Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

One black guy and Trump is now a victor!!! :)
Another great post by Starkey......

Dem Media Is Terrified of Black Trump Supporters | RealClearPolitics

Dennis Rodman
Kayne West
Alice Johnson

I mean blacks are publicly saying you don't have to be a democrat......that's a YUUUUUUGE threat to the party.....they may have to come up with actual policies and ones that actually work (good luck on that)......

Kanye at the republican convention in 2020... who would have thought it
Wow...really adding up

Where is Oprah?
If Trump is doing so well with blacks.....why is it that no black NFL or NBA player will visit a Trump White House?
Kanye and Dennis are both laughingstocks in the black community. If anything having the support of a drug addicted loonatic athlete, and an art student who got rich as a pop star and who makes an ass of himself daily, isn’t going to get Trump far.
Lol, and Michelle Obama says Beyonce is a great mentor for her kids.
Beyonce does have nice boobies. Beyonce can mentor girls to have nice boobies.


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And what the left doesn't understand is blacks respected Trump before he ran.....because he was successful, rich, and didn't care what people thought...

these are a few more of his supporters

17 Black Celebrities And Influencers Who Still Support Donald Trump

No one respected Donald Trump before Putin put him in the White House and no one respects him now, except you Russian ass clowns.

Dragon, I try never to treat you badly...….but after the IG report tomorrow, and the Freedom Caucus demands from Rosenstein he either produce the 1st document to the collusion/delusion or he will be impeached, you are going to bail, or become Helen Keller.

If after you start seeing WHAT REALLY happened and you want to bail, I will throw you a life line to MAGA. If you decide to stay and continue on, then it is YOUR credibility that you will hurt.

Always remember...… is A-O-K to take sides when facts are not in evidence, so of course you choose the side you want to win. But once the facts are laid bare before you, if you still choose to be on the LYING side, then your words can no longer be taken as factual, even if you suggest the sky is blue.
And what the left doesn't understand is blacks respected Trump before he ran.....because he was successful, rich, and didn't care what people thought...

these are a few more of his supporters

17 Black Celebrities And Influencers Who Still Support Donald Trump

No one respected Donald Trump before Putin put him in the White House and no one respects him now, except you Russian ass clowns.

No one respects your stupid post you poor confused liberal. :290968001256257790-final:
DragonLady owns the far right posters on this board, lock stock and hood. The IG report will be meaningless to the Freedom Caucus. They can yell all they want, but they can't interfere in an on-going investigation, even of the President. Any impeachment effort will be as good as any by Maxine Waters.
the rabid left are destroying the democrat party without any help from Trump. Everyone who's got a lick of common sense knows those people have lost their goddamn minds.
President Trump has never had good numbers among blacks. They hover around 12 or 15%, and haven't changed much since that first escalator ride.
President Trump has never had good numbers among blacks. They hover around 12 or 15%, and haven't changed much since that first escalator ride.
That's higher than any other Republican President since the Democrats went from the party of the KKK to the one of civil rights.
If Trump is doing so well with blacks.....why is it that no black NFL or NBA player will visit a Trump White House?
Because the democrat hate machine will attack them and try to get them disowned...…...just ask Kanye.....your side's Nazi tactics do work....but once enough people break free......they'll see you side for what they are.
Wow . An Anecdote ! He has one black guy. That settles it.
Was he the one black guy that trump keeps pointing out at his rallies?

Oh was that Michael the Blackman.

Then there is Diamond and Silk , the sisters that Trump paid and they have them on Fox now and then.
Diamond and Silk have so much clout in the black community
Kanye does...…..but nice dismissal...….typical of democrats....have been forever
And what the left doesn't understand is blacks respected Trump before he ran.....because he was successful, rich, and didn't care what people thought...

these are a few more of his supporters

17 Black Celebrities And Influencers Who Still Support Donald Trump

No one respected Donald Trump before Putin put him in the White House and no one respects him now, except you Russian ass clowns.
They did and still do...….so you can go fuck yourself...…

Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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