Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

So I take it YOU are in favor of NO borders. Let ANY criminal, rapist,etc. come into the USA? That's what you favor?
Or are you also in favor of putting children in jail with their parents when Dad or Mom rob a bank...kill a person... or let the people go?
As far as Muslims... are you in favor of the USA banning the legal system and adopting Sharia law? You are in favor of all those things is that right?

Oh and I'm offering up me and 90 million others like me that are really offended by idiots who encourage by "open borders" sorrowful pictures, and you never seemed
to comprehend the prices WE and 90 million others like me had to pay to become LEGAL immigrant/Citizens.

That is the offensive part is idiots like you excusing lazy, criminal behavior i.e. sneaking across the border, PAYING COYOTES 1,000s of dollars to come into the USA and
then since they committed a criminal act coming in illegally, they go on and commit further crimes!

YOU are forgetting 90 million of us!
Yeah. That' exactly how it works. One either supports, all things OR wants open borders, crime, mayhem and disaster.

This is not a zero sum game! This is not all 'my way or the highway'.

Where do you get the gall to think lie that?
Simple people with tiny/simple minds can only think in binary.

Well my point was about the MSM bias as illustrated by their lack of using the simple adjective "Illegal" shows they are thinking only in black and white or binary!
They consistently use the term "anti-immigrant" and that is so wrong!

What is the problem with using the adjective "anti-illegal immigrant" as that is what Trump is describing.
But being the binary mindset that ANYTHING Trump does is wrong describes the MSM.

Trump has NEVER EVER said he was anti-immigrant. The MSM in their hatred of Trump and deplorables like me and millions like us continue to speak with disdain.
As I've said several times here.
I personally don't like Trump's boisterous,obnoxious, boastful characteristics. And my experiences with people like him though they are successful.

And I know he is getting more done than any president in modern history.
He is getting things done.
Cutting regulations.
Cutting taxes.
It has been nearly 50 years since the economy has seen job creations like we have now where there are more jobs than people to fill them! Hence Trump wants
qualified immigrants!

And like most bosses I've known they are NOT personable people...but they get things done.

So to with Trump. Remember Trump's a selfish person like me and everyone else. Why he became president was he wants his children/grandchildren to have a better life.
That simple. And when we have presidents' more concerned about public image, the MSM's opinion, and NOT getting America on a better track... we needed truly a change.
Is it only possible to get things done by being an unrepentant asshole? Does one have to be a totally repellent human being, a social slug, a boor, to be effective? Can it be impossible for gentlemen and ladies to be effective leaders? Does it take a jerk to be president?

The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.

Shut the fuck up
The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
Undocumented immigrant is the correct term for anyone in the US who lacks proper documentation and has not had their case adjudicated in federal court. Simply being in the United States without documentation is not a crime according the SOCTUS in Arizona v. U.S.

There are also events that can occur to a visa holder legally in the US that results in being undocumented yet they have not broken any law.

Using the term illegal immigrant when referring to a person is usually prejudicial and meant to be so.

At government websites and the Supreme Court uses the term illegal alien which I guess is more fitting than illegal immigrant or undocumented immigrant. In the 1981 Supreme Court ruling the term illegal alien was used. Often calling something what it is, is just the plain truth.
Illegal alien or illegal immigrant would certainly be the proper term for a person whose guilt has been determined but not for the accused. We do not or should not refer to a person accused of murder as a murderer. Likewise we should not refer to a person accused of violating immigration law as an illegal immigrant because guilt has not been established. When the government refers to a person that has violated our immigration law as an illegal immigrant, the presumption is that court has found the person guilty.

I know this is a fine point but it's an important one because referring to a person as being illegal when they are innocent until proven guilty goes against one of our most important rights, due process which applies to anyone, citizen or alien accused of a crime.
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SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
Undocumented immigrant is the correct term for anyone in the US who lacks proper documentation and has not had their case adjudicated in federal court. Simply being in the United States without documentation is not a crime according the SOCTUS in Arizona v. U.S.

There are also events that can occur to a visa holder legally in the US that results in being undocumented yet they have not broken any law.

Using the term illegal immigrant when referring to a person is usually prejudicial and meant to be so.

At government websites and the Supreme Court uses the term illegal alien which I guess is more fitting than illegal immigrant or undocumented immigrant. In the 1981 Supreme Court ruling the term illegal alien was used. Often calling something what it is, is just the plain truth.
Illegal alien or illegal immigrant would certainly be the proper term for a person whose guilt has been determined but not for the accused. We do not or should not refer to a person accused of murder as a murderer. Likewise we should not refer to a person accused of violating immigration law as an illegal immigrant because guilt has not been established.

Fine. Then tell this to all the MSM that continue to labor that Trump is "ANTI-Immigrant". The perception is that he and millions like me are against all immigrants.
Which is obviously not true as Trump married an immigrant and I have relatives that are immigrants.
So tell this to the MSM that continues to label all of us that believe that the proper way of becoming an American is the LEGAL way as Trump's wife, my relatives and millions of other have done...legally...not sneaking across the border.

When the MSM and people like you stop labeling people like Trump and millions like me as "ANTI-IMMIGRANT" you and the MSM are fueling a major problem.
You are creating the divisiveness.
Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Yes he is - and his demented supporters love it. Sad...
Every day its the same I'm thing - moronic f*ing snowflakes accusing others of doing what they have done and of being who they are...

Hillary's campaign team was caught paying a liberal group to send thugs to beat and bloody Trump Supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES....

Antifa, who took money from the Russians to spread racial division, hatred, and violence, has admitted to showing up at legal demonstrations with the intent of illegally starting violence...

Democratic Party elected officials have incited Democrats into stalking, threatening, harassing, and physically assaulting Conservatives...

Liberals have shamelessly called for Conservative women to be kidnapped, caged, and beaten on TV ' for postetity'...

Snowflakes have called for the son of the President of the United States to be ripped from his mother's arms, kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles...

Democratic Party politicians ramped up the violent propaganda until one of their supporters attempted an assassination if GOP politicians, almost killing one (20pints of blood and 9 surgeries later he ended up surviving)...

...and shameless, propaganda-pushing cockroaches like this lying POS attempts to spread his fake news BS of how the GOP will end up getting someone killed...

SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.
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The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
Undocumented immigrant is the correct term for anyone in the US who lacks proper documentation and has not had their case adjudicated in federal court. Simply being in the United States without documentation is not a crime according the SOCTUS in Arizona v. U.S.

There are also events that can occur to a visa holder legally in the US that results in being undocumented yet they have not broken any law.

Using the term illegal immigrant when referring to a person is usually prejudicial and meant to be so.

At government websites and the Supreme Court uses the term illegal alien which I guess is more fitting than illegal immigrant or undocumented immigrant. In the 1981 Supreme Court ruling the term illegal alien was used. Often calling something what it is, is just the plain truth.
Illegal alien or illegal immigrant would certainly be the proper term for a person whose guilt has been determined but not for the accused. We do not or should not refer to a person accused of murder as a murderer. Likewise we should not refer to a person accused of violating immigration law as an illegal immigrant because guilt has not been established.

Fine. Then tell this to all the MSM that continue to labor that Trump is "ANTI-Immigrant". The perception is that he and millions like me are against all immigrants.
Which is obviously not true as Trump married an immigrant and I have relatives that are immigrants.
So tell this to the MSM that continues to label all of us that believe that the proper way of becoming an American is the LEGAL way as Trump's wife, my relatives and millions of other have done...legally...not sneaking across the border.

When the MSM and people like you stop labeling people like Trump and millions like me as "ANTI-IMMIGRANT" you and the MSM are fueling a major problem.
You are creating the divisiveness.
If you read my post, you would clearly understand that I am not opposed legal immigration nor I am against strong borders. I just want to see it done right.

There are a lot of people adamant about stopping illegal immigration but in reality they are against any form of immigration. They believe America is for strictly for Americans. Unfortunately, there are republicans in congress that agree. Donald Trump favors reducing legal immigration by 50%.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.
A. The stuff the left has been preaching almost got some 13 members of GOP legislation killed,wasn’t all that long ago that a crazy Bernie volunteer tried to take them out at baseball practice, for political reasons. By sheer luck that would’ve happened had one of them not had a police escort because they’re in the line of succession. Was that Bernies, or the leftist media’s “the sky is falling, fascism is upon us,” fault...According to your logic it would be. But it isn’t, I still think they should tone their ridiculous shit down, and come back to reality not only for the good of the country, but the good of themselves.

B. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to harass GOP members in public, and it keeps happening over and over. This weekend Candace Owens just got mobbed by a crowd using bullhorns to scream in her face, while throwing water on her during brunch. Trump just calls the media dumb and fake news, way less worse than what Maxine told her supporters to do. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUR CALLS FOR HER TO STOP ON THAT? WHERE IS YOUR CONCERN FOR GOP MEMBERS WHO ARE ACTUALLY GETTING ACTIVELY HARRASSED IN PUBLIC OVER AND OVER?

C. Believe it or not, the first amendment allows trump to say that the media are a bunch of phonies...The same first amendment also allows the media to say that trump is a racist fascist. That’s freedom of speech bub, it does not mean free speech of the things YOU only like, it also means the free speech of things that you and the dying media do not like.

D. The mainstream media is absolute shit. Both Fox News and all others. There are NO unbiased sources out there. It is also a bullshit format; let’s spend only 5 mins on an extremely complicated, nuanced topic...let’s get two people who’ll never budge and won’t have an honest conversation pitted against each other, and have them duke it out. That’s not news, that’s not informative, that’s WWE style entertainment. It is fake, and the mainstream media cannot die off fast enough.

I cannot even fathom the hypocrisy, and lack of understanding of the first amendment of this is beyond me.
Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
Undocumented immigrant is the correct term for anyone in the US who lacks proper documentation and has not had their case adjudicated in federal court. Simply being in the United States without documentation is not a crime according the SOCTUS in Arizona v. U.S.

There are also events that can occur to a visa holder legally in the US that results in being undocumented yet they have not broken any law.

Using the term illegal immigrant when referring to a person is usually prejudicial and meant to be so.

At government websites and the Supreme Court uses the term illegal alien which I guess is more fitting than illegal immigrant or undocumented immigrant. In the 1981 Supreme Court ruling the term illegal alien was used. Often calling something what it is, is just the plain truth.
Illegal alien or illegal immigrant would certainly be the proper term for a person whose guilt has been determined but not for the accused. We do not or should not refer to a person accused of murder as a murderer. Likewise we should not refer to a person accused of violating immigration law as an illegal immigrant because guilt has not been established.

Fine. Then tell this to all the MSM that continue to labor that Trump is "ANTI-Immigrant". The perception is that he and millions like me are against all immigrants.
Which is obviously not true as Trump married an immigrant and I have relatives that are immigrants.
So tell this to the MSM that continues to label all of us that believe that the proper way of becoming an American is the LEGAL way as Trump's wife, my relatives and millions of other have done...legally...not sneaking across the border.

When the MSM and people like you stop labeling people like Trump and millions like me as "ANTI-IMMIGRANT" you and the MSM are fueling a major problem.
You are creating the divisiveness.
If you read my post, you would clearly understand that I am not opposed legal immigration nor I am against strong borders. I just want to see it done right.

There are a lot of people adamant about stopping illegal immigration but in reality they are against any form of immigration. They believe America is for strictly for Americans. Unfortunately, there are republicans in congress that agree. Donald Trump favors reducing legal immigration by 50%.

That's only because they are coming in too fast and upsetting our culture.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

Yes, being here without our permission is being illegal. It's you people on the left that Clintonized it by calling them undocumented immigrants. That's like calling the drug dealer in your neighborhood an unlicensed pharmacist.

If you are here with no documents, you are here illegally.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

Oh please, you are a partisan hack. Any of the other Republican contenders could be President today and outside of some liberal Republicans like Jeb or Kasich, you would find a list of problems with them as well.
Undocumented immigrant is the correct term for anyone in the US who lacks proper documentation and has not had their case adjudicated in federal court. Simply being in the United States without documentation is not a crime according the SOCTUS in Arizona v. U.S.

There are also events that can occur to a visa holder legally in the US that results in being undocumented yet they have not broken any law.

Using the term illegal immigrant when referring to a person is usually prejudicial and meant to be so.

At government websites and the Supreme Court uses the term illegal alien which I guess is more fitting than illegal immigrant or undocumented immigrant. In the 1981 Supreme Court ruling the term illegal alien was used. Often calling something what it is, is just the plain truth.

And it is incorrect to call Trump anti-immigrant as it is insulting to all of us 90 million that are legal or relatives of legal immigrants.
Very insulting that the MSM forgets that distinction. Again... here is the example Google search
63,300 times "condemn Trump's anti-immigrant".."tests Trump's anti-immigrant"...Trump's anti-immigrant"...
Do you see the MSM doesn't make any distinction and that is truly insulting to the 90 million of Americans...hence 77% believe MSM is FAKE news.
Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 8.40.45 PM.png
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.
Visa Overstay - Illegal Alien

In this country illegally...
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
Yeah. That' exactly how it works. One either supports, all things OR wants open borders, crime, mayhem and disaster.

This is not a zero sum game! This is not all 'my way or the highway'.

Where do you get the gall to think lie that?
Simple people with tiny/simple minds can only think in binary.

Well my point was about the MSM bias as illustrated by their lack of using the simple adjective "Illegal" shows they are thinking only in black and white or binary!
They consistently use the term "anti-immigrant" and that is so wrong!

What is the problem with using the adjective "anti-illegal immigrant" as that is what Trump is describing.
But being the binary mindset that ANYTHING Trump does is wrong describes the MSM.

Trump has NEVER EVER said he was anti-immigrant. The MSM in their hatred of Trump and deplorables like me and millions like us continue to speak with disdain.
As I've said several times here.
I personally don't like Trump's boisterous,obnoxious, boastful characteristics. And my experiences with people like him though they are successful.

And I know he is getting more done than any president in modern history.
He is getting things done.
Cutting regulations.
Cutting taxes.
It has been nearly 50 years since the economy has seen job creations like we have now where there are more jobs than people to fill them! Hence Trump wants
qualified immigrants!

And like most bosses I've known they are NOT personable people...but they get things done.

So to with Trump. Remember Trump's a selfish person like me and everyone else. Why he became president was he wants his children/grandchildren to have a better life.
That simple. And when we have presidents' more concerned about public image, the MSM's opinion, and NOT getting America on a better track... we needed truly a change.
Is it only possible to get things done by being an unrepentant asshole? Does one have to be a totally repellent human being, a social slug, a boor, to be effective? Can it be impossible for gentlemen and ladies to be effective leaders? Does it take a jerk to be president?

The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
Simple people with tiny/simple minds can only think in binary.

Well my point was about the MSM bias as illustrated by their lack of using the simple adjective "Illegal" shows they are thinking only in black and white or binary!
They consistently use the term "anti-immigrant" and that is so wrong!

What is the problem with using the adjective "anti-illegal immigrant" as that is what Trump is describing.
But being the binary mindset that ANYTHING Trump does is wrong describes the MSM.

Trump has NEVER EVER said he was anti-immigrant. The MSM in their hatred of Trump and deplorables like me and millions like us continue to speak with disdain.
As I've said several times here.
I personally don't like Trump's boisterous,obnoxious, boastful characteristics. And my experiences with people like him though they are successful.

And I know he is getting more done than any president in modern history.
He is getting things done.
Cutting regulations.
Cutting taxes.
It has been nearly 50 years since the economy has seen job creations like we have now where there are more jobs than people to fill them! Hence Trump wants
qualified immigrants!

And like most bosses I've known they are NOT personable people...but they get things done.

So to with Trump. Remember Trump's a selfish person like me and everyone else. Why he became president was he wants his children/grandchildren to have a better life.
That simple. And when we have presidents' more concerned about public image, the MSM's opinion, and NOT getting America on a better track... we needed truly a change.
Is it only possible to get things done by being an unrepentant asshole? Does one have to be a totally repellent human being, a social slug, a boor, to be effective? Can it be impossible for gentlemen and ladies to be effective leaders? Does it take a jerk to be president?

The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Depends on where you are pulled over at. Without my drivers license I'd get a ticket, for a Hispanic immigrant they would have to call and have another person drive them home as law enforcement in some cities and states do not work with federal immigration.

Also if your children are US Citizens and you are not, papers or not, you will not be deported.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Moral of the story = If you're a Hispanic immigrant its wise to have your EAD or VISA.



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