Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

Nato's failure to do their main job--to stop european nations from invading their neighbors is a clear sign that Trump was right as he always was about NATO being a huge waste of US taxpayer money.

NFBW $- wrote: more important to you is your fictitious belief that Trump was right. If you support trump on the Ukraine situation you are definitely pro-Putin up to the point when he actually launched this war against humanity. Rather than give up your loyalty to Trump you start lying about everything because that’s all you can do.

NATO is a treaty Between member states. Their existence is defensive whereas an attack on one is an attack on all. Ukraine is not a member. So you can quit with that lie and then I’ll take down the rest of your shit.

NATO is not dysfunctional and stupid organization nor is it apparently obsolete as Trump told the world. Putin hurt him and that’s why Putin prefers him. When a US president starts trying to fuck over NATO that’s a weakness in the west that Putin could have ever dreamed imaginable until Trump came along. Trump was on his side for the past five years. I believe Putin overestimated what that meant in terms of the American people willingness to defend democracy anywhere in the world.

it will be good to see you join most Americans who support our president and support NATO and support the EU and support just about the entire world put and end the terrorist war criminal Vladimir Putin.

And give up this ridiculous idea that Trump like some kind of Rambo was going to stop Putin using space force or offer him a free weekend to stay at Mar-a-Lago.
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What ain't right is that the man who could have prevented all this is the ones you leftwingers cheated out of his second term.
Now this is fucking funny. He was just as bad at enabling Russia as Bush, Obama and Biden. He idolized Putin more than the other's, they were and are just scared of him.
Trump is ostentatious and otherwise a liar, cheat and serial adulterer.
1) Biden is a crook and liar and a cheat - and an idiot.

2) Trump was far superior for this country than the demented old man you and the dishonest media put in office.
Now this is fucking funny. He was just as bad at enabling Russia as Bush, Obama and Biden. He idolized Putin more than the other's, they were and are just scared of him.
Except that Putin only invaded when the appeasers and weaklings - Obama and Biden - were president.
He was just as bad at enabling Russia as Bush, Obama and Biden. He idolized Putin more than the other's, they were and are just scared of him
NFBW $- wrote: Bush Obama and Biden and Trump I don’t think was afraid of Putin. The first three were opposed to his expansion of territory desires but Trump was accommodating. When Trump went public against Obama seeking to lift sanctions and recognize Crimea and not wanting to give lethal weapons to Ukraine in the republican party platform when Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn revising him that is a definite signal an indication as to why Putin wanted Trump in the White House rather than Hillary Clinton. Trump voters cannot spin that any other way without lying. - - - But unfortunately the Art of lying has become the norm rather than the exception since Putin‘s puppet made it into the White House because the white evangelical nationalistic Christians put him there.
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Except that Putin only invaded when the appeasers and weaklings - Obama and Biden - were president.

NFBW $- wrote: Bush Obama Biden and Trump were not afraid of Putin. The first three were opposed to his expansion of territory desires, but Trump was accommodating. - - - When Trump went public against Obama seeking to lift sanctions and recognize Crimea and not wanting to give lethal weapons to Ukraine in the Republic Party platform when Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn were advising him - - - That is a definite signal an indication as to why Putin wanted Trump in the White House rather than Hillary Clinton. Trump voters cannot spin that any other way without lying. But unfortunately the Art of lying has become the norm rather than the exception since Putin‘s puppet made it into the White House because the white evangelical nationalistic Christians put him there.
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Nato's failure to do their main job--to stop european nations from invading their neighbors is a clear sign that Trump was right as he always was about NATO being a huge waste of US taxpayer money. Power hungry and greedy themselves--they were hoping to sacrifice Ukraine to appease Putin and to stupid and self-centered to care that if PUtin succeeded, he would not stop at the Ukraine. Nato should be dissolved---Trump should have pulled ALL of our money out them. They are naught more than a collection of elitists seeking to enrich themselves instead of doing their actual "job".

NFBW $- wrote: Well you best get your pro-Trump n Tucker ducks in a row, atheist, because the god you do believe in, is taking credit for making NATO the huge success that it has become under Biden. Do you still love Trump for being so stupid?

"I hope everyone is able to remember that it was me, as President of the United States, that got delinquent NATO members to start paying their dues, which amounted to hundreds of billions of dollars. There would be no NATO if I didn't act strongly and swiftly. Also, it was me that got Ukraine the very effective anti-tank busters (Javelins) when the previous Administration was sending blankets. Let History so note!" Trump emailed to reporters.

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What would that $300 million be in today's dollar?
What makes you think Trump got the entire amount? There were other children, you know.
But $300 million in 1999 is equal to $507 million today. The president is worth at least $2.4 billion according to Forbes, so........

So how much did 0bama, Clinton, or Biden make in private business?
What makes you think Trump got the entire amount? There were other children, you know.
St Trumpy got a measly $14 million from the old man.

Barely enough to get by on yet look at the empire His Majesty built all by Himself!
Hey guys, here is a little exercise. Let's compare presidents' financial success in business at the time they were candidates:

Trump: $3.5 billion
Chimpy: 0
Biden: 0
Clinton: 0

Kind of hysterical, the comparison, isn't it?
Hey guys, here is a little exercise. Let's compare presidents' financial success in business at the time they were candidates:

Trump: $3.5 billion
Chimpy: 0
Biden: 0
Clinton: 0

Kind of hysterical, the comparison, isn't it?
Lol. Democrats are fools. They really think they have an argument ... Trump the billionaire is a fraud and a moron yet the community organizer , the Clinton fraudster foundation and the old demented one are pure genius. I sweat to God you can't even make this shit up...
The other incredible thing about President Trump is he accomplished all he did, PLUS he had to defend himself in frivolous investigations, pretty much every day of his administration. Trump was beyond amazing.
Fred Trump was never worth more than $300 million.

One thing I learned, if you are poor, you will never get rich. But if you are rich, it's quite easy to be even richer. And if you are richer, you can work harder and become insanely richer. Going from 300Mil to 2.4Bil ain't that hard for someone with zero public feelings.
Yep as opposed to Biden doddering around trying to virtue signal and accommodate every lowest denominator possible.
You have completely misrepresented Trump.
Back then he was all that, a Democrat and received awards from organizations for what he contributed to the Black community. It wasn't until he switched to Republican and ran against the old white lady beating her out of " Her time" that he became a racist.
One thing I learned, if you are poor, you will never get rich. But if you are rich, it's quite easy to be even richer. And if you are richer, you can work harder and become insanely richer. Going from 300Mil to 2.4Bil ain't that hard for someone with zero public feelings.
Typical liberal victimization poor mouth spout off,
90% of “rich” people started out average or below but had inspiration and perspiration attributes that put them over the top.
Nothing like you safe space wailing Nancy’s of today.

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