Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

He's everything that is wrong with America. Born on home plate and thinks he hit a home run.

So in other words, you are against success in America. Because sometimes successful, hard-working, self-made families have children, and these children grow up sometimes to be even more hard-working and successful. That is Donald Trump.

According to you, everything that is wrong with America are people making a success of themselves-- -- -- unless of course they do so working in an elected government position off the backs of the taxpayer. Then you are all for it.
In summer 1989, my wife and I had a nonstop to Seattle. In the five-hour flight, I read The Art of the Deal from cover to cover. This was right at the time I decided to switch careers from teaching to real estate investing. I was 30 years old. That book was so motivational to me, had more sound business tips, and was so inspiring, I couldn't wait to get back home and start. That was 33 years ago, and it was the best decision I ever made.

But the point is, Donald Trump represented the very best of America. He was extremely wealthy by age 34, a self-made billionaire by 40. A brilliant, bold, organized, disciplined, confident swashbuckling kind of guy. I liked that and wanted to be that in my own sphere, though not the showy part. I wasn't going to do anything near as big as buy a landmark NYC hotel, but I was going to do my own little thing here in my mid-sized city.

Fast forward to late 1996. My wife and I were in Romania. Not far removed from Communism. The weather was overcast, bleak, lifeless. So were the people. Walking through the streets of Bucharest, the men were all dressed alike. Drab black pants, black shoes, black overcoat. They walked without energy or purpose it seemed. I was tall energetic, walked fast, wore jeans and white sneakers, and a bright red, white, and blue windbreaker. I didn't realize how I stood out, though I wasn't trying to. People looked at me. In the evening, I walked downtown to the casino. I did pretty well at blackjack. The natives didn't seem to know how to play. Nobody ever split or doubled down. I was having such a good run, people were putting their chips beside mine. Before long, the floor manager summoned me, and said I would have to remove my red, white, and blue jacket because it was too flamboyant for their tastes. Underneath I was wearing an old beat-up gray sweatshirt, but that was fine with them because it was not bright. I apologized and did what they wanted.

When I got back to the house where we were staying, I asked our native guide how I was perceived. I thought perhaps I was disliked. She said, no, the people can tell you are an American and admire that. They admire your energy, and are a bit jealous of you because of all you represent. I think I appeared to them the same way Americans see Donald Trump. Tall, energetic, can-do, very confident, maybe a little brash. Some are jealous. But this is what America is.

But is also extremely generous, giving, and caring. Just like Donald Trump. There are many stories of people Trump has helped financially without it being publicized. The media has scrubbed most of those accounts. But I remember before the big Google purge of 2016, such stories were readily found. America has always come to the aid of people in need. We are strong, confident, and giving. Never has an American leader matched a country's personality better than President Trump.

But the Marxist left doesn't want that. They want us to be like Soviet-bloc people. Bland, weak, tired, ineffectual zombie-like, and controlled. They don't want people to strive and dream and work and achieve. They don't want Donald Trumps.
So in other words, you are against success in America. Because sometimes successful, hard-working, self-made families have children, and these children grow up sometimes to be even more hard-working and successful. That is Donald Trump.

According to you, everything that is wrong with America are people making a success of themselves-- -- -- unless of course they do so working in an elected government position off the backs of the taxpayer. Then you are all for it.
I'm against people who inherited great wealth acting like they did something smart.
I voted for Trump twice and I'll likely vote for him again in '24...but COME ON, man. I believe in his policies but he DOES have some serious character flaws. If there was someone who promoted the same types of policies, especially economic ones, but who was a more articulate speaker who didn't give the left wing New World Order loonies so much political ammunition or make enemies with his bluntness.....well, I'd be fine with Trump stepping back. Unfortunately he is the only one with the balls or audacity to stand up for these things right now, risking the twisted venom of the Democrats and actually run for office.

From what I've seen I wouldn't be overjoyed by having him as a neighbor or sitting next to him on airplane. I can see how he is caustic, arrogant and coarse at times and unnecessarily so. Abraham Lincoln was also known for his brash arrogance and ruthless tongue lashing of his political opponents. These things are sometimes necessary in winning at the political game, unfortunately. At times I feel Trump should have been much more suave and had more finesse...although there were times I feel his displays of bullheadedness we're warranted. Obama was actually an example of a suave smoothe talker - a real salesman. Unfortunately all he sold America was "OUT"....and everyone fell for it, with John McCain's help.
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I'm against people who inherited great wealth acting like they did something smart.

Why? A lot of people inherit wealth and squander it. Trump inherited a few million after he had already done something smart and proven his father wrong and made BILLIONS his father never had cracking into the Manhattan market his father said couldn't be done.

That was pretty smart.

Then Trump got into politics and beat the ass of a career insider. That was sheer genius.
I voted for Trump twice and I'll likely vote for him again in '24...but COME ON, man. I believe in his policies but he DOES have some serious character flaws. If there was someone who promoted the same types of policies, especially economic ones, but who was a more articulate speaker who didn't give the left wing New World Order loonies so much political ammunition or make enemies with his bluntness.....well, I'd be fine with Trump stepping back. Unfortunately he is the only one with the balls or audacity to stand up for these things right now, risking the twisted venom of the Democrats and actually run for office.

From what I've seen I wouldn't be overjoyed by having him as a neighbor or sitting next to him on airplane. I can see how he is caustic, arrogant and coarse at times and unnecessarily so. Abraham Lincoln was also known for his brash arrogance and ruthless tongue lashing of his political opponents. These things are sometimes necessary in winning at the political game, unfortunately. At times I feel Trump should have been much more suave and had more finesse...although there were times I feel his displays of bullheadedness we're warranted. Obama was actually an example of a suave smoothe talker - a real salesman. Unfortunately all he sold America was "OUT"....and everyone fell for it, with John McCain's help.
You can't be quiet and timid while constantly being lied about and attacked vigorously nonstop . If Trump wasn't the way he is , lefty would have eaten him alive. His first aggressive personality is a must . Fuck the snowflakes.
Why? A lot of people inherit wealth and squander it. Trump inherited a few million after he had already done something smart and proven his father wrong and made BILLIONS his father never had cracking into the Manhattan market his father said couldn't be done.

That was pretty smart.

Then Trump got into politics and beat the ass of a career insider. That was sheer genius.
Trump inherited the bulk of an estate estimated to be worth close to a billion dollars. Adjusted for inflation he's a poorer man now with a debt bomb set to go off in his life very shortly. Oh well, he can always ask you people for more free money.
You can't be quiet and timid while constantly being lied about and attacked vigorously nonstop . If Trump wasn't the way he is , lefty would have eaten him alive. His first aggressive personality is a must . Fuck the snowflakes.
I still agree...but only partially. I think Don could have and should have expressed himself better. The left has become alot MORE rabid because of some things he has said or the way he has said it.

In a way that's good because it pushes the Nazis out of the woodwork and into the light. But we may have to endure some serious wrath from them before things get better....IF they get better.
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As always, liberals cannot refute fact statement so they respond with emotion insults. You do not hurt me with that twat boy, you merely wave your white flag.

What fact. You pull a figure out your ass with it still dripping with feces and then you get offensive when called on it.
You have completely misrepresented Trump.
The part I stopped at is the self made part because Donald had a little help from his Grandmother and Father who made him rich…

Also who want to be a cheater on his wives, abusive person and a cheat in life?

I mean no one is perfect but I sure the hell would not pattern my life after Trump!
One thing I learned, if you are poor, you will never get rich. But if you are rich, it's quite easy to be even richer. And if you are richer, you can work harder and become insanely richer. Going from 300Mil to 2.4Bil ain't that hard for someone with zero public feelings.
You are historically wrong as fuck.
You can't be quiet and timid while constantly being lied about and attacked vigorously nonstop . If Trump wasn't the way he is , lefty would have eaten him alive. His first aggressive personality is a must . Fuck the snowflakes.
The milk toasts , cucks, and other gender addled deplore ordinary maleness.
Jeez. Talk about hero worship.

First, Rump got a head start from his dad. His dad was a wealthy real estate mogul and with his money and connections, Donald was able to get in on the NYC real estate market.

Second, even his dad's connections and money can take him only so far. Pretty much all of his business has gone into bankruptcy. The only business Rump has done well is in real estate and show business.

Doing good in real estate in NYC does not take brains. It takes money to buy-in. The value of a piece of NYC propertgreaty hardly ever goes down.

Basically, Rump is a con man, a grifter. He had to pay over $2 million to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation. He has to pay more than $25 million for grafting students at his fake Trump U. The list goes on.

Only a real loser would admire a grifter like Rump. Instead of fantasizing about a mythical figure, read up on him. Good luck.
Great post. No reason to sugar coat him. His father bailed him out many times. Trump wasn't much of a builder. He was good at marketing.

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