Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.
Trump understood quite well the profit motive in what we call "news" today and he exploited it just as he did when the Apprentice first appeared on TV. In the campaign, his constant attacks on just about anyone, his outrageous behavior, language, and misstatements, provided bait the media could not resist. A barge of media attacks, accompanied by real false news made him the under dog in the campaign and a president being unjustly attacked by the media.

Frankly, I really don't give a shit what happens to Trump. If Mueller doesn't get him, lost of seats in congress is going de-fang him, or he will make one enemy too many.

My real concern is the effect the on the media.
Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. If they are successful, you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in this country. A state sponsored news service may well be within our future, such as Pravda.

You call this FREEDOM of Speech????
The MSM gave nearly 90% more to Hillary and that's FREEDOM of Speech when THEY then write 90% negative news about Trump?
That's the reason less than 6% of Americans believe the MSM!

So the same process that occurred in 2008 occurred in 2016...but in reverse..."you are voting for Trump, a 'racist', homophobe',etc"?
With 2,014 adults surveyed, only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


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Democratic senator sayys Infowars takedown is merely a good first step Democratic senator sayys Infowars takedown is a good start | Daily Mail Online via @MailOnline
Saturday, Aug 11th 2018

Democrats back Infowars takedown as one senator wants MORE accounts squelched and another says social media companies should be legally liable for everything their users post
Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube have banned broadcasts and podcasts from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones
  • Democratic senator from Connecticut calls it 'a good start' and hints that he wants a more heavy-handed approach to squelching fringe speech
  • Another Democrat, from Virginia, wrote a draft policy white paper that proposes making social media outlets legally liable for what their users post
  • Jones is known for conspiracy theories, including calling the Snady Hook shooting a hoax and the 9-11 terror attacks an 'inside job'
  • 'See?' a Republican House aide said drily, 'it's not paranoia if they actually are out to get you'
By David Martosko, U.s. Political Editor For

A Democratic senator said Monday that decisions by Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube to ban broadcasts and podcasts from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones are merely a good start.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy's broadsides came amid revelation of a draft policy proposal from Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner that would set the social media world on its ear by holding websites like Facebook and Twitter legally responsible for libel committed by their users.
When journalists are killed, trumpanzees will rejoice.
------------------------------------ maybe , but i for one won't care except for noting the event and typing 'RIP' as a polite comment Bodecea .
Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.
Trump understood quite well the profit motive in what we call "news" today and he exploited it just as he did when the Apprentice first appeared on TV. In the campaign, his constant attacks on just about anyone, his outrageous behavior, language, and misstatements, provided bait the media could not resist. A barge of media attacks, accompanied by real false news made him the under dog in the campaign and a president being unjustly attacked by the media.

Frankly, I really don't give a shit what happens to Trump. If Mueller doesn't get him, lost of seats in congress is going de-fang him, or he will make one enemy too many.

My real concern is the effect the on the media.
Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. If they are successful, you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in this country. A state sponsored news service may well be within our future, such as Pravda.

Oh please, can't you have an honest debate here?

I don't recall you posting such things when Net Neutrality came out. Or how about years ago when the left wanted to bring up the Fairness Doctrine again?

Is Trump or anybody on the right asking for government sponsorship of right-wing broadcasting? You know, like the left incorporated with NPR and PBS? I know, you don't have a problem with that either.

And are you going to try and make me believe that if it was not Trump, but any other near conservative President today, the left would not be on them just as much as Trump; that their actions are only because of how Trump handles the media and not the party he represents?

If you have a bridge to sell, don't come here, because I can spot a scam a mile away.
You replied to my post but for the life of me, I can see any relationship between my post and your reply. Maybe you did a little bit too much TGIF
Trump and his followers fail to understand that there is a difference between precise criticism of a reporter and saying as a group the press is the enemy of the people. If there is a story that hurts Trump's considerable yet fragile ego, he could do one of two the nags. He could deal with that specific reporter, his/her employer concentrating no on that specific story. Or, alternatively, he could act as an adult would act, respect the dignity of the office of the president of the United States and move on.

But painting journalism with a broad brush and saying journalists start wars and are dangerous begs unwarranted attacks on journalists.

Journalism can be and deserves to be criticized. But criticizing journalism as a group is wholly irresponsible.
I like that Trump doesn't roll over for the press. "Dignity, high road and suffering in silence," have only emboldened the press and Hollywood to more outrageous lies. Can't take it? Don't dish it.
Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.
Trump understood quite well the profit motive in what we call "news" today and he exploited it just as he did when the Apprentice first appeared on TV. In the campaign, his constant attacks on just about anyone, his outrageous behavior, language, and misstatements, provided bait the media could not resist. A barge of media attacks, accompanied by real false news made him the under dog in the campaign and a president being unjustly attacked by the media.

Frankly, I really don't give a shit what happens to Trump. If Mueller doesn't get him, lost of seats in congress is going de-fang him, or he will make one enemy too many.

My real concern is the effect the on the media.
Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. If they are successful, you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in this country. A state sponsored news service may well be within our future, such as Pravda.

Oh please, can't you have an honest debate here?

I don't recall you posting such things when Net Neutrality came out. Or how about years ago when the left wanted to bring up the Fairness Doctrine again?

Is Trump or anybody on the right asking for government sponsorship of right-wing broadcasting? You know, like the left incorporated with NPR and PBS? I know, you don't have a problem with that either.

And are you going to try and make me believe that if it was not Trump, but any other near conservative President today, the left would not be on them just as much as Trump; that their actions are only because of how Trump handles the media and not the party he represents?

If you have a bridge to sell, don't come here, because I can spot a scam a mile away.
You replied to my post but for the life of me, I can see any relationship between my post and your reply. Maybe you did a little bit too much TGIF

Then allow me to help:

A barge of media attacks, accompanied by real false news made him the under dog in the campaign and a president being unjustly attacked by the media.

Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. If they are successful, you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in this country.
Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.
Trump understood quite well the profit motive in what we call "news" today and he exploited it just as he did when the Apprentice first appeared on TV. In the campaign, his constant attacks on just about anyone, his outrageous behavior, language, and misstatements, provided bait the media could not resist. A barge of media attacks, accompanied by real false news made him the under dog in the campaign and a president being unjustly attacked by the media.

Frankly, I really don't give a shit what happens to Trump. If Mueller doesn't get him, lost of seats in congress is going de-fang him, or he will make one enemy too many.

My real concern is the effect the on the media.
Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. If they are successful, you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in this country. A state sponsored news service may well be within our future, such as Pravda.

You call this FREEDOM of Speech????
The MSM gave nearly 90% more to Hillary and that's FREEDOM of Speech when THEY then write 90% negative news about Trump?
That's the reason less than 6% of Americans believe the MSM!

So the same process that occurred in 2008 occurred in 2016...but in reverse..."you are voting for Trump, a 'racist', homophobe',etc"?
With 2,014 adults surveyed, only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

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If you recall, Trump was financing his own campaign. Besides, what the parent companies that own networks contribute to campaigns is immaterial to the reporting. For example, ABC is owned by ABC-Disney, a division of Disney Media which is owned by Disney. Disney, like other major corporations make contributions for all divisions in phases to both candidates based on the probability of being elected. The idea is that regardless of who wins an election, the corporation will be seen as a supporter. So if Disney only contributed 10% to Trump, that is how they assessed his chance of winning and it is pretty unlikely that it has anything to do with how the news department reports on Trump.
" When journalists are killed, trumpanzees will rejoice. " I have never seen any conservatives happy about something like this. MORE LIES.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.

My only disagreement with you is that Trump lies every 2 seconds, not every 2 minutes--:auiqs.jpg: As far as his attacks on the media. It's very typical of a tyrant -- dictator personality. The first thing any dictator will do is shut down the media, and become their own media, which he has already accomplished on the Trump tweety morning news, and of course FOX NEWS which might as well rename themselves as the Trump media network.



As far as your point that he is putting journalist's lives in danger with his comments--definitely. He has attracted a racist hateful base, white supremacists, KKK members and Neo Nazi's who are prone to using violence as we saw in Charlottesville, Virginia.


As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises
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What do you think of the shit Maxine Waters and other Democrats like her say?

Do you consider it equally dangerous?
You desperately want to make a false equivalency but it’s non sense like every other false equivalency you asshats say regarding the left and right.
Trump and his followers fail to understand that there is a difference between precise criticism of a reporter and saying as a group the press is the enemy of the people. If there is a story that hurts Trump's considerable yet fragile ego, he could do one of two the nags. He could deal with that specific reporter, his/her employer concentrating no on that specific story. Or, alternatively, he could act as an adult would act, respect the dignity of the office of the president of the United States and move on.

But painting journalism with a broad brush and saying journalists start wars and are dangerous begs unwarranted attacks on journalists.

Journalism can be and deserves to be criticized. But criticizing journalism as a group is wholly irresponsible.
I like that Trump doesn't roll over for the press. "Dignity, high road and suffering in silence," have only emboldened the press and Hollywood to more outrageous lies. Can't take it? Don't dish it.
As if Trump hasn't brought alol this on himself. What constitutes an "outrageous" lie? Doesn't The Donald set the benchmark?
What do you think of the shit Maxine Waters and other Democrats like her say?

Do you consider it equally dangerous?
You desperately want to make a false equivalency but it’s non sense like every other false equivalency you asshats say regarding the left and right.
Coward can't answer the question.
I don’t give a shit about Waters, but nothing she says is nearly as vile as what some republicans say. Mainly, the white nationalists running for office. You can pretend they don’t exist all you want, but reality is what it is.
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