Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

How do you attain the title of "journalist"? Aren't we all journalists when we post on the U.S. Message Board which is probably read by more people than Newsweek? Do you have to take an oath as a journalist or does the title come with minimum wage in the N.Y. Times mail room? Mainstream journalists generally consist of hypocrite pretty boy and girl news readers who are protected from harm by a little army of unseen armed bodyguards. The pretty boys and girls would be first in line for an on camera push (as long as it didn't hurt too much) only if they were pushed by certain (right wing) targets . All in all the "journalism" crowd consists of mostly lying phonies who would crucify God Almighty if it brought them 15 minutes of fame.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
Simple people with tiny/simple minds can only think in binary.

Well my point was about the MSM bias as illustrated by their lack of using the simple adjective "Illegal" shows they are thinking only in black and white or binary!
They consistently use the term "anti-immigrant" and that is so wrong!

What is the problem with using the adjective "anti-illegal immigrant" as that is what Trump is describing.
But being the binary mindset that ANYTHING Trump does is wrong describes the MSM.

Trump has NEVER EVER said he was anti-immigrant. The MSM in their hatred of Trump and deplorables like me and millions like us continue to speak with disdain.
As I've said several times here.
I personally don't like Trump's boisterous,obnoxious, boastful characteristics. And my experiences with people like him though they are successful.

And I know he is getting more done than any president in modern history.
He is getting things done.
Cutting regulations.
Cutting taxes.
It has been nearly 50 years since the economy has seen job creations like we have now where there are more jobs than people to fill them! Hence Trump wants
qualified immigrants!

And like most bosses I've known they are NOT personable people...but they get things done.

So to with Trump. Remember Trump's a selfish person like me and everyone else. Why he became president was he wants his children/grandchildren to have a better life.
That simple. And when we have presidents' more concerned about public image, the MSM's opinion, and NOT getting America on a better track... we needed truly a change.
Is it only possible to get things done by being an unrepentant asshole? Does one have to be a totally repellent human being, a social slug, a boor, to be effective? Can it be impossible for gentlemen and ladies to be effective leaders? Does it take a jerk to be president?

The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
SORRY, but if you are in this country illegally you are an ILLEGAL. That's what 'Illefal' means...
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

I guess you missed the point where it's a responsibility to have your documentation with you. Don't you think they were explained that part when they go it? Probably not. They couldn't understand English good enough.

Apparently those who have problems like that don't respect our laws or are responsible people. Why are we allowing such people into our country?
Not only has Fake News MSNBC and Fake News CNN caused a mass shooting at Republicans, but Fake News MSNBC and Fake News CNN are at least partly responsible for the widespread TDS afflicting democrats. IMO, the Fake News services should have been shut down after it was shown they colluded with Crooked Hillary and the DNC to rig multiple elections.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.
If it happens he won’t take responsility and his cult will applaud the death(s)
Not only has Fake News MSNBC and Fake News CNN caused a mass shooting at Republicans, but Fake News MSNBC and Fake News CNN are at least partly responsible for the widespread TDS afflicting democrats. IMO, the Fake News services should have been shut down after it was shown they colluded with Crooked Hillary and the DNC to rig multiple elections.
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
Well my point was about the MSM bias as illustrated by their lack of using the simple adjective "Illegal" shows they are thinking only in black and white or binary!
They consistently use the term "anti-immigrant" and that is so wrong!

What is the problem with using the adjective "anti-illegal immigrant" as that is what Trump is describing.
But being the binary mindset that ANYTHING Trump does is wrong describes the MSM.

Trump has NEVER EVER said he was anti-immigrant. The MSM in their hatred of Trump and deplorables like me and millions like us continue to speak with disdain.
As I've said several times here.
I personally don't like Trump's boisterous,obnoxious, boastful characteristics. And my experiences with people like him though they are successful.

And I know he is getting more done than any president in modern history.
He is getting things done.
Cutting regulations.
Cutting taxes.
It has been nearly 50 years since the economy has seen job creations like we have now where there are more jobs than people to fill them! Hence Trump wants
qualified immigrants!

And like most bosses I've known they are NOT personable people...but they get things done.

So to with Trump. Remember Trump's a selfish person like me and everyone else. Why he became president was he wants his children/grandchildren to have a better life.
That simple. And when we have presidents' more concerned about public image, the MSM's opinion, and NOT getting America on a better track... we needed truly a change.
Is it only possible to get things done by being an unrepentant asshole? Does one have to be a totally repellent human being, a social slug, a boor, to be effective? Can it be impossible for gentlemen and ladies to be effective leaders? Does it take a jerk to be president?

The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
You're correct but only after the court has made that determination. Prior to that time, the term is undocumented or the accused.

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Depends on where you are pulled over at. Without my drivers license I'd get a ticket, for a Hispanic immigrant they would have to call and have another person drive them home as law enforcement in some cities and states do not work with federal immigration.

Also if your children are US Citizens and you are not, papers or not, you will not be deported.
Undocumented immigrants with US born children are in fact deported. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children have experienced the deportation of at least one parent in the course of about two years, according to the most recent estimates available (analyzing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data between 2011 and 2013).
The misconception that having a child in the US protects the undocumented immigrant family against deportation arises out of multiple stays of deportation orders for single parents with no suitable guardian for the children, requirement for special needs children, and illnesses of the parent or child. Not all, but most of these cases do finally get resolved by children reaching an age of 18, parent finding a suitable guardian, parent agreeing to voluntary removal of the family, or the court decides to deport them. The family is typically under financial pressure if they remain in the US because ICE flags there records making work very difficult to find, so many agree to leave the country voluntarily.

There are also other consideration in deporting a family with US born children, particular older children. When the children reach the age of 21, they can return to US and as US citizens they can then sponsor the family. If the family leaves the US born children in the US without a guardian, they will enter the foster care system at a cost of about $7,000/yr per child and at age 21 they can sponsor the return of the family. Also, most of these cases are unlawful presence, a civil misdemeanor with no punishment which make forcing US children who are citizens to either leave their country or go into foster care an awfully serve punishment of the children for such a minor violation by the parent for which the children are not even responsible. Ignoring problems of breaking up the family, these are practical consideration an immigration judge faces.
U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement
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How do you attain the title of "journalist"? Aren't we all journalists when we post on the U.S. Message Board which is probably read by more people than Newsweek? Do you have to take an oath as a journalist or does the title come with minimum wage in the N.Y. Times mail room? Mainstream journalists generally consist of hypocrite pretty boy and girl news readers who are protected from harm by a little army of unseen armed bodyguards. The pretty boys and girls would be first in line for an on camera push (as long as it didn't hurt too much) only if they were pushed by certain (right wing) targets . All in all the "journalism" crowd consists of mostly lying phonies who would crucify God Almighty if it brought them 15 minutes of fame.
Anyone can call themselves a journalist. There are no licenses nor other requirements. The trick is getting hired by a publication or the media outlet that has been recognized for excellence in reporting. Generally it is the publication that is held responsible for what is published, not the journalist.

The are relatively few actual lies presented by mainstream media. Instead you have framing, filtering, and slants all designed to sway the reader. An interesting subject but probably to long for a single post.

Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
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Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.
How do you attain the title of "journalist"? Aren't we all journalists when we post on the U.S. Message Board which is probably read by more people than Newsweek? Do you have to take an oath as a journalist or does the title come with minimum wage in the N.Y. Times mail room? Mainstream journalists generally consist of hypocrite pretty boy and girl news readers who are protected from harm by a little army of unseen armed bodyguards. The pretty boys and girls would be first in line for an on camera push (as long as it didn't hurt too much) only if they were pushed by certain (right wing) targets . All in all the "journalism" crowd consists of mostly lying phonies who would crucify God Almighty if it brought them 15 minutes of fame.
This idiot is now debating what a journalist is.
Jim Acosta- journalist.
Sean Hannity isn’t one
Hallie Jackson- journalist
Tucker Carlson- not a journalist.
See how easy that is?
Reasonable, what do you attribute your TDS to if not Fake News MSNBC and Fake News CNN?

Reasonable, you seem low information, in my estimation. So that must mean you are a Fake News consumer. Who is your favorite low IQ transexual qu33r Blinky Maddow or extremely low IQ homosexual qu33r Don Lemon? :p
Reasonable, what do you attribute your TDS to if not Fake News MSNBC and Fake News CNN?

Reasonable, you seem low information, in my estimation. So that must mean you are a Fake News consumer. Who is your favorite low IQ transexual qu33r Blinky Maddow or extremely low IQ homosexual qu33r Don Lemon? :p
You are certifiably nuts. Seek help.
Anyone who calls our free press “ fake news” is doing autocrats bidding all over the world. They’re now using the pussygrabber’s phrase when their press accuses them of torturing and killing their own people.
They call it FAKE NEWS.
This is just another reason why this charlatan president is so dangerous.
Anyone who calls our free press “ fake news” is doing autocrats bidding all over the world. They’re now using the pussygrabber’s phrase when their press accuses them of torturing and killing their own people.
They call it FAKE NEWS.
This is just another reason why this charlatan president is so dangerous.

I submit it is YOU who are doing the oligarchs bidding dude. So many times cnn has been caught lying and you give them a free pass. obummer was caught basically telling pootin that whatever he wanted he would be able to give him. I suggest you look in the mirror because the facts are opposite to what you are spewing.
Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

YOU the person who can't even take the time to correctly spell "Stratavarius " ! calling us "uneducated"? It is Stradivarius you boob!
But just as idiots like you believe ALL the MSM ALL the time even though
it has been proven with LINKS (something "uneducated boobs" like you are adverse to ) like this:

90% negative coverage of Trump in the media leads to increased approval rating

With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.


“If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed.
If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.”

What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
Is it only possible to get things done by being an unrepentant asshole? Does one have to be a totally repellent human being, a social slug, a boor, to be effective? Can it be impossible for gentlemen and ladies to be effective leaders? Does it take a jerk to be president?

The term "illegal immigrant" is one used by hard liners to emphasize the "illegal" part. That casts every undocumented immigrant as a criminal by default. Hard to deal with a perceived problem with undocumented immigrants when they are criminals at least, but enhanced by the idiot Trump as drug dealers, rapists and murderers. He assumes some may be good people.

I hope and pray America never again is forced to endure leadership so corrosive, so I,mature, so erratic, so vile as the brand of leadership coming from this administration. I'm embarrassed by him as all Americans with a conscience are.

They are undocumented because they arrived here illegally, so it is accurate in calling them illegal immigrants. If they are undocumented they are criminals by definition.
No, almost half of them entered the country legally and are in violation of either immigration regulations or civil law. They're not in violation of any criminal law.

When a court determines that a person crossed our boarders in violation of immigration law, they are illegal immigrants an guilty of violation of criminal law.

Since the term Illegal immigrant carries the presumption of guilty, undocumented immigrant would be the correct term until guilt is established.
What's next with you liberals, maybe call them People That Aren't Supposed To Be Here? And since the left loves acronyms so much PTASTBH.
The term undocumented immigrant was used because it was an accurate description of the person. Almost everyone picked up by immigration are undocumented but not all of them are in the country illegally. In fact many people that are picked up are able to produce documentation at their hearing that they are legally in the country.

Since 2012, the Los Angeles Times has found that more than 1,480 Americans have been released from ICE custody following an investigation of their citizenship claims lasting months and even years.

The whole concept of illegality starts falling apart when we discuss visa overstays which are covered by civil law and immigration regulations.

Well you know, if you carry the proper identification, there shouldn't be a problem. If I'm pulled over without my drivers license, I'm screwed even though I have one.

So I guess what you're saying is that these people plain don't give a shit. They are irresponsible and probably always were, and yet we let them into our country.

If you are awaken tonight by an intruder that broke into your house, are you going to call the police and tell them you have an uninvited guest in your home? No, they are not an uninvited guest, they are an intruder, and intruders are not legally allowed to enter your home.
If you're pulled over without a drivers license, you will probably just get a ticket. If you're a Hispanic immigrant, and pulled over and you don't have your EAD or Visa, there's good chance you will be detained for 5 to 10 days or even deported.

In most states, you can replace your drivers license within 24 hours. Generally it takes 90 days to replace a work permit.

Depends on where you are pulled over at. Without my drivers license I'd get a ticket, for a Hispanic immigrant they would have to call and have another person drive them home as law enforcement in some cities and states do not work with federal immigration.

Also if your children are US Citizens and you are not, papers or not, you will not be deported.
Undocumented immigrants with US born children are in fact deported. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children have experienced the deportation of at least one parent in the course of about two years, according to the most recent estimates available (analyzing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data between 2011 and 2013).
The misconception that having a child in the US protects the undocumented immigrant family against deportation arises out of multiple stays of deportation orders for single parents with no suitable guardian for the children, requirement for special needs children, and illnesses of the parent or child. Not all, but most of these cases do finally get resolved by children reaching an age of 18, parent finding a suitable guardian, parent agreeing to voluntary removal of the family, or the court decides to deport them. The family is typically under financial pressure if they remain in the US because ICE flags there records making work very difficult to find, so many agree to leave the country voluntarily.

There are also other consideration in deporting a family with US born children, particular older children. When the children reach the age of 21, they can return to US and as US citizens they can then sponsor the family. If the family leaves the US born children in the US without a guardian, they will enter the foster care system at a cost of about $7,000/yr per child and at age 21 they can sponsor the return of the family. Also, most of these cases are unlawful presence, a civil misdemeanor with no punishment which make forcing US children who are citizens to either leave their country or go into foster care an awfully serve punishment of the children for such a minor violation by the parent for which the children are not even responsible. Ignoring problems of breaking up the family, these are practical consideration an immigration judge faces.
U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement

That is fine for me, as long as the law is upheld. I welcome immigrants, they need to come here legally.
Anyone who calls our free press “ fake news” is doing autocrats bidding all over the world. They’re now using the pussygrabber’s phrase when their press accuses them of torturing and killing their own people.
They call it FAKE NEWS.
This is just another reason why this charlatan president is so dangerous.
Fake poster.Fake News.

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