked downtown to the casino. I did pretty well at blackjack. The natives didn't seem to know how to play. Nobody ever split or doubled down. I was having such a good run, people were putting their chips beside mine. Before long, the floor manager summoned me, and said I would have to remove my red, white, and blue jacket because it was too flamboyant for their tastes. Underneath I was wearing an old beat-up gray sweatshirt, but that was fine with them because it was not bright. I apologized and did what they wanted.

When I got back to the house where we were staying, I asked our native guide how I was perceived. I thought perhaps I was disliked. She said, no, the people can tell you are an American and admire that. They admire your energy, and are a bit jealous of you because of all you represent. I think I appeared to them the same way Americans see Donald Trump. Tall, energetic, can-do, very confident, maybe a little brash. Some are jealous. But this is what America is.

But is also extremely generous, giving, and caring. Just like Donald Trump. There are many stories of people Trump has helped financially without it being publicized. The media has scrubbed most of those accounts. But I remember before the big Google purge of 2016, such stories were readily found. America has always come to the aid of people in need. We are strong, confident, and giving. Never has an American leader matched a country's personality better than President Trump.

But the Marxist left doesn't want that. They want us to be like Soviet-bloc people. Bland, weak, tired, ineffectual zombie-like, and controlled. They don't want people to strive and dream and work and achieve. They don't want Donald Trumps.
Jeez. Talk about hero worship.

First, Rump got a head start from his dad. His dad was a wealthy real estate mogul and with his money and connections, Donald was able to get in on the NYC real estate market.

Second, even his dad's connections and money can take him only so far. Pretty much all of his business has gone into bankruptcy. The only business Rump has done well is in real estate and show business.

Doing good in real estate in NYC does not take brains. It takes money to buy-in. The value of a piece of NYC property hardly ever goes down.

Basically, Rump is a con man, a grifter. He had to pay over $2 million to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation. He has to pay more than $25 million for grafting students at his fake Trump U. The list goes on.

Only a real loser would admire a grifter like Rump. Instead of fantasizing about a mythical figure, read up on him. Good luck.
You really should use toilet paper on that percentage before you present it. I would say that you may not know where it's been but we all know it's been up your ass.
As always, liberals cannot refute fact statement so they respond with emotion insults. You do not hurt me with that twat boy, you merely wave your white flag.
Yes, very typical. Libs are very reluctant to credit positive traits - intelligence, discipline, motivation, hard work - with success, since the flip side would be that failure can be attributed, to a large degree at least, with the converse - low intelligence, no discipline, lack of motivation, and unwillingness to work hard. Libs can’t accept that so…they make a big deal about wealthy people inheriting.

The fact is that 93% of millionaires received no or little inheritance.
Which is what I said. Libs are so brainwashed toward government dependency and perpetual victimization that it’s incredulous to them that anybody can ever make it without being given it.
That’s their excuses crutch.
We don’t give it a second though because we persued and achieved the great success.

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