Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.
Public distrust is the first step in state controlled media. The Daily Beast finds that 43% of self-identified Republicans say they think “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.”

Trump has always been good at playing the media. Long before he became president, Trump was attacking and baiting the media to gain notoriety and to cast himself as underdog in his daily feuds with public figure. As president he is just continuing what he has done for 40 years but on a nationwide scale.
Is the OP speaking of the press who tell us everyday that Trump is a racist NAZI, and same with his supporters?

I'd suggest liberals were champions of projection, but there's no method to their madness, so they're not even good at that.

In the meantime, I see a better world without all MSNBC agenda reporting. But if I had to pick one, Lawrence O'Donnell.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Depends on where you are pulled over at. Without my drivers license I'd get a ticket, for a Hispanic immigrant they would have to call and have another person drive them home as law enforcement in some cities and states do not work with federal immigration.

Also if your children are US Citizens and you are not, papers or not, you will not be deported.
Undocumented immigrants with US born children are in fact deported. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children have experienced the deportation of at least one parent in the course of about two years, according to the most recent estimates available (analyzing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data between 2011 and 2013).
The misconception that having a child in the US protects the undocumented immigrant family against deportation arises out of multiple stays of deportation orders for single parents with no suitable guardian for the children, requirement for special needs children, and illnesses of the parent or child. Not all, but most of these cases do finally get resolved by children reaching an age of 18, parent finding a suitable guardian, parent agreeing to voluntary removal of the family, or the court decides to deport them. The family is typically under financial pressure if they remain in the US because ICE flags there records making work very difficult to find, so many agree to leave the country voluntarily.

There are also other consideration in deporting a family with US born children, particular older children. When the children reach the age of 21, they can return to US and as US citizens they can then sponsor the family. If the family leaves the US born children in the US without a guardian, they will enter the foster care system at a cost of about $7,000/yr per child and at age 21 they can sponsor the return of the family. Also, most of these cases are unlawful presence, a civil misdemeanor with no punishment which make forcing US children who are citizens to either leave their country or go into foster care an awfully serve punishment of the children for such a minor violation by the parent for which the children are not even responsible. Ignoring problems of breaking up the family, these are practical consideration an immigration judge faces.
U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement

That is fine for me, as long as the law is upheld. I welcome immigrants, they need to come here legally.
Half of them do come here legally and like it so well they stay. That will prove to be a far greater problem than people sneaking across the border. Unless we revise our immigration laws, there is not going to be any practical way of dealing with the problem.
Is the OP speaking of the press who tell us everyday that Trump is a racist NAZI, and same with his supporters?

I'd suggest liberals were champions of projection, but there's no method to their madness, so they're not even good at that.

In the meantime, I see a better world without all MSNBC agenda reporting. But if I had to pick one, Lawrence O'Donnell.
If you can't see bias throughout the media both on the left and right, you're brainwashed beyond help or live under a rock. Fox News came into existence as a counterbalance to mainstream liberal media. Then MSNBC came on the scene as a counterbalance to Fox News. Now we have literally thousands of media outlets that go from real fake news; that is creating stories without any basis in fact to outlets that add subtle twists to favor one side or the other. What we rarely see today is straight news, with no comment, opinion, or slant because real news is not very entertaining and can be down right boring.
Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Depends on where you are pulled over at. Without my drivers license I'd get a ticket, for a Hispanic immigrant they would have to call and have another person drive them home as law enforcement in some cities and states do not work with federal immigration.

Also if your children are US Citizens and you are not, papers or not, you will not be deported.
Undocumented immigrants with US born children are in fact deported. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children have experienced the deportation of at least one parent in the course of about two years, according to the most recent estimates available (analyzing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data between 2011 and 2013).
The misconception that having a child in the US protects the undocumented immigrant family against deportation arises out of multiple stays of deportation orders for single parents with no suitable guardian for the children, requirement for special needs children, and illnesses of the parent or child. Not all, but most of these cases do finally get resolved by children reaching an age of 18, parent finding a suitable guardian, parent agreeing to voluntary removal of the family, or the court decides to deport them. The family is typically under financial pressure if they remain in the US because ICE flags there records making work very difficult to find, so many agree to leave the country voluntarily.

There are also other consideration in deporting a family with US born children, particular older children. When the children reach the age of 21, they can return to US and as US citizens they can then sponsor the family. If the family leaves the US born children in the US without a guardian, they will enter the foster care system at a cost of about $7,000/yr per child and at age 21 they can sponsor the return of the family. Also, most of these cases are unlawful presence, a civil misdemeanor with no punishment which make forcing US children who are citizens to either leave their country or go into foster care an awfully serve punishment of the children for such a minor violation by the parent for which the children are not even responsible. Ignoring problems of breaking up the family, these are practical consideration an immigration judge faces.
U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement

That is fine for me, as long as the law is upheld. I welcome immigrants, they need to come here legally.
Half of them do come here legally and like it so well they stay. That will prove to be a far greater problem than people sneaking across the border. Unless we revise our immigration laws, there is not going to be any practical way of dealing with the problem.

You can revise if you want, it is all good by me, as it stands now the law, is not being applied and sanctuary cities are part of the problem.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Depends on where you are pulled over at. Without my drivers license I'd get a ticket, for a Hispanic immigrant they would have to call and have another person drive them home as law enforcement in some cities and states do not work with federal immigration.

Also if your children are US Citizens and you are not, papers or not, you will not be deported.
Undocumented immigrants with US born children are in fact deported. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children have experienced the deportation of at least one parent in the course of about two years, according to the most recent estimates available (analyzing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data between 2011 and 2013).
The misconception that having a child in the US protects the undocumented immigrant family against deportation arises out of multiple stays of deportation orders for single parents with no suitable guardian for the children, requirement for special needs children, and illnesses of the parent or child. Not all, but most of these cases do finally get resolved by children reaching an age of 18, parent finding a suitable guardian, parent agreeing to voluntary removal of the family, or the court decides to deport them. The family is typically under financial pressure if they remain in the US because ICE flags there records making work very difficult to find, so many agree to leave the country voluntarily.

There are also other consideration in deporting a family with US born children, particular older children. When the children reach the age of 21, they can return to US and as US citizens they can then sponsor the family. If the family leaves the US born children in the US without a guardian, they will enter the foster care system at a cost of about $7,000/yr per child and at age 21 they can sponsor the return of the family. Also, most of these cases are unlawful presence, a civil misdemeanor with no punishment which make forcing US children who are citizens to either leave their country or go into foster care an awfully serve punishment of the children for such a minor violation by the parent for which the children are not even responsible. Ignoring problems of breaking up the family, these are practical consideration an immigration judge faces.
U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement

That is fine for me, as long as the law is upheld. I welcome immigrants, they need to come here legally.
Half of them do come here legally and like it so well they stay. That will prove to be a far greater problem than people sneaking across the border. Unless we revise our immigration laws, there is not going to be any practical way of dealing with the problem.

You can revise if you want, it is all good by me, as it stands now the law, is not being applied and sanctuary cities are part of the problem.
A person that overstays can apply for legal forgiveness or a waiver, and receive a U.S. immigration benefit (such as a green card) because the law allows it. The law gives immigration judges great latitude. The problem is overstaying is a civil misdemeanor that carries no punishment. Deportation is not punishment, it is an adjustment of immigration status.

Many people consider violation of immigration laws as a serious offense, however that is not how the law is written and it is not how immigration courts are set up. Immigration courts are run more like a family court than most civil courts.
CNN is not news but rather target journalism. They don’t report events, they target people
News-accident at 5th and Main
CNN-Racism suspected in accident at 5th and Main
CNN is not news but rather target journalism. They don’t report events, they target people
News-accident at 5th and Main
CNN-Racism suspected in accident at 5th and Main
Both CNN and Fox News are very profitable bringing in hundreds of millions for their parent companies. They do that by telling the story their views want to hear, not broadcasting news.
Anyone who calls our free press “ fake news” is doing autocrats bidding all over the world. They’re now using the pussygrabber’s phrase when their press accuses them of torturing and killing their own people.
They call it FAKE NEWS.
This is just another reason why this charlatan president is so dangerous.

Because people from around the world are adopting a phrase he uses?
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Depends on where you are pulled over at. Without my drivers license I'd get a ticket, for a Hispanic immigrant they would have to call and have another person drive them home as law enforcement in some cities and states do not work with federal immigration.

Also if your children are US Citizens and you are not, papers or not, you will not be deported.
Undocumented immigrants with US born children are in fact deported. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children have experienced the deportation of at least one parent in the course of about two years, according to the most recent estimates available (analyzing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data between 2011 and 2013).
The misconception that having a child in the US protects the undocumented immigrant family against deportation arises out of multiple stays of deportation orders for single parents with no suitable guardian for the children, requirement for special needs children, and illnesses of the parent or child. Not all, but most of these cases do finally get resolved by children reaching an age of 18, parent finding a suitable guardian, parent agreeing to voluntary removal of the family, or the court decides to deport them. The family is typically under financial pressure if they remain in the US because ICE flags there records making work very difficult to find, so many agree to leave the country voluntarily.

There are also other consideration in deporting a family with US born children, particular older children. When the children reach the age of 21, they can return to US and as US citizens they can then sponsor the family. If the family leaves the US born children in the US without a guardian, they will enter the foster care system at a cost of about $7,000/yr per child and at age 21 they can sponsor the return of the family. Also, most of these cases are unlawful presence, a civil misdemeanor with no punishment which make forcing US children who are citizens to either leave their country or go into foster care an awfully serve punishment of the children for such a minor violation by the parent for which the children are not even responsible. Ignoring problems of breaking up the family, these are practical consideration an immigration judge faces.
U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement

That is fine for me, as long as the law is upheld. I welcome immigrants, they need to come here legally.

You are labeled "anti-immigrant' because you DON"T want law breaking immigrants.

That is the example of the workings of the biased MSM because they forget that simple little adjective..."Illegal" i.e. they should say about Trump and the rest of us that we are
"anti-Illegal immigrants" which is a far different picture than they present to the public.
Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.
Anyone who calls our free press “ fake news” is doing autocrats bidding all over the world. They’re now using the pussygrabber’s phrase when their press accuses them of torturing and killing their own people.
They call it FAKE NEWS.
This is just another reason why this charlatan president is so dangerous.

Because people from around the world are adopting a phrase he uses?
I'm sure Trump would like to take credit for the whole fake news phenomenon but he's only kindling in this latest fire. If you ask people from other countries about fake news as I have, they will likely tell you it's negative news about Trump. This is because Trump, his administration, and his minions label all criticism and personal attacks as fake news.

Fake news is more about money than politics. The ability to attract viewers to websites is necessary to generate online advertising revenue. If publishing a story with false content attracts users, this benefits advertisers and improves ratings.

Real fake news, stories that have no factual basis are not that common except on social media. What is very common in the media is bias, framing, filtering, repetition, and omission. Bias is far more damaging than real fake news stories because stories that have no factual basis are easily exposed where bias is considered acceptable in opinion pieces and editorials. The problem today is opinion or editorials are blended with news. That needs to stop. I would love to see every TV and media outlet, Put a label that says the following is editorial opinion and label news as such. This should also be included in the "Journalism Code of Ethics".
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The Daily Beast finds that 43% of self-identified Republicans say they think “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.”
NO NO NO, sorry this is FAKE NEWS supported by fake polls in order to stir up HYSTERIA. In addition, perhaps there is bad karma for pretending to be a journalist but instead causing fear and strife in society by knowingly peddling LIES!
Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.
And Fox News is nothing more than an extension of the Republican party. The difference is Fox is usually number 1 and MSM is usually number 2, so they try harder.
The Daily Beast finds that 43% of self-identified Republicans say they think “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.”
NO NO NO, sorry this is FAKE NEWS supported by fake polls in order to stir up HYSTERIA. In addition, perhaps there is bad karma for pretending to be a journalist but instead causing fear and strife in society by knowingly peddling LIES!
You seem to be making a case for state controlled media where the president could stamp out all these lies.
This is just another standard Liberal attack method..............they say our rhetoric will get people killed..........but ignore their rhetoric that has led to violence......

Hypocrisy at it's finest....................Start reporting unbiased news and utter BS.........and they will not get called out for it.........

Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.
And Fox News is nothing more than an extension of the Republican party. The difference is Fox is usually number 1 and MSM is usually number 2, so they try harder.

Another difference is that there are several of them and only one of us. Same holds true for the internet. We have Twitter and FaceBook censoring conservative posts. And given the fact any cable news network pales in comparison to the amount of people that watch the big three, it's clear that we have as huge disadvantage when it comes to informing the public. That's why all our people are concentrated to one channel on television; it's the only one out there for us.
Real fake news, stories that have no factual basis are not that common except on social media. What is very common in the media is bias, framing, filtering, repetition, and omission.

Please. Trump said that Mexico was sending us their rapists, murders and thieves. The MSM LIED about it saying Trump called all Mexicans rapists, murderers and thieves. Now are you going to tell me that isn't fake news?

Or let me give you a more current example: LeBoob James attacked Trump once again. Trump responded to James in like kind. go to Google or whatever your favorite engine is, and type in the words Trump, LeBron, and Twitter. Then tell me how many outlets reported that James attacked Trump first. Maybe you'll find one out of 15 or 20. Most all of the headlines read "Trump attacks LeBron on Twitter." It's fake news and I don't care if it has any basis or not.
Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.

So right on target! Trump never was a politician like typical GOP who kissed MSM butts!
Trump like most of us calls 'em as he sees them.
And for the first time two things have come together: Tweets to the masses and ignore the Media!
His tweets have now surpassed TV and radio. The impact of this is not fully out there but the MSM is fully aware and panicked.

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